MTL - God of Life and Death-Chapter 3932 Back to the Universe

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Chapter 3932: Return to the Universe of Myriad Realms

"Nangong Shouyue, if you really think so, you will underestimate Fang Yue too much! He still has a trump card to use, whether it is used on the inner court or on the ancients, it is enough to destroy them! Do you know why? Is He Fangyue still not ready to be promoted to a true immortal yet? It's not that he doesn't have the resources and background, but he hasn't figured out who to use the true immortal calamity on!"

The will of heaven in the underworld said with a sneer.

It has not been a day or two since Fang Yue, the will of heaven in the underworld, has known each other.

Fang Yue's little thoughts are clear to her.

The true immortal calamity was a test for Fang Yue, but with his solid accumulation, he was almost sure to pass it.

But this is a big killer.

No matter who it falls on, it will turn the world upside down.

Fang Yue has countless enemies.

He wants to pick the one who dances the most, or the person he hates the most, and use the real immortal robbery as punishment.

"True Immortal Tribulation?!"

Nangong Shouyue was stunned, he didn't expect that there would be another one.

"What? Do you think Fang Yue's current cultivation level is facing a very low level of true immortal tribulation?"

The will of heaven in the underworld squinted at Nangong Shouyue and said.

"Oh, no, no, no!"

Nangong Shouyue shook his head.

The more genius a person is, the stronger the doom he will face when he breaks through the big realm.

If Fang Yue breaks into the True Immortal, he will be able to sit on an equal footing with the real powerhouse of the Heavenly Venerable Realm.

The catastrophe he has to face must be unprecedented in history, shocking the world, and moving ghosts and gods.

Even the Celestial Tribulation of ordinary people may not be comparable to Fang Yue's True Immortal Tribulation.

"No, I have to divert Fang Yue's attention, and I can't let him survive the calamity in the underworld universe, otherwise, I'm worried that I won't be able to bear his doom, and the underworld universe will be blown up again!"

The will of heaven in the underworld muttered to himself.

The current Fang Yue is equivalent to a super explosive package.

Once shot, it is vigorous.

Unstoppable, unstoppable.

Just when the will of heaven in the underworld was tangled.

Fang Yue is ready to attack the Gu Clan again.

The ancient clan plotted against him, so he can only stare blankly?

Does not exist!

Fang Yue has never been at a disadvantage since he was a child.

Those who play dirty, who is afraid of whom!

"Where is the territory of the ancient clan most prosperous?"

Fang Yue asked.

Lin Mu found a map, sketched it, and circled eighteen places.

"These eighteen places are all the vital points of the ancient clan, with ancient inheritances. Among them, there are at least three powerhouses of the highest level who sit in town all the year round, and there are countless arrogance."

Lin Mu already knew the situation of the ancient people well.

Know thyself, ever-victorious.

The relationship between Fang Yue and the Gu clan was extremely bad.

Lin Mu knew that Fang Yue and the Gu clan would wake up sooner or later.

"What are you going to do? Do you want to attack the ancients?"

Nalan Ruoxian looked at Fang Yue and said.

She has a fairy air, not like a person in the world of mortals.

"Where is it! I just want to take a look. If I have time, I also want to read the great mountains and rivers of the ancient clan!"

Fang Yue smiled shyly.

He didn't show much emotion.

However, Nalan Ruoxian felt that there was something wrong with Fang Yue, and he definitely wasn't as gentle as he said.

"This time the ancients didn't give me face. Sima Boruo covered up the secrets and stopped my investigation, but I also learned something! I vaguely know some of their thoughts. The calculations of the ancients should be related to your home universe. .When I deduced the Universe of Ten Thousand Realms, I vaguely saw some people from the ancient race entering in the near future. I deduced that the future has nothing to do with the ancient race, so Sima Boruo couldn't hide it!"

Nalan Ruoxian said to Fang Yue.

"Is it related to the Universe of Myriad Realms?!"

When Fang Yue heard this, his heart skipped a beat.

What should come will come sooner or later, some things cannot be prevented!

