MTL - Golden Stage-Chapter 38 dispute

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"You ..." Yan Xiaohan couldn't stop his heart beating, and the weightlessness of stepping on the air hadn't completely dissipated yet. He stared at Fu Shen, stupefied: "You ..."

Fu Shen's attitude is particularly good and gentle: "Well. You said."

Yan Xiaohan: "..."

It is said that reaching out does not make fun of smiling people, not to mention that Fu Houye, who is so reluctant to give a good-looking kaolin flower. Yan Xiaohan "you" for a long time, but I didn't say the second word, the majesty of the head of the family was completely swept away. So he turned in anger, scolding Wei Xuzhou with a sulking face: "Why are there people here? I asked you to dig the ground three feet, and you can't let go of the mouse hole. What do you do?" Let you show someone to keep a view of keeping a clean mind, what have you done, ah? You are still following him! "

Wei Xuzhou was wronged: "I, I ..."

"What are you doing!" Yan Xiaohan sternly said, "In case it's not a person hiding in it, but a group of thieves, are you three melons and jujubes, rushing to deliver food to others?"

"And you!" He finally recovered the curse and turned to Fu Shen. "Lonely and dangerous, think about your identity before making a fool! This is not an ordinary little hair thief. Actors, in case you really start to act, and you have trouble moving, these people can't protect themselves. Who can protect you? "

He moved a real fire, and people around him could not help shrinking his neck. Fu Shencheng sincerely said, "Mrs. has taught me that I must be careful in the future and never repeat it."

Yan Xiaohan felt that Fu Shen hadn't heard it for half a word. He acknowledged that the mistake was purely to coax the child, so angry that he broke his hand and gave him a cold glance. "Hippie smile."

After speaking, he ignored him and went straight to the man in black nailed to the post.

Fu Shen hasn't been thrown away in public for many years, and suddenly hesitated. His wrist hung in the air, still keeping the shape of pulling people, he unconsciously pinched his fingers, as if awakened suddenly, retracted his hands in front of him, staring at Yan Xiaohan's back a little helplessly.

In the impression, he didn't seem to have met Yan Xiaohan and was really angry. The person was usually restrained, and he would not rush at him when there was a fire. Fu Shen realized that he was always coaxed, and thought he was worthy of The people of the world are always waiting for others to admit their mistakes and apologize, and then tolerate with mercy, or show no mercy. Even if it is coaxing, he has never lowered his posture, and only used sweet words and jokes to make a joke.

But one day, the accommodating person no longer accommodates, the indulgent person no longer indulges, then he knows what it means to be left behind.

The scene was awkward, and no one cared what happened to the man who rushed out of the Tibetan scripture building. Those who know the inside story secretly confided, and those who did not know the truth said that the two really did not agree. Fu Shen hasn't figured out how to deal with this situation, but things are over. Fei Longwei handles the case. He feels that Yan Xiaohan would probably not want to see himself in trouble here.

He sighed and motioned for Du Leng to leave and said to Wei Xuzhou: "I'm leaving ..."

The voice did not fall, Yan Xiaohan was like the eyes on the back of his head, and said coldly, "Where is it? Come here."

Fu Shen is unknown, so he did not move in place.

Yan Xiaohan glanced back at him, as if he got up impatiently, came over to take the wheelchair from Du Leng, pushed Fu Shen to the pillar, his arms stretched out, and he even hugged the person from the back with a chair around him. His head whispered, "Where are you going, eh? I said a few words and you're going back to your mother's house?"

Fu Shendao: "I am not ..."

Yan Xiaohan: "Think about it yourself. If you were me, I heard that you and Wei Xuzhou were in the Tibetan Scriptures, and you saw the smoke soaring into the sky from a long distance. What do you think?"

Fu Shen: "I didn't ..."

Yan Xiaohan: "You weren't in it, and you didn't ignite it yourself. But now that you know there's something wrong in the building, why don't you ask me?"

Fu Shen: "..."

"I scolded you wrong?" Yan Xiaohan squeezed his chin and forced him to look up at himself. "If you have a three-pronged or two-short, I still can't live. I know you are not weak, but you also You have to admit that the upper legs and feet of a wheelchair ca n’t normally gain the upper hand. Jing Yuan, you can do everything else you want, but in this kind of thing, do n’t take my word for it and do n’t pretend to coax me, Ok?"

These words can be called heart-pumping, Fu Shen's throat is sore, and for a moment, astringently said, "I'm sorry."

Yan Xiaohan sneered with a nasal sound, and didn't answer him, saying: "Remember first. Go back and settle the bill with you."

It was said that the husband and wife quarreled at the end of the bed, and when Yan Xiaohan was here, he didn't even give Fu Shen the time to go to the end of the bed, and pulled people back on the spot. Wei Xuzhou didn't know what the two said, but in the gap not blocked by Yan Xiaohan's figure, he seemed to see Fu Shen actively looking up.

The general Wei, who had a room, covered his eyes and pretended not to look at him, while marveling in his heart.

Lips touched each other, Yan Xiaohan took a bite of Fu Shen's lower lip with a bad intention, and said falsely: "Okay, let's get it right ... you can't be merciless with this knife."

