MTL - Great Tang Broom Star-~ Li Jingye's special episode: true performance (2)

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  Li Jingye's extra episode: true performance (2)

  Li Jingye entered the palace.

   "Meet Li Changshi!"

  Today, the court hosted a feast for the envoys of the Great Food, and there were a few more officials outside the palace gate, dedicated to receiving them.

  Li Jingye nodded indiscriminately, not seeing the strange eyes of several officials.

   After he entered, an official said: "This man has made a long history and made great achievements in battle, but he still stays where he is, hehe!"

  This hehe is not a joke, but a weird speculation.

Another official shook his head, "No! The Duke of England is old, and the next one who inherits the title is Li Jingye. But this person only knows how to fight, not how to be an official. This kind of person...can you let him be a minister? If he does Six volumes of ministers, six volumes of chaos are just around the corner. So...this is His Majesty's knowledge of people and good assignments."

   "So, he is also a poor man."



  Empress also came.

  With the prince, this is a rare happy situation.

  The prime ministers stroked their beards and smiled, but there was more fear in their eyes.

  The emperor was ruthless, and the queen was cruel. With these two in the palace, the prime ministers would not dare to make mistakes at all.

  Li Jingye was sitting on the edge, and on the left was Xungui, who was in his early twenties. He glanced at Li Jingye, and whispered to Xungui on the other side: "He is... still like this all these years?"

That Xungui was over forty years old, but he flattered the young Xungui, smiled and said: "No, he has always been a doctor of the Ministry of Punishment, and later made a long history. Someone said that the British Duke has retired, so he should The superior. But to this day, he is still hanging out in Yongzhou. The whole Yongzhou is also tired, and a group of people often follow him to know."

  Young nobleman looked at Li Jingye with a look of contempt, "I see!"

  The Great Food Messenger smiled and stood up.

   "His Majesty the Great Tang Emperor, the foreign ministers have come here, bringing with them the friendship of Dashi!"

  The prime ministers just smiled, but the smile was slightly cold.

  The emperor looked good today, and said calmly: "That year Dashi strayed into the territory of Tang Dynasty..."

   Entered by mistake? Is the emperor of the Tang Dynasty slapping his face? The Great Food Messenger still smiled, but felt a little nervous.

  After the big defeat that year, Dashi immediately sent a letter, clarifying his attitude: This was a misunderstanding!

  The emperor's eyes showed some sarcasm, "Duke Zhao came back and said... Dashi is quite friendly?"

   After the triumphant return, Jia Pingan reported the situation of Dashi, saying that as long as Datang did not harm himself, he would not dare to peep eastward after Dashi.

   Mr. Zhao is a good man!

  The envoy felt relieved, "Yes. Dashi now regards Datang as an ally. By the way..." The envoy raised his eyes and glanced, "Is Zhao Guogong here? I brought greetings from Dashi."

  The sly eyes flashed away.


   This clumsy flattery made the emperor smile.

  A cold snort came from beside him.

  The emperor frowned slightly and glanced sideways.

  Empress Wu said flatly: "The clumsy method reminds me of Taiping's method of coaxing some people."

  The emperor's old face blushed.

  As the most favored princess in the palace, Taiping is like a bird, flying freely. In the morning, she would come to the Empress to visit her, and then she would find an excuse, act coquettishly, and beg to come out of the palace to play... For example, she had an appointment with Doudou or something.

  Empress Wu knew all about her deception, but the emperor who doted on his daughter was repeatedly deceived.

  The crown prince glanced at his parents, with a look of helplessness in his eyes, and then said coldly: "Mr. Zhao is not in Chang'an."

  After defeating Dashi, Jia Ping'an was in a semi-retired state. A while ago, when Jia Yu became an official, Jia Pingan even directly complained about illness, and slipped away with his own woman, saying that he was inspecting various schools, but judging from Empress Wu's furious performance at the time, it was probably going out to play.

  The Great Food Messenger felt relieved, and then felt something was wrong...

  Why do I feel lucky?

   It shouldn't be!

  He glanced at the warriors he brought.

  Five warriors stood on the side, all staring at the opposite side with their heads held high.

   Across the two rows of desks, there are more than ten Qianniuwei standing opposite.

  The Thousand Bull Guards looked confident, even a little eager to try.

  Li Ji got old, his eyes turned, and he asked: "I seem to see those big cannibals provoking, how about Qianniuwei?"

  Xu Jingzong's eyes were good, "Everyone is full of energy, what's wrong with this old man...Look, that kid, that's the grandson of the old man, right? Look, are you going to roll up your sleeves? The boy is promising, come on!"

  Li Ji smiled, "The cannibal just wants to save face. If His Majesty doesn't nod, how dare they do it?"

Dai Zhide on the other side said: "In the past few years, the army has only cleaned up sporadic rebellions in the north. In addition, it has been fighting against Tubo in the northwest. What Zhao Guogong said... is to train an army that is suitable for fighting in highlands. Now, if the big cannibal dares to come, he will give away his head!"

  Li Ji glanced at him, "Soldiers of the Tang Dynasty, naturally, they should be happy when they hear about the battle!"

