MTL - God Rewards Those Who Work Hard: No Pains, 100% Gains-Chapter 150 Dan becomes a dragon and a tiger

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  Chapter 150 Dan becomes a dragon and a tiger

  The practice of the golden elixir period is called "Jindan Nine Turns", which is the nine-level realm.

  When a monk forms a golden elixir, it is the first turn of the golden elixir, which is the first level of the golden elixir.

  Cultivation at this level is the first step for the soul to settle in the golden core and realize the "unity of spirit and qi".

  The difficulty of the cultivation process of the soul entering the golden core varies from person to person, which is related to the grade of the golden core, the degree of compatibility between the soul and spiritual power, and the spiritual root talent of the monk.

  Spiritual roots, not only in the stage of Qi training and foundation building, will affect the practice, but also in the golden core stage.

  Because the talent of the spiritual root represents the adaptation direction of the soul to the spiritual power, the more the spiritual root fits the exercises, the easier it is for the soul to settle in the golden core.

  Xu Ke's practice skills are all deduced by himself, and naturally fit him perfectly, and there is no problem with the degree of fit between the spiritual root talent and the skills.

  As for the grade of the golden there any golden elixir with a higher grade than Xu Ke in the practice world?

   With such a deep foundation, Xu Ke's spirit settled in Jindan without any difficulty at all.

   Sitting cross-legged on the ground, calmed down, Xu Ke followed the induction of the soul and the golden core, and his consciousness continued to sink to the dantian.

   This is "Intent to Shou Dantian"!

  In the process of Qi training and practice, every practice requires "intent to guard the dantian", which is actually preparing for the soul to settle in the golden elixir.

  The process of continuous sinking of the soul consciousness into the dantian is called "the green dragon riding the fire and swimming in the lotus pond" in the Taoist alchemy terminology.

  The "green dragon driving the fire" here refers to the "heart fire", that is, the consciousness of the soul. "Lianchi" refers to the dantian.

  The "heart fire" of the soul consciousness sinks into the dantian and swirls around the golden elixir. This is the "youlianchi".

   Provoked by the "green dragon driving the fire" circling the golden elixir "You Lianchi", the golden elixir gave birth to a wave of fluctuations, echoing it.

   This is "White Tiger Walking Wind Out of Dongfu".

  The fluctuation of the golden core and the fluctuation of the soul gradually synchronized, and then the consciousness of the soul was attracted by the golden core, and plunged into the golden core.

   This is "Dan Chenglonghu, Yin and Yang in harmony".

   If you want to use a more popular description, the process of this soul consciousness entering the golden core is somewhat similar to the process of combining sperm cells and egg cells.

   In terms of results, it is also very similar to the combination of sperm and eggs.

  After the soul consciousness settled in the golden core, in the core of the golden core, the soul and spiritual power merged to form the initial "embryo".

  People in Taoism have always compared the cultivation of golden elixir to pregnancy. In alchemy terminology, when this soul settles in Jindan, it is to form a "Yuan Embryo".

  When this "yuan womb" continues to grow and eventually turns into a baby, it is the Yuan Ying.

   To make the Yuantai grow, in addition to providing "nutrition", that is, aura, so that the Yuantai grows a "body", it also needs to provide spirituality, so that the Yuantai grows a "soul".

  Therefore, in addition to practicing qi, the practice of golden elixir also needs to cultivate the true spirit.

  In the terminology of Taoism and alchemy, this process of accumulating the true spirit is also called "collecting herbs".

  Stack up the lotus platform, accumulate the primordial fetus, and then transform the primordial infant. This is the practice process of the entire golden core stage.

  The follow-up practice in the Nascent Soul stage is to cultivate the Nascent Soul until it matures, and then slowly leave the gate of heaven and manifest in the heaven and earth. This is the Yin God in the early stage of transformation.


   Letting out a long breath of foul air, Xu Ke received his achievements and stood up.

  One practice session successfully completes the process of the soul entering the golden core, the core becoming a dragon and a tiger, yin and yang combining, and forming a primordial womb.

