MTL - Godly Model Creator-Chapter 1072 King: Break through the chain!

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"it is good!"

Su Hao agreed.

For the requirements of Wan Cheng and others, Su Hao did not know how to refuse.

In fact.

He can only agree!

Wan Cheng, Zheng Tai, Wang Jun, which is not a proud person? Seeing the decisive battle is coming, let them sit here and wait to die, they can't do it! Put all your hopes on Su Hao, waiting for Su Hao to fight is impossible! Even if there is only a small force, they want to try.

As for danger?

Can't come back when you enter heaven?

Is it still important now? Once the Mingguang plan is successful, the entire planet may be destroyed. At that time, that is the real disaster.

In the kingdom of heaven.

There are so many more people.

With the help of Li Xiaoru, Su Hao can be said to have received support from the whole world! All the rules of the top of the world, all the power, the people take. At this time, the power of Su Hao is simply inexhaustible, the acceleration of the whole heaven, even to the extreme!


One second, several years.

Just jumping like this.

I don't know how long it took, suddenly, just then.

A strange atmosphere swayed in the heavens, Su Hao suddenly woke up, looked at the breakthrough person, no accident, it is the devil!

As the closest person to the emperor, she gave priority to the breakthrough.

When that horrible smell appeared.

When the devil completes the transformation at the level of the emperor, the glory of the power of heaven and earth comes, and all the living creatures are shrouded.

The god-level blessing of the emperor.

who is the next?


The sky is shaking.

No one would have thought that the second breakthrough would be it!

The siberian husky!


Breaked through.

Although it is amused, it is the strength of the semi-emperor itself. From the past, it has never changed. Later, he was borrowed from the power and transferred back. After painstaking cultivation, he finally returned to himself and his strength advanced. Now. After the magic of the traction, finally broke through.

The devil is a beast after all.

Erha is also a beast.

The same emperor, the same fierce beast, let Erha become the second breakthrough, and soon, when the breath of Erha fell, the golden light shrouded, the gods blessing came! This time, another wave of blessings belonging to the emperor level will be covered by everyone around. Strength is increasing!

The rich golden light was absorbed by the people around.

Everyone is on the verge of breaking through.

And this time...

The first breakthrough was actually Li Xin!


Li Xin.

Because of his relationship with Erha, Li Xin received the most power. At the moment of the breakthrough in Erha, a terrible force poured into him. When that force passed the transformation of the law of fortune, Li Xin finally took that step and became the supreme king of the supreme!


A round of crowns emerged.

Unlike the illusory crowns of the past, this time Li Xin’s crown is crowned. It is already like the essence, the glory of the strongest king...

Finally came.

It is no longer the fierce beast of the emperor. It is the strongest king of mankind.


Li Xin!


Li Xin waved his hand.

The endless lucky rule shrouded everyone, and even the faintness could help others to break through. Li Xin suddenly smiled and said, "Hey, please call me lucky guy in the future."

Everyone: "..."



When Li Xin was the first to represent a human breakthrough, Chen Yiran, Wan Cheng, and Zhou Wang’s breath. Almost at the same time, it is still the strongest king. On the head of everyone, the king of the strongest kings emerged. They, after all, still reached this step.


Chen Yiran’s god-given blessing came.

The golden light swept.

In the days of the world's peak, Li Tiantian, Pingyang, Xiaodie, Lan Mengdie, Wang Ru, Cheng Tianya and other people of the heavens swept through. The bottleneck of several people practicing in countless years in heaven has suddenly become crumbling, and the two guys who are almost half-step kings of Wang Ru and Cheng Tianya are directly breaking through.


The crown emerged.

Wang Ru, breakthrough.

Cheng Tianya, breakthrough.


Zhou Wang’s god-given blessing finally came.

Jinguang swept again.

The people were once again washed by this horrible energy.


Wancheng's godsend blessings come!


Wang Ru’s god-given blessings come!


Cheng Tianya’s Tianci Fuyuan comes!

This is the glory of supreme. I have never seen the breakthrough of so many of the strongest kings at that moment, and, in the same place. How strong is the Heavenly Blessing of the King's breakthrough? After a multitude of different heavenly blessings, how energetic is it?

It can only be described as terror.

And among these people.

After a few washings, Li Tiantian still went to that step. When the last time, Cheng Tianya’s Tianci Fuyuan swept, Li Tiantian finally broke through.


The crown emerged.

The crown of time belongs to you.

Li Tiantian, breakthrough!


Li Tiantian’s god-given blessing comes!



Golden light sweeps!

Xiaodie, breakthrough!

Pingyang, breakthrough!

Blue Dream Butterfly, breakthrough!


Throughout the heavens, it was shrouded in endless golden light.

Numerous horrible golden light is washing, and because the kingdom of heaven itself belongs to Su Hao, these glory almost enter the kingdom of heaven through Su Hao, so...

