MTL - Guide To the HE of the Former Female Supporting Role-Chapter 165

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It has been several days since Lin Hai recognized his relatives last time. Lin Hai himself lives as usual, as if he has not been affected, but Jing Zhao still feels a little illusory.

Who made her suddenly become the future daughter-in-law of a noble family!

Jing Zhao stared blankly at the emerald green jade bracelet on her wrist. The bangle had excellent water flow, and it was cold and slippery against her skin. It complemented her fair and delicate skin perfectly.

Ye Han gave it to her when they left the Song family that day, saying that even if it was a token of engagement, Lin Hai had already proposed to her after all, so she, as a mother, naturally had to express something.

The bracelet is quite old, and it was passed down from the Ye family's ancestors. If you really want to look carefully, it may be considered an ancient relic, and it is no longer something that can be negotiated with money alone.

Jing Zhao naturally likes such a beautiful bracelet, but she is too embarrassed to accept something too expensive. It was Ye Han who repeatedly asked her to accept it. Lin Hai also nodded, and the bracelet was put on her wrist.

He thought that Lin Hai recognized Ye Han's mother and the Song family, so that Jing Zhao accepted the bracelet, but he didn't know that Lin Hai just saw her liking, and simply thought she looked good wearing this bracelet.

But since he has accepted everything, he will naturally be inseparable from the Song family in the future.

Although Lin Hai was a little surprised when he knew who his father was, but after the father and son talked at the dinner table and later went to the study for a while, the strange barrier gradually disappeared.

Ye Han couldn't help feeling envious of the speed.

Song Pingzhi is not fake when he is in the officialdom, but he is actually a very refined person at ordinary times, but his kindness is usually only shown when he treats his family members.

When Ye Han called him to inform him that their son had been found, he couldn't believe it for a moment. After all, the person they hadn't found for so many years suddenly appeared after they almost gave up. What do you think? They all feel a little incredible.

Afterwards, Lin Hai's archives from childhood to adulthood were retrieved and neatly placed on Song Pingzhi's desk.

Song Ping alone looked at it in the study of the office for a long time, and finally left the office and went home after heaving a long sigh.

If you want to say distressed and excited, there are naturally some, but Song Pingzhi is used to sorting out all his emotions behind others, so when he sees Lin Hai, he looks too flat.

It's not that he doesn't love his son, it's just that Song Pingzhi feels that Lin Hai has grown to such an age and is a fully mature and independent man. As a father, he doesn't need to look back at his past life and feel sorry for his difficulties and difficulties, but Focus on the future life, be his guide when he needs it, correct the wrong and make good use of the right.

He didn't want to train his son to be like himself, but to help him become the person he expected.

It has to be said that Song Pingzhi's caring made Lin Hai feel very comfortable, which is why he was able to open up and talk with him.

As for Ye Han, it's not that Lin Hai doesn't like being in contact with her, it's just that a mother always loves her son too much. Even people who grew up with their mothers sometimes feel awkward, let alone Lin Hai who has never felt A person who has had a mother's love.

After staying at Song's house for one night, they left. Lin Hai's father was very busy every day, but mother Ye Han was much freer.

Ye Han proposed that he wanted Lin Hai to move back home. Although Lin Hai's heart was used to being cold and hard, there was still a crack in the face of his gentle mother's expectant eyes, so he also made a little concession.

He would occasionally go home and have a meal with his family, but most of the time he stayed in Shanglin Jingyuan, especially on weekends, he wanted to stay with Jing Zhao more.

Ye Han was a little bit disappointed at first, but later he figured it out. He no longer insisted on getting Lin Hai to move back to Song's house. Instead, he often asked Jing Zhao to go shopping together and buy her clothes and jewelry.

The degree of luxury of the future mother-in-law cannot be expressed by Jing Zhao's words. He was surprised at first, but then he got used to it.

Jing Zhao also knew what Ye Han meant by being so nice to her suddenly, and she was not an ignorant person, besides, Ye Han also treated her sincerely, and there was absolutely no perfunctory act.

She also reciprocated, and from time to time mentioned a few words about his mother or his father in Lin Hai's ear. Lin Hai is not an idiot, how could he not know what she wanted to do.

This matter is also simple, as long as Jing Zhao doesn't feel uncomfortable, Lin Hai is willing to take her back to that home.

