MTL - God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet-Chapter 14 : Sullasi's Past (End) People come and go, but it's just a fantasy

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While watching the play, Leng Yi noticed that the young man beside him was trembling constantly, seemingly frightened by the play in front of him.

"What's wrong with you?" Leng Yi asked the young man with a smile, waiting for his answer.

The young man wiped the sweat on his forehead: "No, the tyrant Ukra was overthrown by the sage Moxi because of his incompetence and cruelty... What does it say on the top... It's because, Ukla His behavior was bewitched by Moxie, so he made these actions...and the separation of Myrdal, not because of..."

The young man looked terrified by what he saw, and looked at the sight in front of him in astonishment.

Alright, alright, it seems that this young man is stunned here because his three views have been broken. What a poor child, but it doesn't matter, things like the three views are accustomed to being broken.

In addition, it seems that the identity of this young man, or the status of his death at home is not high. Otherwise, although these things are secret, it is not a big secret to the priests who have experienced that group of things. Those who have experienced many events, Or the ancestors of those priests.

Back in the play, Doleman, who was holding the knife of Moshe, sang: "Even if it is three points of Myrdal, it will be in the center; if you can't cut the grass and remove the roots, I'm afraid the winter snow will come again." Speaking of this, Dole Man moved towards the audience with an exaggerated "ah", "What should I do!"

Hearing that the pupils of the young man here were slightly widened because of what he had guessed, Leng Yi was amused when he saw the young man's actions, and deliberately provoked the young man: "Do you know what Moxi, the sage Moxi, did you use?"

"Desperate family plan, big immigrant..." The young man didn't leave the stage and replied coldly.

Yes, in the 30th year of the calendar, after moxie solved the anti-moxy group, the 59-year-old moxie can finally show his strength and realize his deeds. However, moxie also knows that he is old now. time is limited.

However, a series of actions by Moxie after that profoundly changed Sulassi's future direction. However, Leng Yi was a little curious when he saw this. It seems that Moxie suppressed Myrdal miserably. Who is Fokodo? Do you think your descendants can come back with confidence?

Fokodo's descendants, don't say that there are people who can compete with Moxie, but they are dragged by the nose by Moxie's nose.

As for Myrdal, Moxy's approach is also very simple.

With the passage of time, there is nothing new about the mage tower invented by Fokodo's father. Although Myrdal still has the best design of the mage tower, in the division of Myrdal in the 27th year of the calendar, Moxy already has Myrdal engineers, in other words, Myrdal's technology has flown out.

So now, the source of Myrdal's strength is only the excellent geographical location, which can bring him benefits, and Moxie's solution to this problem is also very violent.

Myrdal turned out to be the center, right? Then through the great immigration, let Myrdal change from the original center to the frontier!

It takes ten years to build trees and a hundred years to build people. Mo Xi clearly knows that the implementation of this method will take a long time. At this time, how much Mo Xi hopes that Star God can give himself more time. 59-year-old self, still How long can I stay in the position of chief priest?

He must complete the complete strategic suppression of Myrdal while he is alive, otherwise, after his death, Myrdal may fight back, and his son, without a weapon, Moxie is very worried that his son After his own death, became the second in Ukra.

Seeing this, Leng Yi suddenly had a funny feeling: "Although Fokodo's father is talented, he is very smooth, just like the sun in winter. However, Fokodo and Moxi, although their city-states are Dead enemies, but the two of them are really carved out of the same mold, their personalities are too similar, and they are very strong."

The young man had a deep understanding, but he did not fully agree: "Yes, but Moxie still has two advantages over Foucado."

Advantage? What advantage?

As a result, with the plot, Leng Yi saw the advantages of Moxie over Foko, that is, his long lifespan, and his son is much more reliable than Ukra.

Although Mo Xi became a priest at the age of 31, he became a priest at the age of 56, and he was able to show off his boxing skills at the age of 59. However, Mo Xi's lifespan is really long.

The long lifespan ensures that Moxie has enough time to carry out his own policy of weakening Myrdal.

At the call of Moxie, Sulassi began to clear the city-state's overpopulation, and perhaps seal out his legendary son to prevent inheritance and infighting. In short, after Moxie obtained the water conservancy system from the Star God, Sulassi began to expand to the west inland.

In the 49th year of the Dali calendar, before Sulassi abdicated from the position of the chief priest at the age of 78, Sulassi already had 53 city-states, almost double the amount when it was first built, and these city-states are basically in Established in the east, Myrdal, who was addicted to infighting, has gradually changed from the center of Sulassie to a western city.

