MTL - Great Tang Broom Star-Chapter 16 Fighting

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  Chapter 16 Weapon Fighting

   After Xu Jingzong ate mapo tofu, he couldn't forget it when he came back, so he sent someone to buy it.

  Liao Quan was very surprised and said: "Why doesn't Shijun let people go to Jia Ping'an to buy it? He will not refuse if he thinks about it."

  At this moment, officials are officials, and they are born with class differences from ordinary people, so Liao Quan's idea is the consensus of everyone.

   Let a small official go to Yangjiawu, so Jia Ping'an can't help but bring out the best white jade tofu?

  Of course Xu Jingzong wanted to do the same, but he was worried that taking tofu directly from Jia Ping'an would cause some unpredictable changes, such as the curse from the broom star or something.

  You want to say that Lao Xu thought that Jia Pingan was his lucky star, but the lucky star is a lucky star, which does not mean that Lao Xu dared to get too close to Jia Pingan.

  Buy from merchants, so if there is any curse, it will be directed at the merchants. Old Xu feels that he must be safe.

But you can't say that, Xu Jingzong said with a righteous face: "The old man is the governor. If the old man opens his mouth to ask for white jade tofu, Jia Ping'an will be panicked and dare not accept money. But it is not easy for the common people! Buying from a merchant It means paying the money with one hand and delivering the goods with the other hand, without harming people's livelihood."

  Liao Quan felt that the image of Lao Xu was getting taller, and he couldn't help but praised: "The envoy is kind, and the people of Huazhou have the envoy as their parents. It is indeed a deep blessing."

  Parents official Parents officer, refers to the local governor. That's why Liao Quan said that his parents can also get by.

  Xu Jingzong felt refreshed in his heart, but said humbly: "I don't have so many ideas, just one, and don't disturb the people."

  Liao Quan cupped his hands, and said solemnly: "Don't disturb the people, let them rest, this is the rule of inaction! Those people say that the envoy only knows how to write articles and poems, and doesn't understand anything else. It's absurd!"

  He said with a surge of emotion: "The way of governance of Shijun is so admired by the lower officials, and the lower officials are willing to follow Shijun and serve Datang."


   Is this a complete dog licking? No, a complete admirer?

  Xu Jingzong is just flaunting himself. In fact, he doesn't know how to rule by doing nothing. He is just lazy. But Liao Quan felt that this was the supreme way, and he would be a virtuous minister if he learned it.

  Look at the reverence in his eyes, it's real!

  Xu Jingzong only felt that his body was floating, thinking that his old Xu's reputation in Chang'an City was notorious, but here he gained an admirer, which is a blessing.

   Then someone went to buy a few pieces of tofu. Xu Jingzong wanted to eat it, but he received an urgent report saying that something big happened down there. Two villages were fighting with weapons and people were about to be killed.

   This kind of thing is not small. Once fermented, the magistrate will be held accountable, so Xu Jingzong hurriedly took people to deal with it.

  When he arrived, the people in the two villages had been separated, but bloodstains could be seen on the ground.

  At this time, the folk customs of the Tang Dynasty were tough, and those common people felt that farming had no future, so they were willing to join the army to fight for meritorious deeds. This was the tough folk customs in the early days of the founding of the country, but it was easy to cause conflicts among the people.

  Zhao Cong, the magistrate of Zheng County, stayed up all night, with blisters in his eyes, and said: "The subordinate officials did not deal with it properly, please trouble the envoy."

  He said it politely, but he was a little distant.

  He has some relationship with the Shandong gentry, so he naturally doesn't like Lao Xu, the opponent of the powerful family. Coupled with Lao Xu's reputation as a treacherous minister... Especially after someone from Chang'an City came to him a few days ago and told him the few words that Lao Xu openly expressed his loyalty to the prince outside the palace gate, Zhao Cong looked down on Xu Jingzong, a superior official. up.

