MTL - God Simulator-Chapter 319 A new life begins!

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  Chapter 319 A new life begins!

  Lu Yao sorted out the before and after of the elephant incident.

  Mr. Lian Zhenxing used paper minions to control the [representative body] Yao Zhi, and acted as a child. He tamed the 【White Elephant of Ten Directions】, and used the ability of the wish force to influence ordinary people and players, with the purpose of attracting Nandou.

  Hong Mouxiong is just a microcosm of them.

  However, Lian Zhen Xingjun's character is also affected by the generation, and his behavior style is close to that of a child. Sometimes he seems impulsive and a little reckless.

  Nan Dou didn't show up for a long time, Lian Zhenxing tried to arrest Song Shiyi and Isabel who were investigating, so as to further stimulate Nan Dou in the secrecy bureau.

   Then he died violently after being beaten by Lu Yao's apostles.

   Its source involves [Beidou] and [Moon God] many years ago, the details are unknown. But the result is generally that [Moon God] and Song Shiyi have completed a certain fusion, while [Big Dipper] Fang has become fragmented, and several Xingjun have lost contact in the universe.

   This incident involves the secrets of the committee.

  Lu Yao didn't want to delve into it either.

   To his relief, the venture paid off.

   Not to mention getting the first godhead, I also figured out how to obtain the qualification certificate of godhead.

   As for [Paper Soldier Dao Bing], it can be regarded as a substitute for Isabel's eyeballs, but most of the time it is not needed, because Lu Yao has never considered showing off in the real world.

   Both Can Cong and Harrow the three-headed dog have said that most of the pioneers of this era are low-key and hidden, and none of their predecessors provoke the limelight. It is right to learn from them.

  The fly in the ointment is that the title of Mr. Lian Zhen Xing did not come out.

   It is said that the title power of the title **** can be inherited. I don’t know if the explosion rate is too low this time, or because it cannot be obtained by violent means.

  Try it next time you have a chance.

  After sleeping until noon the next day, Lu Yao got up and checked on the webpage that the information fee on the bank card had arrived.

  Two funds were entered into the account one after another. The information fee of 4,200 yuan was credited first, and another labor fee of 3,000 yuan was accounted for.

  Lu Yao remembered that the first time he assisted Song Shiyi to enter the cross belt as a volunteer, he also had such a sum of money. It seems that, as Song Shiyi said, this standard has not changed for many years.

   It doesn't matter whether you cross the border for a cutscene, or kill a title god, the price is 3000.

   In terms of salary arrival, the committee is much more punctual than the company.

  Lu Yao made up his mind.

  He called Boss Huang of the company, which basically meant that he wanted to start a business with his classmates and quit.

  Boss Huang over there was a little surprised and made some symbolic retention.

  Lu Yao still insisted.

  Boss Huang said, then at least you have to pay the full salary this month, otherwise the salary for these few days will not be settled.

  Lu Yao said directly that he didn't want it, and hung up the phone.

  After making this phone call, he only felt that the weight on his shoulders seemed to be much lighter. Anyway, I no longer need to go out early and return late every day, worrying that the boss will run away one day.

   It's also a job, but being Song Shiyi's special intelligence agent is more reliable and free. Lu Yao pondered, in the future, we can have more food and intelligence, and less involvement in dangerous actions.

   In the past, goodbye.

   A new life begins!


  Lu Yao ordered a takeaway, and at the same time turned his attention back to the simulator.

  A long list of reminders pops up on the screen.

  【Shi Bao invented the four arithmetic operations. 】

  【Hammer Endless invented ratio and proportion. 】

  【Shang Xun invented the unit of weight measurement: 1 stone = 1000 shells. 】

  【Shang Xun invented the unit of measurement for power: horsepower. 】

  【Deng Cheng taught the unit of measurement of length: 1 meter = 100 cm = 1000 mm】

  【Yaocheng invented statistics. 】

  【Shang Mu invented the equation. 】

  【The Yao nationality formally determined the measurement of quantity: mass, length, area, time, volume, currency seashells, etc. 】

  【The intelligence of the Yao people has been slightly improved. 】

  Lu Yao was a little dazzled.

   Guys, the math has finally broken the ice.

  He clicked one by one, and gradually understood this round of innovation blowout.

   At the source, the Prophet Shibao made a breakthrough.

  He officially established the four arithmetic operations, and gave everyone a way to combine multiple numbers to calculate, thus making a qualitative change in the calculation ability of the Yao people and building the underlying mathematical arithmetic foundation.

  On this basis, inventions and creations in various fields can be expanded rapidly.

  In the field of smelting and casting, skilled craftsmen hammered out ratios and ratios endlessly, which made various metal products and props have clearer specifications and standards, made mass production easier, and reduced loss and errors.