Eating a meal and drinking afternoon tea with the family members will make the relationship much closer.

Lin Hai can also play chess with his father. Lin Hai knows how to play chess. When he was young, he watched a lot at the entrance of the village, so he learned a little. He was not very proficient, but under Song Pingzhi's guidance, his chess skills improved day by day.

When the father and son were together, Jing Zhao followed Ye Han to learn how to make all kinds of delicious snacks, or they discussed the secrets of beauty and beauty together.

Both of them are rare beauties. Jing Zhao is now young, as delicate as a bud that is about to bloom, so naturally he doesn't have to worry about maintenance.

But Ye Han is already an older woman, so she naturally understands the importance of maintenance for a woman's youthful appearance, and the maintenance should be started early, you can't wait for the nutrients to be lost before you maintain it, it is obviously too late by then .

When Ye Han asked Jing Zhao what she used to wipe her face and body, she shook her head after learning that she was very slack in skin care. She passed all the skin care products she used, and directly asked for her own skin care products The master came over and customized several styles for Jing Zhao.

There are not only those who wipe the face, but also those who wipe the body, those who maintain the hair, and even those who maintain the sex.

When it came to this aspect, Ye Han couldn't avoid asking Jing Zhao a question, that is, did she have any relationship with Lin Hai now.

Jing Zhao was a little shy when asked such a secret question, but he answered it anyway. "No, we don't have that yet."

Although there is no last step of contact, the usual kisses, touches and hugs are indispensable.

Lin Hai is very keen on this matter, Jing Zhao sometimes pesters him like a torturer when he gets in the mood.

Lin Hai was both happy and in pain, but he knew that Jing Zhao was still young, so he would not take her body easily, no matter how uncomfortable he was, he would relieve it with his hands.

Seeing Jing Zhao's shy look, Ye Han smiled and told her that there is no need to be shy about such things.

At the same time, she was also a little surprised. After all, Lin Hai was a man of vigorous blood. Apart from the Song family and Jing Zhao, they basically lived together when they were in school.

In the face of such a delicate beauty, her son was able to bear it.

But being able to hold back is also a good thing, which shows that her son is not only resolute, but also a very responsible man, just like his father.

Jing Zhao is not yet twenty years old, and Ye Han does not recommend that they have a relationship too early. Her son has grown up, but this delicate flower in front of him needs to be raised again, otherwise it will easily hurt people.

Especially the big guy like Lin Hai, who looks stronger than his father when he was young. Men are all tasters, so it’s okay not to touch them. Things have to become beasts too.

Her prospective daughter-in-law, looking delicate, will inevitably suffer some hardships.

But if a man is willing to hurt others, this pain can be avoided.

As someone who has experienced it, Ye Han naturally knows how to make Baisteel into soft fingers, but these secret techniques in the boudoir are not in a hurry to pass them on to others immediately, and it will not be too late to talk about them after the two get engaged.

Although the family has not officially become a family, they are very familiar with each other on weekdays, and the Song family has officially named Lin Haizheng.

From now on, Lin Hai will be called Song Wen'an, and this name was given by the father-in-law of the Song family, Song Yanlin.

The Song family's parents-in-law are getting old, so they don't live with Ye Han and the others, but live in the Song's mansion, surrounded by a group of servants to take care of them.

The juniors in the third house of the Song family went back to visit their elders from time to time.

Song Pingzhi is the eldest son, and he has a younger brother and a younger sister. The younger brother Song Yanzhi has never been an official or a businessman, but he is a master of Chinese studies, and his books and paintings are eager for thousands of people.

The younger sister, Song Qingzhi, married a rich man in City A, and gave birth to a son and a daughter. The son is Zhao Xinyu, and the daughter is Zhao Xinyue.

Song Qingzhi was pampered when she was at home. She was quite petite and difficult to get along with. After she got married, her first husband actually cheated on her. She immediately divorced him. The son married his second husband, Zhao Xinyu's father, Zhao Guang.

Zhao Guang is a self-made businessman. After marrying Song Qingzhi, his business failed many times. Every time, Song Qingzhi went home to ask for help, and helped his husband's family after getting money from the Song family.

