MTL - God Rank Hero-Chapter 2058 Destroy a city, save a city

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The successful escape of the City of Penalties in the European Union triggered the wide-opening of the entry conditions for the City of Penalties in all regions of the world. The hidden scenes where the entry conditions were very harsh were not so particular about it. The level is enough, as long as you are willing to pay the expensive teleport costs, you can enter the city of divine punishment.

And the victory reward of the first game allowed the British team ’s hundreds of members of the Divine Officials to collectively improve to the level of the first order of the archangel. Players are only one step away from the mid-level angels!

Divine angel officials are divided into nine levels, and each level is divided into seven levels. Promotion through normal tasks is very difficult. The lower-level superior angel has a first-level domain, and the lower-level superior angel is qualitatively different from the lower-level superior angel in terms of mission authority.

Therefore, when the Indian team attracted the attention of the media because Atlantis became a world influencer in the world, the British team was hurrying to guide the city of penalties to escape the plan in the Void Mercury Sky Outpost. Mission opportunities can improve the strength of the British team on a large scale.

However, according to the tips of the angel heroes of Mercury Outpost, a large part of the escape of the city of punishment in the European Union is due to the poor defense of the demons, so the escape of the second city of punishment will be greatly increased.

The British team knows that the flight from the European Union relied on the help of Dafei. It is obviously a huge problem to bypass the exploitation of Dafei, the main contractor, to complete the second escape task, but it must be no matter how difficult it is. face. After all, the overall strength of the British team has become stronger.

As for the second city of magical punishment, there is no doubt that it has been selected as the Korean region. The professional players in the Korean region are very strong. They have a very complete reserve system. A teenage reserve professional player is better than other countries. Some of the team's main players are strong, so only the South Korean team is able to cooperate with the British team's actions. In particular, the elves of the Korean team can also enter the city of magic punishment, which has greatly improved the city's attack and defense strength.

Then in the void, the British team received support from the gods through a collective guarantee. After all, it is an official position of hundreds of archangels. The group guarantee is still very powerful.

So, when both the British and South Koreans thought that the time was right, they launched a total attack on Christmas Eve the day before Christmas.

As a result, the moment when the support of the divine realm forcibly opened the space door, the Satan-level demon monarch appeared to ride the **** dragon. He did not take the shot himself, but only blocked the **** with the power of his demon general. Thousands of angel troops supported by the Divine Realm have returned to the kingdom of heaven!

In short, the escape failed.

Then, the British team will face a one-year failure guarantee penalty of the Divine Realm, that is, if the task is not completed within one month during the game, that is, one month in real time, the British team will deduct all of the Divine Merit, that is, the first All the promotion rewards obtained in World War I had to be spit out.

But the trouble is not only that. The city of the penalty in South Korea has been attacked by the **** army more violently than before, so that the country has to slow down the development of the Emerald Dream and fully defend the city of the penalty.

How to do?

This is a painful review. This is no longer a question of letting go, but not giving up. Otherwise, all the results of the last battle will be reset to zero. Where are all zeros still qualified to enter the divine realm?

Help Dafei! Da Fei showed amazing strength when helping India to defeat Bahamut, this is the only option! Just thinking of Da Fei opening 300 million appearance fees made the British team shudder!

And the reason why the headquarters promised to fly 300 million in Atlantis was because the pig-like media held Atlantis to the top of the world, which made the league unable to lose at all. It is 300 million to buy face. However, the progress of the city of punishment is very low-key and secret. There is no face problem, so it is unlikely that the headquarters will agree to this asking price, even 100 million is unlikely.

The new British captain Gao Wen is extremely distressed. After thinking about it, he still thinks to talk with Da Fei personally. After all, the first city of punishment is the result of Da Fei's first personal talk with him. .

So, Dafei Le, who received the news, was really off! I have to say that their media empire is terrific. There is really no such thing as such a big thing.

After hearing Gao Wen's heartfelt difficulties, Da Fei also fell into meditation! Indeed, the British team is not worth the price, and judging from the video and video sent by Gao Wen, the Satan-level devil's personal presence is really unsolvable, even if she asks Lilith to take a shot, it is unlikely to be done.

However, if you ca n’t even figure it out yourself, it means that even if the task is for Brother to do it himself?

Impossible, this game is not impossible, but only unexpected, there must be some tricks.

Da Fei handed the video sent by Gao Wen to the staff of the Chinese Guild Alliance for analysis and analysis. The staff confirmed at first sight that the demon on the dragon was the punishment of the Chinese region. The demon who appeared when the city was destroyed.

what does this mean? It means that the seal of the city of punishment may be a demon power, and one means that he is inseparable?