Fang Yue knew long ago that the Myriad Realms universe would become a weakness for the ancients to plot against him.

It's just that they didn't expect that the ancient clan came so suddenly.

"Since this is the case, some plans can be started in advance! Don't they want to use the Universe of Myriad Realms to deal with me? Well, with their hands, I can solve some mysteries that exist in the Universe of Myriad Realms!"

Fang Yue's eyes narrowed.

The Universe of Ten Thousand Realms is extremely mysterious, and he still hasn't fully understood some things, which are more likely to involve the secrets of the ancient heavens and even some emperor-level powerhouses.

"Can you come back to the Universe of Ten Thousand Realms with me, and let me take a look at some things about the Ancient Heavenly Court. If the Universe of Ten Thousand Realms is really the key or channel to open the Ancient Heavenly Court, the ancient immortals can break the previous rules and personally Next, I will fight for you."

Nalan Ruoxian said.

Her tone was soft and firm.

It is a long-cherished wish of the ancient immortals to return to the heaven.

Everyone in their family has great expectations for this.

If they can open the ancient heavenly court and return to their hometown, they can let go of their status as judges and attack the ancient people.

"I need another day to prepare for this. At noon tomorrow, my true deity will accompany you back to the Universe of Ten Thousand Realms!"

Fang Yue knew that Nalan Ruoxian would never destroy the Universe of Ten Thousand Realms, and she might become his powerful ally.

"Tomorrow at noon?! Okay, I will notify the ancient immortals and take action against the ancients if necessary."

Nalan Ruoxian did what he said.

She used the position of the ancient immortal clan to prove her confidence.

"it is good!"

Fang Yue nodded.

at the same time.

The ancients have also moved.

"Gu Ruoyan, this plan can only succeed and not fail! I have covered up the secrets of this plan to prevent Fang Yue from detecting it. I have spent a huge price, and I may even offend that crazy Nalan Ruoxian Woman! Once the plan fails, Fang Yue will definitely retaliate wildly, and the price the ancients will pay is unimaginable!"

Sima Boruo summoned Gu Ruoyan and said.

His expression was extremely dignified.

The outcome is here.

Fang Yue's background is shocking.

The master of time and space, the Fang family, the will of chaos, the will of heaven in the underworld, and some messy guys who jumped out of nowhere.

Once Fang Yue finds out that his lair has been dug out, his crazy personality will probably let these people take action against the Gu clan at any cost.

Although the ancient clan is strong, they may not be able to bear it!

"My lord, please rest assured that this matter will be safe!"

Gu Ruoyan said confidently.

As long as Fang Yue can be caught this time, it will be a great credit.

This will become his step into the ranks of the ancient clan. It is not a delusion to obtain a large amount of resources and become a half-step celestial being!

Myriad universes.

Xuanhuang world.

Two figures appeared quietly.

"Is this the place where Fang Yue once practiced? His aura has decayed, like ruins. I really don't know how he rose up!"

A middle-aged man said with a sneer.

The two of them are strong men of the ancient clan sent by the ancient clan to find Fang Yue's relatives.

One is named Gu Tian and the other is named Gu Yue.

They are Gu Ruoyan's confidantes.

Each has a unique talent!

Gu Tian is good at deducing cause and effect, while Gu Yue is unparalleled in combat power. Although he is only at the level of the Spiritual Immortal Realm, he has combat power comparable to Da Luo Jinxian.

"Secluded Forest, this is the place where Fang Yue rose to prominence back then!"

Gu Tian walked to the front of a secret realm.

His eyes light up.

"It's important to find Fang Yue's relatives. What are you doing in this secret place?"

Gu Yue said to Gu Tian.

Gu Tian's eyes flickered.

"Don't you think Fang Yue's rise is very abrupt? He entered the underworld, and in just a few years, he has made rapid progress from a small person with no one in the world to the current state! The gods will bow their heads in front of him, and he kills the supreme A strong person at the level of the realm is like killing ants. What's the use of catching Fang Yue's family members and threatening him? If you and I get the opportunity of Fang Yue's rise in the past and soar into the sky like him, there is no need to be afraid of Gu Ruo Say that old guy?"