The top of the world.

Su Hao sat cross-legged.

Visible to the naked eye, a horrible brilliance into the body of Su Hao.

That is the glory of the king!

This scene, if you let outsiders see it, I am afraid that it will scare the urine.

When can the king be mass produced?


Can the glory of the king appear in a person repeatedly?


Not far away.

Su Tiancheng and Li Xiaoru saw this scene, but also for a long time, can not talk to themselves.

"Fortunately, I have blocked the clock of the world."

Li Xiaoru only had a sigh.


The clock of the world has been blocked. After all, this scene is too shocking. The breakthrough of the king. It's not as simple as the general world, and the sound is estimated to be heard all over the world! And this scene, if it is spread out, the whole earth is estimated to be in duang, duang, duang for one day!

Can you bear it?

It is estimated that the whole world will be messed up.

"This kid..."

Su Tiancheng smiled bitterly. "It’s far beyond me."

Is this the power of the world?

The so-called creation blood is actually the power of Li Xiaoru's father before. With the analysis of the model, the terrible power can be better played.

And the power of blood, perhaps, just added spirituality?

And these.

For model analysis, it is precisely the most lacking.

It’s a hit.

Su Hao's model analysis, coupled with the genetic power that is enough to give birth to spirituality, a real world, is shining with dazzling brilliance.

to be frank.

If it is not because Li Xiaoru can't leave, Su Tiancheng doesn't mind taking a family of n to live in the kingdom of heaven. After all, it is at least safer than here.


Li Xiaoru is the head of the world and cannot walk away at all.



Jinguang almost swept across the whole country.

The heavenly kingdom, which was already terrible, was once again transformed in repeated breakthroughs. Last time, Li Tiantian and others broke through the world, and the kingdom of heaven was n times. And this time, so many people. Break through the strongest king, heaven. Still in the mad progress, crazy change.

The biggest change is Su Hao?

No, no.

The biggest change is heaven!

Jinguang lasted for a long time.

Time is long enough to numb everyone.

The king is glory?

Very precious?

Sorry, it’s all over the place!

The quality of the heavens is changing, Shi Mingxuan and others. Originally it was just an ordinary field, but in this countless times the glory of the king, it also successfully broke through the world! When Su Hao handed them a large number of four-level spirits, everyone went into the third place.

Become the pinnacle of globalization.

At that time, those ordinary people of the heavens turned out to be the peak of the globalization.


It's that simple.

First is the accelerated cultivation of the heavens in n years. It is also the countless times of the unimaginable glory of the king. In the end, the ten four-level spirits standardized by Su Hao are not too smooth! Of course, because of their weak foundation, they can only stop at this step.


Is this finished?


Just when everyone thought it was over.


It was a terrible burst of breath, followed by a powerful and incredible breath in the gallop, and everyone stood up in surprise.

“Are there even people breaking through?”




In the kingdom of heaven, everyone is under control.

Where are the other people?

When the eyes swept over and saw the figure, everyone was surprised to grow up in the mouth, in the air, suspended a loli in a Gothic costume.

This special dress, the whole heaven, only one person!

Xiao An.

The daughter of the Nine Snake.

The sleeping guy, even under the stimulation of the glory of the king, wakes up?


Xiao An breakthrough.

Jinguang swept again.

"The trough."

Pingyang almost jumped up with excitement. "Women, you finally woke up."

Everyone can't help but glance at him, and still marry a woman. Do people know you?


Godsend blessings come.

Everyone, once again suffered a baptism.

Jin Guang, see Jin Guang.

When the glory of the king finally left, in addition to Shi Mingxuan, the world's peaks in this kingdom, the rest of the people have become the strongest king!

This is absolutely incredible.

With the power of the whole world assisted by the kingdom of heaven and with endless resources, Su Hao finally created a miracle again.

Strength, improvement, I don't know geometry!

The appearance of each of the strongest kings makes the atmosphere of the kingdom different. Every baptism of the strongest king makes the kingdom more pure, and the same, Su Hao's body, after numerous hardenings Also entered the ranks of the strongest king.

He is now a well-deserved double king!

The flesh, the king.

Representation, the king.

"Mingguang, see you next time, you must be jealous!"

Su Hao is exposed to fierce light and murderous.

When he got up from cultivation and looked at Li Xiaoru, it meant that everything was ready, and finally it was time to leave...

Goal: Earth!

Ps: The new book was finalized, "The World Scrolls".

Made a cover on Taobao, not satisfied with the hurry. There is also a group of amateur bookmates in the group and even the cover of the female frequency is done, drunk. The starting point couldn't pass the picture. I passed it on Weibo's "Zero 90-degree i". Interested book friends can go and see.

Of course, if there is a book friend, the drawing skills max is full, think that the cover is slag, you can make a cover directly, I will be thankful. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!
