MTL - Gourmet of Another World-Chapter 1758 The curse of the cursing goddess

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"Well? Destroy the Temple of the Gods?"

The steps are slightly different.

He really didn't think of this. He came back, just intending to call the dog and the prince Erha to the city of nothingness, and give the little secluded support.

He did not know the destruction of the Temple of Heaven.

Of course, the steps did not explain anything.

As they walked, they walked toward the Temple of Heaven.

"The pace is young, the city of nothingness is fun? Is there a beauty? Is there anything delicious?"

Pluto is very curious, the city of nothingness, a place in the universe.

He is famous for exile, saying that he is not curious, it is all fake.

"What is beauty? No."

Step by step to glance at Pluto.

Pluto Erha turned his eyes, how could he ask the step-by-step problem of mental retardation, this guy can see the beauty?

This little young, I don’t understand what beauty is.

In his eyes... maybe people are divided into men and women...

"So you want us to go to the city of nothingness, help the little secluded field?"

The dog bark frowned.

"But, in this case, the chaotic universe is unguarded."

"If the Souls invade at this time, what should the Chaos universe fall into?"

Step by step, sinking for a while.

"No... The Soul and the Universe are in the big battle, and there is no mind to chaos the universe to find trouble."

"I will put a hole in the chaotic universe, even if the chaos is coming, it will suffer."

Step by step.

Step by step, the dog's father suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let's go... dare to bully the sly head, really when I am chaotic universe without dogs?"

Two people and one dog all the way.

Soon, it was the destruction of the Temple of Heaven.

This ruined position of the Temple of Heaven is somewhat remote, in a corner of chaos.

The three stepped into it.

The destruction of the Tenjin Palace is also broken...

The three walked slowly, and soon they came to the depths of the palace.

The law of destruction of a stock lingers in the palace, making people feel inexplicable.

The dog lord raised the exquisite dog's claws, and the mental power was released, and soon...

The tremor of the palace was as if it had a deafening sound.

The ground cracked open, and a golden recipe flew out and floated on the dog's paw.

Stepping up his hand, the recipe is quiet and falls on the palm of his hand.

On the golden recipe, the mysterious text is shining, as if it is creeping.

"No... another recipe."

The dog is very excited.

The appearance of each recipe is equal to the return of a contemporary god.

Every one of the gods represents the strength of the chaotic universe.

Step by step, nodded carefully, read this golden recipe carefully.

The recipe was made into a golden light, broke into the starry spirit of the step, and merged into the recipes of the spiritual sea.

The eyelids of the steps have become more profound.

His brows wrinkled and his heart was tidal.

I was still worried about how to improve my strength. The appearance of this recipe is equivalent to opening a door for him.

Spit a sigh of relief.

Step by step to see the dog and the prince.

"Start laying out the cards... Go to the City of Nothing, and the situation there is urgent."

Step by step.

Although the step feels that the curse queen should not be shot.

But... not afraid of 10,000, I am afraid of it.

Once the curse queen shot.

Restaurants may not be able to survive.

Step by step guess, cursing the queen and the soul and the kitchen **** may be a level.

The restaurant set by the system may not be able to withstand the attack of the Cursed Queen.

So, it is better to go back earlier.

The dog and the wangwang Erha are all bright.

"Well, let's lay out the things. You first arrange the cards that protect the chaotic universe."

Dogs said.

When the words fell, the princes and the princes disappeared.

Life Temple of Heaven.

A group of goddesses of Yan Yanyan chatted in the sky.


Pluto Erha appeared.

"Baby, everyone is going back, the king is going to go out."

"Adult, can't you take us with us?"

A soft and weak goddess of water, looked at the sorrowful haha.

"Oh... go to the city of nothingness, are you going?"

Pluto haha ​​glanced at the goddess, said.

The face of the goddess suddenly became stiff and quickly waved.

Are you kidding?

Go to the city of nothingness?

Her head was not caught by the door, went to the exile, and she might not be able to return as soon as she went.

The goddess around, shouting, they all dispersed.

The vast life of the Tenjin Palace suddenly became cold.

Pluto sighed with a sigh.

A heart move.

The body suddenly became blurred.

A avatar emerged and sat in the depths of the Temple of Life.


Time of the Temple of Heaven.

After the dog came back, he arranged it.

Commanded some of the ancient gods under his hand to make them more vigilant.

And myself, it is a painful pull out of several dog hair, hidden in the depths of the Tenjin Palace...

After doing all this, it was the eyes that lit up, and excitedly took the catwalk and walked out of the time of the Tenjin Palace.

It’s going to be moldy in this day’s shrine.

I can finally go out and do things!

It’s really fun to follow the steps and eat drunk ribs.


Chaos center.

A nucleus of chaos exuding the light.

The steps are suspended here.

A heart move.


A horrible volatility suddenly spread.

The golden chaotic pot suddenly emerged.

At the moment when the chaotic pot appeared, the other hand of the step was to constantly play the food array method, and the layers of the array were attached to it, which made the chaotic pot's swaying atmosphere gradually calm down.

The sky flashed.

The dog and the wangwangerha appeared at the same time.

Both of them have a glimpse of the chaotic pot, and the smell of this chaotic pot is really terrible.

