MTL - Great Demon King-Chapter 6 Get her sooner or later

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After Han Shuo woke up, he realized that it was late at night, and the magic elements in the body still flowed irregularly, but there seemed to be a little more in the mind. The whole person looked at the things around him and became much clearer.

In the heart of the move, Han Shuo regained his breath and entered the meditation. Han Shuo carefully felt the details of the undead magic. Finally, he finally decided that because the magic yuan was in the soul of the pain, it just happened to flow into the brain, inexplicable. I actually cultivated my spiritual strength.

"Wow, haha... It seems that I am still a genius, so I meditate mentally so quickly. Hey, maybe you should try the lowest level of magic in the undead, see if you can summon a warrior out!"

I quickly took out the "Undead Magic Foundation" on the bed, and turned it over for a long time. I didn't find the spell that summoned the warrior. At this time, Han Shuo discovered that this "Underworld Magic Foundation" recorded only the basic knowledge of undead magic. There are no spells and magic tricks.

Frowning for a moment, Han Shuo remembered Lisa’s summoning spell, and immediately had a high-handed, high-spirited mind, and concentrated on the summoning spell of the undead magic: “The fallen undead warrior should be dark. The call of the messenger, show your existence!"

When Han Shuo’s mantra was finished, he suddenly felt the weak mental power in his mind, and he passed away all of a sudden. He felt something in his own body, and then he felt a pain in his head, and his body collapsed on the bed, big mouth. The big mouth is gasping.

When Han Shuo softly sat down, in his small grocery store, a black light flashed, and a white forest appeared, which was half shorter than the last call of Lisa Bakker.

Looking at the body white, holding a small bone knife like a dagger in his hand, the hollow hole eyes are facing his little beggar, Han Shuo is still ecstatic. Although it is smaller than the summoned by others, it is also awkward, which also shows that his undead spells have succeeded.

The body collapsed and the brain was groggy. Han Shuo passed the "Underworld Magic Foundation" and knew that his mental strength should be too weak. Even calling such a small cockroach exhausted all the mental power.

Looking at the little cockroaches appearing in front of him, Han Shuo felt that he had an inexplicable connection with him, but now Han Shuo’s mental strength is really poor, and he can’t do it with his mental power, not to mention Send the little cockroach back to the time and space.

One person at a glance, face to face for a while, Han Shuo secretly pays this grocery store anyway, there will be no outsiders, this little sister has no orders, and will not run around, it does not matter here.

Already in the middle of the night, Han Shuo has been tossing for so long, and he has been tired for a long time. After the surprise, Han Shuo felt a little tired and slept in the past.

The next day, the day was not completely bright.

Han Shuo has woke up. During this time, Han Shuo got used to it. When someone else hasn't woken up, he will dispose of the garbage accumulated in the grocery store. After waking up today, he is planning to do the same thing and suddenly see the garbage. The little beggar next to the waste.

After sleeping, Han Shuo's mental strength recovered a little weaker. He sent Xiaoxiao back to different time and space, and his mental strength was definitely not enough, but if he gave him an order, it seemed to be enough. Thinking of this, Han Shuo gathered his mental strength and sent Xiao Xiao the first order - to help him throw garbage.

Order, the little leg bones, a slow stretch of five white bone fingers, grabbed a pile of **** next to it, opened the door and went out.

"Oh, no wonder everyone wants to learn magic. It’s really a waste of time to have magic. In the future, this little squat will be early in the morning and help me throw garbage!"

Han Shuo looked at the sky early, slammed into the cot and continued to sleep, this is the first morning of Han Shuo's late morning.

Filled up a sense of returning to the cage, when Han Shuo opened his eyes, he found that Xiaoyan had returned, and it seems that the garbage waste has been disposed of according to his own orders.

When I climbed down from the small bed and washed my face, Han Shuo noticed that the face was blue and purple. Today, all the magic disappeared. Even some scars on the left and right hands seemed to fade in the skin. In addition to yesterday's mental exhaustion, a little dizzy, Han Shuo's physical condition feels very good.