  The emphasis these days is on strength of character, the emperor is the emperor, but the emperor is just a fart. Didn't you see that when the clan chronicles were being compiled, the old Li family of the royal family could only lean back?

   It can be seen that in the eyes of the people of the world, those powerful families are the most powerful, and the emperor can only take a backseat.

  So the attitude of the officials towards the emperor is very subtle. On the one hand, the emperor must maintain respect, and on the other hand, he feels that this is the case.

  So flattery is unacceptable, everyone should straighten their backs, this is a famous minister.

  Xu Jingzong looked at the villagers on both sides who were staring at him, and said in a deep voice, "Tell me."

  Zhao Cong said: "The one on the left is Wanglin Village, and the one on the right is Xiapu Village. The two sides fought for land last night..."

  Xu Jingzong frowned, "Isn't the field all divided? What are you fighting for?"

  Datang currently implements the land equalization system. When the people become adults, the government will grant land, instead of the people seeking land by themselves.

  Zhao Cong became more and more disdainful, "Huazhou has so little land!"

  This stick, when you come to Huazhou, don’t you know that there are not many fields in Huazhou?

   "Lack of land?" Xu Jingzong frowned and said: "Then let them distinguish clearly. Who owns whose land, clearly distinguish."

  Zhao Cong glanced at him, "Your Majesty, these kinds of disputes are all about the public saying the public is right, and the mother-in-law saying the mother-in-law is right, so it's unclear."

  The so-called upright officials can hardly decide housework, this sentence is also correct when used in such disputes. The local government can't justify these people at all.

  Xu Jingzong walked over slowly, stood in the middle, and said, "Old man Xu Jingzong!"

  Hundreds of villagers on both sides were agitated for a while, and then quieted down.

  This is a good sign, Xu Jingzong said with satisfaction: "Be quiet, and let the local government re-check the fields of the two villages. I promise to be impartial. If I make a mistake..."

  He pointed to Zhao Cong and said, "If he made a mistake, I will make him regret it!"

  This kind of promise is good for the people, but it is Zhao Cong who is responsible. Once something goes wrong, Lao Xu only needs to use him to quell the anger of the people.

   But isn't this just throwing the pot away?

  Old Xu flew over with a black lacquered pot, and it just hit Zhao Cong's head.

  Zhao Cong's face was pale, and just about to speak, Lao Xu had already mounted his horse, "There are many things in the state, the old man will go back first, and I will report something later."

  As soon as he left, the people became restless.

   "Zhao Mingfu, our Xiapu Village has lost five acres of land. How do you say this?"

   "Fart, those five acres of land belong to our village!"

  The anger in the villages on both sides was rekindled, and Zhao Cong hurried over to dissuade them.


   I don't know who started throwing things, and Zhao Cong was overwhelmed by the debris in an instant.


  The little officials and handymen were dumbfounded, and rushed to rescue Zhao Cong.

   Xu Jingzong, who hadn't gone far, looked back and saw this scene, and couldn't help but secretly amused himself, thinking that the old man was really wise, so he avoided it.

  But this matter has to be resolved!

  After returning to the state office, Xu Jingzong has been thinking about this matter.

  A small official came in, "Master, can you still eat the white jade tofu?"

  Xu Jingzong nodded, and the little official went to ask the cook to make tofu.

  The chef is going to cook the tofu and Hoto together to make a special delicacy.

  Hoto is soup cake, that is, noodles and noodles.

  He picked up the white jade tofu, sniffed it, frowned and asked, "Why does it taste weird?"

  Everyone saw white jade tofu for the first time, so they thought it was this flavor.

   But it’s Mayday! It's already hot.

  This tofu...has gone stale. If Jia Pingan was around, he would definitely throw it away. Of course, some people may ask, does stinky tofu change its taste? But stinky tofu is not this kind of flavor changing method, it doesn't dry at all.

Later, Hoto was sent over, and Xu Jingzong ate it, probably because he had a talent for eating stinky tofu, and praised: "This taste is interesting, I can't's completely different from that mapo tofu, interesting, interesting, Appreciate the cook."

