MTL - God of War Dressed As a Weak Male-Chapter 105

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Chever's wings are so beautiful that Li Zhouzhou was dizzy.

Xevier didn't lie to Li Zhou, his wings had really changed, not just a simple change with beautiful patterns, but like a newborn.

Pair of fully transparent interwings.

Usually the pair of wings are hidden under the broad wings above. Only when they are unfolded can they glimpse the appearance of the mysterious pair of wings.

The newly grown interwings are twice as sharp and firm as the original ones, said Shevel. It is also very concealed, as long as he wants to, it can be completely hidden under the upper wings. It is the best to use it as a magic weapon for surprising victory.

Six long, thin phoenix tails with the same high-grade silk texture as gradient lake blue are dragged on the carpet, bringing out mysterious, smoky and beautiful colors.

As Seville gently rhythms his wings, the phoenix tail also follows, like a streamer, shaking gently.

the same world.

Li Zhou watched all this in surprise, and involuntarily stroked Xievir's huge wings.

Sheville was also very happy, and secretly wrapped Li Zhou's waist with his phoenix tail and pulled him towards him.


Li Zhou nodded, agreeing with Xavier's opinion, he stroked Xavier's cheek that became more attractive, and said softly: "Don't regret, there will be opportunities in the future, this time if you really The evolution to SSS level, I will have a headache."

"Why?" Xavier wondered, shouldn't it be a good thing for him to evolve to the SSS level? Why do you have a headache?

Li Zhou smiled, pinched the bridge of Xavier's tall nose, and said indulgently: "Little fool, you forgot why my health was not good some time ago?"

Cervil remembered, of course, that he was very worried at that time.

But what does this have to do with him? Li Zhou was not in good health, so after evolution, he couldn't bear the surge of mental power.

He is a female and is in good health.

Li Monday knew what he was thinking when he saw that Xavier was distracted.

Sighed, she was helpless by Seville's habit of not taking his body seriously.

He knew that he couldn't blame Xavier. Xavier's experience and growing environment did not give him the opportunity to take himself seriously.

It can be said that before Xavier met him, the focus of his life was only on his plans and how to protect his relatives and friends and the people of the empire.

Chever has always put himself last.

However, now that Xavier has him and his father again, they will urge Xavier to protect himself and try their best to protect this worm who has been thinking about other bugs all his life little fool.

Glancing at Xavier with some resentment, Li Zhou pointed at Xavier's heart with a long and beautiful finger.

“Have you forgotten how many dark wounds your body hides? If I’m not wrong, although SS+ and SSS are only one level apart, the real energy gap should be huge.”

Xevier understood what Li Zhou was going to say, and he pursed his lips, knowing where he had caused Li Zhou to stare at him.

Looking at Li Zhou, who was still stern, he wrapped his phoenix tail around Li Zhou's wrist and smiled flatteringly.

He caressed the phoenix tail that Xavier put on his waist and wrist, and continued: "If you really evolve to the SSS level, then your current body will not be able to bear it at all. Hold on, you will become even more vulnerable than me, so don't be brave next time, just use up your mental energy."

Sheville nodded obediently and reassured: "If I encounter danger again, I promise to face it together with you and Duke, and will no longer carry it by myself."

"You swear!"

"I swear! I, Xavier, will definitely protect myself from now on, don't be stubborn, and don't let Li Zhou worry!"

Li Zhou nodded with satisfaction. He knew that a simple swearing might not have a very good effect, but over time, Xavier would sooner or later learn to value himself for him.

Xevier, whose body temperature rose instantly, accepted his little hero obediently, and wrapped himself and Li Zhou with his larger and wider wings.

The phoenix tail trembled lightly, and slowly wrapped around it.

This night, Seville's beautiful phoenix tail did not stop rhythm, and her wings did not open again.

Occasionally, I can hear the murmur of love.

Meanwhile, Frontier Labs.

This is already the third month after the borer took over the mission, let alone the crawler, I still don't know much about the terrain outside the laboratory.

This laboratory is extremely strict. If you are in charge of this area, you must not leave this area.

I have seen this kind of tragedy caused by fighting with my own eyes.

He originally wanted to let the members of the team, who are in charge of this convenient technology, try to crack the defense net.

But they failed and triggered the alert.

The one-eyed female responsible for the ultimate safety of the laboratory led a team to search various areas overnight.

If he didn't have a lot of heart, after contacting the organization, he would destroy the light brain with its own powerful signal receiving and hiding functions. Like the agents sent by other forces, he would be tortured to extort a confession, and there would be no **** left.

