MTL - God Level Star System-v2 Chapter 1850 Enlisted

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Cao Bo suddenly remembered what he said: "Yes, Zhang Yu! What did the instructor just look for?"

The people of the elite team heard the words, and naturally they all showed their expressions of interest.

In fact, compared to Fang Xingguo's search for Zhang Yu, what everyone cares most is whether Lin Jianxuan is looking for Zhang Yu. After all, regarding the identity of Lin Jianxuan, everyone has long been divided. The biggest possibility is that he is the captain of other military regions. Therefore, this master instructor is looking for Zhang Yu in the end. Everyone is naturally very interested.

Since Lin Jianxuan did not explain what he was, Zhang Yu naturally did not mean what everyone said. "In fact, there is nothing! The instructor wants to transfer me to him! But I refused."

The people of the elite team heard the words, and they all showed a look that was not obvious. In fact, Lin Jianxuan has always been looking at Zhang Yu’s eyes. Everyone has already known it. It seems that there is nothing strange about throwing an olive branch to him.

Tang Jianan nodded: "Zhang Yu! I want to give you a compliment on this matter! What do you say is also the backbone team trained in our military region, although the instructors are also good, but also to be separated inside and outside, how Said that the fertilizer can not flow to the field!"

The crowds of the elite team also heard nodded...

"Right! The instructor did not tell you, which military area is he?" Wei Hong seems to be interested in other things.

Zhang Yu shook his head and said: "Which military area! I don't know! But he said what the National Special Operations Corps is... What's wrong with you?" When it came to this, Zhang Yu found that everyone was using an incredible expression. Look at yourself.

The name of the National Special Operations Corps! Is it really such a fork? Zhang Yu has some doubts.

Yan Hao suddenly stood up from the bed, loudly: "Zhang Yu! The instructor said that he did not say, what is his position in the National Special Operations Corps?"

Zhang Yudao: "He said that he is the chief instructor of the corps!"

"General instructor!" Yan Hao heard this is a shock!

Cao Bowen said: "Captain! The chief instructor of the Special Operations Corps! Should it be a big cadre?"

"Is that still used to say it!" Yan Hao nodded: "The chief instructor generally has to serve as the deputy of the corps! That is the deputy captain."

"Wow! The deputy captain of the Special Operations Corps! Is that higher than the level of our captain?"

"do not know!"

"I don't know!" The people once again looked at Yan Hao...

Yan Haodao: "That is for sure! The National Special Operations Corps, to put it bluntly, is the big internal guard. The captain is the military-level chief! Even a deputy, it is unimaginable."

The elite team heard this is completely speechless!

Zhang Yu can be seen by the chief instructor of the National Special Operations Corps. This is a chance to climb the sky! The problem is that he actually gave it back.

This... this is too stupid!

However, for Zhang Yu, he did not feel any regrets. What about the big inside guard? I have no interest in myself, whoever loves to go, anyway, I don’t want to go.

Before Tang Jianan thought that Zhang Yu would not go to Lin Jianxuan, that was the right choice. Now, I feel that the mistakes are a bit too much. Hurry: "Zhang Yu! I think it's best to reconsider this matter. National Special Operations Corps! Not everyone can go in. Or do you still go to the instructor to talk about it?"

Yan Hao also nodded: "Yes, Zhang Yu! Such a good opportunity, not to waste."

Guo Mingwen’s words frowned: “If you can Zhang Yu, it’s time to change! Don’t let the instructor look down?”

"What is this!" Tang Jianan said: "I said that I didn't want to understand before! Now I want to understand. The instructor can't always give Zhang Yu time to consider it!"

Cao Bo smiled and said: "Yes! I said that I was just anxious to go to the bathroom. I didn't understand it! Later, when I was squatting, I suddenly wanted to understand. With the degree of attention of the instructor to Zhang Yu, I can definitely accept this. Excuses."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!" The crowd of the elite team heard the words are laughing.

Zhang Yuwen also smiled and smiled: "Thank you for your concern for me! But I think about it. I still prefer the simpler life now! Too tight days may not be suitable for me. ”

Everyone in the elite team heard the words and shook their heads... I don’t know if Zhang Yu was too chic, but still stupid! It’s a pity that this step is a good opportunity! Here a lot of people want to go, Lin Jianxuan still can't see it!

They are all the same people, they can be the gap between people, so it is so big!

Of course, since Zhang Yu has decided not to go. The people would not have to pay for that effort, naturally opened the subject and talked about something else.


Get up early the next day!

Jiang Peng has already prepared a farewell party for Lin Jianxuan. But I didn't expect to get up early to get Lin Jianxuan. In the end, the two of them just said hello on the phone, and the other party left, so Jiang Peng was depressed!


In the next few days, the elite team began to prepare for the big contest...

Fang Xingguo also carefully analyzed the entire process of the big contest, and carefully analyzed it for the elite team. At the same time, the list of players who participated in each project was determined.

As the elite of the elite team, Zhang Yu has to play almost all the projects. It is very rare to know that Zhang Yu is a versatile player. It is also very rare in previous big contests. This is why Jiang Peng and others attach great importance to Zhang Yu.

Just as the whole army was over, there were still a few days to start, and Zhang Yu’s qualification for enlistment was also approved.

The in-service teacher of the Military Academy of Fine Arts was transferred to a supervisory cadre at the General Logistics Center of the East China Military Region. He was responsible for supervising the position of the literary and artistic system personnel of the military unit of the military region. Zhang Yu was a little dumbfounded.

In any case, with his own military officer's card and military identity, Zhang Yu really feels that there seems to be something more in his body. However, a flat-headed person suddenly became an incumbent officer. It seems that for Zhang Yu, nothing is more unimaginable than this.

However, it can be seen from this position that Jiang Peng and others have worked hard to meet Zhang Yu’s requirements.

This person, Zhang Yu knows that it is still essential.

Of course, the best result is that you can earn a good job for the East China Military Region in the next big military competition.


The day of departure finally came to the ... the military region's big contest, from the southeast and northwest, the major military regions took turns.

This year's big contest, the turn of the Central Military Region, the elite team of people get up early to take a special helicopter, flying directly to the location of the central theater.

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