MTL - Great Voyage: the Strongest Clone System-Chapter 239

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Therefore, when the news that Esdes finally graduated from the military academy came out, it immediately attracted considerable attention.

"Lieutenant Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, 'Emperor of Ice' Estes takes over as G5?! Will the veritable naval garbage depot be changed as a result?"

"Breaking news! Esders is the base director of the G5 base!"

"Righteous Esdes, fallen G5!"

"The new world pattern may change with 17.."

Accompanied by one after another fuss about the news.

Liu Ye, who was in Coco Yaxi Village, put down the newspaper in his hand expressionlessly, picked up the peeled orange on the table, and took a bite.

Resist the sourness of oranges.

Glancing at his mouth: "The media making a fuss. But this way, Estes' appointment of G5 will be much smoother."

As for the original G5 base chief Vergo in the plot?

There is absolutely nothing to worry about, let alone Vergo, even Vergo's master, Doflamingo, won't have much trouble in front of Esdes.

In fact, it was just as Liu Ye expected.

Located in Dressrosa, Doflamingo, who has been working on a plan to usurp the Kingdom of Dressrosa, has been working well with Kaido recently because of Ulquiorra's return. Esders was appointed as the G5 base commander, and his confidant Virgo just mixed up the news of the position of deputy base commander, and his face was not good.

The seat of the head of the G5 base is an extremely important position for Doflamingo and his family!

It is not just because the important position of a G-level base commander can give Doflamingo a lot of convenience in the new world, monitoring the movements of the navy at any time.

More importantly, the sea area where Dressrosa Kingdom and Doflamingo's core industries are located is within the control of the G5 base!

Without the position of G5 base director to help Doflamingo cover, Doflamingo's many illegal industries will be seriously hindered, or even difficult to carry out!

It would be fine if he just lost the position of G5 base chief.

What troubled Doflamingo the most was that Esdes was the one who took over as the head of the G5 base! !

'Empress of Ice' Esdes.

Doflamingo was in contact with her.

When he was still one of the default lists of Qiwuhai, he had a meeting with Esdes on Long Chain Island.

Then there was that meeting, this woman who was not savage, who was not afraid of death, but who had surging strength, completely left a 'difficult' impression in Doflamingo's heart, even if it was before the distance. A whole year has passed, but Doflamingo still will not forget how much effort he had to take to bring Ulquiorra back in the hands of Esdes.

This kind of troublesome woman who can hardly be bought and can hardly be compromised becomes the base director of G5, and Doflamingo feels a headache just thinking about it.

Fortunately, although Virgo didn't become the base chief, he also took the post of deputy base chief, which finally left some room for Doflamingo, otherwise, Doflamingo would even start. To consider whether to transfer the base!

But even in the current situation, Doflamingo has to make many adjustments.

Among them, because the cooperation with Kaido was too smooth, the plan to seize the Kingdom of Dressrosa was prepared in advance!

"Let's stabilize for a while." He stared gloomily at the phone bug in front of him.

Brother Doflaming said sullenly: "That troublesome woman has taken office. Don't act rashly until the situation is not clear and you are 100% sure!"

"And on Vergo's side, let him be more careful and stop contacting the family for unnecessary things."

"Ah, yes, never underestimate Esdes!"


On the other side, the East China Sea Naval Base...

"I'm the new chief of the East China Sea, Seth~!"

With a small goat's tail.

Dressed up and down meticulously, the thin man faced the conference room full of naval officers below, and said with a dejected expression: "I am very sad about what happened to the former base commander! I didn't expect that in the glorious and righteous Navy. Among them, the traitors of the revolutionary army will actually sneak in! For the decision of the Navy Headquarters and the world to arrest the former base commander, I express my incomparable support and support! In the next tenure of 057, I hope to unite everyone, Build a solid line of defense in the East China Sea and completely eliminate naval officers... Barabara..."

Chattering, sleepy speeches unfolded on stage.

Although the naval officers in the audience didn't want to listen to the big truths that the new base commander had blurted out at all, they had to pretend to listen carefully because of the identity and rights of the other party.

Only Kata Kongbo, who was sitting in the front row, and other core generals watched indifferently, and were indifferent to Seth's performance.

"There's another base commander from the political faction." Kata Kongbo said angrily to Drake, who was beside him with a solemn expression: "It's just disgusting, Lieutenant General Esders finally managed to The East China Sea Navy that has just been built will sooner or later fall into the hands of people like him."


Drake didn't answer.

It's just a frown, which proves that Drake's heart is also full of opinions on the new base commander.

Beside him, Kata Kongbo was still venting his dissatisfaction: "I heard that Lieutenant General Esders has become the base commander of the G5 base. Damn, this is the first time I want to be sent to a place like G5. Go, under the command of Lieutenant General Esdes, even dying in battle is 10,000 times happier than being angry here!!”

Chapter 246 Uneasy!!

It's a pity that Kata Kongbo's demands are destined to be just a little bit of self-reported complaints.

It's not just that the deployment of the navy is not as simple as what Kata Kongbo and Drake can decide. Even from the perspective of Esders, he doesn't want Drake and Katakongbo. Appears inside the G5 base.

the reason is simple.

Although Kata Kongbo and Drake are the direct descendants of Esdes.

But they are foolish and staunch supporters of the world government with a righteous heart!

That is to say, no matter how much Esders's kindness to them is, when Esders and the World Government are on opposite sides, they will only turn to the World Government in the end! not Esdes.

These are definitely two extremely unstable factors for Esders, who entered G5 and had instructions to completely turn G5 into a private army that only obeyed his own orders.

So no matter how outstanding the abilities of Kata Kongbo and Drake are, it is impossible for them to be qualified to follow Esdes!


The small fluctuation of Esdes as the base director of the G5 base quickly recovered under the ever-changing sea.

Although there are still a lot of people paying attention to this distinctive female lieutenant general, Esdes, who entered the G5 base, was unexpectedly calm.

Only Marshal Sengoku of the Navy Headquarters saw the news of the G5 reorganization from time to time, and his face gradually put on a satisfied smile. In addition, even the navy who had the closest relationship with Esders, Kizaru, failed to G5 got the specific movements of Esdes from there.

But what everyone understands is that G5, the notorious garbage dump that doesn't even deserve to be called the Navy, is being reborn under the management of Esdes!


June 24, 1508 in the Haiyuan Calendar!