MTL - Grasping Evil-Chapter 1236 Rain Shi Bing!

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Nantian, Fengleishan, palms the fairy palace. .

On the top of the wind and thunder, the Emperor of the Emperor began to slap the ball, but when he saw the fingering, he smashed hundreds of times.

What is the sacredness of the sacred weather? He wants to figure out the truth, but in the end it ends in failure.

Can't count!

Seeing the divination is ineffective, the face of the Emperor is even more ugly. The technique he repaired is very wonderful. Once he is cultivated, he can be considered as nothing, and he will be strategized in the sky; but once there is a mistake, the former will be abandoned, the sky will not be equal, and the road will be greatly damaged.

Since the first time in Ning Fan’s body, his Bu Dao Xiu had a rift, and then his calculations began to make frequent mistakes.

If it is wrong, how can his life commander be killed in the wild!

If there is something wrong with it, he will send it to the second element of the murderer, Fan Mokong, how can it be destroyed!

One step wrong, step by step wrong!

The more times there are mistakes, the bigger the cracks are, and the easier it is!

So, he miscalculated the time when the seven generations killed the emperor!

He missed out that the ancient emperor could still live out of the tomb of the gods. Fortunately, the ancient emperor who had been lingering and dying was limited in life!

He did not count the death of the **** gods, but also missed the return of the cattle and mountains!

This time, he thought that he would certainly be able to cultivate a system within a hundred years, and there was a big change in the past, which weakened the weather of the dream world, which made him become a unified act in a hundred years and became empty talk!

He wants to calculate the cause and effect, but he suffers from the loss of the road and is powerless.

"Since the use of the technique is useless, the old man will take a peek at the technique of water mirror!"

In the palm of the hand, the emperor bends to the front point, and a blue water mirror appears in front of him.

He explored the palm of his hand into the water mirror and fished it from the middle, which seemed to hold the causal veins of the whole world.

During the embarrassing time, the colorful mists of the entire Fenglei Mountain were born, and the waves of the disciples caused all disciples to be alarmed.

"It is the technique of water mirror! Master is also fishing for others causality, but I don't know who this man is going to be."

"Impossible! The master's water mirror technique actually failed! Could it be that this time is extremely powerful?"

In the horror of countless disciples, the face of the Emperor was completely black.

His technique of water mirror failed, but he still couldn't find out who was swallowing the weather!

At the beginning, when Ning Fan was still low, he was attacked by the Emperor's water mirror. But now, Ning Fan's mana is already comparable to the quasi-holy, and the cause and effect of his body, and the trick is that the Emperor can move!

"It's useless to use the water of the water mirror. It seems that the other party is at least a quasi-holy, and it is so... you can only count your identity with the cause and effect board! What is the cause of the beast, and the speed of the hearing!"

In the palm of the hand, Xiandi disperses the water mirror, raises his hand to the sky, and smashes the time. In the sky intertwined with the wind and thunder, a black and white chessboard is displayed.

On the chessboard, there are thirty-six whites and six blacks. In each piece, there is a pair of scarlet chess souls hidden in it, and the grievances are all ruthless. can!

On the chessboard, there is a strange animal like a lion-like dog and a white-haired body. This beast is scattered on the avenue, and it is dazzling, the beast is scarlet, the spirit is not high, and it is not known.

It was the causal beast that had been scared by Ning Fan.

"In the cause of the beast, the speed becomes a causal rosary, help the old man to calculate the cause and effect!" The Emperor of the Games should not refuse.

"Oh..." The cause and the beast reluctantly responded, and was planning to perfuse the perfunctory, to perceive the other party's cause and effect. Suddenly, the causal animal face changed dramatically, with fear, all feelings hit back!


The causal beast screamed in horror, and escaped like a diamond back into the chessboard. He squatted on the chessboard world, his heads shook his head, and he shivered. It looked like a poodle that was frightened by the mortal world.

"The causal beast is actually afraid again, who is the enemy? Could it be the same person who killed the murderer in the last time... Could it be that the evil is in a dilemma with me..." The face of the game changed and he was speechless.

If the enemy is really a disaster, he needs to calm down. After all, it is not the best time to destroy the evil and to fight the disaster...

Poorly the patriarch of the Southern Heavenly Clan, he did not know that he had once again had a pot for Ning Fan...

