MTL - Great Voyage: the Strongest Clone System-Chapter 240

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In a blink of an eye, the time came to the end of the month.

Liu Ye, who was in Cocoyashi Village, looked at the system's log, and expressed great satisfaction for this month's safety.

Of course, it's not really without turmoil.

For example, an extremely large-scale collision war broke out in the underground world of the West Sea! It is said to be a turmoil of scientific and technological interests centered on a scientist named Caesar Courant.

Liu Ye didn't understand or understand what it was, but Liu Ye knew the particularity of the character Caesar Courant.

In the plot, this guy claims that he is a genius scientist who is not inferior to Vega Punk, but everyone understands that Caesar Courant is not compared with Vega Punk, even if it is with his colleague Vinsmoke Compared with Jiazhi, I am afraid it is far inferior.

However, this guy does have some means, especially the poisonous gas weapons he makes have broad scientific prospects, and there is indeed room for profit to win Caesar Courant.

At least Accelerator is very interested in Caesar Courant.

But other people in Xihai were also very enthusiastic about Caesar Courant, and even Doflamingo, who was devastated, took the time to rush to Xihai from the New World in an attempt to bring the scientist under his command.

So there is no doubt that under the gathering of heroes, a fierce battle finally broke out in the West Sea! Accelerator killed countless enemies in this battle, and fought head-to-head with the officials of the Doflamingo family several times, and the entire West Sea trembled for several days.

It is a pity that the snipe and mussel competed, and the fisherman profited. Just when the forces of all parties are fighting to the top! CP0, who had been observing outside the field, suddenly joined the battlefield, and at a speed that no one could react to, he directly captured Caesar Brown back to the scientific experiment unit.

The battle for the West Sea for Caesar Brown can only be an anticlimactic end as Caesar Brown falls back into the hands of CP0.

Except for the turmoil in the West Sea.

The Drum Kingdom on the Great Route was also turned upside down by the collaboration of Gilgamesh and Sakuya Izayoi.

The arrogant first king took a fancy to this country that is shrouded in ice and snow all the year round, but has the most developed medicine in the world.

It is a pity that the king of the drum kingdom obviously did not welcome Gilgamesh, who opened his mouth and closed his mouth. After a fierce battle, Valbo II was nailed to the throne by Gilgamesh's sword. , the remaining soldiers of the Drum Kingdom suffered heavy casualties, and Valbo III, the son of Valbo II, escaped from the Drum Kingdom under the desperate protection of the guard captain Dalton.

In this regard, neither Gilgamesh nor Izayoi Sakuya had the slightest intention to pursue, because their purpose was to seize the drum kingdom and establish Gilgamesh's own country, that's all.

As for other details, an escaped mere commander of soldiers and a scrap prince were not considered a threat by Gilgamesh and Izayoi Sakuya.

That is, since then, Gilgamesh has completely settled in the drum kingdom, and has become the new king bow of the drum kingdom!

Of course, the current Drum Kingdom has been renamed the Uruk Kingdom. In addition to the annoying name of the Drum Kingdom, more importantly, in Gilgamesh's memory program, Uruk belongs and deserves it. On his kingdom, although the drum kingdom is covered with ice and snow all the year round and has nothing to do with Gilgamesh's former Uruk kingdom, Gilgamesh still arbitrarily reproduced the name of his kingdom here!

However, after Gilgamesh became the king of Uruk, it was also extremely bumpy. Although Valbo III in the plot was a hopelessly faint king, at this time Valbo II was a very popular person. Wise King!

Gilgamesh, who killed Valpol II, usurped the Drum Kingdom and changed the kingdom's name to Uruk, did not gain the hearts and minds of the Drum Kingdom. Many soldiers who were loyal to the previous king and respected Valpol II The people of the world often rebelled, and Gilgamesh was very busy with this.

Fortunately, he has the help of Izayoi Sakuya by his side. Together, even if they are just fledgling new clones, they will still kill the rebels who are not good at force and discard their armor! It only took less than ten days to completely subdue the entire magnetic drum, or the rebellious heart of the entire Uruk Kingdom under the combined grace and power!

After that, Aizen talked about CP0, and quickly reported the information of the national iteration of the drum kingdom to the world government, and brought a tribute of up to 500 million berg!

Then there is no doubt that Gilgamesh has become the legitimate king of the world government's joining countries, and the permission of the Drum Kingdom to officially change its name to the Uruk Kingdom!

After all, for the senior officials of the world government, they don't care who becomes the king and who is defeated. As long as they can pay the franchise fee on time, even a pig can be the king of the world government's country!

Chapter 247 The Dark System Fears Seth!!