The "solid" stage of this magical power will transform the whole body. When it passes through its "solid" stage, the scar on the body will definitely disappear, and the strength and flexibility of the body will be greatly improved. At that time, whether it is Buck is still Lisa, and he wants to use the shackles and single-handedly.

Han Shuo thought about it, while washing his face, watching the students of the undead department on the road, and began to go to the Diablo College in class, and quickly took the tools to run on the road to wipe the high school students of the Babylonian Magic School. Stone statue.

"Athina, when it was not bright in the morning, I went to the bathroom and saw the outside from the window. There was a small cockroach, two garbage bags in my hand, and I walked slowly toward the garbage dump. It’s weird!” Amy, a magic apprentice, said to Athena, who was walking next to the dark school building.

"Nerve, the student is so boring, will summon a small donkey to throw garbage, these things are not all that half-mad and silly Brian do?"

"Yes, I really saw a small cockroach, twisting two garbage bags. In addition, I think Brian is so pitiful, he was already very miserable, and now Lisa is like this. Recently, I also beat Buck every day!"

"You must haven't woken up and looked at it. Brian is a chores, or is sold to the Magic School. He is a slave. It is good to be able to survive. You are so kind, what is your heart!"

The two female students went farther and farther. Han Shuo couldn’t hear what they were saying. After a while, Jack came over again and wiped the dust with Han Shuo. Jack wiped for a while and looked at Han Shuo. "Brian, I found that you seem to have a little meat on your body, and you were not beaten by Buck yesterday. I saw your face blue and purple last night. How can you not see it now?"

"Buck recently confirmed that some sports have been done a lot. You see that he has not seen his eyes recently, and he has a very imaginary look. He has any strength in it. If he goes on like this, he is expected to beat me!" Here, Han Shuo feels that his stomach is empty, and he immediately said to Jack: "I have a lot of food recently, and I will give you something to hide from you."

"Hey, how do you know that there is bread in my body?"

"All the students in the department know that you have the habit of hiding food on your body. You just think it is a secret. Don't talk nonsense, give me the bread soon, I will return you later!"

Listening to Han Shuo said, Jack reluctantly took out a loaf of bread and looked at the bread in his hand. After Jack took a piece, he handed it to Han Shuo.

When Han Shuo stopped his work and swallowed the bread, Jack suddenly said, "Hey..., Buck is coming, hehe... and Lisa!"

Buck held two exquisite white boxes in his hand, followed by the little witch Lisa, with a charming smile. He said, "Lisa, this is a snack that my family specially sent to me. It is very delicious. Delicious, you must have not eaten breakfast, you should try it first."

When Buck hit Han Shuo yesterday, he was accidentally punched by Han Shuo on his right face. Now his right face is still a bit blue. When he smiles and talks, his right face seems to be a little painful, and his mouth twitches, and the smile is It seems a bit ugly.

"Hey, I am not hungry. You give me this less, I hate you the most, the face of the guy who talks badly behind people!"

Lisa didn't look at Buck. She just walked forward and walked to Brian and Jack. Lisa looked at Brian with a cold eye and said, "Brian, wait a month, your soul's pain is over. Now, I will find you to practice your hands!"

When Lisa said this, Han Shuo remembered that this morning, the magic of this soul pain, there was no attack, and then Han Shuo guessed that after practicing spiritual power yesterday, the magic of soul pain should have been eliminated, otherwise it would not There will be no episodes until now.

Lisa was ready to go when she finished, but after Buck looked at Brian, he exclaimed: "Hey, how is it possible, I clearly remember that your face was blue and purple yesterday, how is there nothing today?" ”

Damn, you remember it clearly. Han Shuo’s look at Buck, madly madly said: "Oh, I am well maintained!"

"噗嗤" is preparing to leave the little witch Lisa, listening to Han Shuo said so, can not help but laughed and laughed, the beautiful eyes laughed into a crescent moon shape, it looks very cute. After the idiot Brian became crazy, the speech was very interesting. Unlike the previous sentence, Lisa thought, but she was not in a hurry.