"Oh! It’s not only a bane, but I don’t care about it. I will kill the scourge, slay the scourge, and the lost weather here will return to my hands. The only trouble is that It’s no longer possible to try to get the weather done this week. It’s impossible to say that I’m setting up a cannibal in Beitian. It seems to be nearing the harvest. If I can borrow this gourd, I will swallow a stone squad. The eternal in the middle, I must also make me cultivated as a skyrocketing... Can you eat a gourd, eat a gourd, don’t let the old man down..."

I thought that I could steal the eternity soon, and I couldn’t help but be happy with the mood of the Emperor. I couldn’t make it into the glory of the Tao, and all of it was swept away.

Beitian, the Palace of the World, Shishishan.

The causal perception between heaven and earth is fleeting, but Ning Fan is still keenly aware that someone has just tried to perceive his cause and effect.

This method of causal perception is very familiar, and the secret of the perception of the use of the Emperor of the Emperor is as follows.

"Is it a pawn? This old thief is a supernatural power. I just started to condense the merits umbrella. Does he have any sense? Unfortunately, you can't stop me!"

Thinking about the luck, Ning Fan's eyes are cold, and there is a wave in the heart of the lake; this wave together, the original merits of the slightly condensed form suddenly have signs of instability.

Upon seeing it, Ning Fan had to gather his mind and concentrate on the Gongde umbrella.

Dou Tianyu Umbrella is the umbrella body of Gongde Umbrella. With Ning Fan’s colorful gas transport in the sky, the umbrella gradually has a colorful light.

That colorful, is the air color of Ning Fan, among the colorful, there is a rudimentary shape of the eighth color, which is really good luck.

The blessing of the blessings into the umbrella makes the Fuze gold light on the umbrella more and more concentrated.

Zhou Shouyun was also swallowed up by Gongde Umbrella, and the influx of gongde umbrellas made the Ningfan’s air transportation appear to be skyrocketing. Originally there was only the eighth color gas transportation, and the light was more and more prosperous. The trend of true condensation!

"I can't think of this merit and can help me improve the level of air transport!" Ning Fan was surprised. The matter was not mentioned in the memory of the ant.

The ant smirked, "Which other practitioners have low luck! You can't enjoy your 'goods'!"

The second word, the yin and yang of the ant, is obviously in her opinion. Ning Fan, with the promotion of air transportation, does not take advantage of it, but suffers a big loss.

In theory, you can start to practice the merits umbrella with the colorful air transport; in reality, few people will choose to practice this technique in the colorful gas transport for two reasons.

First, the people with low air transport are often repaired and low. What are the colorful air transports? Basically, they are Xiandi. Do you want to repair the merits of the Emperor? These people may not understand the practice of the Umbrella, and there is not enough mana to temper the umbrella and talk about cultivation.

Ning Fan does not have these problems. He has the understanding of heaven and man, and it is easy to understand the condensing umbrella of Gongde umbrella; he has enough mana, so he can do this in the colorful season.

Second, the lower the air transport, the merits of the repaired umbrella are often weak, we must know that there are many types of merit umbrellas, that is, the same kind of merits umbrella also has strength and weakness.

Gongde Umbrella is a saint means, as a saint means, it has its own pride.

If the paratrooper's air transport is too low, the meritorious umbrella will not be able to match its main character. It has to divide the weekly weather absorbed by the parachute and force it back to the host to improve the air transport level of the host.

This seems to improve the air transport level of the host, but it will lead to a significant reduction in the weekly weather transport absorbed by the Gongde Umbrella.

The world's meritorious parachute, only when it was first built, has the opportunity to absorb the weather of the week. What is the quantity and quality of the heavenly movement absorbed by the umbrella, which directly determines the power of He Wei after the umbrella is formed.

The quality of the dreams of the dream world is not high, it is not the best place for cloaking; in this case, Gongde Umbrella actually divides most of the heavenly transport, and supplies the Ningfan to enhance the air transport, and the merits umbrella that has been built in this way, How can power be high? In the eyes of the ant, even if Ning Fan has become a meritorious umbrella, I am afraid that it is also the weakest umbrella in the world. Any one of the real strangers can hang Ning Fan.

Ning Fan is unlucky, the ant is happy, and at this moment, because of the pleasant mood, it is actually a minor tune.

"It turned out that Gongde Umbrella gave me the Tianyun, so after it was built, Willpower would be greatly weakened..."

Ning Fan frowned, but turned and loosened.

Nothing, nothing!

Even if he cultivated the world's weakest Umbrella, it is also a saint's means, enough to sweep the quasi-holy of the end of the era.

