MTL - Guardian (Bu Hui Xia Qi)-Chapter 33 reunion dinner

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As the year approached, Aunt Liu and He Bo gradually became busy. They went out to buy a little bit of new year's goods every day, and gradually filled the kitchen. Yu Shulin's winter vacation homework has been completed in advance, so she followed the supermarket markets of Aunt Liu every day to help pay for things.

Now that the devaluation of coins has begun to appear, Aunt Liu has been holding money all the way without spending it, looking very worried.

Yu Shulin was a rich man. He had never been distressed about money since he was a child. Although he had been miserable in his last life, he had no chance to worry about money. In this life, he directly held the property left by his mother, and went to the brother of the local tyrant. He usually spent pocket money to manage it. Every time he moved the mother's money, he was buying gifts for his brother. He didn't really think about the depreciation of the coins.

He was just a bit worried. His elder brother seemed to be very expensive. His money seemed like he couldn't buy a few gifts ... so poor.

Liang Zhou finally bought Yu Shulin's exam gift. It is the latest computer.

Now penguin and other chat software has begun to spread among students. Many students in the class have numbers. Now that he has a computer, he has also applied for one.

He studied hard in high school in his whole life, and although he occasionally went online, he didn't have much contact and was a little unskilled in typing. Liang Zhou stood behind him, watching him typing slowly, key by key, lipping his lips, carefully writing down his penguin, and returning to the study.

The prompt for a friend's application sounded suddenly, Yu Shulin stopped typing and curiously opened it with the mouse. The application for adding a friend was a new whiteboard number. The name of Da Lala in the column said Liang Zhou. He hesitated, and then agreed with a smile.

Three years ago, He Long moved to the villa to celebrate the New Year with everyone.

On the thirtieth day of the new year, Liang Zhou dressed up Yu Shulin and took him to the old house of Zhou family for a reunion dinner.

Yu Shulin was a little hesitant and hesitated when he went out.

"Otherwise, I won't go. I'm just an outsider. It's inappropriate to go ..." In his capacity, he always felt a little embarrassed to go to the Zhou family for a reunion dinner.

"Not an outsider, you are my brother." Liang Zhou put a scarf around him, pushed him into the car, and sat around in the driver's seat to help him fasten his seat belt. "Relax, just eat a meal. . "


"It's nothing." Liang Zhou got up and touched his head. "Big sister and little sister know that you live with me, and when you called me, they asked me to bring you, don't worry, they get along well. . "

Having said all this, Yu Shulin was not good at rejecting it, nodded, and relaxed a little under his heart.

The old house of the Zhou family is located on the other side of the city. Liang Zhou drove for more than an hour before arriving. Yu Shulin's relaxed mind gradually became tighter with time.

The car drove into the old town. This area is all old houses. The road is a bit narrow, and Liang Zhou had to slow down. Qiguaibaguai drove to a hutong entrance, the car couldn't get in, Liang Zhou got out of the car, and took Yu Shulin to walk in with the ceremony.

A child was playing with artillery along the road, and a firecracker just exploded at the foot of Yu Shulin. He was startled, and the gift box in his hand was almost thrown to the ground.

Liang Zhou quickly gave him a hand, looked at the road conditions along the road, frowned, simply changed all the annual gifts to the right hand, took his hand, and whispered: "Be careful, this little child is more More, a little more lively. "

Yu Shulin nodded, looked down at the hand they were holding, and smiled with a bent eye-he liked the atmosphere and was very lively.

Zhou He was leaping up and down the gate of the courtyard, and the firecrackers crackled. When he saw Liang Zhou leading an individual, he hurried with a smile when he dropped the firearm. , Happy New Year and all the best, red envelope, red envelope, get it! "

Perhaps it was infected by the atmosphere of this New Year. Liang Zhou had a rare smile on his face. He took a thick red envelope from his pocket and handed it over, saying, "Just the smoothest, give it to you."

