MTL - Guide To the HE of the Former Female Supporting Role-Chapter 161

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The next day, Jing Zhao went back to school and went to class normally. Lin Hai wanted to stay with her, but Jing Zhao knew that he had just come to City A, and the new company's affairs were still piled up, and he needed to deal with them.

She also didn't want to be separated from him, but she didn't want to delay his work, and she had to go back to school. She had already asked for leave before, and if she asked again, her semester would be wasted.

After being carefully reassured all night, Jing Zhao's mood has stabilized. She believes that the bad guy will get the punishment he deserves, and she just needs to wait.

When I got back to the dormitory, I saw that everyone was full of doubts but didn't dare to speak up, fearing that they might irritate her by saying something wrong.

Jing Zhao took the initiative to tell them what happened yesterday, because she still had to go to class, she only gave a general idea, but the thrill of it can be felt with a little thought.

Yu Shiyue couldn't help but reached out and hugged Jing Zhao and said, "Thank God, it's fortunate that you are alert, Sun Xing, that bastard! It should be struck by lightning!"

And Yu Shiyue felt that this dog's modus operandi seemed so proficient, it didn't seem like the first time, maybe he had a criminal record before, but I don't know why it wasn't discovered.

It has to be said that Yu Shiyue's intuition is quite accurate.

The results of the police investigation came out soon, and before it was announced to the outside world, Lin Hai got the exact news, and it was Shen Zongwei who called him to tell him.

Sun Xing's real name is not Sun Xing, that's just his pseudonym, his real name is Sun Haocheng, and he's not from City A, but a household registration in a small county under the remote City S.

He works in city A, has a company at home, and has a rich second-generation identity. These are all fake, and even his car is rented.

Because the police found that he had a criminal record, they contacted the police stations in other regions, and finally confirmed that Sun Haocheng was indeed a fugitive suspect, but because the police did not have definite evidence, they could not issue a warrant for arresting him, and let him go at large. to date.

Although Shen Zongwei agreed to Lin Hai, he would definitely not make Sun Haocheng feel better, but if it is just an attempted rape, it is not enough to keep him out of prison in this life.

But now that there is pressure from above, the police follow through and find out that Sun Haocheng is related to many cases, involving **** and fraud, and the amount of money is not small.

This kid used to go hunting for rich women on the Internet, as long as the rich woman is willing to pay, he will eat meat and vegetables, because his appearance is not bad, and he has saved a lot of money.

After getting rich, Sun Haocheng disguised himself again, disguised himself as the rich second generation, to deceive those single women who had a little money and good conditions, either by deceiving themselves or defrauding their wealth.

Many victims were cheated out of money and didn't know it. It wasn't until Sun Haocheng dumped them and disappeared that they didn't realize it.

Go to the police station to report the case. This kind of case is not easy to investigate and judge. In addition, Sun Haocheng disappeared, so some cases have been backlogged.

At this moment, Sun Haocheng himself was caught, and some of his private items were investigated. The police quickly obtained the evidence. In the end, Sun Haocheng could not escape the result of multiple crimes and punishment. If not lifelong rape, at least twenty years in prison .

There are also hints from the people above the Shen family that this guy will not be able to get out of it easily in this life.

After Lin Hai heard the news, he felt lucky. Fortunately, fortunately, he caught up at that time.

Before that, Li Yanran was indeed found by the police and asked some questions about her relationship with Sun Xing, to see if she had been cheated and so on.

Li Yanran hated Sun Xing very much. When she knew that this guy had so many criminal records before, and she had slept with more than a dozen people that she couldn't count on her hands, she was disgusted for the first time. After dating, she was so disgusted that she couldn't even eat.

Afterwards, he suffered from a serious illness, and lost a lot of weight. He looked sallow and emaciated, and became much more taciturn.

It's the end of December in a blink of an eye, and English majors have heavy courses. Recently, there have been a lot of small tests in the classroom, and they are all calculated into the grades at the end of the semester. No one dares to neglect it.

Even Yu Shiyue is not in the mood to fall in love anymore, she goes to the library with Jing Zhao and Zhou Wenwen every day, reads, memorizes phrases, and eats and studies all day.

Jing Zhao also hasn't seen Lin Hai for almost a month. It's not that he doesn't want to see him, but Lin Hai went out to train and study at the beginning of the month, and he wasn't in City A at all.

I thought that when people arrived in City A, they would not say that they could meet every day, but that they could have a meal together every other day. I didn't expect that the next parting would be a month, and the only way to relieve lovesickness was to make phone calls every day.

