MTL - God of Life and Death-Chapter 3928 genius recovery

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Chapter 3928 Genius Recovery

Fang Han stepped forward.

He represents the will of the Fang family.

The Fang family fought **** the frontier battlefield, resisting the army of the dimensional world, but they didn't expect that the people in the inner court would bully the disciples of the Fang family by doing tricks behind them.

"For the sake of the excess energy of the people in the inner court, our Fang family decided to withdraw one Celestial Venerable, three half-step Celestial Venerables, and eighteen powerhouses of the highest level to station in the underworld! The vacancies will be filled by the people in the inner court. !"

Fang Han announced.

When Feng Sanqian heard this, the expression on his face froze.

"You guys are going AWOL!"

Feng Sanqian angrily scolded.

Fang Leng smiled.

"Abandonment without authorization? This is what you forced! The underworld is one of the foundations of our Fang family, and now someone is taking advantage of our Fang family's powerhouses to fight on the front line to destroy the country established by our Fang family disciples, and destroy our Fang family. The Nine Clans! If the roots of the Fang family are gone, the fight on the front line will have no value and significance?"

Fang Han's voice was full of anger.

"So my family's departure from the front line was also caused by your people in the inner court! Chaos Will has agreed to our Fang family's request, and hopes that the inner court will fill the vacancy of our Fang family within a few days, otherwise, Chaos Will will consider depriving the inner court of the underworld. All resources are supplied!"

Fang Han said.

"The will of chaos agreed? How is this possible!"

Feng Sanqian lost his voice and said.

Chaos will speak, which means completely different.

Chaos Will is the most powerful existence in the entire Chaos Territory, no one can shake his will and status, but he is high above, and under normal circumstances, he will never speak or make a move at will.

He seems to be a high-ranking arbiter. If even the referee is off the field, unless there is a foul by one party, or the referee has his own tendency and position.

"Nothing is impossible! Do you know who taught Fang Yue's Chaos Art?"

Fang Yue sneered.

"That was bestowed by the Chaos Will himself. Fang Yue also has another identity as the envoy of the Chaos Territory! Your actions against the Chaos Will's envoys are tantamount to slapping the Chaos Will in the face. Do you think the Chaos Will will be angry or not?" I will come forward to punish you!"

Fang Han said again.

"Fang Yue is actually the messenger of the will of chaos? Why didn't anyone tell us about this?"

Feng Sanqian was completely dumbfounded after hearing this.

The messenger of the will of chaos represents the face of the will of chaos.

Ordinary people might not interfere with Fang Yue's Chaos Will, but even Fengyun Tianzun made a move. It's no wonder that Chaos Will is not angry!

Feng Sanqian swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty.

His identity as the holy son of the inner court is nothing compared to Fang Yue's display of chaotic will!

In the realm of chaos, the will of chaos is the supreme sovereign.

At best, the inner court is just a fertile territory!

The identity of Fang Yue, the messenger of the will of chaos, is equivalent to the prince of the dynasty.

Status can no longer be described as detached.

Such an existence is simply a BUG-level existence in the underworld.

"Feng Sanqian obeys!"

Feng Sanqian compromised.

This time the inner court definitely lost his wife and lost his army.

Leaving Fengyun Tianzun's fate aside, just the vacancies of this Tianzun, the three half-step Tianzun, and the eighteen supreme powerhouses are enough to weaken the inner court of the underworld!

Although there is no shortage of Heavenly Exalted Realm-level powerhouses in the inner court of the underworld, there will definitely not be many strong people at this level.

Everyone is the pillar of the forces of all parties, how difficult it is to persuade them to go out!

The same is true for half-step Tianzun and Wushang, and if a strong person at the Tianzun level makes a move, it is usually to sit in and threaten.

But half-step Tianzun and Supreme are not the same!

They need to be there in person.

The confrontation between the Dimensional World and the Chaos Territory is extremely fierce. A slight carelessness may result in death on the spot!

This is a bitter fruit.

Feng Sanqian can only eat it by himself.

And the will of heaven in the underworld sneered and said: "These people actually attacked Fang Yue without investigating his background clearly. This time, they are deflated! You can ignore me, the will of heaven in the underworld, But you have to put the will of chaos in your eyes!"

The will of heaven in the underworld is also somewhat delicious.

The same is the will of heaven, the people in the inner court of the underworld have two completely different attitudes towards themselves and the will of heaven in the realm of chaos.

"This world is a reality after all, everything depends on whose fist is bigger! If I can be as strong as the will of the Chaos Territory, the inner court of the underworld will also follow my lead!"

The will of heaven in the underworld couldn't help but look to Fengyun Tianzun's side when he thought about it.

The imaginary war has not yet begun.

An unimaginable terrifying will descended.

"Fengyun Tianzun, you, as a strong person at the level of Tianzun, did not take responsibility, and actually attacked the heroes of the underworld, you deserve death, but now is the time of the underworld's servants, I will give you a chance to take the blame and make meritorious service.

I will deprive you of 50% of the original power in your body and give it to Fang Yue, and then exile you into the battlefield of the Chaos Territory to kill the enemy. You are not allowed to return unless you kill the three half-step gods and ten powerhouses of the highest level ! "

The terrifying will appeared, and even the Lord of Time and Space did not dare to approach.

"Hell, it's hell!"

Fang Yue finally had an insight into the source of this terrifying will, which came from the core place of the underworld, the underworld!

The underworld is destroyed again and again in the endless years.

But this underworld, as the core of the underworld, has never been shaken or changed in the slightest.

The great existence in the underworld is eternal in the vicissitudes of countless civilizations!

This time he actually took the initiative to intervene in some things in the underworld.

"Do not!"

Fengyun Tianzun begged for mercy loudly.

