MTL - Goodnight Kiss from My Rumored Husband-Chapter 1697 Seventy percent chance 1

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Chapter 1697-Seventy Percent Chance (1)

Still ... still want to get her affection for her love, longing for her hug.

As happy as she imagined.


Gu Nianjia bit her lip and hugged Song Changwen, her face buried in her chest, crying and apologizing to her, "I'm sorry."

She couldn't care less about wiping her tears, and her nose and tears wet Song Changwen's clothes, and Song Changwen looked down with a crying expression.

Raised his hand, and touched Gu Nianjia's head, "Let's eat."

Gu Nianjia nodded, "Well."

She lifted her head with sobbing, and her snot became a long silk, one sticking to his nose and one to Song Changwen's clothes, her sobbing sound stopped abruptly.

Hurrying to look up at Song Changwen, "Mom is sorry."

At the same time, he stretched out his hands to clean Song Changwen's clothes, but found that Song Changwen was smiling, smiling very warm and warm.

This was the first time she had seen her laugh so much, and it was to her.

She froze.

"Hurry up and eat."

Song Changwen greeted Gu Nianjia with a smile, then turned to the table and sat down where Gu Nianjia was sitting.

Gu Nianjia went to the kitchen to get Song Changwen's dishes.

Then she helped her with the dishes, and she wrote all the excitement on her face. This is the first time she has celebrated with Song Changwen since she remembered it, and it is also a table dish made by Song Changwen.

‘Ding dong’

After Gu Nianjia greeted Song Changwen, the doorbell rang suddenly as he was about to eat.

She frowned in doubt.

Who will it be

Is it brother and sister-in-law?

She got up to open the door, and Zhang Jingyu stood up with her colleague, and they went to the door together.

Zhang Jingyu was also curious who came.

To the door was Gu Nianjia's door.


The person who came was Gu Nianjia and Zhang Jingyu who did not expect it ... Sun Yueran.

Sun Yueran was wearing a camouflage down jacket, a line cap on her head, and two big fruit baskets in her hands. When the door opened, she shouted, and she turned surprise into surprise.

Gu Nianjia was startled, instinctively raised his hand and held Zhang Jingyu's arm.

Sun Yueran said with a smile: "I'll be with you for the Lantern Festival."

As she entered the door, she walked in front of Gu Nianjia and Zhang Jingyu.

Zhang Jingyu followed, thanking her indifferently, "Thank you."

Thank you for being with her for the Lantern Festival.

Sun Yueran went in and saw Song Changwen. He straightened out and greeted Song Changwen. "Auntie is here too."

The two of them had met before, and Song Changwen was quite polite to Sun Yueran, "Hello."

In front of Song Changwen, Sun Yueran is Zhang Jingyu's mature sister.

She sat opposite Song Changwen.

Gu Nianjia also returned to her position, looking at the opposite Sun Yueran and asking, "Aren't you chasing Lu Chen brother in the sea?"

When referring to Lu Chen, Sun Yueran frowned, "It's too hard to chase, I have to rest."

She waved her hand and continued to eat with chopsticks.

"It's not that hard for you to get his grandma."

Surprisingly, Song Changwen interjected coldly.

Sun Yueran wasn't sure if she was talking to her, "Auntie, you mean Lu Chen's grandma?"

Song Changwen didn't rush to return to Sun Yueran, stuffed the pickled vegetables into his mouth, and nodded while chewing.

Sun Yueran heard, his eyes lit up.

Suddenly, 70% is a big hope. She looked at Song Changwen with confidence: "Auntie, as long as there is 70% hope, I can work hard to 100%."

PS: Professor Jia Jiahe is basically over, of course, there will be their daily life later, and then I will rewrite the identity of Xiao Xiao ~

(End of this chapter)