That is, not long after Gilgamesh and Izayoi Sakuya won the drum kingdom and renamed it the Uruk kingdom.

'Store balance: 9.135 billion bery. ’

Taking a look, after a month of hard work by all parties, the funds have been re-accumulated.

As the master of the clone, Liu Ye expressed incomparable comfort.

Although Doflamingo's installment payment for the Golden Bell has also come to an end, in the near future, Liu Ye will no longer be able to receive large sums of money from Doflamingo.

But that doesn't matter anymore! Because with the operation of the clones around the world and the major factions, the current clones have formed an extremely huge chain of interest transmission!

There is no doubt that the most profitable one is the Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce, which dominates the East China Sea business community.

With Valier being sanctioned by the willow leaves.

Without Valier's restrictions, the development of the Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce is already unstoppable! The rapid expansion and rapid development, even Liu Ye did not expect it!

In just half a month, the Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce has completed the three-month development goal set by Liu Ye, and the pure profit every month has reached an astonishing 5 billion Berry! Even if half of it is used to maintain the development of the Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce, there will still be more than 2.5 billion Berry's net income that can fall into Liu Ye's pocket!

This is also the result of Liu Ye's concern that the explosive development of the Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce will lead to the crisis of the East China Sea countries, and the result of specially limiting the expansion speed of the Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce! Otherwise, with Sebastian's methods and the unparalleled size of the Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce and the terrifying background involving CP and advancing the city, I am afraid that no one in the entire East China Sea can stop the terrifying business monster of the Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce. forward! Not to mention 5 billion, even if it is 10 billion, 15 billion pure profits are still within easy reach.

But in this way, the wealth of a large number of countries will inevitably be plundered by the Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce, and there will be countless chambers of commerce harvested by the sickle wielded by the Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce. At that time, the existence of the Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce will definitely make the world government s` Feel the crisis and thus be attacked unpredictably.

At the current stage, the fact that the Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce has achieved such success has greatly satisfied Liu Ye's expectations for the Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce. Compared with greater wealth and endless greed, Liu Ye understands that safe and stable development is better than The king of all!

And beyond the East China Sea.

Accelerator, which has unified the underground world of the West Sea, has also begun to generate returns in the subsequent operations after the initial investment. Although it is not comparable to the professional money-making machine such as the Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce, it can still spend hundreds of millions of shells every month. Funds ranging from this are used to supply avatar stores.

In addition, the wandering Broly, the navy's Esders, the CP's Ximen Fuxue, Aizen, and even Uchiha Madara of the push city and Senju Hashima, who manages the jailer army, can occasionally contribute some wealth. Although there are not many single ones, they can add up to hundreds of millions of Berry's income.

There is also Ulquiorra who eats and takes the buckle in the Beast Pirates, which is also a lot of money.

There are no income clones. Currently, there are only Joan of Arc, who is impoverished in the revolutionary army, and the two golden sisters of Arturia, who are hiding in the Goya Kingdom and secretly lurking. As for the newly born Gilgamesh and Izayoi Sakuya, Liu Ye is not cruel enough to oppress the newly born pure new clone.

In these huge territories, as well as the steady stream of Berry income.

Even without the installment payment for Doflamingo's purchase of the Golden Bell, Liu Ye's avatars can still guarantee the source of funds for the avatar store!

If possible, Liu Ye really wants to stay like this all the time, constantly buying stronger powers for the clones, cultivating stronger clones, until the world is invincible!

But unfortunately, this is destined to be just Liu Ye's wishful thinking!


June 28, 1508 in the Haiyuan calendar!

In a good situation, Liu Ye, who gradually relaxed his vigilance, suddenly felt a throbbing...

Under this throbbing, Liu Ye, who thought that the clones caused another disaster, hurriedly opened his system panel, recorded all his clones, and looked at them one by one.

However, until Liu Ye took the last clone, Gilgamesh's action records were all browsed, and he didn't notice anything wrong.

The actions of all the clones are normal. Although there is information about fighting with a strong enemy, it is only a fight within the normal range, and there is no violent incident as strong as the Red Dragon Incident and the Heavenly Dragon Kidnapping Incident. It caused some trouble, and with the abilities of the clones, he was able to settle it by himself, and there was no reason for Liu Ye, who was behind the scenes, to feel palpitations.

"Don't tell me it's not a clone?"

A terrible thought came to mind.

Liu Ye just remembered, because he has been too relaxed recently, his heart has not opened for a long time...

After all, his heart network coverage is too extensive! When you open the heart net, the voice of all people is more annoying than ten thousand frogs croaking in their ears. Except for some eccentric people who like to eavesdrop on other people's talk, any normal person may not like it. Overwhelmed by so many cluttered sounds.

Willow leaves, of course!