   After completing the cultivation of the Golden Core, he officially stepped into the second floor of the Golden Core.

  If another person practices, it will take decades at least, and it may take hundreds of years if it is slower.

   This is the convenience brought by Xu Ke's deep foundation.

   Of course, the foundation can be a little deeper.

   With a thought, Xu Ke launched the "Hundredfold Harvest", and the soul settled in the golden core, and in the process of forming the original body, all the experience, perception, thinking and understanding have been multiplied a hundred times.

   Of course, this is not the most important.

  The most important thing is... the quality of the original tire suddenly increased by a hundred times.

  It can only be a hundred times, and it cannot be harvested three times in a row. This is because, for a hundredfold harvest, one "behavior" must be performed first, and then the effect of this "behavior" can be increased by one hundred times.

  Xu Ke can only form a pill once. It is only once for the soul to settle in the golden core and form a primordial fetus.

  One "behavior" can only have one "hundred-fold harvest". (Because some readers didn't understand the setting, I just said it specially)

  The spirit entered Jindan, and Dan became a dragon and tiger, and after forming a Yuan fetus, Xu Ke was promoted to the second level of Jindan.

  At this level, the soul consciousness is integrated into the golden elixir, the brain is no longer the main body of consciousness, and the golden elixir is the source.

  As long as the golden core is not destroyed, the golden core monk cannot be regarded as completely dead.

  Of course, during the Jindan period, the body is still very important. If the body is destroyed, or even the head is chopped off, then there is only reincarnation.

  Although Duoshe can also be reborn, but the body and the soul do not match. When the time comes to promote the primordial spirit, when the body merges into the primordial spirit, problems will arise. At that time, you still have to reincarnate once before you can truly achieve the primordial spirit.

   Once the golden elixir is turned, the meritorious deeds are complete. The next step in Xu Ke's practice is to start preparing for "cultivating the true spirit".

   Got up and walked out of the cave in the mountain, Xu Ke came to Kunwu courtyard.

  Xu Ke called Cheng Ming and Jing Yue over.

   "I need to go out to experience the world of mortals and cultivate the true spirit."

  Xu Kechao ordered the two of them, "You can practice at home with peace of mind, and contact me through the remote communication talisman if you have anything to do."

  Jing Yue is still in the Qi training period, and has no concept of cultivating the true spirit, but Cheng Mingzi is different, he knows exactly what it means to cultivate the true spirit.

   "Cultivate the true spirit? Master has formed alchemy?"

  Cheng Mingzi's eyes widened, and he looked up at Xu Ke with surprise on his face.

  How long has it been? Master has formed a pill?

   Moreover, there is no movement during the formation of the core, and there is no change in breath after the formation of the core, which is a bit scary.

  Da Yan's secret method, the way of cause and effect, is really mysterious and unpredictable.

   "Well, the alchemy has formed."

  Xu Ke nodded with a smile.

   "Congratulations, Master, for achieving the Golden Elixir."

  Jing Yue and Cheng Mingzi hurriedly bowed to Xu Ke to congratulate.

   "It's just forming a pill, there's nothing to congratulate."

Xu Ke smiled and waved his hands, "I'm going to travel in a few days. In the study of Kunwu Academy, I left some classics that I sorted out, mainly about some applied knowledge of Taoism. You can Read it yourself."


   The two bowed to accept the order.

   Immediately, Jing Yue raised his eyes to look at Xu Ke, and said, "Master travels in the world of mortals, and disciples should follow. Let me travel with Master."


  Cheng Mingzi also said hastily: "Master travels in the world of mortals, and disciples should accompany him to serve. Please allow Master to accompany you."

  As soon as these words came out, Jing Yue next to him gave Cheng Mingzi a hard look. Master and I travel the world of mortals, why are you joining in the fun?

  Cheng Mingzi was stared inexplicably.

   "You don't need to travel with me."

  Xu Ke waved his hand. This is the world of mortals training the mind, cultivating the true spirit, and not really going on a trip. How can you take a girl... ahem, take your disciples with you?