The laboratory is now more closely guarded, and it is impossible to contact the outside world;

The borer is helpless, looking at the worms who have entered the laboratory for various reasons and various purposes, and there is an indescribable suffocation in my heart.

He knows that many of these worms have a purpose, but there is no way for them to cooperate.

The vigilance of each other is too high to be frightening, let alone cooperation, the slightest carelessness will be pushed out as a shield.

Having the same idea as the borer is the mayfly, the boss of their special team.

After discovering that they had completely lost contact with the borer, they disregarded the agent's previous tacit rule that the employer could only be contacted by delivering materials, and proactively contacted their employer.

It's not that he panicked when he encountered such a thing, but he really had no choice.

After being unable to contact the borer, he personally went to the frontier laboratory.

I found all the relationships that could be used, and tried to enter the laboratory, but all failed.

Because of the previous tampering incident of the defense network, the laboratory did not even accept the experimental products.

There is no alternative for him to contact his employer.

Although he didn't know if the employer could help him, his intuition told him that contacting the employer was the only way to save the borer.

But this night, he didn't get any reply.

He kept looking forward to the red light for the answer, but he didn't get any reply until dawn.

Mayfly Sitting on the chair, couldn't stop thinking about how he could save the borer, and even regretted letting the borer go.

If he went, the borer would not be in danger.

Just when the mayfly was about to despair, the red light suddenly turned on, and the employer actually replied to him...

At night, the moth, who decided not to sit still, relied on its own racial characteristics, and after the rest of the insects, quietly lurked on the big tree outside the defense net.

The thin lepidoptery is tightly attached to the body, perfectly hidden on the trunk of the tree.

He wants to wait for the only patrol that can travel freely to pass through here, steal the defense net to pass the brain, quickly copy the content, and return it back when the patrol comes back.

He also thought about this method before, but because of the huge risks, no major incidents, and the patrol team not patrolling the entire area, he did not implement it.

However, there is only one way to help him break the game.

As long as he succeeds, he can come and go in the lab.

But when he was about to act, the mutation suddenly occurred!

The originally flexible body froze, and her mind became extremely sluggish, and she wanted to close her eyes and sleep immediately.

Between the lightning and flint, the borer wanted to understand the reason why they became like this - there is a problem with the nutrient solution they eat every day!

No wonder, he slept well every day, and even anxiety did not make him insomnia these few days.

Seeing that he was about to be exposed to the patrol team because of this sudden change.

The borer tried desperately to wake himself up, but to no avail, he still slipped from the tree trunk little by little.

The sound of limbs rubbing against tree trunks resounded suddenly in the silent night.

The patrol immediately walked towards the sound, and when the borer resigned, a low voice sounded, covering up the sound he made.

"Captain Feili is really dedicated, and he personally led the patrol so late."

The one-eyed female, known as the captain, smiled grimly: "You can't compare to Director Long Feilan, who is leisurely and active in the outer layer of the laboratory in the middle of the night. You have to be careful, This area is the dormitory of the female worms recruited to be responsible for the security of the periphery, but the dragons and snakes are very mixed, you are the male of Jinzunyugui, so don't let anything happen."

The implication is that Long Feilan is suspicious for coming here so late.

Long Feilan heard Feili's implication, and said calmly: "Of course I have my reasons for coming here, besides you are not the captain?"

"Hahaha, Director Long Feilan trusts me so much, I can't live up to your trust."

"Captain Feili has never failed my trust. Not only me, but all colleagues in the laboratory thank you for your protection day and night, now **** me back inside." Long Feilan Glancing at the big tree where the borer was hiding, he made a quick gesture with his back to Feili, and said lightly.

"As you order, Your Royal Highness."

Fei Li saluted Long Fei Lan very gently, and then escorted Long Fei Lan to the inside of the laboratory.

And the borer behind the big tree stumbled out of the shadow after all the backs of the insects completely disappeared.

He concentrated on running towards the dormitory, and when he entered the dormitory, he couldn't hold on any longer, and fell softly on his bed.

The author has this to say:

Li Zhou, who had just returned to his ancestors and gave birth to his wings, looked at Xievir, who had a beautiful phoenix tail, and silently hid his immature wings.

Li Zhouzhou: The wings are too ugly to be seen by Xavier, it affects my image too much.

Cherville: Li Zhouzhou, who secretly hides his little wings, is so cute, and his wings are cute too.

The worms who saw it all: Hey, hey hey hey.

A new pre-payment has been opened, and interested friends can learn about it.

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!