Once or twice was fine, but later on the number of times increased and the amount of money increased, even the Song family's parents-in-law couldn't get it out, so they wanted to ask Song Pingzhi for help.

Song Pingzhi also said one more thing, advising Zhao Guang that if it is not suitable, he should choose another career. There is no need to die on the road of doing business. The in-laws want money.

Song Qingzhi was unwilling immediately after hearing this, but Song Pingzhi's majesty was there again, even the Song family's parents-in-law didn't dare to say anything to him.

Zhao Guang's side continued to be good or bad, until Song Qingzhi's son, Zhao Xinyu, gradually grew up, resembling his uncle when he was young.

Song Qingzhi had other thoughts. She knew that Ye Han would not be able to bear children, so she proposed to adopt Zhao Xinyu to Song Pingzhi as their son.

Song Pingzhi looked at Zhao Xinyu who was three points like him, and he did feel a little soft-hearted, and because Ye Han had been immersed in the grief of losing his son and couldn't get out, his health was deteriorating.

Although he knew what his third sister was up to, Song Pingzhi still carefully considered the suggestion of adoption.

He took Zhao Xinyu to meet Ye Han, but he didn't say anything about the succession, but Ye Han still flew into a rage, saying that even if she could never find her own son in this life, she would never want other people's children, let alone go to him. adopt.

Ye Han felt that her mother's love could only be given to her own son, if it was born by herself, it would be fine, but if it was someone else's, it would be a substitute, if one day she was lucky enough to find her own son and meet her mother Love others, how sad and sad he should be.

Why should she love other people's children when her son is lost? Not to mention the third sister's child of the Song family that she didn't like, she didn't want anyone who was a stranger either.

This was the first cold war between Song Pingzhi and Ye Han, or it could be said that it was a unilateral cold war between Ye Han and Song Pingzhi. Ye Han felt that Song Pingzhi's ideas were extremely outrageous and absurd, and that there was something wrong with his thinking.

Song Pingzhi felt that he was kind, but he didn't think it through. What Ye Han needed was never a child, but her own son.

Since then, Song Pingzhi has given up the plan of adopting or adopting. Even if Ye Han has no children, he has withstood the pressure from the Song family's parents-in-law and gave his wife a free environment.

As for Zhao Xinyu, Song Pingzhi did favor him because he resembled him somewhat. The child is good, but the mother is not kind.

Seeing Song Pingzhi's partiality, he borrowed his children to seek help from Song Pingzhi many times. Although they were relatives, Song Pingzhi would never violate his own principles for favoritism.

He ignored Song Qingzhi, but he was afraid that Zhao Xinyu would be raised in a wrong way, so he took more care of him.

Song Qingzhi often instilled in Zhao Xinyu that his uncle favored him because he looked like his uncle, and if someone else who looked like his uncle came back, his uncle would not love him any more.

Zhao Xinyu didn't understand at first, but when he heard someone say that there was someone who looked like him, he went to clean up and bully them. Later, when Song Pingzhi found out, he gave him a hard education, and called Song Qingzhi over to criticize.

Only then did Zhao Xinyu realize that he had done something wrong. He was not a person without a sense of right and wrong, and he began to hate his mother.

Why can't she love herself well, but always let herself seek the love of others?

Zhao Xinyu began to hope that his uncle's family could get his cousin back, so that his mother would not always push him out and rush to make a substitute.

Zhao Xinyu didn't expect that his wish would come true soon. At the family banquet, he knew that his uncles had recovered their long-lost biological son. Fortunately, the one Shen Siyuan said looked very similar to him. people.

Seeing that person standing with his uncle and aunt, Zhao Xinyu didn't feel too much loss in his heart. He didn't tell anyone that he was a little afraid of Song Pingzhi, and every time he stood in front of Song Pingzhi, he was very nervous.

But his mother always forced him to talk to his uncle.

Now that the uncle has found his own son, the mother should not force him anymore.

The news of Lin Hai's recovery was not revealed at all before, so Song Qing was shocked when she saw him at the unexpected family banquet, and at the same time she was very unwilling.

Obviously, she is about to make her parents let go, no matter whether Ye Han agrees or not, she can raise Zhao Xinyu under the name of the big house, because the big house can't have no successors, this pair of Song's parents-in-law who pay great attention to rules It is extremely disrespectful.