Zhou He quickly took it, and felt the thickness of the red envelope, and the smile was even greater. The dog-legs came to help Liang Zhou with his new year's gift. you."

Yu Shulin saw him come together and greeted with a smile, "Zhou He, Happy New Year."

Zhou He deliberately made a look of surprise, cried strangely: "Oh, I looked at it from afar and thought my cousin brought a cousin back. It turned out to be sparse forest. Welcome and welcome. Happy New Year, go, I will take you Go and see the new game console I received! "Then came to pull Yu Shulin, pulling him to charge into the room.

Liang Zhou heard the word "table" and held Yu Shulin's hand tightly, then let go, and pulled the person away by Zhou He, and instructed, "Xiaohe, don't pull, Shu Lin also raised his hand. Something. "

"I know, I know." Zhou He waved his hand and took Yu Shulin into the yard.

A group of people in the yard are brushing the paste on the Spring Festival couplet, and seeing Zhou and Hurun running in, a Qingjun youth standing at the outer periphery smiled and said, "Xiaohe, you have finally tossed out the artillery? Come and help paste the window flowers. . Well, who is this, your classmate? "

Yu Shulin stopped and greeted, "Hello, I'm Yu Shulin. Happy New Year."

"Ah, you're sparse forest?" Qingjun youth froze, looked him up and down, his face became wider, and greeted enthusiastically: "I am the eldest son of the house, Zhou Qi, and you can call my cousin along with Zhou Zhou. By the way, why are you alone, Zhouzhou? "

Yu Shulin was pulled by Zhou He, not knowing whether he should call his cousin, and he nodded vaguely, and said, "Happy new year, brother is outside."

Zhou He was anxious, followed his fingers and said, "Cousin is outside, you can go and see for yourself! I'll take Shu Lin to put in things first, and the window coverings will be posted by you. Go, Shu Lin, we enter the house, ignore them. "

"Boy, you know that you are lazy." Zhou Qingren, who was brushing the paste, sneered at him with a smile, nodded kindly to Yu Shulin who looked at him, and said warmly, "Go into the house and drink some hot tea and warm Warm your hands. "

"Um." Yu Shulin nodded smartly, couldn't help smiling.

The people who are busy posting Spring Festival couplets have already stopped moving, greeted Yu Shulin with a smile one by one, and the atmosphere was harmonious for a while, it really felt like a family reunion.

Liang Zhou stepped behind, seeing that his eyes were slightly warm, and he greeted his family members one by one. As soon as he was about to enter the house with Yu Shulin, Zhou Qi grabbed his arm and grabbed the young man.

There was an old lady sitting in the main room, talking to the woman's relatives who were sitting around her. Her face was red and she looked very tough.

Zhou He pulled Yu Shulin in, lowered his head and began to pull on the sofa, and asked casually, "Sister, did you see my bag, I remember putting it here."

A graceful woman stood up from the old lady, gave him a disgusting look, and greeted Yu Shulin with a smile: "I heard Zhou Zhou mentioned you before, it is called Shu Lin, right, come and sit . "

Yu Shulin did not expect everyone to be so kind to him, and greeted him in a hurry: "Hello, Happy New Year."

The woman smiled, came and pulled him, and said gently, "My name is Zhou Shi, just call my cousin." Then he introduced him to the person inside the house. "This is grandma, aunt, little aunt, you follow Just shout Zhouzhou. You are Zhouzhou's younger brother, that is my Zhou family, don't be bound. "

Yu Shulin nodded embarrassed, his heart warmed slightly, thinking of Liang Zhou outside, this time finally no longer tweaking, followed by Zhou Shi shouted one by one, and smiled to the New Year.

The old lady looked him up and down, smiled, and took a red envelope from his pocket and plugged it into his hand: "Good boy, it looks like an obedient obedient person, take this as his own home, ah."

The old man's hands were a little rough but warm. He thanked the red envelope subtly. The two aunts looked at people who were also mild-tempered and gave him thick red envelopes.

After taking the red envelope, Zhou He took Yu Shulin out of the main house.