Although the power of Gongde Umbrella will be greatly reduced, he also benefited from it, making the air transportation soar. As the gas transport rises, it will be able to encounter more opportunities and creations in the future. Who can assert that this move will definitely suffer?

Ning Fan regained his mind and continued to refine the umbrella. The Daoist fingers hit the colorful umbrellas over Shishishan, making the umbrella more and more shining.

This colorful umbrella is a fusion of Dou Tianyu umbrella and air transport umbrella. It absorbs the blessing of Fuze Zhenjun V. The front of the umbrella has already been solidified, and the eighth color is also a little bit solidified.

Swallow, swallow, swallow!

The weather was forcibly swallowed into the merits umbrella, just a short breath, and the weather in the northern days was swallowed by one-fifth!

The weather is as smooth as the surface of the water. At this moment, the air transport in the boundary is reduced. It is like a good end of the sea. A huge hollow suddenly appears. The water outside the hollow will naturally flow into the hollow.

As a result, the other three days of gas transport began to flood into the north, making the northern weather transport resumed, but it also caused the weather in the other three days to be greatly reduced.


With a ray of light rising from the sky, Ning Fan's air transport level completely broke through to the eighth color, single-handed air transport, has exceeded the first-order quasi-holy to the level of the scorpion, can be equal to the second-order quasi-holy!

Moreover, Xian Yun Ba Cai is not the end of Ning Fan, Ning Fan's air transport is still improving, it is actually intended to hit the atmosphere of Xian Yun Jiu Cai!

Fairy nine colors, comparable overhaul! If you have such a good luck in the body of the king of Xian, Ning Fan’s life in the future is afraid that it will be good luck again and again.

However, no one can see the scene of his impact on the air, only because of the stone world surrounding the stone, he was blocked by him, the outside God can not enter, the sound inside can not go out.

No one knows what kind of qualitative change happened to Ning Fan at the moment!

It is the power of Xiandi outside Shishi Mountain, and it also does not perceive the movement in Shishishan.

Unless it is the power of the quasi-holy level, and is also very close to Shishishan, no one knows what Ningfan is doing in Shishishan at the moment.

Then the question is coming. Is there a quasi-holy in the Palace of the World?


The Palace of the World is not quasi-holy, and only three emperors sit in town. It stands to reason that since Beitian has such a thing to avoid the scorpio, it is not surprising that the ancestral palace passed down one or two quasi-sacred old people. As for the emperor, it is said that there should be one or twenty people hiding in the scorpio. It’s right to delay.

What is weird is that the ancient palace has never survived since ancient times. No fairy or quasi-sacred has survived by escaping from the sky. All the emperors and quasi-sacreds will disappear mysteriously when Xianshou is not much. Ordinary people do not know why, and only those who know the interests of the Eighth Warriors, understand the inside story, and therefore even more taboo on the Palace of the World, do not dare to provoke.

This is awkward.

Ning Fan shocked the ninth color of Xianyun in the palace of the past, so the world’s palace was actually ignorant of this matter!

However, there is a foreign quasi-holy, because it happens to stay in the palace of the world to eat and drink, vaguely perceive the movement in the Shishishan. However, because Ning Fan's method of isolating the heavens and the earth is very wonderful, he used the secret of the word, so his perception of Shishishan is not clear, and he can only blur the sense of breath.

The palace of the palace, Nishinomiya, reversed the spring.

The fisherman of the second-order quasi-sacred sacred priest hides in the bottom of the spring, and is drinking and drinking.

This underwater cave house is not his home, but the home of the banshee wine.

He is not drinking his own wine, but the **** wine brewed by the wine. On weekdays, these **** wines are extremely strict with wine and wine. Fortunately, during this time, the wine has been "going out" and has not been returned. So the fish owner stole the wine all day, drinking drunk every day, and thinking about it, I hope that the wine will come back later.

"Hey, wait for the wine to come back. When you look at the gods, you have lost eight hundred altars. Most of them have to be so angry that they pull my beard..."

"Speaking of it, the wine cellar has not known where it has gone. The protection mark that the old husband planted on her has not been able to perceive her existence. Oh, should it be the ancient ruins that went away from the world? I won’t be caught by any old monsters. The northern emperor and the quasi-sacred people don’t know, I’m like this grandmother and my grandson, who will be free to move my granddaughter, and I’m embarrassed...”