Song Qingzhi was still thinking, maybe Ye Han would be so angry about this matter that she wanted to divorce Song Pingzhi, that would be what she wanted, if Ye Han didn't wholeheartedly block it, Zhao Xinyu would have adopted her elder brother's name long ago .

Ye Han couldn't bear children by herself, and she wanted to cut off the incense in Song's parents' house, so she didn't want this kind of daughter-in-law.

Song Qingzhi's wishful thinking was sound, but this time it was completely shattered. She didn't know how a person who had been missing for more than 20 years could still be found.

The bottom of my heart was so sad that I couldn't help but sarcasm a few words at the family banquet. First, I heard that Lin Hai's education was a high school education, which made people laugh; second, that Lin Hai's paternity test was only related to Ye Han did it, but I haven't done it with Song Pingzhi yet, so I'm afraid the result may not be accurate.

Although Song Qingzhi didn't make it very clear, that's what she meant. After she finished speaking, she was proud that she had made trouble for Ye Han, but Ye Han who stood up expressionlessly gave him a big slap.

Ye Han seldom gets angry with others. She has always been synonymous with gentleness in the eyes of others. No one thought that she would have such great strength. She even hit Song Qingzhi directly regardless of all the relatives present.

Song Qingzhi himself was also stunned, and after realizing it, he was about to go up and tear Ye Han up, but was stopped by Song Pingzhi and Lin Hai.

This matter came directly to the Song family's parents-in-law. Song Qingzhi wanted the Song family's parents-in-law to judge him, but he didn't expect that it was her fault.

To humiliate his eldest brother's long-lost biological son at a family banquet is simply inhumane and unrighteous, without any sense of shame as an elder.

Moreover, the Song family's parents-in-law have already met Lin Hai, and people have a good impression of him based on his appearance alone. I also heard that he is now starting a company with the youngest son of the Shen family. It can be seen that he is also a promising person. If he recognized this eldest grandson, otherwise Song Pingzhi and the others would not have let them hold a family banquet to justify Lin Hai's name.

Song Qingzhi humiliated Lin Hai and Ye Han in front of many relatives, which not only offended Song Pingzhi, but also slapped the Song family's in-laws in the face.

So this time, the Song family's parents-in-law did not favor Song Qingzhi, the youngest daughter, but told her to go home and repent. For a big family like theirs, the glory of the family is one. There is no need to take the children back to the Song family mansion to visit their elders.

This means to draw a clear line with Song Qingzhi.

The only support was gone, Song Qingzhi was completely panicked this time, and went back to Zhao's house with lingering fear. For the sake of his son's future future, he never dared to be a monster in front of Ye Han and the others.

Jing Zhao is not yet a member of the Song family, so naturally he did not attend the family banquet of the Song family. Lin Hai, oh no, Song Wen'an is going to tell her about these things.

Although Lin Hai changed his name, Jing Zhao is still more used to calling him Brother Hai.

Lin Hai will not restrain her in this regard, she can call her whatever she wants.

At the end of the year, University A will be on holiday, and Jing Zhao will go home, so Lin Hai will naturally not let her go back alone, and they will get engaged when they go back, which was agreed in the morning.

His son is going to get engaged, of course Ye Han will not be idle, he prepared a lot of gifts for Lin Hai to bring back to Linjiacun to give to Jing Zhao's parents, and said that she and Song Pingzhi will go with Lin Hai on the day of the engagement It is a custom to come to the door, and it will not be changed because of the identity of the in-laws.

Here, before Jing Zhao went back, he called Lin's father and Lin's mother, and told them that Lin Hai had found his biological parents.

This is a good thing, Lin's father and Lin's mother will naturally not say anything, hearing that the future in-laws will come to make an appointment in person, Lin's father and Lin's mother hurriedly cleaned up the house.

Lin Xin had to go back to Linjiacun earlier than Jing Zhao. She didn't really want to come back, but it's hard to find a job outside because of the New Year's Eve, and the school doesn't allow you to apply for overnight stay. There were too many sales, so I finally returned to Linjiacun.

Hearing the news that Jing Zhao was about to get engaged when she came back, Lin Xin was annoyed by Lin's father and Lin's mother asking her to help tidy up the house, so she responded perfunctorily, and hid in her room under the pretext of preparing for the next year's professional exam.

