MTL - Gold Medal Mediator-Chapter 17 The Jiangshan that Ben Gong has built for you (7)

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???? Hua Baihe rubbed his soft wrist, and looked at the copybook given by Jiang Yao in front of him. The beautiful small letters on it looked like beautiful Begonia flowers. .

???? She stared at the beautiful font and tasted it, feeling that Jiang Yao was really like a person, beautiful and gentle, but—

???? "Is it my illusion? I always feel that she is hiding her dark-bellied attributes."

???? Hua Baihe beeps softly.

???? But the system ignored her muttering, which made her feel uninterested. She could only hold up her thick stack of "cherish your life" large-character manuscripts for a long time, and then hugged her. Going to find Jiang Yao for help.

???? Before entering the hall from the wing, I heard a few laughter from inside.

???? Hua Baihe held the rice paper and stepped over the threshold. Shen Qingyu, who was inside, just happened to look over here. As soon as the handkerchief was put down from her lips, a ten percent bright smile appeared:

????"This is Aunt Qingjia, right? I saw you. I accidentally fell into the water outside the imperial garden that day. I wanted to find a chance to thank you in person, and I asked the Empress about you just now, have you been feeling better in the past two days?"

???? Hua Baihe twitched the corners of her lips, and blessed her: "Concubine Jing, the slave is strong and strong, and Mrs. Lao is concerned."

???? "As for the thanks, the servants are even more afraid to be the servants. It's just a reaction in a hurry.

???? She doesn't want to hear people mention the dark history of that day—

???? After all, no one was saved, she jumped into the water for nothing, and was stabbed by Jiang Yao for a night with a needle, plus the words she copied for several days, she Bo rescued people at a loss to grandma's house.

???? Shen Qingyu refused to go around this stubble, a pink palace dress set off her flowery appearance, when she was close to people, her face was more delicate than the stamens: "Although I only I have been in the palace for a few days, but I also know that there are few people in the palace who can give away charcoal in the snow, and Aunt Qingjia's kindness will be remembered in my heart, and I admire the empress who has such a kind-hearted maid by her side."

???? She praised two people in one sentence, Jiang Yao put down the teacup in his hand, his eyes softened, and he said to her in a warm voice: "She is very reckless, if you continue Compliment her a few words, I'm afraid her tail will go up in the sky."

????Hua Baihe put the "homework" in her hand aside, took the initiative to take over Huanxi's work, and served the two of them closely, without interfering in their evaluation of her, As if the two masters were not talking about her.

???? Just—

???? Her eyes swept over the emotional progress above Jiang Yao's head from time to time.

???? Compared with the 5% of the previous "Huangshu" incident, the progress has now reached 20%, and she is quite sure that she just missed Jiang Yao and Shen Qingyu Just the first meeting.

???? How is this progress?

???? She was puzzled in her heart, but she still waited for the two empresses to chat for a quarter of an hour before Shen Qingyu got up and said goodbye.

???? Although Jiang Yao did not speak to hold back, she still said to her in a warm voice: "There is no need to come every morning and evening to greet her, the emperor is a dutiful son, if you have time , but go to the Queen Mother's place to accompany her to relieve her boredom."

???? Shen Qingyu expressed her gratitude for her suggestion: "Concubine and concubine take it down, thank Niangniang for pointing it out."

???? She turned her head and smiled at Hua Baihe again, and then held the hand of the maid beside her to go out the door. Just pulled it down:

????"Why does the niece still point her, she just kept the emperor fresh for two days, and saw the emperor coming yesterday and the day before yesterday, so she panicked and wanted to come to you to ask for a solution Well, why do you have to—"

???? Jiang Yao held the tea cup in one hand and lifted the blue-and-white porcelain lid with the other, and gently brushed the white foam floating on the water, without raising his eyes, he replied slowly:

???? "You came to Changle Palace because you were tired of her for the past two days as the emperor?"

???? Huanxi's full complaints were interrupted, and after a pause, he said, "Of course! That's because the emperor has a mother in his heart, so he will be thinking about Changle Hall every day. Even the new tributes from Guangdong and Guangxi were the first to be selected by Changle Hall."

????Jiang Yao calmly listened to her finish, her eyes lifted suddenly, she looked at Hua Baihe who looked like a stake beside her, and asked her:

???? "What about you, Qingjia, do you think so too?"

???? Hua Baihe remembered that Shen Qingyu had reported 'not feeling well' in the steward's room for the past two days, she had some answers in her heart, but her eyes widened in confusion , said in a natural tone:

???? "No matter what the reason is for her, I only know that the emperor's favorite place to come is the Changle Hall where the Empress is, and that's enough."

???? Jiang Yao looked at her for a few seconds, then suddenly hooked her lips and laughed—

???? Then Hua Baihe looked at the progress above her head and slowly moved two numbers to the right.

???? to 22.

???? She murmured to the system: "Jiang Yao is aware of the emperor's love for her? So he loves the emperor a little more?" As for seeing Shen Qingyu coming to Changle Palace before , presumably because of…

???? Sister, sister love?

???? "The love of the ancient working people is really great." She said with emotion.

???? However, this time the system is not as happy with the progress of the task as it used to be. I don’t know why, but it feels a little strange.

???? On the other side of Huanxi, seeing the reaction of her master, she always felt that her answer was wrong, and the lady went to ask Qingjia again. Probingly, he asked, "Niangniang, did I and Qingjia say something wrong?"

???? Jiang Yao shook his head with a smile, and turned his head patiently to point at her:

???? "When Concubine Jing came just now, did you see that she was a little bit healed?"

