MTL - Great Tang Broom Star-Chapter 17 Sure enough, a traitor

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  Chapter 17 Sure enough, he is a traitor

  Xu Jingzong tried hard to get up, but his body was extremely weak, and he was a little shaky standing on the ground, let alone riding a horse.

   "Diarrhea?" Jia Pingan asked the reason, and after learning that the diarrhea had stopped, he said, "It's simple."


  Xu Jingzong said suspiciously: "The doctor said earlier that resting, tomorrow will be better, you said it is simple, why?"

   Jia Ping'an said: "Ask someone to get some sugar and salt, boil the water to dissolve, and then drink it."

  In his previous life, he had diarrhea and suffered from severe dehydration. In the end, he drank salt water and sugar water, and he was able to go to work in half an hour.

  Xu Jingzong was puzzled, "What's the use of this?"

   "Diarrhea will cause people to lose a lot of water in the body, and it is necessary to replenish water at this time." Jia Pingan tried to describe it in the simplest words.

   But Lao Xu was happy when he heard it, and said: "Get warm water, and I will drink it for a liter, and you will be fine soon."

  One liter...Is this a cow?

  Jia Ping'an's eyelids twitched, "I don't know, this kind of water is not ordinary water. Let's put it this way, the water that was pulled out... Well, if you trust me, I'd better drink sugar and salt water."

  Xu Jingzong frowned and thought for a while, "Yes, although the water that was pulled out is thin, the warm water is the rarest thing, and it will definitely not make up."

   This truth is too powerful, and Jia Pingan can't find a place to refute it.

  Sugar is a rarity at this time, but there is no shortage here. Later, Lao Xu drank two large bowls of sugar and salt water and lay on the bed panting.

   Gradually, he felt that his strength and energy had returned. After getting out of bed again, he said happily: "I thought the diarrhea was cured by you, but I didn't expect you to save the old man, good!"

  Jia Pingan guessed that the tofu was caused by expired tofu, and decided to warn the merchants that tofu beyond the expiration date should not be kept. Otherwise, if the diarrhea and dehydration caused by Lao Xu today, what if Li Zhi is killed tomorrow?

  Later, Lao Xu asked someone to get a carriage to take Jia Ping'an with him, and the group set off on horseback. After more than an hour, they arrived in the middle of the two villages.

   A few blackened stains can still be seen on the ground, which is what the blood looks like after it has coagulated.

Zhao Cong appeared with a bag on his forehead, and wept as soon as we met, "Those villagers are tough, and the officials took people to measure the fields, and they had an attack on the spot. Hit them! They beat **** both sides. The officials will go blocked, but was stoned here by a child..."

  He pointed to the bag on his forehead, but touched it, hissing and hurting.

  He had a painful look on his face, thinking that he had done his best, and you, Xu Jingzong, must be rewarded, right?

  Xu Jingzong looked at him, his eyebrows gradually frowned, "Incompetent!"


  Zhao Cong raised his head and asked in disbelief, "What did your envoy say?"

   "Incompetent!" Xu Jingzong said flatly.

  Zhao Cong refused to accept him at first, and immediately exploded when he was criticized like this, "The subordinate officials have dealt with this many times, and they said that they have visited their two villages hundreds of times. Is this incompetence?"


  Zhao Cong gritted his teeth, but after all, he had to worry about Lao Xu being a superior, so he forcibly endured it.

  Xu Jingzong sneered and said: "You said that you have dealt with it many times and came hundreds of times. Is it useful?"

  Zhao Cong was stunned, "This...the folk customs here are tough, this matter is difficult, who can solve it? Who?"

  He felt that Old Xu was too deceitful, so he poked his neck and said: "The two villages have been arguing over the five acres of land for seven years. How many people in Huazhou know about this matter, but who resolved it?"

   Several governors and county magistrates were helpless about this, you Xu Jingzong took a big hat on me, then you try it!

  Thinking of this, he suppressed his anger and said: "I have been an official for many years, and I have seen more things than my subordinates. I beg you to solve this hidden danger for the local government. The people of Zheng County are very grateful."

   This is the aggressive method.

