MTL - Guide on How to Fail at Online Dating-Chapter 28

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Lu Hang smiled that the entire bed was shaking.

"Hey, Xiaojingjing is really a personal talent, I served, really served... Qiufeng is a good person, she is not worthy, what does she mean by chasing you?" Lu Hang deliberately picks things up, "direction, do you feel yourself? Is it connotation?"

After that, he looked up to see what reaction was to Huai.

I saw that I was not annoyed at Huai, but I was squinting at the corner of my mouth and slightly raised my mouth: "Slightly."

On the other side, Qiu Feng was a glimpse and then laughed.

Originally he just wanted to make a joke with Xiao Tianjing, but now he is really interested.

[Team] Qiu Feng: Who will set me up, add a friend, you are not losing.

Jing Huan: "..."

Damn, chess every opponent!

[Team] Xiao Tianjing: You can only give you a good friend.

After finishing this sentence, Jing Huan moved his fingers and added the friends of Qiu Feng.

"The two people, they all have a set of words." Seeing that they suddenly quieted down, Lu Hang asked, "How come there is no sound, will not add friends to private chat?"

Qiu Feng did a private chat and sent an expression pack to Jing Huan, but Jing Huan did not return. He didn't talk because the message to reply to the class group went.

The friend icon is lit up, he thought it was autumn maple, and he just opened it.

[Friend] I yearn for it: I pulled you into the gang?

[Friend] Xiao Tianjing: Are you inside?

[Friend] Heart longing for: In.

[Friend] Xiaotianjing: ^^ Then I have to enter!

Wechat, a new group chat jumped out.

[Invite Xiaojing to join the group chat. 】

There were 169 people in the group chat. Jing Huan changed the group notes, then cut back, and the screen was full of chat records, all of which welcomed him and his heart.

The heart is longing for no sound, Jing Huan thought about it, or decided to say hello.

Xiao Tianjing: Hello everyone [stretch out the claws]~

Zhizhi peach: muddy.

Qiu Feng: Xiao Tian Jing private chat why not return to me [grievance].

Jing Huan thought, and why, of course, I don’t want to go back to you.

He is tired enough to wear a woman every day. How can he still have the energy to deal with a suitor?

I am a shemale, I have no feelings.

Thinking about it, he held the phone and wondered how to euphemistically let the person stay away from him.

The helpers in the group couldn’t figure out for a moment—is Xiao Tianjing not confessing to the public in the heart? Why are they so embarrassed when they say it?

It’s also a matter of returning to the heart of the family.

Do not ask for a return: the owner, you are not kind.

Autumn Maple: Where am I not kind? [Knocking the head]

Mo asked to return: Xiao Tianjing is a shackle to help God. [lovely]

Zhizhi peach: ... A period, you are not afraid of death.

Qiufeng: Haha, nothing, although I have nothing to do with Xiaojingjing, but I still have to explain that Xiaojingjing is single.

Mo asked to return: [thumb]

Waiting for the wind to come: autumn maple nb.

The bubbling people in the group gradually got more and more, and Huanhuan thought that this buddy could be deceived so much money.

He read the group message, then closed the dialog box, and wanted to see it as not seen. Who knows that he just narrowed the interface, and the WeChat prompt sounded in his ear.

Heart longing for: Xiaotianjing

The heart longed for bubbling, and the people who had just talked about it didn’t talk at once.

Jinghuan, a busy word.

Xiao Tianjing: In my brother~

Xiao Tianjing: [Cat licking hand] What happened to my brother?

Heart longing for: give me a milk.

Xiao Tianjing: Come here! ! [Little buried cola]

Lu Hang has been chatting with the gangsters and seeing this music: "No, the direction, your bloodline is at least 70%, the copy is almost over, you are not letting people come back to give you milk?"

No change to the face of Huai: "Want to kill faster, rush to brush everyday, how, no?"

In order to facilitate the players to quickly pass the book, each martial art has a corresponding killing bonus. The bonus to the martial art of Huai is the more blood, the higher the damage to the task blame.

Lu Hang looked at Xiao Tianjing and jumped to the Huaizhi to add blood, nodded: "Yes, you can say anything."

After completing the copy, Lu Hang was dissolved in the original place, Jing Huan was preparing to fly away, and a message popped up on the interface.

[The heart is eager to invite you to join his team. whether. 】

Jing Huan immediately broke into his team: "What happened to my brother?"

The heart did not speak, and flew directly to the warehouse npc.

[The heart is longing to give you a rejuvenation gem x1. 】

Jing Huan saw that it was an eight-section gemstone embedded in the ring.

[Team] I yearn for it: I found out in the warehouse.

The eight jewels are close to four digits. Jing Huan said: "Thank you brother, how much, I will give you."

[Team] Heart longing: No, I am useless.

"That won't work, you will send me a ring. It doesn't make sense to even have a jewel." Jing Huan refused.

It is not his politeness. His goal is not to be a few thousand in this district. If it is collected, it is like greedy for his money.

I didn’t think so much about Huaizhi. The gem was that he saw others when he was shopping today. The price was a few dozen dollars cheaper than the market price. He bought it without looking at his eyes.

[Team] Heart longing: Don't throw it to the road.

"That won't work, my brother will throw me something, I will never give it to others!" Jing Huan paused. "But brother, why are you giving me something?"