   When he fell asleep until midnight, he suddenly felt a pain in his stomach, so he went to the toilet.


  Xu Jingzong was dizzy after this pull. When he pulled it for the third time, he felt that something was wrong, so he hurriedly sent someone to find a doctor.

  There was a night ban in the Tang Dynasty, but it didn't matter to Lao Xu. The doctor came later, and when he made a diagnosis, he said that he probably ate something wrong.

  After taking the decoction, I still feel uncomfortable in my stomach, but what is even more uncomfortable is the feeling of weakness.


   Before dawn, an official came and brought bad news.

   "Xiapu Village and Wanglin Village are fighting again."

   Damn it!

  Xu Jingzong was angry, and asked weakly: "Where is Zhao Cong? He is on the belly of a dead woman?"

   These words were harsh, and the visitor was stunned for a moment, "Mingfu has already gone, a stone was hit on his forehead, and he is fainting at the moment!"

   This is for help!

   "How is it now?" Xu Jingzong was so weak that he couldn't even move.

   "Now the people in the two villages saw that the Ming Mansion was knocked unconscious, and they all went back, but it is said that they have to fight in the past two days, and it doesn't count if they don't kill people."

   "A group of beasts!" Xu Jingzong felt that these were troublemakers, but if he didn't deal with them properly, those enemies in Chang'an City would take advantage of the situation to tease him later.

  What to do?

  He thought about it, but his body was too weak.

  In an instant, he thought of Jia Ping'an. That spirited boy.

   "Go, go to Yangjiawu to get the broom star, no, invite Jia Ping'an."

  At this moment, he felt that he needed a think tank, and the best one was Jia Pingan.

  He fell asleep drowsily, and when he was woken up, he found that the sky was bright, Jia Ping'an was outside, and there was no one around.

   The power of the broom star is still invincible!

  But Xu Jingzong felt that something was wrong.

   "Where's the person?" He yelled, his voice still weak.

   It took a long time for two white straights to come, looking at Jia Pingan with fear in their eyes.

  —Bai Zhi is the official entourage after leaving Beijing to become an official.

  Xu Jingzong sneered and said: "Fortunately, it was Jia Ping'an who came here. If someone else killed the old man, you wouldn't know. So, what does the old man want you to do? Get out!"

   The two Bai Zhis were pale, kneeling down and begging for mercy.

   "Get out!" Xu Jingzong waved his hand, and after they were driven away, he said comfortably: "Fortunately, they were discovered in time, otherwise they would not know when they were killed."

   After finishing speaking, he slowly looked at Jia Pingan and asked, "They are all afraid of you, do you feel uncomfortable?"

   "It's okay." Jia Ping'an thinks this is not bad, at least no one dares to question him, so his fake is completely safe.

  Why is this young man not afraid of the old man at all?

  Xu Jingzong was a little depressed and wanted to have a study time, but Jia Pingan was wondering how long it would take for Sister Wu to come out of Ganye Temple.

After a long time, Xu Jingzong saw that Jia Ping'an was still calm, and he couldn't help sighing: "Sure enough, he is outstanding. The old man called you here today because there is an incident. There are two villages in the west of the city fighting for the fields...but Huazhou Shaotian, how can we suppress it? Their dispute?"

   Jia Ping'an asked the names of the two villages, and couldn't help being happy.

   Yang Deli had gossiped with him about this matter several times. The two villages had been fighting over the five mu of land for many years, but they could not find a solution.

   Jia Ping'an didn't want to care about this, but Lao Xu gave up his plan to suppress him in the temple, and even said good things for him. This shield is very powerful! Otherwise, Chang'an's methods would have come down long ago.

  Jia Pingan felt that he was a person with clear grievances and grievances, so he decided to help Lao Xu, "Mr. Shi, can you go to the scene to see?"

   "The old man can't move." Xu Jingzong shook his head.

  (end of this chapter)