"Don't want to, continue to drink! Xianhuang is not coming to the boat, claiming that the minister is a wine in the fairy! 咕 咕, 咕 咕, 咕 !! Quickly 哉 this wine! The wine 丫 当 is really a 100 million years of the wine genius! The old man only mentioned a few The method of brewing the wine of the sentence hometown, she really can imitate the taste of the wine of the Liangliang wine with a few words! Hey, drink this wine, and some homesickness, this wine is good, but not much Drinking, drinking will hurt, making people cut off..."

The fisherman sighed when he stopped the cup. When he was sighing, he suddenly looked slightly moving and felt the change of Shishishan.

"Well? Is he? District Xian Wang, actually broke through the eighth color of Xianyun!"

When Ning Fan killed Fukuzawa, he was not shocked, because the matter was replaced by him, and there was no small grasp.

However, when it was sensed that Ning Fan broke through the eighth color of Xian Yun, the fish owner suddenly felt a little calm.

Xianyun Ba Cai is so easy to cultivate! I want to know that in order to cultivate the eighth color of Xian Yun, he had closed the 30 million years, which is a long 30 million years. He stayed in Dongfu without leaving his home. Dry, focus only on this matter.

How boring!

It can be the turn of Ning Fan, how can this thing become so easy!

"What did this kid do in Shishishan? Why did his gas move so fast! What's more weird is that the weather in Zhou is actually decreasing... Could this kid know what means to swallow the people?"

"Wait! His air transport has changed again! In addition to the eighth color, the ninth color is revealed."

"His air transport is still going up!"

"Eight two points!"

"Five colors and five points!"

"Eight and seven points!"

"Eight and nine points!"

"Nine colors!"

"He actually broke through the ninth color with the immortal king repair! How can the age of the end of the law be born so talented!"

Because of the shock, the fish owner has forgotten all the things that have stolen the wine, and only focused on perceiving the wind and grass in Shishishan.

I don't know why, with Ningfan's air transport breaking through the ninth color, Shishishan suddenly produced a huge force, making the fisherman's perception no longer penetrate the Shishishan half!

"What did this child do in Shishishan, my wine sword thoughts could not enter this mountain half step..."

The fisherman only feels that there are 10,000 water bugs crawling in the depths of his heart.

He is too curious!

He wants to know everything that happened in Shishishan!

The instinct of lifelong death and death taught him that there must be a big chance in Shishishan. If you can see it, there will be no benefit!

"No matter! Even if this child doesn't want me to watch it, I have to take a look! The world is full of alcohol, I am going to read it, turn my wine sword, give me... broken!"

With the fisher's command, his invisible **** turned into a sword of wine, and suddenly opened a gap in Shishishan, and entered the Shibu Mountain half-step.

Although only half a step, the fisherman finally saw everything that happened in the Shishishan.

At this moment, Ning Fan sat in the stone chamber mountain, tempered and forged a colorful umbrella with a mana.

Above the giant umbrella, there are countless blessings and celestial movements.

Although the fisherman can't recognize the umbrella, he also vaguely perceives the terribleness of this umbrella.

Although this umbrella has not yet been built, once it is completed, there will be no power!

Unexpectedly, the fisherman’s peek did not touch Ning Fan, but he angered the Umbrella.

Gongde Umbrella is very angry!

At this moment, she is forming a critical moment of cohesion. She does not want anyone to bother, but the fisherman, who knows nothing about life and death, wants to peek at her.


The power of rolling the merits suddenly came out of the umbrella, and the sneak peek at the fisherman’s mind.

The fisherman’s mind is extremely powerful, but it is still hurt by the power of merit.

A sigh, the fisher coughed out a blood, and had a slight injury to the sea. In order to spy on Shishishan, he almost used all the power of the gods. Once the gods were damaged, they would hurt the sea and the nature was very serious.

"This... This is the strength of the third step, not the power of reincarnation, what is this!" The fisherman only recognizes the power of reincarnation, but does not recognize the power of merit. Gai retains the rare merits of the end of the law.


For the second time, the power of merits slammed into the past, and the fisherman wanted to withdraw his thoughts from Shishishan, and he found that he could not do it.

This is all his power of mind!

If you are hit by the power of merit, then these gods are very likely to be completely destroyed. At that time, knowing the sea is not a minor injury, but a heavy blow!

This makes the fisherman regret it! I knew that peek at Shishishan would pay such a heavy price, and killing him would not steal this eye!