Fortunately, Jing Zhao himself was very busy, and a month passed without much feeling.

When Lin Hai was away, Jing Zhao never went back to Lin Jingyuan even on weekends.

Lin Hai gave thousands of reminders, no matter how busy he was every day, he must call to check the post, lest she sneak back.

Jing Zhao felt that his worry was a little unnecessary. She looked at a good home everywhere before, but now she looks at the courtyard wall and feels that someone will come out of it at any time, and she dare not sleep alone at home. Will go back too!

Living in the dormitory is also pretty good. Since Li Yanran stopped being a monster, their dormitory life has become more and more harmonious. Everyone talks and laughs every day.

On New Year's Day, schools are closed for three days.

Jingzhao usually doesn’t go home during holidays, because it’s too much trouble, and the location of his hometown is remote. It takes a day to go back on the road, and another day to come back. It’s not very meaningful. It’s better to save the travel expenses and wait until the winter vacation Buy something for home to take home.

In the 402 dormitory, except for Yu Shiyue, none of them are locals, so they didn't go home. Although Yu Shiyue's home is in City A, she doesn't want to go back. She has to listen to her mother when she goes back. She might as well stay at school and feel comfortable!

But after all, there are three days, so it's too boring to stay in the dormitory or the library and study without sleep, so Yu Shiyue, as the head of 402, took the initiative to propose the idea of ​​having a dinner together!

It's unreasonable to say that they are in the same dormitory, and the first half of the freshman year is almost over. Apart from class dinners, there are also dinners with former boyfriends, and the dormitory has never gone out alone for dinner.

So when Yu Shiyue proposed to have a dinner together, everyone was a little ready to move.

"I heard that there is a new barbecue restaurant in the city center, do you want to eat barbecue?" Yu Shiyue opened the food app and looked at the newly opened barbecue restaurant and asked.

Li Yanran was the first to deny it, "Farewell, I don't like barbecue, change it!"

Zhou Wenwen adjusted her glasses and didn't express her opinion, but if she didn't express her opinion, it meant she didn't quite agree.

Jing Zhao also shook his head, "It's too dry to eat barbecue this day."

The temperature drops so fast, you have to wear a down jacket when you go out, and the dry cold wind blows directly on your face.

"That's right, why don't you go eat the soup pot! How about the beef one? You can all eat it?" Li Yanran changed another one.

"Let's talk about it first! I don't want to go if the per capita is more than 50." Li Yanran said while looking in the mirror, she didn't have enough living expenses this month, and she had to buy a ticket to go home, so she didn't have much spare money.

Yu Shiyue glanced at Li Yanran upon hearing this, but said nothing.

Zhou Wenwen thought it was okay, and Jing Zhao also thought soup pots were better, so he got off the bed and walked to Yu Shiyue's side and said, "There should be some inexpensive ones, let's have a look together!"

Yu Shiyue smiled and said yes, and stretched out her hand to pull the chair over. As soon as Jing Zhao sat down, the mobile phone in her hand rang, and there was a burst of crisp and pleasant ringtones.

Jing Zhao lowered his head to look, and immediately bent his eyes. Before he could tell Yu Shiyue, the other party waved at her helplessly and said, "Go and answer the phone, I'll watch it myself."

Jing Zhao went out with the phone, stood on the balcony, and pressed the answer button.

【Did baby eat? 】

The man's voice is a low-pitched one, which sounds like cello music, but it matches his appearance very well.

"Not yet, why did you call me so early today? Are you done?" Jing Zhao looked at the dormitory next door while speaking. There were fewer people outside at this point, but there were also people in furry clothes like her. The pajamas were on the phone outside.

[Well, I'm done with work, I just returned to City A today. 】

"Are you back?" Jing Zhao asked pleasantly, "Then you are at the company now?"

[Not here. ] Lin Hai paused for a moment and then said: 【I'm downstairs in your dormitory, come down baby? 】

Downstairs in our dormitory? Jing Zhao was stunned for a moment, and asked again for confirmation. After getting an affirmative answer, he took his mobile phone and left without changing his shoes.

The people in the dormitory looked at each other in blank dismay, why is this guy running so fast? The takeaway is here?

When Jing Zhao went down, he saw a person standing by the green flower bed next to the dormitory. He wore a simple black long woolen coat with a gray blue thin turtleneck sweater, which gave him the temperament of a handsome man in a magazine. It's not ugly, but it looks particularly elegant in facial features and bones, tall and straight, looks young, but the inexplicable aura around him is not like ordinary students.