But all useless.

Half of the Tianzun in his body turned into a faceless villain and appeared in front of Fang Yue.

This group of original power is extremely mellow and extremely high-level.

Half of Fengyun Tianzun's Tianzun origin was stripped away, and his cultivation quickly dropped from the peak of the first layer of Tianzun Realm to the early stage of the first layer of Tianzun Realm.

The practice of an era of civilization was torched.

And that terrifying will was said by Fang Yue.

"Fang Yue, break through to the level of the real fairyland as soon as possible, there is no time for you to grow up slowly! You are still too weak now, and you are not qualified to participate in the ultimate battle!"

The terrifying will said to Fang Yue.

Fang Yue was dumbfounded!

What an ultimate battle.

Why can't he understand!


Fang Yue whispered that terrifying will.

The power in Fang Yue's body seemed to explode uncontrollably under the catalysis of some inexplicable force!

In fact, Fang Yue's accumulation is already enough, he just hopes to keep suppressing his realm, and get greater benefits at the moment of breakthrough.

From virtual fairyland to real fairyland is a hurdle.

Once a breakthrough, at the moment of breakthrough, the physical body, soul, and even true energy can increase several times!

"Fang Yue is about to break through?!"

Gu Qitian's expression suddenly changed.

Fang Yue has a combat power comparable to that of Tianzun at the level of the virtual fairyland. If he really reaches the level of the real fairyland, it will be fine.

"I don't want to break through! Now is not the time!"

Fang Yue mobilized all his strength to suppress the catalytic power in his body.

The power that could even deprive Fengyun Tianzun of his origin was actually expelled by Fang Yue.

"Fang Yue, why did you refuse? Only when you reach the level of the real fairyland can your strength grow rapidly! Now, your combat power has reached the extreme in the virtual fairyland!"

The powerful will in the underworld said to Fang Yue.

"If it was in an era of peace, we would try our best to buy time for you to grow up, but now there is not enough time! In at least a thousand years, the dimensional world will invade the underworld! You are an important combat force in the underworld ! If you don't grow up quickly, the underworld will be in danger!"

Fang Yue seemed to value that strong will very much.

Fang Yue was stunned, even he himself didn't know that he was so important.

"Don't be kidding, there is an inner court in the underworld, there is Tianzun and the will of the underworld, how can it be my turn to take action!"

"I'm not joking with you. What they decide is a high-level battle, but what you decide is a battle for some important resource battlefields! Some universes will be shattered, and their levels are limited. The strong at the level of Tianzun cannot enter. , you are the combat power of the first echelon! At that time, all parties will also send some Tianjiao to fight with you!"

"You are indeed the top arrogance in this era, but if you look at different civilization eras, or the entire chaotic territory or even the dimensional world, you may not be unparalleled! For example, Feng Sanqian in the inner court is your formidable enemy. Power can suppress all the principles below your Dzogchen realm."

The powerful will in the underworld is listing powerful enemies for Fang Yue.

Feng Sanqian is also paying attention to the situation here.

His face changed slightly.

The people in this underworld are uneasy and kind!

Why use him as an example?

Is it because he's worried that he won't die fast enough?

Behind Fang Yue is the will of heaven in the realm of chaos!

What the hell, if he really fights with Fang Yue, he must not be the opponent of Chaos Will!

"Give me three months. Within three months, I will definitely break through to the level of the real fairyland. My virtual fairyland has never been perfect, and a virtual fairy law has not yet been constructed!"

Fang Yue's goal is clear, and he has to go to the extreme in every realm to make a breakthrough.

If it was purely for the sake of becoming stronger, he would have stepped into the level of the real fairyland long ago.

What Fengyun Tianzun, he hangs and beats at will.

"Construct the law of imaginary immortals?!"

The powerful will in the underworld couldn't help laughing.

"It's interesting! I hope you don't break your promise! Half of Fengyun Tianzun's original power will be regarded as a little compensation for you! In addition, convey the prohibition of the underworld! Before Fang Yue breaks through to the level of the real fairyland, all Tianzun Those above the realm are not allowed to attack him, and if Fang Yue breaks through to the real immortal, people below the third level of the Tianzun realm are allowed to confront him!"

The powerful will in the underworld dissipated.

Fang Yue's complexion changed slightly.

I **** your dad.

Can the strong below the third level of Tianzun Realm attack me?

The existence of that level is also very powerful!

This is a terrible death!

Hearing the words, the will of heaven in the underworld nodded slightly.

"This is very reasonable. If there is no pressure, there will be no motivation. When Fang Yue breaks through to the real fairyland, it will be difficult to meet opponents below the Tianzun realm. If there is no pressure from Tianzun, his growth will be much slower! There are also middle and ancient times. And the arrogance and powerhouses of various ethnic groups in ancient times are gradually beginning to recover! People in the dimensional world have all come to the underworld, if they don't take action, the underworld will fall as a whole!"

The will of heaven in the underworld gave an order.

The heavens trembled.

The arrogance of the ten thousand races who had been hidden in the snow gradually recovered, and the luck of the ten thousand races was soaring, which suddenly made the whole underworld glow with vitality, and even the strong power of calamity was diluted a lot.

Some ancient sects of the human race are a little bit overwhelmed.

In the Human League, a five-color light shot up into the sky.

"Five Elements Eucharist, my fate is up to me!"

A roar came out.

The will of heaven in the underworld changed slightly.

"The five-element sacred body of the human race is still alive! At the end of the last civilized era, didn't you bring this scourge to be buried with you!"

In the Celestial Race, a dark breath filled the air.

"Degenerate and free!"

"The ancestor of the fallen angels is still alive, and killed three generations of **** kings. Is he going against the sky?"

This time it's Nangong's turn to keep the promise and change his color!