MTL - Great World of Magic Cube-Chapter 19 Teaching

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At 8 o'clock in the evening, after eating dinner, the Ito family came out from home and came to an open place in an uninhabited park not far from home. There were few pedestrians here, and there were little trees around them. It is impossible to be discovered, and it is a very good martial arts venue.

"Okay, it's here." After the Ito family came here, the mother Hui Lizi and Ito Rina retired to the side and planned to watch Ito's teaching to Ito.

"That, this is your weapon." Ito Bell threw one of the two bamboo swords in his hand to the opposite Ito.

Ito Cheng wisely took over the sword that Yi Teng Ling had thrown over, and waved a few times to feel the weight in his hand for a convenient use.

"I will explain the history of our Ito family first." Ito Bell did not immediately start teaching, but explained the family history. "We found that Ito was born in the Warring States Period, serving the Tokugawa Ieyasu, and the famous swordsmanship was also Passed down from that era.

But this was only the original Ito's swordsmanship. By the third generation, there was a genius child in Ito's family. The qualifications were heavy. They were accepted as disciples by the famous yin and yang masters at that time. From that generation, the family was divided into two groups. The branch is still based on the inheritance of swordsmanship, and one is based on the inheritance of swordsmanship and yin and yang.

The inheritance of swordsmanship has basically disappeared because of the wrong path during the Meiji Restoration. Only one of us, which is supplemented by yin and yang techniques, is passed down, and our swordsmanship has also changed from murderous swordsmanship to repulsive swordsmanship. ”

Speaking of it, Ito Bell stopped laughing and laughed.

"Well, it doesn't matter. Now I want to teach you the foundation of the Ito family's swordsmanship, come and learn with me!"

Ito Suzuki looked at Ito Satoshi seriously and began the basic teaching of swordsmanship. From the posture of holding a sword, basic progress, regressing, turning, etc., to the basics of the basic sword and other basic foundations began teaching.

It’s just that Ito’s achievements will be all mastered by Ito’s bell, and the other three girls are very surprised.

“Is Ah Cheng a genius? Didn’t he be so fast when he was taught him?” Although Ito’s surprise and the progress of Ito’s progress, he still had some doubts and thoughts. “But forget it. It’s probably not enough understanding ability when I was young. Big. It’s easy to learn."

"Since Acheng has mastered this, I will teach you more today." Ito Bell looked at Ito’s progress and time and decided.

After that, Ito Bell started a new teaching. Although it is still the basic thing, but the content is more, the movement of the sword has changed from one to three, each of the offensive, defensive, and defensive counterattacks, to the pace of cooperation. The movements and postures, etc., were taught.

However, this still can't stand the learning speed of Ito Satoshi, which is high enough. It is only a short time that you can basically combine the hand, the step and the body. Although you are not skilled, you can also surprise the average person.

"A Cheng did not expect you to be a genius!" Ito the bell finally couldn't help but be amazed, and looked at her mother, Hui Lizi and Ito Rina.

"Come here today, you will skillfully follow these moves and teach you the rest tomorrow."

"Okay!" Ito became nodded, took the action on his hand, and went home with his mother Ito Hiko, Bell, and Linnai.

Back home, Ito Bell took the lead to go to the bathroom, don't just watch the teaching, but also to do the action, plus now it is summer, although the night is still cool but the weather is still very hot, then the teaching is still a little while Out of sweat.

Ito Shun went straight back to the room, took out the medicinal herbs and snake venom from the space, and took them to the living room. Since the explanation has been made with the family, the **** is generous.

Hui Lizi and Chennai looked at the medicine that Ito was taken out. They knew that it was used to make a medicated bath. They couldn’t help but curious to come to Ito’s side to observe the medicine in the hands of Ito.

"What are these?" Hui Lizi is only a witch, although the ancient witch is also responsible for treatment, but now it is obviously not used, so I did not inherit the knowledge of the herbal medicine, and picked up one of the herbs.

"The powder of poisonous hairs," Ito said casually.

"What about this?" Hui Lizi asked for a pack of medicine.

"The powder of the dried arrow of the poisonous arrow tree fruit."

"The fruit juice of the poison arrow tree? That is poisonous." Hui Lizi did not understand these, some poisons still know what, after hearing the answer from Ito Cheng, some color changes.

"What about this?" Hearing the answer from Ito, even the one on the side, Ito Rina, carefully asked for the liquid in a small bottle.

"The snake venom." Ito Cheng looked at the things in the hands of Ito Reina.

"Amount ~" All of them, Ito Rina and Hui Lizi are speechless!

"These are not all poisons?!" Hui Lizi asked with some uncertainty, the same psychological dark road, this is really a medicated bath? A Cheng is this time to make things in these things?

"No, there are a few flavors of normal Chinese medicine." Ito Cheng answered. However, it is obvious that this answer does not allow the two women to rest assured, and they have some heart to leave the packs of medicine.

"It doesn't matter, you just don't have to send it to your mouth, and this medicated bath is said to have the effect of beautifying the skin." Ito Cheng saw the two women's mentality and comforted. Sure enough, the effect of the last landscaping of the skin, Hui Lizi clearly revealed the look of intent, while Renay is also somewhat interesting but obviously more afraid of the name of poison.

At this time, the body was only wrapped in a large towel, and the Ito bell, which exposed the thighs and chest near the collarbone, came out of the bathroom. "What are you doing?"

"It's okay, just looking at the herbs used in Acheng medicine bath." Hui Lizi shook his head and said helplessly. "It's just that those herbs are really scary."

"Is it?" Ito Bell wondered.

"Then I went to the bathroom first, you talk." Ito Cheng got up and wrapped the medicines and went to the bathroom.

"What's wrong?" Ito Bell asked the two women while wiping their hair.

"The herbs that your brother's hand is holding are mostly poisons, and they are still poisonous." Hui Lizi sighed.

"Hey? Then why don't you stop him?" Itobell asked in surprise.

"Forget it, I have been soaking for a while before, and I have to go out early, let him go." Hui Lizi shrugged and then looked at the direction of the bathroom. "And the Chinese medicine is profound and profound, maybe that is the medicine. The reason why the bath is the key to the medicated bath."

"Oh." Ito Bell nodded. "Look at the effect. If it's so good, wait someday and ask the younger brother, ask him to give us some try."

"Yeah, listen to your brother saying that the medicated bath seems to have the effect of beautifying the skin." Hui Lizi went to the sofa and sat down, pressing the remote control in his hand while dialing the channel.

"And this effect? ​​Then I have to try it." Which woman does not love beauty? Ito Bell is obviously more interested in the medicinal bath of Ito.

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