MTL - Guardians of Tirisfal of Konoha-Chapter 352 the power of habit

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   Chapter 352 The Power of Habit

   Madara Uchiha didn't know what Satoru was doing, but Satoru knew very well that Madara was now preparing to use the "nail" of Nagato.

   But Satoru believes that Nagato can master the degree of it.

   Now, even if Yahiko is gone, Nagato will hardly have a problem, not to mention Yahiko is still alive and kicking.

   It's been a year since the last fight with Madara.

  Kurama experienced Konoha life with Wu's father, Mito Gate Yan, which was quite reluctant to think about Shu.

  Tasting food, enjoying fine wine, playing cards with Tsunade, and taking a bath with Jiraiya...

  Although everyone was afraid of the uncle's trouble at first and accommodated him, but slowly, the uninhibited temperament and the unparalleled charm of the nine lamas have been recognized by everyone.

  For the first time in thousands of years, foxes have discovered the other side of human war.

  Although he is still a arrogant monster at heart, strictly speaking, he is now a free Kurama, it seems...

   is not as much of a rejection of the current human identity as he originally thought.

   Mito Gate Yan arranged the identity of the former root for the Kurama according to the previous plan.

   The true identity of the Kurama is only known to the senior officials of Konoha.

  The heads of the major families, the news is that the current nine-tailed man Zhuli is the fourth generation of Hokage wave Feng Minato.

   So, in the top-secret intelligence system, Minato is the second person Zhuri "Kage" after the fourth generation Mizukage Yakura.

  Kurama is a "human", so he doesn't like this statement, but he has no time to pay attention to them.

   However, Minato usually does not have to use the tailed beast Chakra to solve the problem.

   Up to now, no one has been able to let Watergate borrow the power of the Kurama except for private testing.

  Different from the real person Zhuli, this mode similar to "transmitting the power through the air" uses the powerful energy transmission technology mastered by Wu to deliver Kurama's pure, will-free tailed beast Chakra to Minato.

   Therefore, Minato directly skipped the "half-tailed beast" mode that was influenced by the will of the tailed beast.

   But in the same way, without the existence of the will of the nine tails, Minato would not be able to communicate with the Kurama.

   So he has not been able to turn into a complete giant tailed beast with the help of the Kurama for the time being, especially he cannot use the tailed beast jade.

   But the upgraded version of the golden body "Kurama Mode" with the fusion of the two Chakras, if you practice hard, there is still no problem.

   As for the tailed beast jade, as long as the problem of the change in the nature of the spiral pill is solved, it will only take minutes to learn the tailed beast jade.

  The huge Kurama's body form and the toughness of the enemy are not Minato's fighting style.

  The infinite chakra of the Kurama mode, and the great enhancement of perception, speed, strength, physical strength, etc., is the greatest help to Pratunam.

   However, because there is no influence of the will of the Kurama, it is also up to him to decide whether the water gate can be opened or not.

   The legendary "Fairy Fox" mode can also be arranged.

   However, because of the remote call of the tailed beast Chakra, the instantaneous output power will be greatly affected.

   This kind of compatible Kurama mode, in addition to the enhancement of physical attributes, is also equivalent to adding a powerful blue buff that is not inferior to the reincarnation of the dirt, instead of directly hanging an infinitely long blue bar.

   The current Minato, like the rope tree, is buffed all over.

   Even among the Five Shadows, he can still become the "Five Shadows Strongest"!

   And what Satoru expected before is that, after enjoying the portal during this period of time, the five hidden villages have become accustomed to it.

   Habits are terrible.

  The five major countries and the five hidden villages, with Gaotianyuan as the core, are gradually forming a stable trade and exchange order.

   The increasing prosperity of various personnel and materials exchanged through the portal has attracted the small countries of the ninja world to join.

   And the five countries that have portals will undoubtedly make a lot of money from them.

   Those of insight have already foreseen that a new order of the ninja world is taking shape.

   With the increasing load of the portal, the original five hidden villages simply rely on ninjas to provide it with chakra, which is not enough.

  So, the five hidden villages, just as Wu thought, set their sights on their own infinite chakra source——

  Tailed beast.

The existence of    Madara Uchiha makes the major hidden villages vigilant, and at the same time guards against information about tailed beasts.

   This made Madara's investigation a lot more difficult.

   But in contrast, the major hidden villages are also rethinking the role of tailed beasts.

  What does Madara Uchiha want the tailed beast to do?

   Provide Chakra?

   So why can't we use the tailed beast Chakra to maintain the portal?

   In fact, Konoha was the first to do so.

   It's just that the amount of chakra of the Kurama is too large, and 90% of the chakras are more than the other eight combined.

   In addition to the current strange form of the Kurama, you only need to engrave the chakra contract on the base of the portal to ensure that it will not be interrupted.

   But it is not so simple for other hidden villages.

  Except Shayin Village, Yanyin, Yunyin, and Wuyin's tailed beasts are all sealed in Ren Zhuli's body.

   Therefore, while they are guarding against Madara, they are also separately developing a method that can effectively use the tailed beast Chakra in the human column force.

   But Shayin Village, with only one tailed beast, once again faced a difficult choice.

  Since the end of the Third Ninja World War, Sandyin Village has been sealing Ichio Morizuru in a tea kettle.

   But although this can ensure safety, it cannot use the power of Shukaku.

  Whether protecting the village or maintaining the portal.

   However, unlike the original timeline, although Sandyin Village was still under pressure from the Land of Wind to reduce military spending, there was no shortage of funds.

   Thanks to the multi-national trade in Gaotianyuan, the mineral resource market of Shayin Village has been well developed.

   But correspondingly, Sandyin Village has also become the party with the greatest demand for portals.

   "Fourth generation... The Jōnin we have arranged now is very reluctant to provide chakra for the portal. If we continue to arrange manpower, it will affect the defense of the village."

   Chiyo is reporting the recent village personnel arrangement to Luosha.

   Combat quests have been greatly reduced, which was originally a problem of vigilance by the village's top management.

   But I didn't expect that with the development of business and the increase in business-related tasks, not only did the ninjas not have no tasks to take, but the income was much richer than before.

   And what guarantees all of this is to maintain the load of the portal and ensure the number of ninjas that provide the portal with chakra.

   "Looks like it's time to use the tailed beast Chakra...

   Can the new type of seal puppet make progress? "

  Luo Sha seems to be quite haggard recently, and he has not fully come out of the shadow of his wife, Kaura, who died in childbirth when his youngest son Gaara was born.

   "I'm sorry, Shidaimu."

   Chiyo sighed and shook his head:

   "There is no big problem in guiding the Shou Crane Chakra out.

   But the tailed beast Chakra is too violent, we can't use it effectively like Konoha's war mech..."

   "Isn't it okay..."

  Luo Sha pinched the center of his eyebrows, and his eyes became cloudy again.

   (end of this chapter)