MTL - Guardians of Tirisfal of Konoha-Chapter 14 Flame Guard

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   Chapter 14 Flame Guard

  Magic Shield is one of the most commonly used protective spells by mages.

  Different from armor spells that enhance their own status, shield spells usually form a protective area around the mage to resist damage from the outside world.

  Satoru has never heard of such a thing in the ninja world...

  The ninjas don't seem to pay much attention to personal protection. Their enchantment ninjutsu is also very powerful, but they pay more attention to collective protection and need special personnel to maintain.

   In other words, Ninjutsu has this problem, and it requires the practitioner to continuously supply chakra to maintain it before it can continue to take effect.

   This is also a key to restricting the development of personal protection ninjutsu.

   But magic is apparently also good at lasting buffs.

  The magic shield only lasts for one minute, but it doesn't need to be maintained!

   "Three kinds of shields, Arcane Prismatic Shield, Fire Flame Shield, Frost Ice Shield."

  Go has been studying protection spells for a while. The three advanced shield spells have similar principles, but they have different effects depending on the elements that form the shield.

   Also, forming an eggshell-shaped shield is unrealistic - it's too obstructive!

  The transparent eggshell-shaped protective area, the external performance is a protective sphere, which is the true state of the shield.

   Prismatic body shield is a shield formed by arcane power. The appearance is three magnificent arcane orbs. It is not only beautiful, but also can improve resistance to various spells.

The   flame bodyguard is a shield formed by converging fire elements. The appearance is three burning fireballs, which are super dazzling and can also burn the enemy in melee combat.

  Ice Bodyguard is a shield formed by gathering frost. It looks like three ice hockey spheres. It is also very beautiful and can freeze the enemy in melee combat.

  Three orbs with three kinds of shields revolving around the body reminded Satoru of the Begging Jade...

  Because of the same reasons as before, the Prismatic Bodyguard and the Ice Bodyguard had to be temporarily sealed by Satoru, and he concentrated on practicing the Flame Bodyguard first.

   Moreover, it is also a dual version of magic and ninjutsu.

   At the very least, you have to make sure that the umbrella of Dad can learn it, right?

   "I'm so hard..."

   As a heretic, in order to survive in the troubled ninja world, Satoru is also full of brain power and fights!

  Finally, a month later, when Matt Dai was so excited that he almost killed the Anbu elite chunin and successfully obtained the special mission authorization, Satoru's first protection spell was also successfully developed!

The    magic version and the ninjutsu version of the flame shield look the same in appearance, but the principle is still different.

  Using the method of "walking on water" to continuously output chakra, Satoru successfully integrated the change of nature into it, and developed a ninjutsu version of the flame shield.

   The difficulty of practicing this thing is somewhat unexpected.

   Originally, the skill of walking on water is not something that everyone can do, and it has to be excellent in Genin, and it takes a lot of practice.

   And now with the change of the fire attribute, the difficulty of this thing has risen directly to C level.

   As for directly using chakra to form the orb...

  Hehe, it's not that three **** are hung, it's a shield. That transparent eggshell-shaped protection area is the essence of the protection spell.

   "As usual... the matter of development art can be directly pushed to the old man."

   Wu is very fortunate to have the endorser, Dad.

  With the help of arcane knowledge, arcane power and chakra, and the help of the book of Medivh, Satoru has a natural advantage in the analysis of ninjutsu.

   But it's not okay to be too conspicuous. It's not without precedent for him to learn a C-level technique at his age, but developing a C-level technique is too scary.

  Mito Gate Yan took some time to learn this technique, but for the practicality of this technique...

   "Wu, I also found out that your chakra is much larger than your peers."

   The fireball spun all over his body, Yan carefully experienced this technique, and said seriously:

   "But the continuous output of chakra like this is too much burden for ordinary ninjas."

   "In order to maintain a certain degree of protection, the amount of chakra output cannot be too small, and outputting too much will waste chakra."

   "Although this flame shield is a C-rank ninjutsu, if you want to truly exert its value, you must at least have a ninja-level chakra reserve, but..."

   After thinking about it carefully, Yan suggested:

   "The idea of ​​'maintenance' is very good, and some changes can be made. Usually, a very low chakra activation technique is used, and the fireball does not need to be displayed, just Mars."

   "When needed, instantly increase the output of chakra to form fireball protection. In this way, the practicality can be improved to a higher level, and Chunin and even Genin can also rely on this technique to save their lives."


  Satoru opened his mouth in surprise.

   Sure enough, the **** is still old and spicy.

  The question raised by Mito Menyan is so sharp that Satoru never thought of it, and it is a problem that will be encountered in the practical application of this technique.

   "Sure enough, what I lack the most is actual combat. The precious experience in the use of techniques accumulated in actual combat is indispensable for developing a practical technique."

   Up to now, he has never actually been on the battlefield, and this is the biggest problem facing Satoru.

  Rich combat experience is the foundation of whether a ninja can be called an "elite", not combat power.

   This is also the fundamental reason why Mito Gate Yan and Sandai Hokage insisted on letting the fighting power hang the general Junin Dai, and must accumulate merits in the actual mission.

  If you go out and get hit by illusions, traps, ninjutsu, etc. in seconds, what is the use of strong attack power?

   "As expected of an old man, then the signature of this technique is also up to you... I'll improve it!"

   Watching Satoru who disappeared immediately, Mito Kaoru pushed his glasses helplessly:

   "This stinky boy... not only is his brain easy to use, but he is also humble enough, but he is still a little tender."

   Thinking that Wu was only a child under eight years old, Yan shook his head with a wry smile:

   "Really...Unconsciously, I always ignore this."

   "Especially in the past few years, I have gradually gotten used to this way of thinking, which is comparable to that of an adult."


  The Ninjutsu version of the flame shield was submitted to Dad, and Satoru was officially certified to use the magic version of the flame shield.

  Although there are many strange techniques in the ninja world, Satoru must act cautiously until his strength reaches a certain level.

  Have the comprehension of protection spells, which made the trio of young pigs, deer and butterflies suffer.

  's dazzling appearance has also become one of the symbols of enlightenment.

The side effect of    is that every time he casts the flame protection body, the swirling fireball always makes the thinking go astray:

   "I always feel that there is a groove that I can't spit out..."

   A certain Kaizi's three balls...are green.

   But anyway, at the beginning of the new school year, Satoru finally read the Book of Medivh to 30%.

   As a result, Satoru came into contact with the long-awaited content in the arcane magic transformation system.

   involves the principle of space-changing spells.

   First of all, it is the pride of mages, and the most widely used one is Blink.

"Blink can be used to quickly run away from an enemy, or to keep a careless mage from falling off a cliff. Don't try to use it to avoid the danger of falling to your death unless you have to. This trick is enough to get you on your way if you get it wrong. life."

  The description of the application of Blink on the Book of Medivh is full of ridicule.

   This is probably why after this sentence, the description of the slow fall technique is added.

   (end of this chapter)