  Xu Jingzong was stunned. He had thought about this for a long time, but there was nothing he could do!

  Zhao Cong felt that such aggressive calculations were not enough, so he couldn't afford it, "I implore the envoy to help, the officials and people of Zheng County are very grateful."

  The officials felt that the atmosphere was not right, but at the moment they could only salute.

  This is forcing the palace!

  Old Xu, a treacherous minister, is probably going crazy.

   "This matter..." Xu Jingzong felt that he was sitting on the wax, he looked at Zhao Cong coldly, and wanted to say, how dare you slander the old man?

   But he can't say this, once he says it, he admits that he can't solve the matter, what is the prestige?

  Thinking that his super fan, Liao Quan, was right behind him, Xu Jingzong forcibly suppressed the urge to curse, and said, "This matter... Zheng County must hurry up."

   This is a joke, ready to wipe it off.

  But Zhao Cong was probably knocked out today, and he was so angry that he said: "This matter is difficult for Zheng County, please forgive me."

   This is shameless!

  Xu Jingzong knew what Zhao Cong meant. This guy felt that the governor was playing hooligans and playing haha, no matter what happened, and wanted to squeeze him, the county magistrate, so he felt aggrieved.

   But Lao Xu has long been used to taking the blame for his superiors and his boss, so he habitually feels that his subordinates should also have the awareness to take the blame for himself, so Zhao Cong looks particularly odious in his eyes.

   "This statement is absurd!" At this moment, Jia Ping'an on the side said flatly: "This matter makes you confident. I just want to see the capabilities of Zheng County. It's a pity!"


  Zhao Cong looked at Jia Pingan, "Whose boy is this?"

  Ordinary people, who would dare to speak up for Old Xu?

  The key is a promise!

  He has a plan in mind, that is to say, Lao Xu already has a solution, and he just wants to see what you, Zhao Cong, are capable of.

  Xu Jingzong was so angry that Zhao Cong was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood, that's why he kept him from coming down. Hearing this now, he just felt... so **** relieved.

  Old Xu might not admit it, right?

  Look at Jia Ping'an's clothes, they are gray and black like common people with a flat head, and the side slits are very high, which is the status symbol of ordinary people.

  He glanced at Xu Jingzong, thinking that Old Xu would still hit him, and then went back to deal with the boy.

  But Xu Jingzong was angry.


  The old man came to Huazhou to be the governor to suffer, but he was forced here and scorned there. Do you really think that someone has no temper?

He scolded: "Slutty dog ​​slave! When I was an official, you were still a child with a yellow mouth. Today, you are aggressive. Do you really think that this old man is incompetent? Bah! This old man agreed to this matter and settled this matter later. This old man will definitely impeach you !"

  He actually agreed?

   Zhao Cong was overjoyed, thinking that if this matter was not handled well, he would be able to gain a good impression among the Shandong gentry. With this big tree to enjoy the shade, it will not be too easy to get promoted in the future.

  Liao Quan cupped his hands and said solemnly: "The envoy is mighty!"

  He habitually felt that Lao Xu was trying to make decisions for the people, but as for cursing... that just made the king lose his temper.

   This person is not perfect, so we should not be too demanding.

  He made up his own brain and made Xu Jingzong's image taller, but when Xu Jingzong's anger went away, he only felt chills all over his body.

  Why is the old man impulsive again?

  He agreed to this matter in public, and if he can't solve it by then, he will become the laughing stock of Huazhou. Then the news spread to Chang'an, in the city of Chang'an, he might not be able to see the image of Xu.

  My life is so miserable!

  He couldn't help looking at Jia Ping'an, thinking that it was the bewitchment of the broom star, otherwise why would he agree like a ghost?

  Tigers never lose their prestige, so Old Xu refused to lose his prestige, so he said with a straight face: "I'll go back first, come back later."

  He was a little slow when he got on the horse, and he seemed to be panicking.

   All the way back to the state office, Xu Jingzong left everyone alone and talked with Jia Pingan alone in the duty room.

   "Today, you are acting as a substitute and let this old man sit on the wax." Xu Jingzong said sadly: "If this matter cannot be resolved, this old man will become the laughing stock of the world, and he will never be a high-ranking official again. High-ranking officials!"