Glancing towards Chengming and Jingyue, Xu Ke smiled, "Jingyue stay at home and practice with peace of mind. If Chengming, it's time for you to cultivate your true spirit. You can travel on your own. You don't need to follow along." I."

  Cheng Mingzi has long been the cultivation base of the second level of Jindan, and has already formed a Yuan embryo by the "confluence of dragon and tiger", and it is time to cultivate the true spirit.

  Sword cultivation cultivates the true spirit, also known as "tempering the sword heart".

  Back then, the reason why Cheng Mingzi fell into a demon was that when he was traveling in the world of mortals and tempering his sword heart, he accidentally fell into a trick and fell in a wrong love.

  Jianshin has no formula, it varies from person to person.

  Therefore, Cheng Mingzi's dog-licking heart of "how deep the love is, how fast the sword is", even Master Youquan just thought it was a bit strange, and didn't think in the direction of becoming a demon.

  Fortunately, Xu Ke reversed his insanity and pulled Cheng Mingzi back, otherwise, the current Cheng Mingzi would still be the devil's licking dog!

  After reversing the demon, Cheng Mingzi's "dog licking heart" naturally no longer exists, and the true spirit needs to continue to be cultivated.

   "Master's Dharma Eye is perfect."

  Cheng Mingzi bowed his hands to Xu Ke, "The disciple really needs to travel in the world of mortals and temper his sword heart."

  In the past few years, Cheng Mingzi has followed Xu Ke to learn the Tao, and has completely washed away the influence of the mind brought about by the demon, and has become a "steel science man", who will definitely not have any heart to lick the dog.

  The original "how deep the love is, how fast the sword is" may become "there is no woman in my heart, but the sword is a natural god".

   This is of course a good performance of "a firm heart".

   "You have to temper Jianxin, which is of course a good thing."

  Xu Ke nodded, "There is also a method of tempering the sword's heart in the Canglang Sword Art, but in my opinion, this method of tempering the sword's heart is biased and not comprehensive enough. Cheng Ming should have a deep understanding."


  Cheng Mingzi touched her head in embarrassment. This "deep understanding" is naturally a matter of "licking the dog's heart".

   "I have another method of tempering the heart of the sword."

  Xu Ke reached out and took out a blank jade slip, and combined the method of refining the true spirit with incense and fire from the Daoist Scripture in the Clouds, combined with the method of sword heart in Canglang Jianjue, to form a "method of showing the sage of the sword fairy".

  According to this method, Cheng Mingzi travels around the world to sharpen his sword heart, he needs to be a chivalrous hero, kill demons and eliminate demons, show his holiness in front of people, and become famous all over the world.

  The louder the name, the greater the reputation, the better the effect of tempering the heart of the sword and accumulating the true spirit.

   "The method of showing the sage of the sword fairy" was entered into the jade slip, Xu Ke reached out and handed it to Cheng Mingzi, "Do you see if this method suits your wishes?"

   "Thank you, Master."

  Cheng Mingzi took the jade slip, released his consciousness to check it, and saw this volume "The Method of Demonstrating the Holy Sword Immortal".

  Heroic and righteous, slaying demons and demons, appearing holy in front of people, and becoming famous all over the world.

  This... this is so desirable.

  Jianxiu, the dream of a sword fairy is the pursuit of a lifetime.

  Of course I want to walk around the world with a sword, be unrestrained in the world, act chivalrously, and kill demons and demons.

  As for "showing your holiness before the people, making your name famous in the world", hehe, who wouldn't want it?

   "Thank you, Master, for bestowing the Dharma."

  Cheng Mingzi couldn't help but bowed quickly to thank him.

  If you had this method of tempering the heart of the sword back then, how refreshing it would be to be a hero and fight for righteousness all the way, slaying demons and eliminating demons? Where else would you go to fall in love with someone? Where will there be evil?

   "The disciple's mind has been moved, and it is the opportunity to train the mind. I need to set off to travel the world and temper the sword heart. I also ask the master to agree."

