MTL - Gourmet of Another World-Chapter 3 Glowing egg fried rice

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Looking at Xiao Xiaolong's blushing face, the step looked at him with a deep look, a faint smile.

Xiao Xiaolong squinted his eyes, and the white skin that could be broken was a layer of blush, but he still said with a hard mouth: "Tell you, I taste your egg fried rice not because I accepted the price, but It is to test your poison and prove that your egg fried rice is not worth the price!"

"I know, a bowl of fried rice is right, wait." Step by step, said a word, and waved his hand, it was toward the kitchen, "Oh, yes, our dry noodles and stir-fry. Green vegetables are also very good, do you want a copy?"

"It is said that egg fried rice and fried green vegetables are more suitable." At the door of the kitchen, I paused and stepped back. I was unscrupulous and shamelessly selling the other two dishes.

Xiao Xiaolong stunned a bit, then looked at the price of the two dishes, the inexplicable feeling of heart was inserted by an invisible arrow.

"No need! Just give me fried rice."

"Oh, that's okay, it's a pity." The nodded nod and turned into the kitchen.

Looking at the calm appearance of the step, Xiao Xiaolong really wants to go up and look at him, a bowl of fried green vegetables, one hundred gold coins, you really are when I am a big head, but at most, the fried vegetables of ten copper coins are the price of one hundred. Gold coins, I am afraid that only the wonderful shops in the whole mainland can come out.

In the time when the steps were cooking eggs and fried rice, Xiao Xiaolong was a little bored, and his eyes naturally turned to the **** dog at the door. Oh no, it was the porcelain bowl of the **** dog.

In my mind, I remembered the smell of egg fried rice that I just smelled. It was as silky and supple. The scent of lover-like scent made Xiao Xiaolong’s appetite suddenly increase, and the thunderous sound of the belly sounded. Fortunately, this shop has no other than him. The customer, otherwise the dragon son who has always been known for his demeanor in the imperial city is afraid to lose his hair.

The action of the **** dog desperately enamel bowl was a stiff feeling. He looked up and raised his head. A pair of dog eyes fell on Xiao Xiaolong and saw that the stupid human being stared at its porcelain bowl and kept watching. The black dog is angry!

The dog's paw pulled a porcelain bowl and stood up. The buttocks were facing Xiao Xiaolong, and the latter's line of sight was blocked.

Xiao Xiaolong felt that his heart was once again shot by an invisible arrow... He was actually despised by this **** dog!

"Hey! This son will be rare for you to eat a dog?! Dog eyes look low! Hey!" Xiao Xiaolong was angry, screamed in his heart.

In five minutes, the kitchen smelled a strong aroma again. The taste made Xiao Xiaolong fascinated. The mellow egg scented with a touch of rice scent, just smelling it, Xiao Xiaolong couldn't help but sigh.

"Xiang is incense, but selling a Yuanjing still feels a little mad!" Xiao Xiaolong swallowed his heart.

Finally, the figure of the step came out of the kitchen, holding a plate in his hand, and the rich fragrance spread out from the plate, making the whole small restaurant enveloped in the aroma.

"Your egg fried rice, please use it slowly."

Step by step, the egg fried rice was placed in front of Xiao Xiaolong, and said with a blank expression.

The white smoke floated from the bowl and shattered in front of Xiao Xiaolong's face. It was like a bursting scent bomb, which made Xiao Xiaolong take a deep breath.

Without paying attention to the steps, Xiao Xiaolong's gaze fell on the egg fried rice, dare to sell a Yuanjing egg fried rice... Absolutely not ordinary egg fried rice!

The white porcelain plate contains a grain of pearl-like round rice. Each grain of rice is surrounded by golden egg liquid. The egg liquid is not fully cooked and hardened, but it is somewhat sticky. It's like pouring a layer of egg juice. However, the consistency of this egg juice is very good, it is a bit of ripe, wrapped with rice, like a golden gauze, glittering with golden light.

"This... this is really an egg fried rice!" Xiao Xiaolong stared at the egg fried rice he had never seen before.