This is the girls' dormitory, usually waiting for someone here means that the girl has a master, but the other party's overly unique temperament still attracts a lot of gazes back and forth.

Lin Hai didn't pay attention to the surroundings, put his hands in his pockets, and quietly looked at the exit of the stairs in the dormitory building in front of him, until he saw a dough ball running down the stairs, the corners of his mouth slightly turned up, Even the bright black eyes were full of soft light.

The long legs took a few steps over, and the arms stretched out impatiently. Before the powder dumpling was about to step down the remaining three steps, he leaned back and pinched the person's waist to hug him down.

Jing Zhao lost one step, and the opponent relied on his long legs to catch her directly across three steps. She was stunned for a moment and quickly realized that she hugged the opponent's neck directly, and her legs were wrapped around the opponent's neck. Around the waist, hugging people tightly like a cuddling bear.

"Why did you come to the school directly to find me?"

"Why did you come down in your pajamas?"

The two spoke at the same time, then looked at each other and smiled.

Jing Zhao looked down at himself, because it was a holiday today and he didn't leave the dormitory. Zhou Wenwen brought back breakfast and ate it in the dormitory, so he didn't change into formal clothes.

Her pajamas were of a light pink color, with a calf-length jacket and a big hat at the back, which was currently being worn on her head, with two long rabbit ears hanging down from both sides in a figure-splayed shape.

When Jing Zhao lowered her head, Lin Hai was also looking at her.

It's the first time I've seen a little girl wearing this kind of pajamas, pink, tender and fluffy, with bunny ears on her head, like a cute little rabbit.

Lin Hai has never heard of the word cute, and he doesn't know how to describe it. He just thinks it's pretty, cute, and soft, which makes him want to put her in his pocket and hide it.

"This baby looks really good in clothes." Lin Hai said seriously.

Being praised by her boyfriend, Jing Zhao was of course happy, especially when he saw him staring at him without blinking, with only his own appearance in his eyes, he knew he really liked it.

"This dress seems to be available for couples." Jing Zhao recalled.

"Couple style? Then I want it too." Lin Hai raised his eyebrows, and said bluntly, if she is a little rabbit, then he will be a big rabbit, and the big rabbit will protect the little rabbit.

Jing Zhao smiled and said, "Okay, then I'll buy you one too."

"I haven't eaten yet. You're hungry. I'll take you to eat." Lin Hai wanted to take Jing Zhao away as he spoke.

"Hey!" Jing Zhao moved her feet. She was wearing a pair of fluffy slippers. When the man picked her up just now, the shoes were already incapable of falling off. When she moved at this time, she directly "clicked" It fell to the ground, revealing the plush socks she was wearing underneath.

"I can't go to dinner like this. I haven't changed my clothes yet, and I haven't put on makeup yet!"

Jing Zhao stretched out his hand and tugged at the man's hard ears, wanting him to put himself down.

Lin Hai supported her leg with one hand and held her waist with the other, directly changed his position, hugged her horizontally, and then slowly lowered her leg so that she could put on her shoes.

After she was dressed, she looked down at her, stretched out her fingers and scraped her face and said, "She is so beautiful now, if she puts on makeup, she will look even more beautiful than a fairy."

Jing Zhao raised his eyes and shot him an annoyed look, then something suddenly sounded, "Ah" and said: "By the way, our dormitory just said that we will go out for dinner later!"

I didn't expect Lin Hai to come back suddenly, and the dinner...

"Then let's go together. I'll treat you. Didn't I fail last time? This time I just made up for it." Lin Haihun said indifferently. Although his original intention was to be alone with Bao Bao, Bao Bao's roommate wanted to be with her. With people who have been together for four years, Lin Hai naturally feels that he should treat someone to a meal.

It's okay, don't worry about the budget.

"Then I want to have a big meal." Jing Zhao looked at him and said.

Lin Haiyang smiled, his teeth were extremely white because his complexion was not white, he reached out and took her hand, put it in the palm of his hand, let out a breath and then rubbed it, "Then go eat a big meal."

After Jing Zhao returned to the dormitory, he told the good news to his roommates. Although Yu Shiyue was a little surprised, they were generally happy.

Although, the solo four-person dinner in the dormitory was ruined again, but why not do it if you can have a free lunch and see what your roommate's boyfriend looks like?

Lin Hai drove directly into the school, and the car was parked not far from the dormitory.

