MTL - Gourmet Food Supplier-Chapter 4 Decoration

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"Come on" a footstep, slightly overweight, and a fat man with a smile on his face came out from the inside.

"Hey, this is not Yuanzhou. Your kid is coming, what is it?" The fat man is the boss of Wang. He saw Yuanzhou standing outside and immediately asked kindly.

"This is not to reopen the store, I would like to invite you to see the sewer and gas pipe, and then have a good double oven." Yuanzhou sees the boss's intimate look is also welcome, directly said things.

"You kid is learning this? OK, I will go with the tools for a while." Wang boss also talked, turned and went back to get the tools.

Yuanzhou knows that the boss of Wang looks gracious, but the things are very expensive to sell, things are good things, but they don't want to be pitted. After a fierce bargain on the road, finally talk about the price, even the stove with water pipes, gas. There are a total of 1,500 pieces.

Although the price is a bit expensive, but also to a lifetime warranty ... there are any questions to find him at any time, Yuanzhou purpose is not to say more, take people to the door of their own shop.

"Yuanzhou is back, the man hasn't come yet... Is this the boss of Wang?" Tong Boss saw Yuanzhou and Wang Fatzi passing by the door of his shop, and extended his thin head and said hello.

"Child boss, your business is still very prosperous recently." Fatty boss Wang smiled back to the sentence.

"That is because I am doing business fairly." Tong Boss took a look at Wang Boss and said with a sarcasm.

The boss’s water pipe in the shop was broken, and the boss Wang was directly looking for repairs. The water pipe was repaired, but the price was twice as large as the outside. The helpless child boss had to recognize the plant, but it was necessary to satirize the boss Wang. Business is not fair.

Now see Yuanzhou with Wang Boss coming over, Tong Bo also knows what it is to help repair.

Two steps out of the shop, pulled Yuanzhou forward and stepped back two steps, and glanced at the boss Wang who stood there laughing.

The child boss said with dissatisfaction: "This king fat man can be black, you can be careful when you ask him to repair."

Yuanzhou smiled and thanked the child boss and explained: "Nothing, the boss's craft is still very good."

"Little young people just don't understand the market. I don't care about you." The child boss saw Yuanzhou not listening, complaining and returning to his store.

Seeing the child boss is somewhat dissatisfied, Yuanzhou does not care about turning back to the boss Wang: "Wang boss, let's go see the pipe?"


Boss Wang is still a smile, as if he has not found that he has just been buryed, and he must be a second face when doing business.

Yuanzhou took Wang Boss around the store and looked around. After careful inspection, he found that there was basically no need for overhaul.

"Or your parents have a vision. At that time, it was the pipeline I made. You haven't used it for a long time. The quality is still the lever." Wang boss's chubby face showed pride.

"Wang boss's craftsmanship is not to say, that line will trouble Wang boss."

Yuanzhou, who is about to say something, sees the child’s boss outside with a plain-looking middle-aged man standing in the doorway and turns around and asks “Is this a waste?”

"This is the most reasonable price of Master Li, and there is no shortage of shortness. It is most suitable for selling things to him." The child boss was annoyed when he saw Wang Fatzi's smile. He couldn't help but point to the path of Mulberry.

"It’s all thanks to the aunt’s credit. Thank you. Master Li’s things are here, look at it.” Yuanzhou’s enthusiasm and enthusiasm did not care about the aunty of the child’s aunt, after all, not for himself.

"Little brother, these are not worth the money." Master Li looked like a smile on his face, while picking and picking in the garbage, he said.

"How come, you see these are all stainless steel, and this bucket is still good, it doesn't take long, when it can't be sold, the second-hand is still no problem." Yuanzhou said to dig the chair from the garbage and At the table legs, he also pointed his finger at the Lvtie noodle bucket.

"Stainless steel is not worth any money, and you see this..." Master Li was not fooled. He broke a chair with his hand and handed it to Yuanzhou.

Next, Yuanzhou thoroughly played the physics knowledge learned in middle school to prove what iron was, and finally sold for 320 yuan.

This scene saw the child boss stunned, Master Li was somewhat uncomfortable, and finally helped to dump all the garbage for free. Wang Boss wiped the sweat from his forehead and felt that he was not pitted at all. He did not see anyone in Yuanzhou. Eighteen only need to give an integer of three hundred and two.

Yuanzhou, who made the money, said with a refreshing look. "The trouble boss Wang looked at the shop. I will go to the license first."

"No problem, you go, I have a while." Wang boss hastened to respond, if it is still here, see that he has repaired less, in case of bargaining is also a trouble.

Going upstairs and taking the documents that were already prepared, Yuanzhou went out.

Today, Wednesday, now at 9:30 in the morning, the pedestrians are scarce, but when I go out to the street, I am very busy. The car is coming and going, wearing a white-collar beauty in a professional dress, wearing a look is like wearing it. The man in a cheap suit selling insurance is still wearing a fashionable urban beauty, rushing in the streets of high-rise buildings.

Yuanzhou is wearing khaki slacks, white Mogao T-shirts, and a pair of sneakers on the feet. This dress looks like a student who has just stepped out of the school gate, provided that he does not look at his face. After all, his face looks like he is in his early thirties. Mature man.

Of course, there is still a reason for dressing up today. Many of the discounts are now aimed at college students who have just left the school. Don’t look at Yuanzhou’s old-fashioned look. Actually, graduation is not enough for two years.

If you are a college graduate who has just graduated, it is easier to do business licenses or health permits. As for the health certificate, you should re-examine every half a year in the hotel. Now this is only the last month, completely no problem.

In the street, Yuanzhou finally found a bus to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau. For Yuanzhou, it is the most cost-effective to take the bus. You can transfer the car for three times for free, and you can basically go to the city.

Only one car was turned. At 10:30, Yuanzhou went to the door of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau. It was only when I filled out the form that I found out that I ignored it. It seems that I never thought about my name.


Yuanzhou subconsciously knocked on the marble table, and decisively wrote the "Kitchen God Shop" in the column of the store name. The content behind it was step by step.

I specially took the materials and forms to the college students' entrepreneurial window. The staff working in the counter looked at Yuanzhou’s diploma and looked at Yuanzhou carefully. I also checked the graduation number of Yuanzhou entered the business license.

The Health Bureau and the Industry and Commerce Bureau are not far away, so Yuanzhou still rushed to apply for a health permit before lunch, and couldn’t wait to eat. Looking at the two new documents, I couldn’t help but feel a little excited.