MTL - Guardian (Bu Hui Xia Qi)-Chapter 37 Gossip war

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Quickly hung up the phone, he got up and went to the bathroom to finish washing, changed his clothes and went downstairs, so that He Bo took the newspaper.

He Bo's expression was a bit disgusting. Knowing what he was going to see, he just pulled out the entertainment version and placed it on the top. No work ethic! "

"Cultivation relationship" stabbed Liang Zhou with a heartbeat. He picked up the newspaper and saw that almost half of the pages above were all about his own news. The headlines were humorous and extremely exaggerated. The picture was taken at the airport yesterday. Some people hugged him and some people led him away. In the most prominent place, he even showed a photo of him kissing Shu Lin's cheek.

The angle of the kiss was ambiguous, it seemed to be kissing the lips, full of imagination.

Yesterday, after He Long reminded him, he asked He Long to say hello to the major newspapers and media. Why is there such a biased and headlined report today? Also, my peers are clearly related to the news. Why isn't it mentioned in this report?

It's too sinister.

He put down the newspaper and called Zhang Qian.

"what happened?"

"What else can happen, your uncle is dead again." Zhang Qian said with a bit of disgust, and said quickly: "I have made people prevent the news from spreading, and all the photos of Xiao Yu's face have been withdrawn. Down, but those that have been printed and sent out in the newspaper will not be able to do so, and may have a certain impact on Xiaoyu's life. "

"Damn." What he was most afraid of was this. Shu Lin was just a student. The living environment was simple. A little black water splashed out of the entertainment circle was enough to shake his life.

Zhang Qian was startled by his rare irritable tone, and he quickly agreed: "Yes, Liang Jian is damned. What are you going to do?"

He calmed down quickly, shuffled the entertainment newspapers in his hand and threw them into the trash bin, and said coldly: "First, minimize the impact of the report to prevent the situation from spreading further. Pay attention to the news on the Internet. Once someone puts this online Then the news, delete it the first time! What about those glorious black materials that I let you sting? "

"Everyone, no more, what are you doing?" Zhang Qian stuttered, uncomfortable with his abrupt style of painting.

"What's a big event for Ronghua recently?"

"There was an early build of a draft and a new combination. The legendary blockbuster seems to be released soon. The news has been released. Yang Lin played the heroine."

Liang Zhouxian thought for a while, and arranged: "In the draft, Ronghua was treated as a harsh artist, and internal screenings included news such as shady, and then pushed out two of the company's better development combinations, and arranged a variety show for them to promote. Bigger, Ronghua's new combination builds momentum. As for Yang Lin ... Didn't Liang Jian hold her as the head of the jade girl, throw the news that she relies on hidden rules on the Internet, and leave it alone. "

Zhang Qian was speechless. He dullly noted down the arrangements and hung up the phone, stunned. Liang Zhou had never bothered to do this kind of thing ... oh my god, is this ... rushing to the crown and getting angry for his brother?

Liang Zhou then called Guan Bowen, asking him to inadvertently mention the appearance of the airport incident in a recent interview and explain the day. The focus of the explanation is on the two returning home together. As for Yu Shulin's identity, it is best to bring it in two or three sentences, except that the relatives who have a better relationship come to pick up the plane, don't mention anything else!

Arranged this way, he put down his mobile phone, beckoned and called to He Long, and asked him to buy a newspaper.

He Long's eyes fell on the newspaper in the trash can, and he did not understand: "Buy a newspaper?"

"Go to City No. 2 Middle School, buy all the newspapers that reported the news in all the newsstands near the school, and spread it outside. I just hope that there are no such messy things flying in the school in Shulin." Liang Zhou waved his hand. Let him go. He slept late last night, the jet lag was not good, and he had a headache.

"... I see, boss." He Long went out stiffly.

In fact, the school is very calm. Everyone is tortured by make-up lessons. There is no time to care about gossip.

Wang Zhi, who loves gossip, bought a newspaper. He took the entertainment edition to Yu Shulin for a long time before studying, and said with a grin: "Well, the people in this report look like you, but it ’s a pity Happy Xiaomi, who has been raised, is a poor student who is working hard at school, but his life is different. But Liang Zhou is actually gay. This is big news. He has n’t released a new work for a long time. I still like him very much. "

After hearing the familiar name, Yu Shulin, who was digging for textbooks, paused. If nothing happened, he went to the newspaper and asked, "Is it very similar? Let me see."

"Here, the picture is a bit fuzzy, but it looks really like you." Wang Zhi handed him the newspaper generously.

Yu Shulin quickly scanned the report, stared at the photos for a few seconds, adjusted his expression on his face, looked up, and shoved the newspaper back into Wang Zhi's hands, laughing: "This newspaper is too exaggerated What kind of homosexuality, I'm afraid it's just a gimmick. This kind of entertainment news is most like guessing, you will believe it. "

"Hey, look at the excitement, I didn't say believe it." Wang Zhi hippie smiled, apparently did not take this news to heart.

Yu Shulin was relieved in his heart, but said on his face: "Don't say that, did you write your English test paper, the teacher should learn it by himself."

"It's over, I have a composition that I haven't written, and I'm going to die!" Wang Zhi was frightened, and left the newspaper and turned around.

Yu Shulin smiled, took out his textbook and looked up, but his eyes slowly subsided, and he reached out his cell phone to send a text message to Liang Zhou.

"What's going on in the newspaper?"

The text message came back quickly.

"Affects you?"

"No, no one thinks of me, how about you?"