After Jing Zhao said that he was going to eat, everyone began to quickly wash their faces, make up and change their clothes.

Jing Zhao also changed into a turtleneck sweater and a black overcoat, similar to the one on Lin Hai, because she bought them together in the mall, but hers is slightly different, with reverse ties on the sides. The belt can be tied directly behind the back into a bow, or it can be tied in the front to tighten the waist.

The lower body is a velvet mermaid skirt of the same color, and the wrinkled skirt is slightly exposed when wearing a coat, which is very beautiful.

When Li Yanran opened her closet, she glanced at Yu Shiyue and then at Jing Zhao, and finally brought out a rose red coat. She prefers bright colors and thinks she looks good in it.

When I got dressed, I sat down at my desk again and started to apply foundation, eyebrows, eye shadow, and lipstick, without missing a single one.

Like Jing Zhao, Yu Shiyue is naturally beautiful. Their skin can hardly see pores even without foundation, and it is even more white and glowing in the sun.

Normally, she doesn't need any makeup at all, she already looks very good-looking, if she adds some eyebrows and lipstick, it will be the icing on the cake, a proper big beauty.

Yu Shiyue didn't even put on lipstick today, so she put it on her face, and her clothes were as simple as a plaid coat, as long as she was warm.

Originally, when she saw someone else's boyfriend, what was she doing dressed up so exquisitely? It wasn't to compete for favor.

Not to mention Zhou Wenwen, she wears a black down jacket when she goes out, combing her hair is the greatest respect for others, not to mention wearing lipstick, she doesn't even have to isolate herself, she is a normal person.

So the three quickly packed up and waited for Li Yanran there. Jing Zhao was sending a message to Lin Hai, saying that they were going down soon, Lin Hai told her to clean up slowly, don't worry.

Yu Shiyue couldn't see it and urged, "Can you hurry up, my boyfriend is still waiting!"

Li Yanran put down the mirror unhappily and stood up, put the lipstick into her small leather bag and said, "Okay, okay, it's not your boyfriend, why are you in such a hurry?"

Yu Shiyue was choked up, and immediately fought back: "That's not your boyfriend, why are you dressed so finely?"

Li Yanran glanced at Jing Zhao with some guilt, then puffed out her chest and said, "Can't I show my makeup to myself? What does it matter to me if you don't do it yourself?" After speaking, she turned her head and went out first.

Yu Shiyue rolled her eyes at the sky, she just felt that it was only a long time since the last incident, and Li Yanran has reverted to her old ways, it really is hard to change her nature.

Jing Zhao, who went to the balcony to wipe his shoes and came back, saw Yu Shiyue's angry look, and knew that she must have quarreled with Li Yanran again.

To be honest, Jing Zhao wouldn't mind, even if someone else dresses up as a flower, her brother Hai can only pretend to be her alone.

The three went downstairs together, and saw two people standing together not far away.

The girl was wearing a rose red coat and was talking to someone with her head up. The smile on her face looked so bright that she almost turned into a flower.

The tall man in a black coat frowned slightly, until he looked up and saw the three people coming down from the stairs of the dormitory, his long eyebrows stretched out again, he stretched his long legs, and walked over.

Li Yanran was talking to someone, when the person in front of her suddenly passed her and walked away.

The smile on her face froze for a moment, and when she turned around to look behind her, Li Yanran couldn't help but pursed her lips.

She thought that Jing Zhao's boyfriend would be the kind of man who was not good-looking and had a bad figure and worked on the construction site.

She didn't expect to see a man standing there who looked like a male model on TV, Li Yanran subconsciously felt that this could not be Jing Zhao's boyfriend.

But he still used the excuse of "Jing Zhao's boyfriend" to strike up a conversation, but he didn't expect the other party to admit it directly.

The other party was originally very cold to her, but when she heard that she was Jing Zhao's roommate, her attitude softened significantly. Li Yanran hadn't talked to such a handsome and tall boy so closely before, and wanted to After chatting with people a few more words, Jing Zhao and the others came down.

Li Yanran instinctively felt a little unhappy.

Yu Shiyue and the others were also a little surprised when they saw Lin Hai. Although they knew that Jing Zhao would definitely find a good boyfriend, they found that it was a little bit beyond expectations when they actually saw it.

What a wild man on a construction site.

This is obviously a combination of handsome men and beautiful women.

Even though there were several girls around him, Lin Hai could only see the one in the middle, his eyes were fixed on it, and he almost grabbed her with his hand.

