MTL - God Level Star System-Chapter 6 Historical crisis

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Zhang Yu decided to choose to extract "Swordsman"!

With confirmation, a book flew out of many books and integrated into Zhang Yu's knowledge of the sea. The content of the Swordsman River is gradually filled with memories, even if there are a little bit of detail, it can be remembered clearly at this moment.

Zhang Yu excitedly smiled and looked at the memory extraction skills. The cooling time was 30 days.

Zhang Yu saw this, and it was a scream in his heart. Fortunately, I just chose a novel. If I choose a song, the cooling time is 30 days. Do I have to rely on a song to fight on the live platform for 30 days? I also know that I don’t have such a silly anchor in the world.

Zhang Yu carefully calculated and planned the plan to see how he can maximize the benefits of the Swordsman. In a blink of an eye, when he was in school, he had to let go of his mind, locked the door, left home, and came to school again.

Zhang Yu entered the classroom and came to his seat. He found that all the people around him were whispering. Listening to the content mostly talked about the final English test in the morning and the results that he might test.

Zhang Yu did not expect his own achievements. Using grades to analyze, teachers who like themselves do not exist at all, and almost every teacher who hates oneself is. If Li Yunliang does not rush into the classroom on the spot to kill himself, it is the best result, and what else can I expect.

The first class in the afternoon, physics.

When the physics teacher started speaking, Zhang Yu knew that he was a duck listening to the thunder, and he heard the clouds in the fog, as if he were listening to the Bible. Compared to the students around me, I am really bored. Suddenly remembering that I have never forgotten my skills, perhaps I shouldn’t be entangled in some unsuccessful subjects. I have to know that some disciplines still need to be memorized. I should probably shift my learning direction. Sleeping strong.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yu pushed the physics book aside, took out a history, and looked up...

Don't you don't know, use it to scare.

Zhang Yu’s discovery of his unforgettable ability is really against the sky. As long as the contents of the book are scanned with your eyes, it will be like copying and copying. This made him very excited, and his interest in learning was gradually improved.

The page of the history book has been turned over, and Zhang Yu has been attracted by the contents of the book. After all, he is only a foreigner. What is about the local history and culture is just a combination of the memories of the past, very vague.

The historical dynasty is gradually advancing on paper, and Zhang Yu has already had a general understanding of the ancient and modern culture here. In fact, the historical structure here is roughly the same as the original Earth. These are the characters in history. The name of the dynasty is not the same as that of the Earth.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yu is very happy, the film and television songs that he originally reserved, or the things of the novel, although not necessarily used here. But a large part of it can still exert the heat.

Zhang Yu feels that a bright future is beckoning to himself, and the mood is naturally more enjoyable... With the help of Xiaoqu’s own, and the unforgettable ability, the speed of the book is gradually increase. After all, these things are just some things that are memorized, and they are just like the ones in mind. It is easier to learn at this moment than to sleep.

Zhang Yuzheng was fascinated by the history and culture, but did not find himself moving this book frequently, falling into the eyes of the physics teacher.

The physics teacher Song Renping’s class is very detailed. After all, it is a good teacher for many years. The level of lectures is still very high. The students in the room are also concentrating on listening, and they are doing their best to fulfill the duty of a good teacher. I didn't expect a guy sitting in the last row of corners to be flipping through the book.

Song Renping looked at the brow and locked, good guy! You play! Looking at the speed of your book, the tenth lesson has also turned over. Do not talk with the progress of yourself!

Thinking of this, Song Renping’s “吭!吭!” cleared the throat, Zhangkou said: “Which...the last row of the classmates.”

With Song Renping's words, other students in the classroom suddenly separated from the learning state, and turned to look back...

At this time, Zhang Yu can be said to stand out from the crowd. Song teacher talks to himself. The whole class looks at himself. He doesn't feel at all. He is still attracted by the content of the history book, and one page is copying the scan.

Song Renping saw the whole class heard, and this guy actually did not respond, it seems that he is using his own words as a whisper. The authority of the teacher immediately rushed in my heart, and my anger rose from my heart, my face changed, and I picked up the pointer "啪!" and slammed it on the podium. Angry: "I didn't hear you talking!"

Song Renping’s voice was loud, and the house creaked, and of course interrupted Zhang’s history class.

Zhang Yu looked up and found that everyone in the class was watching themselves. Look at the teacher on the podium, his face is very ugly. The idiot also knew that he had committed another crime. His heart screamed that he was unlucky. What happened to him? How did he offend the teacher?

Song Renping saw Zhang Yu can be slowed down, cold face, raised the pointer, pointed to Zhang Yu, said: "Just you! That classmate, what do you look at? You brought me the book you read. ......"

It was only after Zhang Yu was clear that the fact that he was stealing a history book was discovered by the physics teacher. Under the eyes of the public, it is hard to say anything, and nothing can be said. I had to close the history book, stand up, and have a flash of light. I took my hand to the side and picked up the physics book. I wanted to get out of the seat.

"Not that!" Song Renping immediately pointed out: "It is the one you just watched! Tell the kid, don't make small moves."

Zhang Yu heard this, speechless, and finally had no hope. He had to put down the physics book with helplessness and took up the history he had just watched. Under the gaze of the whole class, he came to the podium and was helpless. The book was placed on the podium and stood on one side.

Song Renping’s line of sight followed Zhang Yu’s book on the podium. He used his pointer to open the pages of the book inward, revealing the cover.

The two characters "history" appear on the cover.

When Song Renping saw this scene, he immediately became angry and screamed: "Okay! Physics class, you actually gave me a whole history. What is your name?"

Zhang Yu is a helpless face at the moment, said: "Zhang Yu!"

"Octopus?" Song Renping repeated, his brow wrinkled, displeased: "Is the octopus a name? Why don't you say that you call I finally asked you once, what is your name? ”

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" With the laughter of the whole class, Zhang Yu is also a bitter smile, said: "Teacher you missed it! I am the Zhang of the surname Zhang, that is, the bow Chang Zhang. The rest of the rest! Not The eight-legged octopus, let’s say that you are not a name!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" The class was laughing again, making the tight classroom atmosphere a lot easier.

"Silence!" Song Renping screamed, and the class immediately quieted again.

Song Renping waited for the class to become quiet again, and then looked at Zhang Yu, and the tone was a bit cold: "Hello with me, haha!"

"Where can I! Respecting the teacher has always been my motto." Zhang Yu's face is undecided, and my heart complains that this old Song is sick! Look at the history of what is too big, so do not rely on it, can not be the next history class, I see physics is not finished.

Song Renping did not have visual impairment, and naturally saw Zhang Yu’s expression of dissatisfaction. It is completely speechless! Since he taught at First Middle School, the students he has seen seem to be like water. From the past to the present, I have never seen a guy who doesn't take the teacher seriously. Judging from the expression and tone of this guy, it is simply that he has no respect for his teacher.

Song Renping thought of this, angry and unbearable, angry: "I am still poor with me! You are now standing outside the door, let's just say, after the class, the office said!"

Zhang Yu saw that he was detained with a hat, and now he couldn’t say anything. He turned and walked to the door of the classroom... I couldn’t afford it, I couldn’t hide to the readers to read, the latest and most Fast, hottest serials are available at Mobile users please read.