Thinking about getting engaged, Jing Zhao might as well get married directly, so that she would be much cleaner, and would not have to be forced to see the annoying her as soon as she returned home.

For the engagement banquet, Lin's father and Lin's mother killed the family's pigs to welcome the distinguished guests.

On the twenty-third day of the twelfth lunar month, Jing Zhao went back to Linjia Village with Lin Hai. Lin Hai had a house in the town, and originally wanted Jing Zhao to live there directly, but Jing Zhao said it was not suitable.

The two of them hadn't gotten engaged yet, so they lived directly in his house, and when the relatives and friends saw it, it was time to gossip again, and on the day of the engagement, she should have stayed at home and waited for him to come over.

Lin Hai didn't refute after hearing this. Of course he couldn't bear to let his baby be gossiped about, so he reluctantly put him back.

Fortunately, the twenty-fifth day of the twelfth lunar month is the engagement banquet, so it's not too hard not to see each other for three days.

After Jing Zhao returned home, he was surrounded by Lin's father and Lin's mother. They didn't make it clear on the phone, and they didn't know anything about their future in-laws. They would inevitably be a little nervous when they saw their in-laws, so they caught Jing Zhao I plan to ask carefully, so as not to be rude when I get it.

Jing Zhao felt that if he told the real situation of Lin Hai's father, the two elders might become more nervous and excited, and even spend all their money to decorate the house, so it's better not to talk about it.

He just said: "Mom and Dad, don't be nervous, Brother Hai's parents are very easy to get along with, and they won't dislike our family, just keep a normal mind."

The daughter has already been in contact with her, and if she says that, it means that the other party's parents should be very serious, and Lin's father and Lin's mother have relaxed a little and started to seriously prepare for the engagement banquet.

When they were talking, Lin Xin was eavesdropping in the room. She never expected that Lin Hai would find her own biological parents, and that the other party would still be willing to continue the marriage. How can I look up to their family.

Lin Xin curled her lips and continued to hide in the room and play with her mobile phone.

The Lin family didn't have any extra rooms, so the two sisters crowded into one room, sleeping on bunk beds, Lin Xin sleeping on the upper bed, Jing Zhao sleeping on the lower bed, and sharing a desk.

Lin Xin was sitting at the edge of the desk at this time, and when she saw Jing Zhao lift the curtain and come in, she ignored her.

The two of them usually get along like this, basically they can't say a few words, Jing Zhao ignored her plan, and started to tidy up his bed after entering the room.

In fact, Jing's mother had already made the bed, so Jing Zhao didn't need to clean it up.

Jing Zhao usually bought almost all the clothes in Shanglin Jingyuan, and this time he came back with a small suitcase, except for some small clothes inside, which were to be worn on the day of the engagement party.

Ye Han went to the shopping mall with her to pick out the ones. The engagement party doesn't need to be overly dressed, just festive. What he bought was a red cashmere coat, which was warm and slim.

It's not good to fold it in the suitcase all the time, so Jing Zhao took it out and hung it in the closet.

Lin Xin looked at Jing Zhao's movements from the corner of his eye. For some reason, he always felt that Jing Zhao looked a lot better this time around.

Seeing that she is wearing a white lambskin coat, a light gray knit skirt and short white leather boots on her lower body, her whole body is white and glowing, and her hair has also been permed. It is a popular cake roll, which shows her face Very small.

Lin Xin also had her hair permed, but it didn't look as good as Jing Zhao's hair, and because of the perm, her hair was damaged a lot and looked frizzy. I knew when the hairdresser recommended essential oils for her hair She just bought a bottle.

While watching, Lin Xin pursed his lips when he saw Jing Zhao took out a piece of clothing from the box and hung it up, but he didn't say anything.

She was severely scolded by Jing Zhao last time, and now she doesn't dare to speak to her directly.

But Lin Xin was still very disdainful in her heart, thinking that if she got rich suddenly, she might not marry worse than Jing Zhao in the future.

Thinking of this, Lin Xin finally felt less uncomfortable, and concentrated on reading the book.

After Jing Zhao cleaned up, she sat cross-legged on the bed. It wasn't that she didn't notice Lin Xin's sizing up, but she just didn't care.