  This "Sword Immortal Demonstration Method" has touched Cheng Mingzi's mind, and he is already eager to try it, and it is hard to hold back. It is a good time to temper his mind.


  Xu Ke smiled and nodded, agreeing on the spot.

   Today's Cangmang Plain has no foreign enemies and no civil wars. With Cheng Mingzi's cultivation level, there will be no danger. Naturally, there will be no problem in refining one's mind in the world of mortals.

   Not only Cheng Mingzi, but also Xu Ke.

  With Xu Ke's current cultivation strength, coupled with the Lingbao "Hunyuan Yiqi Amulet of Absolute Beginning", traveling in the world of mortals in the vast plain, tempering the heart of the Tao, there is no danger at all.

   To put it bluntly, even if the head teacher personally attacked Xu Ke himself, he might not be able to defeat Xu Ke.

   "Farewell to Master, disciple to go!"

  Cheng Mingzi let out a loud laugh, leapt up, and the Yujian flew into the air, soaring straight into the sky.

   Now it's all right, originally Xu Ke wanted to refine his mind in the world of mortals, but before he left, Cheng Mingzi took a step first.

   "Master, Brother Chengming is gone, so you have to go too."

  Jing Yue looked at Xu Ke anxiously, "You are all gone, I am the only one left at home, I am so lonely, why don't you take me with you."

   "The monkey and the skylark are still there!"

  Xu Ke smiled, "You can play with them! By the way, you can also take care of the Lingtian on the island in the middle of the lake."

   Saying that, Xu Ke got up and walked out of the study, and walked towards the refining room next to him.

   To follow the two ways of "gods and demons" to temper the true spirit, two magic weapons must be refined to absorb the desires of all beings and the power of incense and fire.

  Jing Yue looked at Xu Ke's leaving figure, pouted and stomped her feet.

  Who wants to play with monkeys and skylarks! They obviously want to be with you...

   Turning her mind to this, Jing Yue blushed, flicked her sleeves, and turned to leave.

   After making a list of materials and asking the Artifact Refining Hall to send them over, Xu Ke began to refine two magic weapons for refining the true spirit.

  Magic weapon of magic, Xu Ke refined a lotus-shaped magic weapon based on the "Seven Emotions and Six Desires and Hearts of Lotus" in "The Dafa of Hehuazizai Heavenly Demon".

  After practicing this magic weapon, it will appear as holy...a pure white, flawless, pure and crystal clear lotus flower.

  The stems are verdant and green, and the flowers are white and flawless, revealing a holy and noble meaning.

  This treasure is called "Pure Lotus".

  However, the name is pure, but it is not pure at all. The purer it looks on the outside, the more rotten it is on the inside.

   It is worthy of being a great method of magic, and it has won the samadhi.

  The second divine treasure, Xu Ke became an umbrella.

   Isn’t there a so-called “Manmin Umbrella”? To carry Wanmin's incense and wish power, it is natural to use the Wanmin Umbrella.

   This umbrella is unremarkable, it looks like an ordinary tung oil paper umbrella.

   Of course, this is just "look".

   This is a magic weapon refined by Xu Ke to absorb the power of incense and fire from all living beings, based on the Shinto magic weapon "Tianluo Umbrella" in "The Great Way in the Clouds" as the prototype.

  In addition to the basic function of absorbing the power of incense and fire, it also has a powerful magic weapon.

  After the tempering of the true spirit is over, as long as Xu Ke is willing, he can make it refine the power of incense and fire, and become a real "instrument of the divine way", which is very effective in protecting the mind.

  Any spell that attacks the mind needs to go through the training of "the power of the incense and fire of all living beings". Unless it is strong enough to annihilate the power of the incense and fire in one fell swoop, it will not be able to attack the mind at all.

  Relying on the Tianluo Umbrella, Jindan Daoist can resist Yuanying Zhenjun's artistic conception attack.

   Correspondingly, the magic weapon "Pure Lotus" also has the same effect.

  (end of this chapter)

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