"Daoyou quickly retreats, and then look at this place again, the next time, Ningmou may not be able to save you!" Suddenly someone shot, helping the fisherman to withdraw all the thoughts, fled the Shishishan.

The shot is actually Ning Fan!

He did not save the fisherman by kindness, but did not want the fisherman's mind to continue to interfere with the refining of the meritorious umbrella.

At this moment, the refining of Gongde Umbrella has reached the most crucial step. The slight difference between the pool and the ruin is the reversal of the destruction of the earth. Ning Fan dares to leave the fish **** to read here, and even dare not let the merits of the umbrella continue to run out of control and attack others.

Don't say that there is a fisherman's interference at the moment. There was no fisherman's interference before. He made some mistakes because of the cultivating technique, and he was defeated by the merits.

Even though the body of the gods is powerful and unmatched, Ning Fan has suffered some injuries. At this moment, in order to quickly throw out the fisherman’s gods and let the merits and umbrellas return to normal, Ning Fan also refuses to suppress the injury and forcibly throws out the fishermen’s gods. At the same time, a blood arrow also sprayed out.

It looks very scary!

But in fact, Ning Fan did not suffer much damage. Who told him that he was so bloody? Of course it doesn't hurt.

But the fish owner doesn't know!

The fisherman knows that Ning Fan is only suffering from a fur wound!

The fisherman knows that Ning Fan is driving him away, not saving him!

The fisherman was shocked. He had cultivated his life for a lifetime. He had never seen such a noble person like Ning Fan!

He glimpsed Ning Fan's cultivation first, and the error was with him. But the result was that he was saved by Ning Fan, and he was saved from the consequences of the sea. (Idiot, people are arguing that you are using an umbrella to hit you and you are wasting your power, only to manually chase you away)

It was clear that God had escaped, and the fisherman did not have any joy of the rest of his life. Instead, he became completely helpless.

As a second-order quasi-holy, his heart should have been as hard as a stone. At the moment, because of Ning Fan’s behavior, he was shocked and stunned!

How can we have a broad mind to be able to complain?

The fisherman can't do it himself. He will only complain directly and report to Germany. If someone peeks at his cultivation of secrets, he will not punish the other party, but he will also punish him for a lesson.

After retreating 10,000 steps, he did not teach the other side, and he could not complain like Ning Fan. (Idiot, people are just busy with umbrellas, no time to clean up, or they will definitely punish them)

"I don't believe that there will be great people in the world of red dust, but maybe... this is really different from ordinary people..." The fisherman said with emotion.

"Fortunately, I shot in time, and drove this person out, the mood of Gongde Umbrella has returned to normal..." Ning Fan sighed slightly.

Being forcibly sneaked into practice, Ning Fan was very unhappy, but who told him that he was busy concentrating his merits at this moment, and he did not have the time to pay attention to the fisherman.

The cultivation of Gongde Umbrella has reached the most crucial step. At this time, the meritorious umbrella has already brought a small amount of merit.

It is a pity that the power of the merits of these micro-ends is far from enough to completely shape the Gongde umbrella. Therefore, Ning Fan needs to borrow the power of the ant master to achieve his umbrella.

The ant, who was sealed in Ningfan’s knowledge of the sea, was only a sacred soul. Due to the special nature of the seal, it was impossible to perform any cultivation.

But this does not hinder the relationship between the ant's remnant and its meritorious umbrella.

"Now, the palace reads a sentence, you follow one sentence." Ant.

"Yeah." Ning Fan.

"Northwest overseas, the vast wilderness, there are mountains and nowhere, the name is not good..."

"Northwest overseas, the vast wilderness, there are mountains and nowhere, the name is not good..."

Ning Fan followed the ant, holding an unknown mouth, and it was eight hundred.

This mouth contains a kind of magical power. When Ning Fan finished all the mouths, the scenery of Shishishan in front of him changed suddenly.

Heaven and earth began to change!

The scenery in front of us is no longer the view of Shishi Mountain, but it has turned into a wild mountain!

Ning Fan is at sea, behind him, floating in the northwest of the country.

In front of him, there was a graceful woman who came to the sea and supported a Gongde umbrella.

The woman holding the umbrella is a lord!

"It turns out that the vast mountains and seas I have seen are all phantoms..." Ning Fan looked around and looked at the illusion of mountains and seas that were not Zhoushan. I wonder why there was a sense of revisiting the place.