   Veteran driver Shang Xun is still making further optimizations and improvements around his [Fire Carriage].

  He formulated weight units and power units to describe each steam carriage, thus making performance more intuitive. Both the manufacturer and the user can understand the characteristics of different vehicles.

  Dengcheng is one of the exceptions, it just brings the length unit in [Fog Harbor] to Shacheng, and integrates this ready-made achievement into the Yao civilization.

  Yaocheng continues the tradition of teamwork and brainstorming. After many scholars' thinking collisions, continuous revision and development, the discipline of statistics is officially brought to the stage.

  The above achievements have been accumulated for many years. Based on the trial and error and summed up experience of the predecessors, Shibao finally broke through the bottleneck after breaking through the four arithmetic operations.

  Only Shang Mu seemed a bit out of place in it.

  Lu Yao remembered this name.

   It was the female student who said "mathematics is too difficult" in Shi Bao's class.

  Math is too hard, so you just sneak up on the equations to make it harder for everyone, right?

   Lu Yao couldn't help thinking about his student days, some top students with good grades often said that they didn't do well in the exams, that some content was too difficult...the results would kill everyone.

   I didn't expect you to be such a businessman.

  Lu Yao opened the backstage of Golden Fields, ready to check her resume and criticize her.

  He glanced from top to bottom.

  Shang Mu came from a small merchant family in Yancheng, and the family was in the grain business. It mainly buys the three staple foods of wheat, potatoes, and soybeans from farmers, and then sells them to some islanders and some chefs who make food in the city.

  So when Shi Bao raised the question of meatloaf, Shang Mu gave very detailed considerations of the actual situation, because she knew the actual situation very well.

  The business at home is getting worse and worse. The reason is that grain transactions rely on large quantities and small profits. Unlike other new commodities, individual profits are high.

  In the field of grain, cost control is the internal strength of businessmen's competition.

  Due to its small scale and few channels, Shangmujia is constantly squeezed by big businessmen, and is in a difficult situation.

  Her father had to transform, participated in various engineering constructions, and began to take workers to build houses and repair roads.

  The reason why Shang Meng came to the College of Engineering to study is also to gain more knowledge so as to better help his family.

   It turned out that she was very interested in mathematics as a freshman subject.

  Numbers are of great significance to merchants. Numbers measure wealth and describe and evaluate commodities. How to reduce the outflow of numbers and get more numbers is a game that businessmen have been playing all their lives.

  Naturally sensitive to numbers, learning from the shoulders of predecessors, and persistently trying the day after tomorrow, Shang Meng found the equation at the age of 29.

  With this, she officially became a mathematics lecturer in the School of Engineering, and completed the old and new inheritance with her mentor Shi Bao.

  Compared with the wine sword of the same period, it looked more dazzling at the time. Now it is running the family wine shop business and seems to be satisfied with the life of inheriting the family property.

   The game interface is displayed.

  —Great god, there is a believer who has done a feat far beyond the group, do you need to transform her into a hero?

  Shang Mu's body exuded a faint light.

  Lu Yao's point is yes.

  On the vertical painting, a young girl sitting on a chair emerged. On the wall, the old man wrote numbers one by one with charcoal. The combination of various numbers creates a complex and obscure totem.

  A bunch of tangles appeared on the girl's head.

   She scratched her head with her hands, still trying to understand.

   This self-portrait reads.

  —All problems, it seems, can be mathematical problems.


  [Hero Lv2] Shang Wu

  Attack 0 Defense 0 Knowledge 5 Mana 0 Luck 1 Morale 1


   Wisdom Lv1

  Trade Lv2

  Theology Lv1

  Mathematician Lv1


  At this moment, Shang Mu was doing calculations with a charcoal pencil in front of a wall of the Engineering College.

  Sensing the gaze and blessing of the gods, she hurriedly knelt down on the ground.

   "Master Yaoshen... Thank you for everything you have given me, allowing me to understand the meaning of numbers. I will continue on the road of mathematics and do research in a down-to-earth manner like Teacher Shi Bao."

  Lu Yao added points to LV10 for her.

  A thought box floated out of Shang's head.

   "I feel that my mind has become clearer, and my hands and feet are much more flexible."

   "However... the God who cannot be seen directly, the all-knowing and omnipotent Creator, will always reward and encourage every progress of the Yao people... Is it possible to calculate the laws through mathematics? Even calculate the divine book bestowed by the gods?"

   Lu Yao wished her good luck.

  If one day, Yao can learn advanced mathematics, he will happily present "Linear Algebra" and "Signals and Systems".

   Thanks: Caocao Caocao supports 1,200 starting coins, Eren Ohha supports 500 starting coins, and Lan Kongshui supports 100 starting coins.



  (end of this chapter)