  Who doesn't want to be a prime minister? Thinking that he couldn't be an executive, Xu Jingzong's heart felt like a knife, wishing to turn back the time and gag Jia Ping'an's mouth.

   "In the future, when the old man is going to be promoted, there will naturally be an enemy who will tell what happened today. It will be embarrassing!"

  Xu Jingzong would be shy?

  Jia Ping'an thinks that everyone is a treasure, with unknown characteristics hidden.

  Like... who isn't a baby?

  He said calmly: "Do you know that there is a large piece of wasteland beside the two villages?"

  He had heard Yang Deli talk about this a long time ago, but that piece of wasteland was next to the fields of several powerful gentry in Huazhou, and no one dared to touch it.

Xu Jingzong was stunned, "The old man in that wasteland also knows that those noble gentry have some relationship with those people in Guanlong, so when His Highness ascends the throne, he will give a big reward and amnesty to the world, and then directly occupy that wasteland. If someone files a complaint, His Highness probably has nothing to do."

  The so-called Guanlong people refer to the Guanlong nobles headed by Changsun Wuji, who are also Conglong heroes.

  Unless you go through the government, the wasteland is not what you want to occupy. However, when the new emperor ascends the throne, it is not a major event and generally will not happen, otherwise it will easily become unstable. So those people aimed at this opportunity and waited to get that piece of land in their hands.

  Old Xu still had this vision, but Jia Pingan took a step forward and said, "Master, are you afraid to offend those people?"

   "How can I be afraid of the old man!" Xu Jingzong sneered, "The old man just refuses to join forces with them, so he was framed as a traitor."

  Old Xu followed the loyal dog route, but those aristocratic families were faintly opposed to the emperor, so there was no room for maneuver on both sides, and they were naturally enemies.

  It is said that Lao Xu is a traitor, and Lao Xu often calls them low dog slaves, which is very funny.

   Jia Ping'an said: "In this case, what is Shijun afraid of?"

  Xu Jingzong was taken aback, "You...what do you want to say?"

Jia Pingan laughed and said, "My lord, Huazhou has little land, and many farmers have lost their fields. If all the wasteland is reclaimed, what is the fight between the two villages? Let's make a book to measure the land. Just make up for the lack of points, so whoever dares to make trouble, that is to have ulterior motives, directly win, who dares to criticize?!"


  Xu Jingzong only felt that he heard a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and couldn't help blurting out: "Good method!"

   This is killing two birds with one stone!

Xu Jingzong got up, and said happily: "I have thought about this matter too, but I always feel that it has nothing to do with my family. You are such a little, but the old man figured it out. If you add trouble to those powerful families, the old man will get excited when he thinks about it. Rejoice!"

   Jia Ping'an couldn't help being taken aback, and only then did he know what Lao Xu was thinking.

  Is Lao Xu a traitor? Kind of, but not outright traitorous. But it's even more impossible for him to be a virtuous minister, so after knowing about the open space, his first reaction was that it's none of my business?

   That is to say, it is mostly useless for you to persuade him with the excuse of being the master of the people. You can only persuade him with the reason of cleaning up the enemy or wanting political achievements.

  Xu Jingzong's fiery eyes made Jia Pingan a little scared. He wanted to reach out to pat Jia Pingan's shoulder, but finally retracted.

   "What a Jia Ping'an, it's exactly what the old man thought. Talents are rare! Talents are rare! Don't worry, the old man will give you benefits."

  This shameless old Xu, who praises others but also praises himself, is indeed a traitor!

   Jia Ping'an was speechless.

  Xu Jingzong couldn't wait to do it. Jia Pingan wanted to go home, but he stopped him.

"Since the old man promised to give you benefits, I will not forget it. You must know the character of the old man." Xu Jingzong looked at Jia Ping'an and said seriously: "The old man promises a thousand gold, and the memorial to Chang'an will definitely have your name !"

   Is this a promise?

   Jia Pingan expressed deep doubts, and then was taken away by the enthusiastic old Xu.


  Old Xu, who promises a thousand gold, is begging for support...

  (end of this chapter)