MTL - God Rank Hero-Chapter 1988 Uncertain grass

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When the big fly fart came to Alicia, she was ashamed and said: "Vice Lord, I am an emperor!"

Alicia nodded: "Well, Lord Emperor, come on! The emperor should claim to be grandma to have majesty!"

"Yes, yes, oh ~ I am ah!" Da Fei coughed, "This, as an emperor ... our relationship is so good ... You have to know that the emperor can marry my concubine, this I mean, 朕 means "

Looking at Alicia's increasingly serious look, Da Fei suddenly had a panic, and couldn't say a bit, which reminded Da Fei of the time when he was "the blind emperor". .

Apparently, Alicia understood, and said with a smile: "Who will your emperor be married to be your concubine?"

Dafei summoned his courage: "The relationship between You and the Vice City Lord is so good. I have experienced the test of battle, the one who has experienced time, the witness, which"

Alicia smiled like a flower: "Your Majesty the Emperor meant to marry me as concubine?"

When Dafei saw her smiling so happy, she couldn't help but let out: "Yes, yes, that's what it means!"

Alicia said, "Well, I'll just say one thing. The rules of our elves are monogamous. Her Majesty, do you have to think about it when you marry me?"

Grandma! Dafei took a sip of blood! God what a monogamous man! That emperor who is still a fart? It's not as good as Monkey King on Monkey Mountain in the zoo. Isn't the player playing a game to find a wish that is impossible in reality?

Seeing that Da Fei's expression was down, Alicia continued to laugh: "Her Majesty, in fact, the rules can be challenged. For example, the adult who loves Shanghai sacrifice, of course, the challenge is not smooth. In short, I still Very busy, Her Majesty first find other concubines. "

Can I challenge the rules? That's right! The elf prince had already given the brother a demonstration to me, which shows that everything can be talked about. In short, it is impossible for me to see the book without Lin. Now that the elves have rules, look at the dark elves.

So Da Fei Bian Bian Bian found Elina, who was planting mushrooms, and Elina offered to greet her: "Congratulations to your Majesty for achieving the throne, I am willing to continue to serve her Majesty!"

Da Fei Long Yan Dayue laughed and laughed, "Ai Qing is free, this is it"

The thought of the folk customs of the dark elves has always been magnanimous, Da Fei did not twist the door to see the mountain: "This emperor can marry ten concubines, can I marry you as concubine?"

Elina suddenly stunned, and then looked strangely: "I am the master of a city of the Dark Elves, without many faces, even if it becomes one of the men's harem, this will be the other Dark Elves master Laughing, I am afraid it is not conducive to Her Majesty's integration of the Dark Elves ... "

Many faces? Da Fei immediately exploded when he heard these four words! Let me go, this dark elf is a matriarchal clan, playing polygamy, Nima's is not egg pain, it is egg fried!

Just listen to Elena laughing: "But if Her Majesty re-establishes the custom of the Dark Elves under the guidance of Goddess Rose ..."

Well, it's not now anyway!

After flying to say goodbye to Elena, she found Serbia. Uh, what a pity! but

Dafei coughed, "Serbia, can this nun be married?"

Serbia frowned: "Your Majesty, what do you say?"

Da Feiwu didn't give up: "Can you change the rules? What about a nun?"

Serbia was not good-hearted: "Your Majesty just became emperor. It is the crucial moment for merit and achievement. Why did you ask such a strange question?"

What the hell! Dafei sighed suddenly: "I just ask!"

So Da Fei turned her eyes on Zavala again! After three setbacks, Feifei became the blind date emperor who was not afraid of boiling water, and said nothing directly: "Zarvara, can you be your concubine?"

Zavala said in surprise: "Your Majesty, although I am in human form, my aesthetic values ​​are still an emerald dragon. In my opinion, although My Majesty is the best friend and the best grown-up, let me overcome it first Aesthetic obstacles ... "

Let me go! You mean the most beautiful human beauty is not as good-looking as a lizard, right?

Zavala continued: "If I were a Black Dragon, I would probably not reject the Lord."

Da Fei was also startled, "What happened to the Black Dragon?"

Zavala murmured: "The black dragon is the dragon that produces the most sub-dragons."

Da Fei suddenly realized that, Black Dragon, this is indescribable! When I think of the habits of the black dragon, and the level 7 soldier of the dark elves is the black dragon, Dafei is not good. Couldn't find Tamilla? Try it!

So Da Fei explained her intentions to Tamelia, and her face was bewildered: "Your Majesty, I know that human beings have this reproduction method, but I am the essence of sacred vines, which is reproduced through another plant method, I cannot understand How to reconcile Your Majesty ... (a few words omitted here) "

Da Fei is completely ashamed. He said he seems to be like the tree breeding. It is more terrifying than the black dragon.

It's only Catalina now? She is a human and an unruly pirate. Should she be okay? There is also Deirdrie. As a banshee, it has always been used to win the chaos. Shouldn't it be a problem? That's right, even if the grass around them is not sure, but they must be solved anyway!

As for now, Da Fei can be regarded as a sigh of silence that temporarily dispelled Na Fei's thoughts. Or, as Serbia said, hurry up and build your career.

So what else needs to be done? Da Fei opened the task list, and suddenly found that there was also a task for the "fallen angel Cyrah" released by the Underworld Lord!

In the previous two days, Da Fei chose between this mission and the Tifeng copy in the European Union. In the end, it was dropped for the sake of security. After all, this Cyrah killed himself. Once he failed, he gave George to himself. The artifact "Tears of Light" was lost.

So now she is a level 5 void god, and it is not the same as the original, or the emperor, to find a reason why she can't close the job? And I have three boxes of "eternal power" specially for her as gifts in the Buffett warehouse of Window of the World.

By the way, I want to pass the dwarf kingdom into the ship of the world and get three boxes of gifts. Then I will first seal the dwarven prince and let him see his father.

So Da Fei gave Tamilia and Alicia instructions: As long as the side of the evacuated Hellgate was immediately sent back to the pool of light, ready for the battle of Troy ...