Even he did not think that the original egg fried rice can be cooked like this, it is just like a fine art.

Xiao Xiaolong’s status is noble. He is the third son of the Imperial General. He tasted the food in the generals. The fried rice was also cooked by his own chef. He even ate the fried rice of the royal chef in the palace...but Compared with the egg fried rice that will shine in front of the eyes, those fried rice eggs are a bit eclipsed.

In fact, this egg fried rice is only egg and rice, there is no other extra ingredients, but Xiao Xiaolong has a kind of inexplicable feeling, this egg fried rice is definitely more delicious than the royal chef!

Grabbing the blue and white spoon placed neatly on the table, Xiao Xiaolong licked his lips and carefully took a spoonful of fried rice. The thick egg liquid even pulled out the slender silk, and opened the rice. The aroma came from the surface, impacting Xiao Xiaolong's taste.

No matter what else, Xiao Xiaolong sent the egg fried rice to the entrance.

The egg fried rice has just been fed into the mouth, and the strong fragrance suddenly impacts Xiao Xiaolong's taste buds. Originally, some sticky egg liquid is solid, soft and tender after entering the mouth. The pearl-like round rice is fragrant and soft and tender. The egg scent is mixed together and the taste is never better!

"My God! How can there be such a delicious egg fried rice in the world?! I actually have the urge to cry!"

Xiao Xiaolong is completely intoxicated with the egg fried rice. The whole portrait is like a migratory fish in the sea where the egg fried rice flavor gathers. It is difficult to extricate himself.

What I said before, I have been poisoned by Xiao Jinlong, and I have already been thrown into the clouds by Xiao Xiaolong. At this moment, only his eyes and mouth are left... eggs, rice, egg fried rice!

Eat, continue to eat, don't stop!

A Yuanjing bowl of egg fried rice, Xiao Xiaolong suddenly has a feeling of earning himself.

"Oh, oh!"

Xiao Xiaolong was buried in the bowl of egg fried rice. It was not good to eat. It looked like it was similar to the **** dog at the door.

"It's delicious!" Xiao Xiaolong couldn't stop, simmering rice, eating, and doing it all at once, oh, during the period, he raised his head and gave the step a thumbs up. As he ate this delicious, a few golden yellow rice grains from the mouth. Squirting, Xiao Xiaolong’s eyes are widened, and the rice grains that fall to the table are picked up and continue to be stuffed into the mouth.

Step by step pulled a chair and sat on the opposite side of Xiao Xiaolong. He calmly looked at this scene. Xiao Xiaolong’s eating was always in the expectation of the step. When he himself ate the fried rice, he looked like Xiao Xiaolong is not much better.

When Xiao Xiaolong put the celadon plates clean and clean, and when they were clean and clean, he finally had a hot breath and a full face.

"This is egg fried rice?!"

"As you can see, it is the mixture of eggs and rice." The steps are calm and calm.

"This is really delicious than the fried rice cooked by the royal chef!" Xiao Xiaolong whispered to himself, and the step was to say nothing, sitting on the side, as if it were a high-profile person.

"Now is this egg fried rice worth a Yuanjing?" Steps asked Xiao Xiaolong.

However, Xiao Xiaolong frowned, but he slammed his mouth and said: "Although this fried rice is a delicious meal, but do you know what a Yuanjing means?"

"Yuanjing can help the monk practice. Can you have this fried rice? The two are not a value online thing, but I still admit that your fried rice is delicious!"

Step by step strangely picked up an eyebrow, did not think that Xiao Xiaolong actually said such a theory, although it seems to make sense, but ... ... this gun is to want to pay? !

Just as the step was going to open, Xiao Xiaolong’s white face suddenly rose red, and the whole person’s body was full of shining light, like a stream of air flowing along with his body.


A full bang sounded, the red color on Xiao Xiaolong’s face faded, but his eyes that looked to the step were very strange and blazing.

His voice is even a little trembling...

"Call... tell me, what is the material of your fried rice... What the **** is it?!"

Ps; release this chapter so late, is it late night poisoning?