???? "She was deliberately ill for the past two days. Now she is the only one in the palace who is favored. If the emperor does not go to her palace, he will naturally come to Changle Palace—"

???? Having said that, her eyes shifted to Hua Baihe again: "Since she has this kind of intention, I naturally can't treat her badly, do you think so, Qing Jia?"

???? Hua Baihe always felt that she meant something, but after trying for a long time, she could not figure out the second meaning, so she could only reply with uncertainty:

???? "Yes...".

???? She asked the system: "Jiang Yao is this to thank me?"

???? System: "Probably?"

???? Hua Baihe was a little shy: "That's too polite, how can I be embarrassed to continue thinking of her in my heart in the future?"


???? This answer was quickly thrown behind by Hua Baihe, no matter what, as long as the task progressed, it was enough for her.


???? Even if Shen Qingyu became a concubine, she did not mean to fight against Jiang Yao at all. Even after that day, she still persuaded the emperor to come to Changle Hall from time to time. I heard that the emperor occasionally returned Will be melancholy because of the too friendly atmosphere between wives and concubines in the harem.

???? Just…

???? Hua Baihe felt the weight of the pomegranate from the Western Regions that was just stuffed by Shen Qingyu in his hand, and sighed with the system: "This Shen Qingyu and Concubine Jia are too different, right? I I thought she was just joking with me when she said remembering the life-saving grace."

???? I didn't expect that from that day on, whenever Shen Qingyu saw her on the road and found that she had something to do, she would either ask the people around her to help her run errands, or ignore the master and servant at all I would go to Changle Hall to greet Jiang Yao with a laugh and talk to her, or occasionally bring her some cakes from the emperor.

???? "This fruit is more troublesome to spit out seeds, but fortunately it is quite sweet. I know that the Queen has always treated you well, but I still want to give you some from me." Shen Qingyu looked at her with burning eyes and said with a smile.

???? Hua Baihe was as polite as ever: "Thank you for your concern, it's just that the slaves are different from you, it's not good-"

????Shen Qingyu interrupted her: "I didn't treat you as a slave. From the day you saved me, you were here with me, and you were my savior."

???? Hua Baihe shied away from her for a long time before accepting it. Seeing her go to the main hall to greet her, she touched her chin, "Shen Qingyu is quite cute. "

???? She felt that she made such a mistake, maybe she could really help Jiang Yao figure out the ending of jointly building the "sister and family" of the Dayong Dynasty.

???? She happily took the pomegranate back to her wing room, but she might have bumped into Huanxi who was not waiting in front of the queen, seeing the light in her eyes, Hua Baihe Bad way!


???? "No, no, no! You said it was the last time yesterday! It didn't turn me into a bed for half an hour! Why didn't you wait by your mother's side?"

???? Huanxi hurried towards her, but did not realize that his tone was very misleading: "While the Empress is watching the moon outside, I will let Cuinong serve! !"

???? In the end, Hua Baihe couldn't resist Huanxi's strength, and she was once again posing on the bed to take off her clothes, in order to see the tattoo on her back that the queen stabbed herself.

???? Hua Baihe said with wide-band tears: "Huanxi, it's really too much for you to inhale European air-"

???? Huanxi was about to ask her what she meant when she heard a cough coming from the door.

???? She turned her head at first glance, and was immediately startled.

???? Standing at the door was Jiang Yao, and Shen Qingyu, who saw that it was fifteen tonight, came to invite her to the imperial garden to admire the moon.

????The smile on Jiang Yao's face faded a lot, and Huanxi knelt down in fright: "Mother, we are just making trouble—"

???? Shen Qingyu smiled and rounded up the field, only praising the liveliness of the maids beside Jiang Yao, her eyes swept across the skin on Hua Baihe's shoulders, and only vaguely saw a trace of ink.

???? She unconsciously added another sentence: "The lady's craftsmanship, on Qingjia, should be very beautiful, right?"

???? Huanxi nodded.

???? Jiang Yao heard that, the color of his eyes became cold, but he didn't answer the question, and turned to talk about something else with a smile: "Isn't my sister holding a banquet for this palace to admire the moon? Let's go to Chuxiu Palace together."


????Two hours later.

???? Jiang Yao, who returned from Chuxiu Palace, summoned Hua Baihe to the bedroom again.


???? Hua Baihe listened to the clouds in the mist, and before he could react, Jiang Yao sat in front of the dresser, slowly took off the cuff of his tail finger, and said:

???? "Do you remember, whose slave are you?"

???? Hua Baihe immediately thought that he accepted Shen Qingyu's offer and was suspected of backing the master, and immediately knelt down to show his loyalty to Jiang Yao: "Mother, the slave has no other intentions—"

???? Jiang Yao interrupted her: "You haven't answered my question yet."

???? Hua Baihe: "The minions are the people of Changle Hall in life, and they are ghosts in Changle Hall when they die."

????Jiang Yao put down her fingertips and put her hand on her right shoulder, and pressed it precisely on the back of her shoulder with the tattoo through her clothes, and said with a raised tone: "It's not Changle Palace, it's me."


???? "Then this time—"

???? She looked at the figure kneeling in front of her, looking at the man's body and mind as if surrendered, her fingertips retreated, and she came across the mole on Hua Baihe's shoulder in her impression, He spat out slowly, "Just copy 'Qingjia is Jiang Yao's slave' a thousand times."

???? Hua Baihe: "...???"

???? Are you the devil!

???? The system heard her voice and murmured:

???? "I don't know if she is a devil... But I think this development progress is a bit familiar."


Read The Duke's Passion