  Dai Zhide nodded, "It should be so!"

  The important ministers nearby who heard this remark nodded their heads one after another.

  How about the prince?

  The courtiers pretended to look at the prince casually.

  The Messenger of Food is also waiting for the opportunity, he is going to find an excuse to have a competition.

  What is your excuse?

   On the way here, he discussed with his companion for a long time, and thought of more than ten excuses.

  Which one do you use today?

  The crown prince was sitting in the empress to attack, and turned around to ask for instructions, "Aye, I see that the Great Food Messenger is very eager to try. If so, then let the warriors of the two countries perform martial arts?"

  I haven't said my excuse yet! Food Messenger: "..."

  The emperor smiled slightly, "Alright."

  The prince turned his head and said calmly, "What do the envoys think?"

  You are almost scratching your head and trying to save face when you are there, so I will give you an excuse!



  The ministers couldn't help but cheer up!

  The Dashi Messenger laughed dryly, "That's fine too!"

  He glanced at the five warriors, "Your Highness, the foreign minister brought five warriors with him, and they are also brave and invincible in Dashi..."

  He glanced across at Qianniuwei on the opposite side.

  Five over there?

  The prince's eyes turned, thinking about who to let take action.

   Cough cough cough!

   Immediately, dry coughing continued in the hall.

  Everyone is excited!

  The prince unexpectedly saw Li Yuanying winking.

  His cheeks twitched, feeling that this person really was a disgrace to the clan.

   Qianniuwei is an honorable position, usually held by nobles and officials' children to protect the emperor. The military strength of these people varies, and in the eyes of the prince, they are not as good as the fierce soldiers in the army.

  The guards outside are the fierce soldiers in the army.

  The prince just wanted to order someone to choose...

   A generous body stood up.

  The palace servant who was pouring wine for Li Jingye looked up in astonishment, "Li Changshi, wine..."

  Li Jingye glanced at her, "If I win, I will beg Your Majesty to go!"

   Palace lady: "..."

  Li Jingye stepped forward, "Your Majesty, I am willing to compete with the cannibal!"

   Li Zhi's cheeks twitched.

  The prince said calmly: "I still have to see..."

  Li Jingye turned sideways, "Why bother, one minister is enough!"

  You bragging is fresh and refined!

  The envoy sneered in his heart, "Speak out!"

   On the one hand, his trip was to show weakness to Datang, but it did not hinder the use of martial arts to save some face.

  Li Jingye was a little impatient, "Hurry up!"

  The envoy nodded slightly, and said in a low voice, "Don't kill anyone."

  Five warriors played.

  The two sides are relatively open.

   "Fist and kick." Li Jingye said.

   Is this timid?

  The envoy smiled, "These are big food warriors, one against a hundred..."

   "Do it!"

  Li Jingye suddenly drank violently.

  The five warriors moved after hearing the sound.

  The envoy laughed lowly, "These five people can defeat a hundred cavalry, who is this person? They are so arrogant."

  The entourage around him asked the Honglu Temple officials nearby.

   "It's Mo Dao General Li Jingye!" The official of Honglu Temple gloated.

  The envoy's face changed.

  Fistes and feet flying in front of you...

  In an instant, a person came out and saluted: "Your Majesty, it's very boring!"

  Behind him, five great food warriors were lying there, and screams filled the hall.

  The envoy's face was livid.

  Empress Joy.

  The prince nodded slightly.

  He glanced at the emperor, "Aye, Li Jingye hasn't been promoted for many years..."

  The emperor nodded, and said in a harmonious voice: "Li Qing has been in Yongzhou for many years, do you want to go under the door?"

   Tsk tsk!

  Go to Menxia Province, maybe you will be a servant.

  Li Ji is getting old, the emperor doesn't need to be suspicious of anything, just give Li Jingye a promotion.

  Li Jingye shook his head, "I don't want to!"

  Li Ji's beard is automatic without wind.

  Little beast!

  The emperor was surprised, "Why?"

  Li Jingye said: "There are many things after the promotion."

   Is it too bad?

  Being a high-ranking official is willing to do a lot of things, the more things you do, the stronger your sense of existence!

  Li Jingye glanced at his grandfather, "I want to spend more time with Ah Weng."

   Li Ji's eyes were sour, and he quickly covered it up: "Why is there a wind blowing in this hall?"

  The empress looked at each other and nodded slightly.

  Li Jingye turned around and walked in front of the messenger.

  The messenger's cheeks trembled slightly.

  Li Jingye said: "Brother said he wanted to go to Dashi, but there is no excuse... I want to go too."

  The envoy's complexion changed.

  Li Jingye said: "Next time there is no need to recruit any warriors, just send troops to the east." He said seriously and expectantly: "Maybe?"

   This madman!

  The eyelids of the envoy jumped wildly, "Da Shi will always be an ally of Datang, we are one family, one family... Da Shi is preparing to reduce the army on the periphery of Persia..."

  Li Jingye turned around.

   "Lonely! It's better to shake your ass... I heard that there are some beauties of different races in Pingkangfang, yeah go and see."


   Follow-up is Master Jia's children, with Jia Hong as the protagonist!

  (end of this chapter)