MTL - Good Morning, Miss Ghost-Chapter 28 Sour

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For a moment neither of them spoke, and the office was surprisingly quiet.

Tang Qiang looked at Mo Zhen without blinking, trying to suppress the opponent in the confrontation of eyes.

But Mo Zhen is a man who can look like a torch in the face of a fierce flash like daylight, so it is no surprise that Mo Zhen wins this battle.

Tang Qiang looked down and picked up the coffee on the table, blinking sour eyes.

Mo Mozhen waited for him to take a sip of coffee before he slowly said, "This is really something I don't think about, sorry."

If it wasn't for the fluttering down of those people in advance, he would not be sure if he could retreat from his body. If something happened to him, it would indeed cause a lot of trouble for the company. In addition, Tang Qiang has been with him since his debut. The two have been colleagues and friends for ten years. Mo Zhen knew that he was worried about himself.

Tang Qiang sighed and rubbed his eyebrows, "Forget it, people are all right. But before you make a decision, even if you don't think about yourself, think about the people around you, and your thousands of fans . "

"I see." Mo Zhen's good attitude of admittance made Tang Qiang speechless. He pulled out a thing from the drawer and put it on the table. "Do you want to take this pennant back and hang it at home?"

Mo Mozhen looked at the flag that looked like a flowing red flag when she was in school, and her eyes jumped. "Let's hang it in the company, so that it can better show its glory."

Tong Tangqiang: "..."

You just don't think it matches the style of your home.

Because Mo Zhen also rushed to the set to shoot a movie, he didn't stay in Tang Qiang's office for a long time. When she came out, Han Meimei smiled and watched him leave.

Male **** martial arts world: how? Did King Mo take away the small flag?

Nine-Principles: No ╮ (╯_╰) ╭

Male **** martial arts world: I know that the male **** is not such a fussy person!

Jiuhuamei: ...

Jiuhuamei: I think he may simply think that the small flag does not fit his style.

CYLUCY's finger moved on the keyboard, and just wanted to knock down a rebuttal, Han Meimei's QQ message came again.

Jiuhuamei: Tang Dong asked me to hang a small flag to King Mo's lounge. _ (:  」∠) _

Male **** martial arts world: Hang up and tell me, I'm going to look at it.

Jiuhuamei: ... In fact, I want to hang you more.

The male **** of martial arts believes in the world: Believe me, I can't display like a small flag in the wind.

Jiuhuamei: Are you on the 38th floor?

Male **** martial arts world: something?

Jiuhuamei: I come up to show you the wind.

The male **** of martial arts: ... I think your hobby can be more quiet.

Male **** martial arts world: Where are you?

Male **** martial arts world: you will not really come up, right? ?

Male **** martial arts world: the police have not gone far, you do not mess around!

Wu Ayao followed Mo Zhen to the long-lost set, but unfortunately met Song Ni. Today is the last scene of Song Ni. Song Ni, who was infected by the virus, will die here forever.

Aya Yao is honored to be one of the witnesses of this scene.

In order to show the body after being attacked by the virus, the makeup artist painstakingly made Song Ni a rotten makeup effect. The taste was sour and sober.

Wu Songni was also startled by herself in the mirror, and immediately argued with the makeup artist. The makeup artist explained to her bitterly, saying that this was for the performance effect Yunyun, but did not mention that she was Mo Zhen's brain residual powder.

Finally, after consultation with the crew, the makeup artist reluctantly lightened Song Ni's makeup. She changed her makeup while comforting herself. It's okay, anyway, there are special effects later, she would not say that a sister paper doing special effects is also Mo Zhen's brain powder.

Tong Songni reluctantly accepted his half-rotten face, and was in a very bad mood. During the shooting, his wounds and the exposed fierce light matched together, and he ate abnormally.

At 12:30, the crew of the crew delivered the box lunch. When they saw the staff pushing the car that delivered the box lunch, Aya hid subconsciously behind Mo Zhen.

Mo Mozhen couldn't help but smile. He glanced at Aya without a trace, and asked with a low voice, "Since you're so scared, why should you follow?"

A Yao flattened his mouth and said nothing, Mo Zhen opened the box lunch and poke it with chopsticks, "Relax, the owner of that Wangwang box lunch has entered the crew's blacklist, and now all security personnel have his portrait in his hands. . "

A Yao was teased by Mo Zhen's remarks. In fact, even if the boss comes back, she is not afraid of him. She is now a ghost who flutters with him!

Looking at the chicken legs in Mo Zhen's lunch box, Ayao felt a bit hungry again. "Hazel, I want to eat chicken legs."

Mo Mozhen: "..."

He pretended not to hear, and took a piece of beef and put it in his mouth. Seeing that Mo Zhen ignored him, Ayao continued his efforts: "Otherwise, chicken wings are fine."

Mo Mozhen was still eating without a break.

Ayao gritted his teeth, looked around the set, and finally selected Song Ni-because her sweet and sour pork ribs in the lunch box aroused Ayao's strong interest.

Mo Mozhen watched Ayao go towards Song Ni, and it was almost a blink of an eye, and Ayao disappeared in a flash. Song Ni's body stiffened, and the assistant beside her quickly caught the chopsticks that fell from her hand and asked worriedly, "Sister Ni, what's wrong with you?"