Jing Zhao looked at him and smiled, and then introduced: "This is Shiyue, this is Wenwen, Lin Hai, you all know."

"I know, I know! Our Zhaozhao's precious boyfriend." Yu Shiyue coaxed.

"Well, seeing is better than hearing a hundred times." Zhou Wenwen said very calmly, more like teasing than teasing.

Hearing this, Lin Hai's eyes brightened when he looked at Jing Zhao, as if to say: So you always tell your roommates about me like this?

Jing Zhao was ashamed for a moment, couldn't hold back his face, and felt a little shy, so he pushed the two of them forward, "Let's go, let's go, I'm hungry."

Yu Shiyue and Zhou Wenwen smiled, and they consciously walked in front of them hand in hand.

Lin Hai bumped into the man's shoulder, and held the man's hand very generously and naturally, interlocking his fingers, and then said to the man in front: "Turn left ahead, my car is over there."

It would take a long time to walk out of the school gate to rely on legs. Of course, it would be best to have a car.

When he saw the car, Jing Zhao was still puzzled for a moment. Although they were all Mercedes-Benz and the color was black, the body of this car was obviously much longer.

"Did you change the car?" Jing Zhao asked suspiciously.

Lin Hai opened the door of the co-pilot's car for her, smiled and said, "No, this car is provided by the company."

Anyway, he is also a vice president, so there is nothing wrong with having a car.

"Oh." Jing Zhao said, and sat in.

The three of Yu Shiyue and the others sat in the back seat, and Li Yanran sat by the window, looking at her eyes constantly. The body of the car was very new, and she didn't know much about the market of the car, but this car didn't look too cheap, thinking, the corner of her mouth He sipped it down again.

A group of people found a health beef soup pot restaurant, which is the most warm in winter.

Although there were no boys around, and Lin Hai didn't talk much, but every time he answered a call, he could always get to the key points, and Jing Zhao was there, so it didn't make the scene cold.

Except that Li Yanran would always suddenly say something inappropriate, "Hey, to be honest, I really envy Zhaozhao. She is very popular in school. I heard that several sophomores want to chase her! Outside. I can still make a boyfriend like you. Unlike me, I met that liar Sun Xing when we first fell in love."

One sentence choked Yu Shiyue who was drinking soup, and the beef caught on Zhou Wenwen's chopsticks also fell off.

As soon as Jing Zhao raised his head, a hand was placed on his shoulder. Lin Hai frowned slightly, his eyes were dark, and he said softly, "Then I think you should envy me, the person so many people haven't caught up with." , was chased by me, how lucky I am."

After Lin Hai finished speaking, Yu Shiyue and Zhou Wenwen looked at each other and smiled secretly.

Li Yanran's expression changed, then she lowered her head and stopped talking.

Jing Zhao was also taken aback, he didn't expect Lin Hai to say such a thing.

She looked up at him, her eyes were shining, Lin Hai smiled slightly, and reached out to pick up a chopstick of beef and put it in the bowl for her.

What Lin Hai said just now was not intentionally said to Li Yanran, but his sincere words.

When Lin Hai was still a poor boy, he began to think about Jing Zhao, a piece of swan meat.

But he himself didn't expect that he could eat it in his mouth.

He couldn't think of any advantages in himself, and what he had was probably this body that could make money, and his promise to be good to her all the time.

When he was young, Lin Hai often heard his grandmother tell him that he should never find a wife who is too beautiful in the future, because it is easy to lose control.

But Lin Hai still fell in love with Jing Zhao at a glance.

At that time, Lin Hai thought that all men are lustful, and he might be no exception.

But Lin Hai never thought that when he was rich, there were actually many beautiful women around him, but he was never interested.

He probably had no choice but to like her.

After Jing Zhao agreed to his pursuit, Lin Hai secretly made up his mind that as long as she was willing to stay by his side all the time, he would give her the greatest tolerance.

But this tolerance does not include errors of principle.

It's just that the longer we get along, Lin Hai becomes more and more uncertain. If there is a day, can he really break up easily?

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-07-2222:06:06~2022-07-2322:25:09~

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: You Yao, Showa Sweetheart, and slightly slightly 1;

Thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: I want to plant orange trees, plums can be 20 bottles; think twice! , Lai Jiu Yi Jiu, Lucky Meow Meow 10 bottles; Zou 5 bottles; hdjdksjb 4 bottles; Yi Guang 2 bottles; Xiao Xiaomi, Xiao Xiao, Ting, Showa Sweetheart 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! ?