"Well, my aunt and my mother are biased. Your red envelope is thicker than mine. What's in Grandma's red envelope doesn't look like money. Open it quickly." Zhou He was holding the game console, a little jealous and Some curious said.

Yu Shulin took out the red envelope given by the old lady, opened it, and poured the contents into the palm of her hand.

"Sure, it's actually gold bars, and my heart is too big!" Zhou He's eyes widened, and he was a little bit angry. The old man has never loved his grandson and gave red envelopes at an average level. Never give too much, but now Contrast ... eccentricity!

The gold bars are not large and the thickness is not thick, but they hold a lot of weight in their hands. They are carved with some runes and look very ancient.

Yu Shulin carefully looked at it and touched the rune on it: "What's the moment?"

"It's a peace charm." Liang Zhou walked to his side, glanced at the things in his hand, and explained: "I also have one, which was given by my grandmother on my eighteenth birthday. I didn't expect that my grandmother would also prepare it for you. Here. "

"Cousin, are you lazy! Is the Spring Festival couplet finished?" Zhou and jealousy turned red, why didn't he have this Jin Chancan's sign of peace!

"I am a guest, you are the master, shouldn't you do this job? The Spring Festival couplet is finished, and the window flowers are still left for you, let's go." Liang Zhou waved the flies and pulled one of Yu Shulin's courtyards. A hut walked: "I'll take the sparse forest to rest, you go and help."

Zhou He was struck back by his rare jokes, glaring like a frog for a long time, humming coldly, and went to the door to continue the artillery battle.

The door of the hut was the ancient carved wooden door, which squeaked when opened.

The rooms are large, the windows are a bit small, and the light is not particularly bright.

Liang Zhou closed the door and turned to help Yu Shulin take off his scarf. He asked, "Grandma, they are not in trouble. We will go back after lunch. We will spend the night with He Bo and they are not here for the night."

Yu Shulin's eyes were bright, and he rubbed a red envelope, saying, "Everyone is fine, um, um, my grandmother and aunt gave me a red envelope, and my cousin was very kind." He grew up with his mother and his grandmother. He has already died, and Yu Yuxiu has not visited the door again for several years. It is very deserted every year. The experience of reunion dinner with so many people like the Zhou family has never been experienced ... ,Great.

Liang Zhou heard that he had called out to his grandmother, and realized that he no longer isolated himself from this big family, and touched his head with a lip, and smiled, "Well, they are all very good people. Come out with me and say hello to them, they will be relatives in the future, don't be too restrained, huh? "

"Okay." Liang Zhou rarely smiled, but today was an exception. Yu Shulin was a little embarrassed by him, and he turned around and pushed out the door: "I'll help the boat and paste the windows."

Liang Zhou took his scarf to keep up with some secret contentment in his heart.

Although everyone asked Shu Lin to call himself to express his acceptance, this situation is not as good as a new wife entering the door to recognize relatives ... This is also good.

When the window was pasted, Liang Zhou and Yu Shulin met other relatives of the Zhou family. After harvesting a bunch of red envelopes, everyone finally sat around the big round table in the main house, waiting for a reunion dinner.

Mr. Zhou, who had been resting in the house, went out, his expression was serious, and he didn't get along well. Liang Zhou took Yu Shulin to worship and got two big red envelopes.

At this point, Yu Shulin finally met all the main relatives of the Zhou family.

After the reunion dinner, Liang Zhou and Yu Shulin took a chat with the old lady for a while, and then went to the old man's room to sit for a while, then left.

On the way back, Yu Shulin was always very excited. He looked at the red envelopes repeatedly. The peace charm was also touched and touched, which was a treasured look.

Liang Zhou frowned gently and asked, "Like?"

Yu Shulin carefully stowed things and nodded: "Like." These are everyone's kindness and hard to come by.

"I will take you back every year to have a reunion dinner." Liang Zhou promised.

Yu Shulin looked at him side by side and nodded: "OK." Every year, he likes the word. 2k novel reading network