Although she is still living in the same room with Lin Xin, which makes her feel a little suffocated, but after the engagement, she will be able to live in Lin Hai's house in the town, and the people in the village will stop making irresponsible remarks.

Thinking of Lin Hai, Jing Zhao missed him a little after we separated for a while. He took out his mobile phone to send someone a WeChat message, and saw that he had already sent a message to himself first.

Ask her if she is living well at home. If she is uncomfortable, he will come to pick her up immediately.

Jing Zhao pursed his lips and replied with a smile.

I have lived there for so long before, and of course I am not unaccustomed to it now.

The two chatted on the mobile phone for a while, and Lin Hai said that he would pick her up earlier on the day of the engagement, so that she could wait for him with peace of mind.

As soon as Jing Zhao replied, Jing's mother came to look for her.

I forgot to ask before, Mother Jing only remembered about the dowry now, the man's family would bring a cash dowry to the door on the day of the engagement.

What I discussed with Lin Hai before was 288,000. Mother Jing and the others didn’t want so much at first, but Lin Hai insisted on giving it to Mother Jing. .

But before was before, now that Lin Hai found his biological parents, he wondered if they would have any opinions on the bride price.

Because the two families only spoke once, Jing's mother and the others didn't dare to rush to ask, so this is almost an engagement, and I don't know if the in-laws are willing to give 188,000.

Jing's mother thought about this and asked her daughter to communicate with Lin Hai first. After the communication is completed, their parents can make a decision directly if they have a good idea. up.

Jing Zhao was also engaged for the first time, so she forgot about it in a daze. Now that Jing's mother asked her, she remembered and said, "Mom, that Aunt Ye and the others do not agree to give a bride price of 180,000 yuan."

"Disagree? They think it's too much? How much are they willing to give? Let me tell you that too little is not enough. Mom is not greedy for their money, but to make you face in the village. If there are fewer people, those mouths The broken ones have to spread gossip again, saying that their family doesn't value you, so you can agree without thinking, tell mom quickly, how much are they going to give?"

Mother Jing asked Jing Zhao anxiously, until Jing Zhao stretched out his fingers and counted two numbers.

Mother Jing froze for a moment, stretched out her fingers and rubbed her eyes, and asked, "How much is this? God **** it, they are only willing to give 80,000?"

Afraid of making Jing's mother angry, Jing Zhao hurriedly said, "Mom, it's not 80,000, it's 880,000."

The bride price matter was discussed by Ye Han with Jing Zhao in person. She originally planned to give it directly to 188, and then buy the Golden Diamond RV, and wait until the two get married before giving a big gift.

The 880,000 yuan was negotiated by Jing Zhao. It’s not that 188 is bad, but that it’s a matter of matching. Lin’s father and Jing’s mother have never seen so much money in their life, and they will be frightened.

Jing's mother is of course happy that her daughter is married well, but she will also panic if she is married too well.

And no matter how much they gave, they would ask Jing Zhao to take the money back as a dowry, and they would even spend all their money in order to make the dowry worthy of the bride price.

Jing Zhao didn't plan to do this, 880,000 was about the same, and she didn't plan to take all the money back, but planned to leave most of it for Father Lin and Mother Jing to let them renovate the family house.

In this way, when they get old, if they don't want to live in the city with Jing Zhao and the others, they can feel more comfortable living in the new house in their hometown.

This was what she mentioned to Lin Hai, and of course Lin Hai had no objection. Not to mention that the 880,000 yuan was given by the Song family, even he could afford it himself, so he didn't care much about it.

Jing's mother choked up when she heard Jing Zhao's words, thinking that her daughter had really grown up, and she was always thinking about her family.

But he still didn't intend to keep the money in his heart, he just waited for Jing Zhao to take it with her when she bought the dowry.

Soon it was the day of the engagement.

Because of the long distance, Song Pingzhi and Ye Han arrived one day earlier, followed Lin Hai to rest in the town, and brought gifts to the gate of Lin's house early the next morning.

After hearing what Jing Zhao said, Mother Lin and Father Jing thought that Lin Hai's biological father was an ordinary businessman with a little money, but he didn't expect that he would really scare people when they met.

Father Lin even watched the news every day, and from time to time he could see some speeches and interviews of Song Pingzhi on TV.

