MTL - Gourmet of Another World-Chapter 1757 Step-by-step rescue

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The three goddess palaces cursing the goddess, in fact, in the three opposite corners of the city, form a triangular shape.

Outside the Tianguo Palace in the back soil, there are a lot of dead iron rides.

These death iron rides are the curse and power of the cursing goddess.

Compared with the curse of the goddess of heaven, the gap between the land and the earth lies in the gap between the military.

Her power is too weak compared to the A soul.

It is simply not vulnerable.

Not to mention the death of the iron riding this kind of sharp knife army.

Although it was said that the death iron ride last time suffered a loss in the restaurant of the step.


That iron ride, no matter the number or the high-end combat power, is not the same.


It seems that there are black clouds gathered in the distance, and the heavens and the earth are all changed.

That kind of horror, the nightmare atmosphere, so that everyone's body can not help but tremble.

The back soil slowly opened his eyes.

She sat in front of the palace, facing the dense iron horse in the distance.

Her face was very indifferent, and that kind of indifference, so many aristocratic powerhouses who were secretly observing were shocked.

After the earth, why is it so light?

Does she want to fight the entire death iron ride with her own strength?

Can't do it...

Not to mention the soul of adults!


All the nobles are stunned.

Because they found that the Houtu adults actually walked slowly, step by step, not in a hurry.

The robe on her body was floating, facing the death iron ride in the distance.

The death iron ride is stagnant.

They are wearing black armor, the death of the body is lingering, the beast is squatting underneath, and the snoring seems to shatter the stars...

"You solve it yourself or ask me to help you..."

In the void.

The body of the Cursed Goddess of the Soul is entangled in the power of a curse, the power of cursing, and the power of sin is spreading, which looks quite strange.

With the words of the soul, say it.

All the nobles are sucking in the air...

Domineering, actually intends to let a cursed **** girl commit suicide...

Too strong!

Soul Adult... It’s really too strong!


There is no answer in the land.

It’s just that look, quite ridiculous...

A soul raised his hand, and the next moment, the cursing of the Temple of Heaven suddenly shook at this moment.

As if to break in an instant...

The walls of the palace are covered with cracks...

"Do you think you still have a chance? The nightmare is not there, you are not my opponent."

A soul road.

Three thousand hair strands spread out after the soil.

The red lips are slightly picking up.

She knows the key to this battle.

After all, the battle between the wild universe and the soul-magic universe is in a stalemate of white heat.

The battle in the city of nothingness determines the two universes, the key to the final battle...

Therefore, the back soil will not shrink.

What's more... a person who is so proud of her, will she be suicidal when she says suicide?

Step on it step by step.

The body of the back soil floated up, and the large robe was floating...

"Isn't that an army? Come on, let me see, famous, the name of the death of the whole iron city, how strong."

Said after the soil.

The words fell.

The soul of the emptiness in the void suddenly condensed.

She raised her hand and took a light stroke.


The death iron ride suddenly trampled on.


In the kitchen **** shop.

The atmosphere was very stagnant for a time.

Viscount Eich sat on the dining table chair of the restaurant and looked calm.

Since she chose Xiaoyou, she would have to worry about the future of the great man.

Master 甄甬 also sighed.

The two of them looked at each other and saw the dignity in each other’s eyes...

In fact, they also have to admit that the disadvantages of Xiao You are too big to be able to fight against the soul...

How to do?

If the soul of the soul is solved after the completion of the earth, let go of the hand, when the time ... ... secluded adults will be miserable.

Now the Great Man is going to support the Houtu adults?

No... no use, with their strength, even if they go, it’s just a drop in the bucket.

In the restaurant.

Step by step is very leisurely sitting in a chair, drinking warm tea, the tea is flooded with ripples, swaying in circles.

Viscount Eich and Master 甄甬 looked at each other and were a little bit smirking.

This cook... How can it be so calm?

Doesn't he know that the situation today is already in a very crisis?

Little stunned with a little fox.

She is also very calm, as calm as the steps.

She knows that it is safest to stay in a restaurant.

The little fox is in the small secluded arms, and the furry tail is constantly moving.

Earl of Ai Tang and others have already left.

In the restaurant, there is only one Marquis Marquis left.

Although Earl of Ai Tang and others were very dissatisfied with what the Souls did, they had already chosen the Souls after all, and the power of today is not separated from her.

They are not like the Marquis of the Drum, they are all alone, and they want to get out and get out.

Their power has long been integrated into the power of the soul.

Therefore, it is only now that the scalp can continue.

The Marquis of the Drum is sitting in the corner and is sulking.

He was very saddened by the death of Marquis Moti.

The magical little luoli is strolling through the restaurant.

Outside the restaurant, there was a team of dead iron riders on the lookout.

The first of them is the existence of a chaotic saint.

Of course, it is the weakest chaotic saint, the same level as the ring battle defender.

However, this is enough.

They don't want to stop the steps, they just need to monitor the steps and others. Once there is a wind, they can notify the soul.

Step by step to drink a cup of tea.

I feel that my body is warm and incomparable.

Put the cup on the table and make a soft sigh.

"You are in the middle of the restaurant... I am going back and calling people."

Step by step, think about it.


Calling people?

Are you a fight after school? Still calling people...

This level of fighting is not how long people can make it.

What is needed is... top fighting power!

There is not enough fighting power, and no one has any use...

"Is it really a chaotic universe?"

Step by step, I looked at Viscount Aich, and my mouth was slightly stunned.

Xiao You stood up and wanted to go with the step.

However, the stepped party waved his hand and refused.

"You stay here, in the restaurant, you are absolutely safe... no one can break the defense of the restaurant unless the queen of the curse is shot."