A Yao adapted to this body, looked up at the assistant with short ears, "It's okay."

Assistant Wu stunned, Song Ni never smiled at her like this, although this smile was matched by the makeup on her face ... slightly sour.

Ayao took the chopsticks in the assistant's hand and walked towards Mo Zhen while carrying the box lunch. The assistant looked at her direction, her mouth widened. Sister Song Ni, is this going to start again?

Mo Mozhen looked at Song Ni, who was walking towards herself, and ripped the corner of his mouth without speaking. Song Ni was quite enthusiastic. He sat down directly in the open seat next to Mo Zhen, "Hazel, can I use sweet and sour pork ribs to change chicken legs with you?"

Mo Mozhen: "..."

走向 The direction of this plot is really too intriguing, all the crew of the crew couldn't help watching it.

Is this the second season of peak circulation? !!

In the eager anticipation of the audience, Song Ni replaced a chicken leg in the bowl of Mo Zhen with a small rib, yes, she really replaced the chicken leg in the bowl of Mo Zhen! Use a small rib!

And Mo Tianwang has not resisted yet!

A Yao ate the chicken legs as he wished, and contentedly took a small meal, "Hazel, why don't you eat?"

Mo Mozhen: "..."

I can't eat it in your face.

观众 The audience seemed to be able to hear Mo Zhen's voice, and nodded collectively. The makeup girl stood on the side and bit her handkerchief, knowing that the script had been written this way, she should not have painted Song Ni so sci-fi!

Soon, Song Ni's assistant has completely stayed in place. When did Song Ni's relationship with Mo Tianwang have become so good? Why doesn't she know anything?

I waited for Ayao to be full, and stood up to relax his muscles. Not to mention, Song Ni's ligament is really good, it doesn't matter what it is. The audience at the scene stared at Song Ni with a stunned look, splitting his waist for a while, and was dizzying.

Mo Mozhen could not bear to look any further.

"OK, can you come out?" Mo Zhen covered his face and said in a faint voice that only Aya could hear.

"Oh." A Yao looked back at Mo Zhen and walked back to Song Ni's rest area.

Then, in the eyes of everyone, Song Ni hit a roll on the ground.

Uh ...

This time, the crew on the set stayed in place.

When Song Ayao floated back to Mo Zhen, Song Ni just got up from the ground. Looking at his dirty clothes, Song Ni asked the assistant somehow: "What happened?"

Assistant Ji turned her stiff neck and turned her head to look at Song Ni. "You ... don't you remember?"

"Remember?" Song Ni was even more baffled. Why did everyone look at her, even Mo Zhen was looking at her?

Assistant Qi took a breath, relaxed his facial muscles, and squeezed out a smile, "Nothing happened."

Mo Mozhen lowered her head and pretended to eat, but she was actually talking to Ayao, who was floating aside, "Isn't it possible to get out of the person without rolling?"

Ayao tilted her head and thought, and smiled at Mo Zhen: "It seems to be, I forgot it for a while."

Mo Mozhen: "..."

He swears by the chicken leg that was eaten by Ayao, she is definitely deliberately rectifying Song Ni.

When filming in the afternoon, the staff avoided Song Ni intentionally or unintentionally. Song Ni's mind was even more confused. She couldn't remember anything at noon, and she would not eat the greasy box lunch of the crew!

Wu Songni was puzzled, but the staff was setting off firecrackers. Fortunately, today is her last scene. I don't know if the snake disease will be transmitted.

Soon, a post named [How the Snake Sickness Was Made] went red on the homepage of the Cape Forum. Song Ni wore a half-rotten face and split the waist and rolled on the set. It was rated by the netizens sour The highest value set of photos won the Gold Award of the Golden Sauerkraut Award.

消息 This news was enthusiastic for a few days, and was suppressed by another more explosive news.

King Mo has made headlines! That's right, Mo Tianwang's headline is not a fuss, it's just that he is not on the entertainment version, but on the social version!

The news was published by an authoritative domestic newspaper. In this news, not only the various bad behaviors of the cat gangs that were notorious some time ago were disclosed, but the court's final judgment was also announced. Most importantly, citizens who provided important clues to the police were also mentioned.

The two characters, Mo Mozhan, may have the same name and the same name, but the police mentioned last sent a pennant to Kaihuang Company, breaking the conjecture of the same name.

According to the report, the process of Mo Zhen ’s fight with the gangsters was wonderful. Just like the writer had witnessed it at the scene, Mo Fan ’s image in the hearts of fans instantly became more brilliant than the American hero.

Mo Zhen swept the newspaper in his hands in a row. The report did not mention the location of the incident and his personal information. Mo Zhen's depression was finally reduced. "You don't care if you report this?"

Tang Qiang looked at the person on the opposite side and couldn't help smiling twice, "then you should say that you are Lei Feng."

Mo Mozhen: "..."

"I am also grateful for the justice you have given to their kittens, and how kind we are to refuse them."

Mo Mozhen: "..."

You just can't bear to keep the cheap!

报纸 The owner of this newspaper is also a resident of Kensney Manor. His wife's kitten died unfortunately in a cat abuse case. Later, he learned from the police that the news was published.

I need to emphasize that this report is completely free.

Tang Qiang got up from the office chair and patted Mo Zhen's shoulder. "Mr. Tian, ​​please rest assured to get the Top Ten Youth Award."