Unsatisfied with the answer, Jing Huan first made up his own brain: "... Do you like me?!"

"So I want to spend money for me?"

"Give me a ring?"

Jinghuan knows afterwards: "...God, did you mean to send me a ring?!"

To Huai: "...?"

Jing Huan: "Wait! Brother! You don't have to say anything, I promise! I promised your courtship! We will go to the moon and get married! The wedding fee will come out! I will pay for the car! I will do it for you! Just ride the horse in front of my sedan chair!"

Listening to her more and more outrageous, Huai Zhi could not help but open the wheat to interrupt her reverie: "Three hundred gold sold to you, money when you are convenient."

"...噢." When Jing Huan lost money, Xiao Xiao, "Do you really not consider thinking about your brother? It is not good. We can love after we get married first."

As soon as the voice fell, Jing Huan heard a short chuckle.

It is the heart that is yearning for laughter, low and low.

"Don't think about it," he said. "I don't marry in the game, I don't like it... I love after marriage."

Jing Huan stunned, and he said, "You have never been married before?"


Jing Huan thought too.

Slag men like to mess with people, not responsible for the end, even a happy sedan is not willing to ask girls to sit, it is too much.

After the two men finished trading, the heart longed to disband the team.

Jing Huan went to the blacksmith shop to hit the jewel on the ring, was preparing to go to run everyday, the friend's message suddenly lit up.

[Friend] Love is what you eat: Are you free to talk?

[Friend] Xiao Tianjing: Yes, what?

[Friend] Love is what you eat: Nothing, just want to apologize to you.

[Friend] Xiao Tianjing: ... No, she may not want others to apologize for her.

[Friend] Love is what you eat: ... too. Oh, in fact, she used to be like this. Since she has been yearning for the heart, the whole person has changed a bit.

Jing Huan expressed understanding that before the incident happened, he did not believe that his sister would become so vulnerable because of men.

He brushed his hand and loved the personal information that you ate, only to find that the "gang" column below her head was empty.

[Friend] Xiao Tianjing: Hey, how is your gang gone?

[Friend] Love is what you eat: Oh, nothing, I just retired the gang.

[Friend] Xiao Tianjing: [surprised] Why? Is your gang not very powerful?

[Friend] Love is what you eat: don't want to stay.

During this time, Ji Xiaonian has been spreading the rumors of her "rebellion" to Xiaotianjing. She also blamed the disappearance of Xianmeng’s negative gas on her head and united with several others. The gang channel is not swearing at her yin and yang, sarcasm, and is not a good word. She is not a good temper herself, and she retire the gang in an angry manner.

[Friend] Xiaotianjing: But I am going to have a copy of the gang soon. Don’t you brush it?

[Friend] Love is what you eat: find it again.

Jing Huan thinks of something, knocking words.

[Friend] Xiao Tianjing: You will wait, don't add gangs, let me ask our lord! I have just looked at the number of members, and there are still a few vacancies in the Leisure Club.

[Friends] Love is what you eat: ah, no trouble, I can't do it.

[Friend] Xiaotianjing: No trouble~ You wait for me for a while. [blow kiss]

[Friend] Love is what you eat: ... well.

Of course, Jing Huan did not go to the church owner. He was not familiar with the people in the leisure staff, and there was old hatred. Of course, he could not deal with it without dealing.

He went to find a way to talk very open in the gang.

[Friend] Roller: Eat? Did she retire? Why, I remember she and her little sister are in a gang?

[Friend] Xiao Tianjing: [Shut up] The things between girls are very complicated, don't ask. Can you add her?

[Friend] Roller: Of course, just can be a copy of the gang, her nurse is ok.

[Friend] Xiao Tianjing: [Bunny nod] Then I asked her to apply for help!

[Friend] Cou: Wait a minute, I will talk to the direction and let him talk to Chunxiao. The leisure staff is not a small gang, I only came in for a day, certainly can not pull people.

[Friend] Xiao Tianjing: ... but my brother is just getting in the gang.

[Friend] Lu Yi: That is not the same, your brother is afraid that Guan Chunxiao wants a cousin, Chun Xiao is willing to give.

[Friend] Xiao Tianjing: Brother is arrogant [Sahua]!

Lu Hang laughed and said things to Huaizhi.

After getting a positive answer, he opened the dialog box of Xiaotianjing.

[Friend] Roller: Get it.

[Friend] Xiao Tianjing: ...Is it so fast?

[Friend] Coach: Uh huh, your brother is in this area, there is nothing that can't be done, pull a small partner to help, little things.

[Friend] Xiao Tianjing: Lu Ge, can I ask you something?

[Friend] Coach: You said.

[Friend] Xiao Tianjing: Are you and your brother playing a piece of Jiu Xia? How long have you been playing?

[Friend] Coach: He came first, I am half a year later than him, we have been playing for more than eight years.

[Friend] Xiao Tianjing: [surprised] Wow, for so long. But how do I feel... my brother seems to have no small partners?

This is the question that Jing Huan has always been. One of the longings of the heart is the old player of Jiu Xia. During this time, except for the roller, he has never seen other friends who are longing for it.

For a moment, he received a reply.

[Friend] Roller: This, how to say it.

[Friend] Lu Hao: Actually, your brother had a lot of friends before, and he also brought a gang. Only later... a little thing, he didn't like to make friends in the game. 2k novel reading network