Step by step, this restaurant is built by the system and its defense is absolutely strong.

Viscount Eich and Master 甄甬 are all turning their eyes.

I only think that the step is exaggerating.

A broken restaurant, unless the curse queen shot...

How strong is the defense of a restaurant in a district?

The two of them now feel more and more unreliable.

The cook, of course, can only cook for cooking.

Xiaoyou nodded and said nothing.

"Little fox, little white, little skin are left, I will be back soon."

Said the step.


It was a negative move and slowly walked towards the second floor of the restaurant.

In a short while, it disappeared into the corner of the stairs...

Got... Really gone?

Viscount Eich and Master 甄甬 feel a little ugly.

This cook...will not escape?

Fortunately, this cook is not the strongest.

In today's restaurants, the Marquis of the Drum is the strongest combat power, plus the master of the chaos has the strength of the chaotic sage level, and the Viscount of Ai Xi is not weakly repaired...

Should be able to withstand the impact of the soul of adults.

The master brows and wrinkles, he sighed and walked out of the restaurant.

He went back to the alchemy workshop to arrange some things.

Viscount Aich has the viscount's guard, but her guards face the death iron ride, which is simply the arm.

In fact, no one thought of it.

The small secluded forces have actually grown a lot inadvertently.

At least, Xiao Lai is very clear.

She clenched her fists, and she understood that these forces of the singer were brought by the step boss.

This cook seems to be constantly creating miracles.


Everything still has suspense?


Before cursing the Queen's Palace.

It is a chaotic field.

Using the power of chaos, the field of construction... can wipe out the dead chaos saints.

A piece of petals are drifting, constantly flowing...

The cold face of the Duke of Heavenly Pity reveals pity, like the delicate flowers after the storm.

Before the petals swept, they were wrapped in chaos and constantly bombarded...

The crack is spreading!

The Duke of Nightmare looks indifferent, holding a sickle, and every time he swings, the petals will be completely shredded!

The Duke of Yunxiao is full of body, and the cloud is condensed around her body, constantly spreading the petals...

Because he lost his first hand, he was trapped in the field.

Both of them want to break the field and break out of the blockade, which becomes very difficult.

The battle of the Duke, every opportunity... decided the battle.

In fact, the Duke of Nightmare and the Duke of Yunxiao have already been anxious...

They were both transferred.

The cursed goddess of their respective guardians is afraid that they are already in crisis.

In the unlikely event that the cursed goddess they chose was killed, they would be kicked out of the throne of the vain city and lost further opportunities.

The layout of tens of thousands of loads is for everything today.

Being kicked out of the game, the tens of thousands of loads of layouts are ruined, and for them, it is an unbearable price.

Therefore, they are trying hard to break out of the field.

As long as you break free of the field, the Duke of Heaven will be stronger even if it is strong...

It is also difficult to block them.

Not playing, it does not mean running.

After all, it is the level of the Duke, and the gap is actually very small.

Boom! ! ! !

In the chaotic field, the impact is constantly erupting...

The void is breaking and dying.

Everyone is racing against time.


Under the city of nothingness.

The inverted cone is placed on the ground.

A series of black shadows slowly emerged, they constantly climbed up and climbed up...

The power of sin spread and began to erode the inverted cone of the vain city.

This subtle change does not seem to attract anyone's attention.

The river of cursing cursing, the waterfall-like water vents.

There is a black shadow that runs along the cursed river that is full of corrosive power, and rises upwards, constantly climbing up.

As if a group of black shadows, shrouded the city of nothingness.

Outside the city of nothingness.

The huge figure wrapped in the black robe is indifferent.

The void of the whole body is frozen and frozen.

In his hands, grasping the hourglass of time and space.

The golden time sand in the hourglass is slowly flowing backwards...

His scarlet eyelids are staring at the city of nothingness, with a look of hope in his eyes.


The law of space trembles.

There are countless pictures flowing in front of the steps.

The powerful star spirit is released.

The step seems to capture a trajectory... This trajectory is a chaotic universe that connects the orbit of the city of nothingness.

The previous track was found by the space god.

But with the fall of the space god, this track disappears.

Now, the step will re-create this track...


The white light column rises to the sky.

Many people in the whole city of nothingness were shocked.

Turned over and looked over.

It was discovered that a figure in the beam rushed into it, twisted and disappeared, and the law of space continued to spread...

"Do you have a deserter?"

Cursing the goddess of the soul, watching the disappearing transmission beam, faintly pouted.

Looking at the death of the iron horse, which is constantly approaching the back of the earth, his eyes suddenly condensed.

The black sphere emerged, and the power of sin pervaded it.

The beam is conspicuous.

Many people thought that the step was to be a deserter, and suddenly felt a disappointment.

Of course, some people are also disappointed. The cook escapes, the challenge disappears, and the chaotic gas has no chance to be easily obtained.

However, the escape of the cook did not affect the situation of the city of nothingness.



Chaos universe.

Chaos center.

In the time of the Tenjin Palace, the dog squatting on the ground slammed openly.

The next moment, the figure suddenly disappeared.

In the Temple of Life, the goddess who is communicating with a group of goddess Yan Yanyan is suddenly condensed, and the brush is gone.

Leave a bunch of goddesses.


The corner of chaos.

The steps come to the surface.

Dogs and Pluto are also appearing in an instant.

The spatial beam is scattered.

Step by step, looking at the dog and Erha, the corner of the mouth is slightly.

The dog is staring at the dog's eyes.

"Step by step boy... You are really back in time, destroying the Temple of the Gods just born."

"Destroy the gods... to return!"