Liang Zhou's tense heart string relaxed and quickly replied, "It's okay, it's resolved. Let's concentrate on class."

Yu Shulin looked at the text message and put his mobile phone back in his bag, looking down thoughtfully.

Who is pouring dirty water on his brother?

The newspaper was swept to the ground by Wang Zhi, and Li Tao, who had finished his homework, passed by, bent over to pick it up, and looked up at Yu Shulin after seeing the content above. The other party is concentrating on reading, which is no different from usual. He lowered his eyes, folded the newspapers, tucked them into his pockets, and pursed his lips back to the table.

Under the rapid response of Liang Zhou's team, the reported thunderstorms caused little thunder and rain, causing no bad consequences. In the interview with Guan Bowen, he unintentionally raised the matter and explained two sentences with a smile, and the news was completely turned into a joke, which was forgotten by people.

Some boring students in the school believed those reports and came to watch Yu Shulin, but every time they came to see him studying, the heart of the gossip gradually faded.

Liang Zhou rested for a while and went directly to the company to prepare a fight with Liang Jian. He has been abroad for half a year, and Ronghua is very happy in China, and his courage is getting fatter.

The public opinion battle between Rongguang and Ronghua began.

There are frequent gossip news. No one is happier than gossip netizens. Nowadays, the online world is developing rapidly, and netizens who like to "scrape" celebrities are gradually taking the lead. The number of online users of various large community websites has soared sharply. There is a great momentum of "give me a black material, and I can strip the entertainment circle."

Netizens also tried to smash Liang Zhou, and it was chopped up and down. Except that his dad was very good, and his mother was also very good, he only picked out the grudges he had with Liang Jian. The news about the boy in the report was unnoticed. After Guan Bowen's unintentional clarification, netizens' curiosity was partially satisfied, but they were also somewhat dissatisfied-the children of relatives? Which relative? The relationship is so good, why never saw Liang Zhou mention it.

However, this curiosity was soon lost by the new gossip incident. Compared with the identity of a child, Liang Zhou and Liang Jian, Rong Guang and Rong Hua's love-hate entanglement was obviously more attractive.

Then, the online world is even more lively.

Liang Jian just held a high-profile press conference, announcing that the films produced by Ronghua in cooperation with foreign countries will be released in the summer, and a lot of black materials on the Internet that "the film's heroine White Lotus relies on the rules of latent rules".

Yang Lin has been the best female star in the past two years. She has many works, is kind to fans, looks gentle and beautiful, and looks like a good wife and mother. She is very popular with the audience. Now that her black material is out, the crowd shouts that she is unattractive, and the netizens are excited, and start to dig deeper and spontaneously consciously, and they really get a lot of things out of them.

Private life is chaotic, really! Rely on the hidden rules, really! She and Ronghua Shaodong's family Liang Zixiu's midnight private party and the like ... seem to be true too! It was only suppressed by Liang Jian spending money.

Jade Girl becomes "*", wonderful!

This skin-skinning can be regarded as an alternative publicity for the film, but Liang Jian originally wanted to rely on this film to establish his company's high-end atmosphere and international image. Now Yang Lin is black and red. The style has been lowered more than one grade, and the company's image has become a joke.

He regretted it so much that he was so fascinated that Yang Lin acted as the heroine of the film, and the company was not without other front-line actresses with good image and good reputation!

He hasn't let up on his side yet. In an exclusive interview, Guan Bowen revealed that his new film had been secretly filmed. After the production is completed, he will meet you.

One stone stirs up thousands of waves, but Guan Bowen! How long has the film emperor not been in the movie? Everyone thought he was going to retire!

The enthusiasm of the masses was aroused. When it was learned that Liang Zhou was also involved in the filming, and the film was completed in collaboration with Hollywood, the mood was even higher.

Movie new movie! Rongguang boss Liang Zhou's comeback! Completed in collaboration with Hollywood!

Which one is exciting? Fans said they were about to suffocate.

Liang Zhou, who had already gradually withdrawn from the masses' vision, once again lived a period of disguise when going out. After the camouflage gradually lapsed, he simply went out every day to wear a mask, a hat and a mirror, covering it tightly, or simply not going out, and let He Long send his work to his home.

In order to get the first-hand news of the film, the crazy paparazzi actually touched the villa area where Liang Zhou lived, squatting at the gate of the community every day.

Yu Shulin was fortunate to have met a few times, probably because he was well-behaved, and seemed to speak well. The paparazzi even pulled him to inquire about which building Liang Zhou lived in. Will you take strangers back to your villa ... or something?

He told Liang Zhou about this as a joke, and he didn't care about it at all, but Liang Zhou was darkened and thought about moving.

You ca n’t move too badly. Your new home must be close to the Second Middle School. The conditions must not be too bad. At least it must be similar to the villa area where you live now. The security and property must also be reliable. The residents in the community must not be educated in three ways Have……

He Long's face was paralyzed, and he finally stopped writing, and looked at his boss silently: "I think ... it's better for you and Master Shulin to live here."

"Why?" Liang Zhou frowned. "The paparazzi came to the door."

"At least the paparazzi can't get in. The other neighborhoods around the city's second middle school can't guarantee this." He Long was helpless, and he always felt that his boss's painting style was a bit wrong recently.

Liang Zhou pondered for a while, and found that the situation was really like what He Long said. The neighborhood near the city's second middle school was the only one living now.

Can't move, no place to move ... He got dark, turned upstairs, turned out the calendar and the work plan for the second half of the year.

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