Let both of them be upright.

You know, they are the equivalent of the peak of the chaos.

However, this pot is to make them have no bottom.

This kid, the strength is not very strong, but the play is quite a lot.

The food is so terrible that he has been fooled by him, and it is the most cook in history.

The food array is layered and suspended in the void, holding the chaotic pot.

And the body of the glimpse of the fascinating body drifted out, turned into a villain, sitting under the chaotic pot, holding the chaotic pot, closing the eyes to practice.

"Okay... As long as the chaotic universe is invaded, the chaotic pot will judge it and threaten the enemy..."

"You blow up this pot, afraid that half of the chaos is gone?"

The dog is suspicious and looks at the steps.

"It’s okay to scare off the enemy."

Step by step, said with no expression.

There is no better way for the dog and the prince, and in fact, even if they are, they are afraid that they will not choose to detonate this chaotic pot.

When everything is ready, you have to go to the city of nothingness.

"When you walk, the king can't wait."

Pluto is very bright.

"Would you like to bring 100,000 troops to the secluded head to support the scene? Isn't it true that there is no one behind the secluded head?"


"You are not afraid of the space channel being exploded?"

Step by step to glance at Pluto.

Unless he is given enough time to create a space transfer method, there is simply no ability to transmit so many people at the same time.

100,000 troops... Why don't you go to heaven?

Pluto haha ​​smiled a little.


The three left the core of chaos.

The next moment, the time of the Tenjin Palace appeared.

The three looked at each other, the next moment...

Step up and raise your hand.

The spirits surged, and the white light spots emerged rapidly. These white light spots continued to spread, not to mention the formation of a passage in the void.

The passage wraps the steps, the dog, and the prince.

Afterwards, whistling, it is straight into the sky!

With a bang, the sky is turbulent.

Many of the gods in chaos are looking up and looking at the white beam that is shining straight into the sky.

Everyone's eyes are very complicated.


Rumble! ! !

A loud noise.

A huge beast, and the iron ride that rides on the back of the beast is directly crushed into pieces by huge force...

The soul floated out and was shattered by a huge force.

After the soil is holding hands, his eyes are full of white light, and the breath is very powerful.

Around her body, the death iron ride could not be approached.

The cultivation of the back soil is not weak, and the existence of the peak of the sage of the avenue...just a trace, you can step into the chaos sage level.

This level... although not bad, it should be very fragile before these death iron rides.

However, the latter soil is just a few times to withstand the death of the iron ride...

The two brothers Pidong and Pisi looked at each other and saw the dignified color in each other's eyes.

The next moment, the two brothers roared out.

They crossed a lot of iron rides and rushed toward the back.

In the void.

Cursed the goddess of the heavens indifferently watching.

The threat of cursing the goddess after the land is much stronger than that of the little secluded.

Doomed to stay.

She does not want any variables to exist.


Pidong Pisi is a chaotic sage level, teaming up, and even fighting the Marquis!

It is an important force under the hands of the soul.

When the two shot, they will make the back soil more and more dignified...

Two chaotic saints, with her level, can hardly resist.

boom! ! !

Pidong Pisi fell and the bow and arrow shot.

Three arrows, shot from all sides, want to shoot the back soil.

Huge breath and pressure, shocked.

Under the curse of the Temple of Heaven, suddenly collapsed!

The terrible power, let the aristocrats in the distance, the spirits are shaking!

Pidong Pisi, two brothers, is this really going to kill the cursed goddess? !

How can you block the cursing of the goddess?

How can she resist a sage in the avenue?

Bang! ! !

The three arrows, as if from the depths of the universe, smashed the earth.

There is also a goose bump on the neck of the back soil.


Her eyes are condensed.


The show flipped.

The next moment, a plain animal long bow appeared in her hands...

When the bow appeared, the world was a sigh!

After the earth gaze, the show is picked, a silver arrow is placed on it, and the bow is arched...

The bowstrings are opened, and the sound of the dragons and screams rises to the sky!


An arrow slammed out and hit the three arrows shot by the two brothers.

boom! ! !

Pidong Pisi two brothers stabilized their body shape.

"what is that?!"

Both are condensed.

After the soil is wrapped around a mixed gas.

The bow in the hand exudes a tyrant of the king, so that the bow in their hands can not help but tremble.

This bow is the **** bow of the two brothers who have been born with a few epochs!

At this moment, actually tremble under the bow of the back soil?

In the void.

The curse of the goddess of heaven is condensed.

"That is... the ancient universe artifact... the bliss bow?"


Cursing the goddess of heaven, he raised his head sharply.

The sky in the distance.

The void exploded.

The disappearing space beam emerged again.

The beam goes straight to the restaurant direction.

Of course, what really shocked the cursed goddess is not the spatial beam of the return.


The breath that is emitted from the beam.

"Ha ha ha! The city of nothingness, you are coming to the dynasty!"

A big laugh, the majestic atmosphere suddenly spread.

Ok? !

Cursed the goddess of the soul, the eyes shrink, my heart was shocked.

"The Duke-level powerhouse?!"

And still two?

Is this all the curse of the cursing goddess? !

Read The Duke's Passion