Seeing the real person now, he once suspected that the other party was not the one on TV, at best, he looked alike, but after knowing the other party's name, Father Lin couldn't find a reason to doubt it even if he wanted to.

Tremblingly received the person, she didn't dare to say a few more words, she felt like she was falling into a dream, Jing's mother was also in a daze, her first reaction was to ask Jing Zhao for clarification.

Jing Zhao knew that they would be excited and nervous, but instead of being nervous every day, it would be better to be nervous for a short while and feel more at ease.

Knowing that Jing's mother might settle accounts with him, Jing Zhao ran to Lin Hai's arms to hide.

Because of the engagement, Lin Hai dressed very smartly today, he was not bad looking, and because of Jing Zhao's relationship, Ye Han was much more familiar with him than before.

As a mother, Lin Hai, who is not bad in appearance, is dark and rough in Ye Han's eyes, so when he takes Jing Zhao for maintenance, he will also take Lin Hai with him.

Of course Lin Hai didn't want to, he was a big man, he learned how women do maintenance.

Ye Han is used to playing with men's minds, so he told him that Zhao Zhao is still young and will only become more and more beautiful in the future, if you are too ugly, Zhao Zhao will despise you.

Just this one sentence moved Lin Hai, and reluctantly followed suit, but he was very impatient every time.

Maybe it's because Ye Han's genes are still in his bones, and the number of times he went to the construction site has decreased since the establishment of the company. Lin Hai has become a lot whiter during this time, and at first glance he looks like the handsome guy in the history pictorial.

His hair is still cropped, and he looks best with this hairstyle, with a straight nose and bright eyes.

Wearing a double-breasted navy blue coat with a sweater and a shirt inside, it has long since left the earthy taste before, and it is difficult for people to associate him with the former Lin Hai.

But the person is still the same person.

When he saw Jing Zhao running towards him at a trot, Lin Hai strode forward with long legs, stretched out his strong arms and hugged him in his arms.

I haven't seen her for three days. He misses her so much that he can't sleep in bed every night. He thinks about what she is doing, but he is afraid that calling her will affect her sleep, so he keeps holding back.

Now that I see someone, the tide of emotion in my heart rushes out.

He wanted to pick him up and turn around, but thinking that there were still so many people in the main room, Lin Hai restrained himself a little, wrapped him in his arms with his own clothes, then lowered his head and bit his ear.

"Did baby miss me? Huh? Running so fast?" Lin Hai's mouth curled up, his eyes filled with satisfaction at Jing Zhao's reaction to seeing him.

Jing Zhao wrapped his arms around his waist, raised his head and said pitifully, "I didn't tell my mother what Uncle Song does. She will probably settle accounts with me soon, so you have to help me."

It turned out that this was the matter, Lin Hai thought she was thinking about himself, but it didn't affect his good mood, he raised his eyes and scanned the surroundings, taking advantage of no one's attention, secretly took a sip on his tender face .

Then he lowered his head and coaxed people with a seductive tone: "Don't be afraid, baby, my husband is covering you."

What husband, not married yet! Jing Zhao's cheeks were reddish, pink lips were pouty, and he gave him an angry look.

Lin Hai's slightly scorching eyes fell on her face, and his throat tightened. He only regretted that he was not married yet, otherwise he would immediately carry her home and close the door. No one would say what he wanted to do.

The two stood in the corner of the yard and hugged each other. At this moment, Lin's father, Jing's mother, and relatives from all walks of life were all focused on Lin Hai's father, and they had no time to care about them.

It's just that this scene happened to be bumped into by Lin Xin who was going out. The moment she saw Lin Hai, she almost thought she had misunderstood the person. Now Lin Hai's attire can't be compared with before. It's all because he found his own. Biological parents!

Lin Xin just came over from the main house. She never dreamed that Lin Hai's biological parents would be such a family. Now she can't help but start to doubt her previous thoughts. Will she really be able to marry better than Jing Zhao in the future? Jing Zhao's fate is too good to be true!

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-07-26 22:23:56~2022-07-27 21:52:02~

Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: 20 bottles of W.S.Y; 11 bottles of L-Happy; 10 bottles of 21845731, eat a pair of white rabbits; Xu Baobao, 227926735 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! ?

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