MTL - God Level Star System-v2 Chapter 1899 Passionate Zhou Caijun

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The girl said: "There are a few people encountered! But they are all students and parents. It seems that there are no suspicious people."

Zhang Yudao: "In addition to those who are gangs! There is no such thing as a loner, not with parents."

“Anyone?” The girl thought again and thought, and hurriedly said, “It seems like there is one!”

Zhang Yuwen hurriedly said: "What kind of person is it?"

The girl smelled a little confused: "What... what is it like! People are like that! It is a woman."

Zhang Yu is speechless, saying: "Don't blame me! How are you so stupid! I am asking you, what does that woman look like, whether it is tall or short, fat is thin, or what color style clothes are worn and Shoes, are these details, you can't think of it at all?"

The girl heard the words and suddenly understood, and hurriedly said: "Sorry, the schoolmaster! I am confused. The girl is very quiet and has a pair of glasses. It seems that fat and thin should be similar to me, but shorter than me, wearing a A purple sportswear is a set, I can't remember the shoes."

Zhang Yuwen nodded and said: "Then stand up, I see how high you are!"

The girl hurriedly stood up, Zhang Yu probably looked at the other person's height, followed by a frown, remembering those people who had just encountered when they were hanging out.

Because Zhang Yu has an unforgettable ability, everything he has seen is basically the same as that recorded, and soon he remembers the same figure, flashing through the memory.

Zhang Yu hurriedly said: "I remembered! Fast! Follow me to chase." Finished, turned and ran.

The girl saw it and hurriedly followed. What surprised her was that Zhang Yu ran fast, and there were few steps, and he left himself behind. Helpless, she can only hurriedly shouted: "Hey! You are slower, wait for me."

Zhang Yuwen shouted and shouted: "You are faster! Then slow people will run without a shadow, the direction of the door." After that, regardless of the other party, the faster the run, the blink of an eye will run away.

The girl is really unable to catch up with the speed of Zhang Yu, but the general direction of the gate, she still knows, hurriedly chased the past.


At the entrance of the University of Beijing, there are many people coming in and out. Since these two days are the days of new students entering the school, the entrance to the school is also very lively.

Zhou Caijun wiped the sweat from his forehead and smiled: "Sister! You are really heavy in this bag. It is really hard for you to come to school alone and take such a heavy thing."

Xia Jing smiled and said: "No way! It's all the local products that the family brought to relatives. If the seniors feel tired, let me go back!"

"Not tired! Not tired!" Zhou Caijun hurriedly said: "How do I say, I am also a man, take this thing, it is nothing." During the speech, he also showed the muscles on his arm.

Xia Jing saw some surprises, said: "Wow! I didn't expect the seniors to be so strong, usually exercise regularly?"

Zhou Caijun’s words showed a proud expression, saying: “That is of course! I am the president of our university fitness club!”

Xia Jing heard the expression of admiration and said: "Really! You are really good at the schoolmaster! I have always thought that the people who usually love fitness are the kind of people who are very willing, no matter what they do. Persistence, people are also confident, but also uniquely masculine."

Zhou Caijun heard that it was even more smug, and the mouth of his smile went to the back of his head. He said: "Sister! Fitness is a good thing. If you keep fit, you can speed up your blood circulation and improve your sleep quality. Adding energy, especially for our students to improve their learning efficiency, is very helpful."

Xia Jing heard the expression of heart and said: "Yes! Can I join the fitness club? I am too thin, and I always have enough energy to learn."

Zhou Caijun said: "No problem! In this case, you should join the fitness club and exercise well. Right, let's add a friend, I will help arrange the joining of the community."

"Hey..." Xia Jing heard a friend, slightly hesitated, and immediately said: "I... my phone is out of power! But I can tell you my number. After I go back, let's call again." ""

Zhou Caijun nodded: "That's good! What is your number? I will remember it now, and the province will forget it for a while."

Xia Jing nodded and said: "My name is Liu Lingling, the phone number is..." I casually reported the other party a fake number. However, when she saw Zhou Caijun’s face recording her number seriously, the corner of her mouth flashed a trace of unsharp expression.

Xia Jing saw Zhou Caijun finish the number and smiled: "Schoolmaster! I will send you here! I will drive to pick me up after a while, I will wait here."

Zhou Caijun hurriedly said: "It doesn't matter, I will wait for you for a I will help you get the car for a while, you can't take a girl in the province."

Xia Jing heard a little speechless, it seems that the other side is also a bit over-enthusiastic. In fact, if she was not worried about the abnormality of the security patrols at the school gate, she would not need to use this idiot to take the initiative to become a Wrigley. But now that people have left the university, it seems that there is nothing to worry about.

Xia Jingdao: "That's okay! Then trouble the seniors to help me move across the street. I am waiting there."

Zhou Caijun said: "No problem!" Finished, picked up the bag, and the two walked forward together.


"Wait a minute!" At this moment, a sound suddenly sounded, and at the same time the figure flashed, and a person appeared in front of the two, stopping the way of the two.


Xia Jing suddenly had a bad feeling when she saw her heart. At the same time, she looked down at the people and followed her with a sigh of relief. Because the other party is only wearing a casual suit, not the uniform of the school security department. But even so, she looked at her after the conditioned reflex and saw if there were any people in the security department.

Zhou Caijun looked at Zhang Yu, who stopped the way. It seems that he is a little confused, and he is a bit confused.

Zhang Yu looked at the two people separately, and finally looked at Xia Jing carefully, carefully observed her height and weight, whether it is the same as the target person.

Xia Jing was looked up and down by the people, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. At the same time, the other's line of sight made her feel alert, as if something had been discovered.

When Zhou Caijun saw it, his face showed a bad expression and frowned. "This classmate! Do you have anything?"

Zhang Yuwen smiled and said: "It's a little bit! A friend of mine, looking for this female student is in a hurry, can you bother waiting for you, she will come soon!"