Jack knows that Han Shuo is not stupid. He listened to Han Shuo and said that he was deliberately making fun of Buck. He wanted to hold on to the smile but didn't lie on it. Haha's chuckle, when Jack found it bad, it was too late.

Buck was in the fire, thinking that the blue color of my right face is still not good, this fool is the first. Lisa smiled, and Buck didn't dare to say anything, but Jack's laughter immediately angered Buck. I saw Buck's "squeaky" rush to Jack, angry and screaming: "You are a servant, dare Make fun of me, I killed you!"

Jack knows badly, watching Buck rush over, standing where he dare not escape, and pitifully waiting to be detained. At this time, Han Shuo suddenly yelled at the head and yelled "Good pain", standing in front of Jack, and when Buck rushed up, he changed it to Han Shuo, thinking that he would take it right, lift it up. The fist went to Han Shuo’s face.

"咚", Han Shuozhongquan, but feels that compared to yesterday, Buck's fist is a little lighter, this punch down, Han Shuo stood where the thin body did not shake left and right.

However, Han Shuo still yelled a "good pain", suddenly mad, and did not look at it, both hands rushed forward, only to listen to "噼里啪啦", Buck even three punches, immediately left eye black, both hands He screamed and screamed: "Oh servant, you dare to beat me, I have to kill you with undead magic today!"

"Buck, you are bullying Brian again. Now that you are in class, give me back to the classroom."

A soft and soft voice suddenly came from a distance. A tall, glamorous woman with long lavender waves came from afar.

She looks twenty-five-year-old, with a straight nose, a goose-shaped face, rosy **** lips, and a wheat-colored skin that looks very healthy, wearing a slightly smaller mage gown with gold trim.

The tight mage robes her full of towering crispy breasts, perfect for slender, straight legs. Holding a few magic books in his left hand, his right hand was holding a novelty, with an emerald staff, and said to Brian.

"Oh... Teacher Vanni, you didn't bring myopia glasses today, you mean Brian!" Lisa smacked a little, and some helpless words reminded me.

"Myopia glasses are a deadly ruin to the beauty of beauty. I don't want to bring that thing every day." Vanni smiled and finally found Buck, and made a knock on the right hand with a magic wand. Said: "Give me back to class immediately, or you know the consequences!"

After Van Gogh’s fierce talk to Buck, she reappeared with a soft smile and smiled at Lisa. “Lisa, you have to go to class quickly. It’s not a good student to be late, I want to Prepare for today's class and go first!"

After Vanni was finished, she looked back at Buck and glanced at the two slender body-building thighs. The graceful and sleek walked forward, and the two rounded buttocks were moving in the middle of the mouth, which seemed unspeakable. .

"Hey..., Teacher Vanni, there is not a teaching building, you are going in the wrong direction. God, you still bring myopia glasses!"

The little witch Lisa whispered, was about to leave, and then thought of something, paused, and swept Bucke coldly, dismissively said: "The useless guy, even a chores can not beat!" Then Lisa I also looked at Han Shuo and quickly chased it down.

Buck was angry and pointed at Han Shuo and Jack. "You two waiters are waiting, I will find you for your account!" Then he hurriedly ran to class, it seems that the threat of Vanni, still Very effective.

Han Shuo looked at the direction of Vanni’s disappearance and looked at Vanni’s departure. The threat to Buck was not in his heart. When Vanni completely disappeared, he muttered: “This Vanni is really delicious. It’s no wonder that Brian’s stupid boy will secretly love her. I didn’t expect Brian’s eyes – it’s about me!”

"Brian, don't look at it, I know that you like Vanni teacher for a long time, and Vanni teacher also let some students not bully you. However, you are just a chores, she is a senior magician of the Magic School, a senior magician. You don't know how powerful and powerful, although Vanni is somewhat myopic, but there are too many people in the college who secretly love her, you still wake up early!"

Jack's fat hands swayed in front of Han Shuo, and he reminded Han Shuo to face the reality and wake up early.

"I am already drunk, I can't wake up!" Han Shuo said, paused, added: "I will fix her sooner or later!"