"Yes, what you see is a phantom derived from the mouth. It is fake, including me. Only the hand of my hand is really... Now, I lend some of the merits of this umbrella to must make a meritorious umbrella! Otherwise, the loss of merit in the palace will not be said, and you will not have any benefit." The ant is reluctant.

Then, he reluctantly handed the umbrella in his hand to Ning Fan.

Ning Fan took the Gongde umbrella from the ant master. This is not his meritorious umbrella, but the object of the ant. There is not much power left on the umbrella. Even there are many damages on the umbrella. Look at the scars, which are faintly caught by the deer crane...

"This is the case, you have been injured by the omnipotent seniors. You are eager to help me to gather the merits of the umbrella, it is to get more rewards from my hands to repair this umbrella." Ning Fandao.

"Yes, if it is not profitable, this palace will help you with your help! This palace does not owe you anything!" The ant master said.

"Yeah, you at the moment, don't owe me at the moment, your cause and effect, not in this piece of the sea... here is my cause and effect, not yours..."

Ning Fan held the umbrella and turned back to see the illusion of Zhoushan behind him.

I don’t see mountains, but I want to see myself in the future. What kind of face will appear in the real position of this mountain.

What is the future? What is the past?

There is no future, no past.

If you find zero, you will have the possibility of the future, and you will have a way to one.

Now, I found zero?

Ning Fan said to himself, no one can understand what he is saying, even the ant is a face-lifting, I feel that Ning Fan is nervous and talking nonsense.

No one understands.

Ning Fan does not need people to understand.

A squint, the phantom of the mountains and the sea disappeared, and the phantom phantom of the same face disappeared.

Ning Fan’s eyes are still the scenery of Shishishan.

Over the Shishishan, floating his gongde umbrella that has not yet been condensed.

In his hand, he held the umbrella that the ant had lent him.

Ning Fan’s wrists trembled, and the ant’s meritorious umbrella suddenly disappeared, turning into a streamer and flying into his umbrella.

In the meantime, the stone fire in the Shishishan is a masterpiece. In the thunderstorm, Ningfan’s Gongde umbrella is a little bit solid, and the third step on it is getting stronger and stronger!

But just near the moment of successful cohesion, the sky will suddenly come to the will of the sky, as if to block the cohesion of the merits umbrella!

Heaven is not with!

Tiandao sees Ningfan as an enemy, how can he allow Ning Fan to uphold the merits of heaven, and hold the umbrella in the sky, superbly sanctified!

The will of the day is like a thunder and a thunder on the merits of the umbrella, but the sound of the sound of the Kazakh is heard, the merits of the umbrella cracked countless cracks, and it will collapse at any time.

The success is defeated!

"Failed! Actually failed! It is the strength of the remaining merits on the Umbrella of this palace. It is not enough to resist the sinfulness in your body, so it will bring out the wrath of the sky and cause failure!" Ning Fan knows the sea, ants The main heart hurts like a twist. It’s not painful, she really feels a lot of merits on her umbrella. Now it’s good, the power of merit has been loaned to Ning Fan, but Ning Fan has failed to condense, she is really worth the loss. !

"Is there a lack of merit? I remember, you have a lot of remaining merits on the open book, can you use it!" Ning Fan dipped.

"No, you are not a saint. There is no way to directly convert the merits into the power of merit, because your body can't bear the merits..." The ant grieves, she has begun to accept the fact that the blood is not lost.

"Do not try, how do you know or not!"

Ning Fan took a storage bag and stubbornly took out the ant's open book, which had a merit of 5,800 points.

He looked up at the sky, looked straight into the sky, and did not fear the will of heaven!

He also eats the sky map of the palm of the hand that contains the will of heaven!

If the will of the sky in the Shishishan area is stopped, he will not care.

But if this day is still obstructive, then he will swallow again and again, what's the point!

At the important juncture of Ning Fan's will to counter the will of the heavens, the rain master drove four big and five small rain dragons, carrying the three mountains and five sacred road friends he invited, and the soldiers came to Shishishan!

"Ning Fan children! Speed ​​up the Dou Tianyu umbrella! Otherwise, this Shishishan is your place to return to the market, teach you to destroy it!"

Outside the Shishi Mountain, the sound is full!

No one expected it. Just after Ning Fan killed Fukuzawa, he had a quasi-sacred figure to come, and it was difficult to be with Ning Fan.

And the comers actually have more than one quasi-holy! The battle of Shuizong is simply too scary! Is this really going to kill Ning Fan, the "older overhaul"?