As for Sulassie's nominal capital, Xingqimu, it is also far away from the southern end of Sulassie's center, and Doleman, after passing through the great immigration, became Sulassi's center, and Sulassi's actual capital.

The 5th chief priest after Moxy left office, he has been a priest of Doraiman for 9 years. Moxy's son, Luke, who is 54 years old, and Moxy and his son have also become the first father and son to successively succeed to the throne.

Well, this is normal history. It's not the kind of unlucky one, and the talent is not sky-high, but it's just slightly higher, so you have to earnestly get your qualifications first.

Like the Ruiying Qiu next door, Wang Nima became the patriarch at the age of 29, which is simply an evil way! Long Aotian, for planet consciousness, if I see one, I will hack one!

"Ah~" Leng Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and the next content was like "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" after Zhuge Liang died. Not interested. Besides, these plays, imitating Greek operas, are exaggerated enough.

Even the traditional Chinese drama, Leng Yi is not very interested, let alone these foreign goods? Therefore, Leng Yi closed his eyes slightly and waited for the end of the drama.

However, Leng Yi was not interested. The young man next to him was very interested. He even forgot to eat and watched the drama in front of him with relish.

What a poor baby, there are no interesting activities, and even this kind of thing can be watched with relish.

So, let’s briefly summarize what follows.

The son of the Moshe religion is not bad, at least much better than the Ukra of Fokodo, so he can still hold the battle, but this cannot be changed, because the number of city-states increases, and the responsibilities of the chief priest remain relatively unchanged, resulting in The reason for the reduction in the power of the chief priest.

At this time, Luke, who was bent on maintaining the status quo and doing nothing, was doing the biggest wrong thing, and he was simply burying a hidden danger for the later high priest.

And Luke is like Henry VII of Luxembourg - they all start with Lu. In order to allow his son to ascend to the throne, he did not hesitate to issue a golden edict like poison.

In short, after Luke's promise to decentralize the next high priest, his son successfully became the 6th high priest, continuing Doraiman's monopoly on the high priest.

However, it was also in the generation of the sons of Luke, because they were invaded by the barbarians once again, they dealt with the sons of Luke improperly, lost the position of the chief priest for three generations, and were usurped by the people of the new Turabi family. .

By the way, this new Turabi chief priest is the first female chief priest.

However, the new Turabi failed to continue his rule. The 8th chief priest was also a woman, a woman of the Doleman family. The position of the chief priest was robbed by the Doleman family again.

However, the last laugh, in the 100th year of the calendar year, it was the Myrdal branch who ruled Sulassi, and Kalai, who was against Mosi, his great-grandson, Turga Su Kalai Myrdal. Doraiman, he is the 9th chief priest, the current ruler of Surasi.

Well, Foucado won. In the 100th year of the calendar, it was the descendants of Myrdal who ruled Surasi. But Fokoto also lost, because Myrdal's direct line, UU reading has begun to weaken.

"What do you think?" Leng Yi asked the young man jokingly after this gorgeous drama ended.

After a while, the young talent opened his mouth slightly to answer Leng Yi's question: "'s so interesting, opera." At this point, the young man paused, as if he wanted to firmly remember the pronunciation of "opera". .

Leng Yi approached the table, crossed his hands and leaned against his chin, pretending to be deep and asking the young man, "Where are you from?"

"Me?" Hearing this question, the young man was a little wary for a while, but then he thought that this big man's supernatural powers were so powerful that he was beyond his reach, how could he possibly deal with him, so he smiled dumbly and replied, "I belong to the Kalai family. A...the unremarkable branch of...

Leng Yi nodded: "That's right, in this mountainous area, the nearest city-state is Kalai."

Here I have to mention Kalai. The place where Kalai is located is in the middle of the mountains at both ends, and it is one of the two exits of the Sulassi Plain and the northern grassland. I know a little about the military cold game, and I know clearly. , If someone wants to break into the Sulassi plain, then this will be a solid fortress for Sulassi to defend against the enemy.

But now, the barbarians are scattered, and the barbarians that can deal with Sulassi have not yet appeared, and Sulassi is in the process of smooth expansion.

Well, let's go to Sulassie for a walk later, then what we need to consider now is how to deal with this fateful person.

After pondering for a while, Leng Yi looked up at the young man, and he had already made up his mind. .

Seeing Leng Yi looking at him, the young man's heart was raised in his throat. He knew that the moment to decide his own destiny was coming, but sadly, he could only accept it and had no way to resist.