Gu Tian is ambitious.

Gu Yue was a little guilty.

"Gu Tian, ​​be careful! We only have seven days to complete the task. If we don't find Fang Yue's relatives, we will definitely be severely punished if we return to the underworld universe!"

Gu Yue had an inexplicable fear of Gu Ruoyan from the bottom of her heart.

Gu Ruoyan's personality is irritable and vicious.

He has never left anyone alive who triggers him.

"Do you think that bringing Fang Yue's family and friends back to the ancient clan will have a good end for us?"

Gu Tian said quietly.

"I am proficient in the art of karma, and Fang Yue has deduced the great art of karma to the extreme! Under Tianzun, no one can hide the secrets and block Fang Yue's calculations! Let's capture his family and friends alive, Fang Yue will definitely deduce Who did this thing, find you and me, even he doesn't need to show up, if a curse falls on you and me, you and I will become a pool of blood."

"The cunning rabbit is dead, the running dogs are cooking, the birds are gone, and the good bow is hidden. Let's bring back Fang Yue's relatives and friends, and the value will disappear. Do you think the big men of the ancient clan will personally protect you and me?"

Gu Tian saw things clearly.

Gu Yue was stunned, he had never thought so much before.

It's just an ordinary task, who would have expected that there would be a life-and-death crisis regardless of success or failure.

"Then what do you say?"

Gu Yue asked cautiously.

"Find out the reason for Fang Yue's rapid rise, turn it into an opportunity for you and me, and then take Fang Yue's relatives and friends back to claim credit, and properly demonstrate your talent and value. Only in this way can we get the protection of the ethnic group, not Killed at will by Fang Yue!"

Gu Tian calculated clearly.

Gu Yue hesitated for a moment, then he suddenly realized that he had no other better choice than Gu Tian's approach.

"Okay, I listen to you!"

Gu Yue nodded and said.

Gu Tian smiled.

"Follow me into the secluded forest and retrace the path of Fang Yue's practice!"

The two stepped into the ghost realm and quickly entered the first floor!

Those dangers that Fang Yue couldn't deal with in the secluded forest were all solved like children's toys in their eyes.

Second floor.

the third floor.

The two quickly walked into the fourth floor of the secluded forest.

"This secluded forest seems to be nothing more than a commonplace, it seems that there is no chance!"

Gu Tian said to himself.

There was a bit of disappointment in his expression.

Suddenly, he turned around.

A pair of big blood-colored eyes appeared from the sky, as if two rounds of red sun were hanging in the sky looking at him and Gu Yue.

"Are you the blood food sent by Fang Yue? It's been a long time since I devoured creatures at the level of the Spiritual Wonderland! I'm so hungry! I'm so hungry!"

Gu Tian's hairs suddenly exploded, and a sense of crisis quickly approached.


Gu Yue roared.

He can clearly feel that this unknown existence is so powerful that they cannot compete.

how so!

They are the best among spirits!

The existence of Daluojin Fairyland level may not be their opponents.

However, it was too late for him to retreat.

A big pale hand descended from the sky and grabbed the two of them, and put them into a **** mouth, chewing them all up.

Their flesh and blood collapsed, and the life essence and soul in their bodies were quickly absorbed.

In the blink of an eye, the two big red sun-like eyes in the sky disappeared.

The Youlin Secret Realm regained its calm.

The figure of Concubine Qing appeared, not a clone, but a deity.

Her true self has never left the secluded forest and is responsible for guarding the secret.

"An idiot of the ancient clan, dare to enter the land of seeking magic?"

"When the Immortal Realm collapsed, some fragments fell into the Universe of Ten Thousand Realms and became forbidden places everywhere!"

"After so many years, these secret realms should also reappear. It's time for the imprisoned monsters to reappear and make all living beings tremble!"

Concubine Qing said to herself, her brows were full of fire!

A coquettish aura instantly emerged.