MTL - Godly Farmer Doctor: Arrogant Husband, Can’t Afford to Offend!-Chapter 1809 See how he is good

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Song Junfeng made a look at Dongfang Mu, indicating that he was not safe.

Dongfang Mu is not in a hurry now, Bai Yu is not here, she will take her away every day, people are fine, he is not in a hurry.

Song Junfeng cleared his throat, and this began to answer Zhang’s question: “Zhang police officer, this is the case. I took my friend to listen to the class of Cui’s principal today. I don’t know how, Cui’s class was only a dozen. Minutes will not go, saying that there is an urgent matter to deal with, people will leave. Then Director Li of our school came to visit my friend Dongfang, saying that Cui’s principal was looking for her, let her come to the principal’s office. The students who attended the class knew that the director who was sitting far away saw Director Li took my friend, and when he sat close, he heard the words of Director Li. You can go to investigate."

Zhang police officer's brow wrinkles more and more tight, the heart of this Cui Musheng's courage is really bigger and bigger, doing this kind of thing even avoiding it is not willing?

Still taking people away in the classroom, so many eyes, so many ears, see how he is good.

Zhang police officer said with a calm face: "And then?"

"And then? - I don't know if Zhang police officer has heard about the principal of Cui. In short, the wind review is not very good, especially for beautiful female students. So, I have quietly agreed with the Oriental classmates. Minutes can't come out of this building, we come in and look for her."

Said, Song Junfeng pointed to the side of the East Mu and the Oriental children said: "This is the grandfather of the Eastern classmates, this is the mother, this is awkward."

Several police officers looked at the past and looked over the faces of the three men. Both old and young, they were very good faces. The granddaughter who wanted to come to them must also be a beautiful woman. It is no wonder that President Cui would not be able to do so.

"So, the Oriental classmate you said, what about her?"

Song Junfeng shrugged: "I also want to know, we just arrived here. As a result, apart from the headmaster Cui lying on the ground, I didn't see my classmates. I also asked the police officers to help me find out."

He said that he looked up again and looked at it: "I think there should be a camera in this office. Look for it. What happened at that time, what happened, we also want to know."

The calmness of Song Junfeng and the family of Dongmu Mu made the police officer Zhang have deep doubts.

Who lost a flowery jealous niece would be so calm? It is not allowed to blame this room.

But this family, although angry, but there is no such anxiety that lost her daughter.

At this time, the young police officer who sent Cui Musheng back to the inner room with the security guard came out. Zhang police officer asked him with his eyes.

The young police officer rushed to the police officer's side, and licked his lips to the police officer's ear and whispered: "It seems that it has been greatly stimulated, and has been talking nonsense, and the mind is not very clear."

Zhang police officer slightly indulged: "Contact the hospital and send a doctor."

Song Junfeng made a surprise: "Call the doctor to come over? Why not send it to the hospital?"

Zhang police officer said: "How can the president of Cui, the famous person, go to the hospital?"

Dong Mu listened to coldness: "Really, his fame is indeed not worthy of going to the hospital and should be sent directly to the prison."

Zhang police officer glared at him: "You pay attention to it. I suspect that President Cui has become like this, that is, you are engaged in ghosts."

"Is it? Please ask for evidence. If there is no evidence, don't guess."