Fu Shen was distracted by his words, his body seemed to slowly warm up from a cold, he slowly followed the topic of Yan Xiaohan's sudden jump, but did not understand the second half of his words, A little dazed, "What?"

Fei Longwei tied the man, Yan Xiaohan pulled out his knife and raised the man's face to Fu Shen to see: "It's your old acquaintance. It's changed so much that you don't know it?"

Fu Shen stared at the thin, skeleton-like face for a moment, and said suddenly: "Yi Siming?"

In the past, Baoyan Mountain traveled side by side with each other. Later, in Qingsha, the sky collapsed with a deadly arrow. In the past, all the dust settled at this moment is relatively speechless--one with severe injuries and one with frost.

"General Yi," Yan Xiaohan staggered and blocked Fu Shen's eyes, and Pi Xiaorou said without a smile: "It's been a long time. I remember that Jinwu Guard House was not here."

Yi Siming stared at him with a hate, and said hoarsely, "Yan Xiaohan, don't be too proud ... sooner or later, you will be Fu Shen."

"Why don't you and us bother with the end? I think you should first think about the end after you have entered North Prison," Yan Xiaohan closed his sword and said, "Bring back."

"Do you dare!" Yi Siming struggling fiercely, yelling, "I am General Sanpin Jinwuwei. Without the will of the emperor, you dare catch me!"

Yan Xiaohan didn't change his face and said: "The pure and clear conception Taoist Chunyang wanted to stab at the Wanshou feast. The upper and lower cadres of the pure and clear conception were waiting in prison, and you hid in the Tibetan scripture building secretly. I do n’t know if it ’s an anti-thief gang? My official was ordered to hear the case. Feilongwei did n’t need you to take the decree. ”

"Blood spurts!" Yi Siming shouted, "I didn't know that Chunyang was going to stab His Majesty! This matter has nothing to do with me!"

Yan Xiaohan smiled slightly: "Oh? What are you doing in this Tibetan scripture?"

Yi Siming seemed to be wrapped around his neck, but suddenly he didn't say anything. After a while, he said hardly: "I just ... just look here."

"Don't bother to make up," Fu Shen said suddenly, quietly, "The room on the second floor of the Tibetan Classic Building is a step wider than the first floor, and there must be mezzanine on the first floor wall. This place is remote, and the dust accumulates. But the steps are clean and mossy-free, and it is clear that people often come but do not stay in the building. There is probably a secret room in this building, either behind the wall or underground. "

"The door lock was not broken, so you should be coming in through the window. You were only a moment before me, and you realized that someone was approaching the door, and you hid in the mezzanine-or maybe you originally planned to go to the back room. Looking for something. But unfortunately, because no one has come recently, a layer of ash has accumulated on the Tibetan scripture floor, and you have left a footprint, half inside the wall and half outside. "

"I guess you haven't left yet, so let General Wei find some wet firewood to ignite. Whether it's a mezzanine or a closet, as long as it can be hidden, there must be pores. There are thick smoke everywhere in the Tibetan scripture building, and of course it will Floating in along the crevice air hole, this is the soil method of the smokey cave to drive away poisonous insects. "He sneered," Sure enough, you don't have to run out of the throw net for a long time. "

During the talk, the first batch of dragons to enter and explore came out, and Shen Yice held a box in his hand: "Sir, the mezzanine is a staircase leading to the underground secret room. The secret room is estimated to have been cleaned up, only found This one."

He handed the box over, Yan Xiaohan opened it for a look, and immediately realized: "Smoke bag pot?"

Yi Siming, who was **** on the ground, suddenly wriggled like crazy: "Give me! Give me!"

Fu Shen wondered, "What the hell?"

Yan Xiaohan showed him the beautiful box of cigarettes and explained, "The case of Jin Wuwei a while ago, we suspected that he died of the immediate wind caused by the drug, and Yi Siming Bacheng was also using that drug. This It has never been seen before. It is a brown powdery powder. It can be used after burning with fire. It can make you feel energetic and energetic.

Fu Shen looked at the uncontrollable drug addiction, like crazy Yi Siming, and murmured: "He became like this ... is it because of the addictive drug?"

Yan Xiaohan looked down at him.

He guessed the truth behind Qingsha's ambush, and also knew the young past of Fu Shen and Yi Siming, so as soon as this was asked, he immediately captured Fu Shen's meaning.

He is soft-hearted, thinking about the old, trying to push the things that have been wrong and helpless over the years to the drug that is intoxicating.

Yan Xiaohan knew that the two had been acquainted with each other. Yi Siming was steady and savvy, but he was willing to take the risk to accept Fu Jin's descendants for Fu Shen. Just one day ago, he had told Fu Shen that he could take it and let it go, and no one was forcing him to take revenge.

But now he had to be cruel once.

"He became this way, not because of medicine," Yan Xiaohan raised his hand and held Fu Shen's shoulder, making him look directly at Yi Siming, "and because he was insatiable."

"Wolf ambitions, those who betray their righteousness, are not worth your pity."

Dark, calm eyes stared at the eyes of a pair of orangutans. At that moment, they seemed to be standing at the ends of the youthful period of youth, across the mountains and rivers, cast a distant glance, then parted ways and never looked back.

"You can't retaliate, but never forget who has hurt you. People need to know the pain to live longer." 2k novel reading network