Da Fei immediately had an idea, and he still asked Vice President Lin to negotiate the price, but this time the price was "refund if unsuccessful"!

Vice President Lin admires Fei Ge's strength like a god, and the lion directly opens his mouth by 500 million US dollars!

Yes, South Korea is not worth the price, the British team is not worth the price, but the US is worth it? Da Fei's plan is to attack the west, that is, to let the British and South Korean teams build on the previous defeat, and then rescue the city of the city of punishment while the demon appears.

At this moment, the American hero headquarters was shocked! Originally, it was impossible for the headquarters to invest in allies in the long-term project of the city of magical punishment, but Dafei actually proposed to help the city of the city of magical punishment to be completely different. This is not only a city, but also Indirectly, let hundreds of thousands of American players promote the official rank of Divine Realm. This can greatly catch up with the gap between Dafei.

It can be considered, but 500 million is too expensive, and 200 million is almost the same.

Vice President Lin strives reasonably: "500 million can only buy three F35s for the United States, which is unnecessary and does not help protect American interests, but in this virtual empire, it can indeed buy the United States a city of divine punishment! Isn't the United States just a virtual economy? Isn't maintaining the virtual economy the best interest? If it is too expensive, consider 600 million! "

So after a lot of difficult negotiations, it was finally sold for $ 550 million!

Well, this time, Da Fei was moved and looked at it. For such a rogue in China, what reason is there for him to play the game with care?

With the official launch of the plan, the city of God of Punishment in the United States has begun preparations for dozens of days, while the British and South Korean teams have also mobilized a lot of resources to prepare for the second breakout.

With the secret assistance of Dafei, both the US team and the British team have an inexplicable self-confidence. Only the South Korean team has an unexplainable heartache. It was delayed for this city of punishment. The exploration of the emerald dream, in the end, the city of the punishment or cannon fodder?


Then, during the Spring Festival, the time for the decisive battle came. When the city of punishment in South Korea once again "struck the dragon to heaven" and the rebellion of Satan Demon again, the city of God punishment in the United States came to the sky with gold light, one in the sky. The huge vortex space gate opens the gate of freedom to the city of punishment in the US!

This is the sound of Da Fei hitting the West! Everyone in the entire hero headquarters was calmly waiting for the final result.

No suspense! The scene changes, the sky is full of stars, and the escape from the United States is simpler than the first escape from the EU. The tactics of flying are so amazing!

At this moment, the roar of champagne and wine shook the headquarters!

congratulations! You have completed the commendable mission "Rescue the 2nd City of Divine Punishment", which is impossible to complete. Please go to Jerusalem to settle the meritorious rewards ...

At this moment, Dafei also showed a gratifying smile. The merits of saving the first city myself wiped out all kinds of guarantee debts. Will this meritorious service formally make this temporary angel officially correct?

When the cooperating parties cheered and congratulated each other, the World Channel rang:

World Channel: Very sorry! The city of the penalty in Korea was destroyed by the demon ...

The players in the world were surprised, and many parties celebrated. The South Korean team ’s headquarters was dead silent. Just now everyone was celebrating the victory in the U.S. area. No one cares about the situation in South Korea. Feelings?

After flying back to God, he took the lead to break the silence: "Although it is a pity, it is a sacrifice that must be made. Anyway, the South Korean team is focused on the elves, and the loss of the city of punishment has no effect on them. And after this success, we have the next successful experience. Let ’s sacrifice the Japanese area next time. Anyway, everyone knows the situation in the Japanese area, and it is still the main attack on the **** people. It has no effect at all ... "

Next time? After returning to God, where is the US team willing to be the head of injustice? Now that you have mastered the strategy of attacking the West, of course, next time you will join forces with the British team!

"We will consider it!"

Vice President Lin even laughed at the live video and toasted with congratulations: "Thank you to the US team for supporting China's mountain poverty alleviation. We are still developing countries in China, and look forward to the next cooperation ... By the way, we Chinese Customs give everyone a year! Happy New Year to the players in the world! "

"happy New Year!"

The celebration was over, but at the headquarters of the league, India and Japan quarreled. Quite simply, the Indian team believes that the next city to be punished by God is its own district. After all, the two new districts are not possible. China, Russia, Korea, Britain, and the United States have ruled it out, only themselves!

But the new captain Hirata Hiroshi of Japan was very dissatisfied with Da Fei's malicious targeting, and pointed out that the Indian team has taken up a lot of resources in the league, and the league should now support the Japanese team ...