MTL - Happy Little Mayor-Chapter 1439 . The town's wedding (6/10)

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Farewell to the bachelor party, Wang Bo and others began to prepare the groom to step on the red carpet.

On October 2nd, the residents of the town took the initiative to get up to clean their own homes in the early morning. The cleaning team even got up in the middle of the night to clean up the sanitation. It was almost necessary to use a mop to drag the road once, and the entire sunset town became completely new.

The town is full of tourists, and many media news cars shuttle on the streets, making townspeople think of the scene of a boxing match in the town a few months ago.

Of course, the number of news cars is naturally much smaller by comparison, but it is still enough for a wedding.

Most of the guests have arrived early, but some of them arrived on the same day, and either they lived in the surroundings such as Motak Moses and other farmers, or they were special guests such as Alexander and the Middle East princes.

These people ’s time is precious. Most of them come by plane or helicopter. So in the morning, various private jets and private helicopters began to take off and land. As for cars like Mercedes-Benz, BMW, and Porsche, there are even a lot of them. Luxury cars such as Maybach are also common.

Wang Bo was going to the wedding. He arranged that Qingyang, Kangli, Uncle Bing, and Atulu came to take charge of receiving these VIPs.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the sun was shining and the sky was clear.

Standing at the door of the church, Wang Bo looked up at the sky, and a few white clouds hung in the midst of the sky, gently floating like a spotless cotton wool.

The color of the sky is clear blue, and the golden sun shines directly on the ground without hindrance.

"It's really good weather," Charlie said with a smile.

Bowen sorted out the bow tie and said, "You look at me, **** it. I don't think I use bow tie well, lack of wildness, which makes me look inferior."

"Then give you a water trap?" Hani asked.

Mexican pretty boy and others laughed, and Zhong Dabao asked in confusion: "What are these guys laughing at?"

Zhang Rui explained: "The deputy mayor was of American cowboy origin. He felt that he had no wildness in leading the knot, and then Mr. Hani said that he should be replaced with water.

"What is Shui Leyu?" Zhong Dabao had never seen a horse, but he knew that his answer was very ignorant, and added embarrassedly, "Sorry, I have never heard of this thing."

"Do you know that cow chew? The same meaning." Zhang Rui didn't think it was very ignorant. He didn't know what Shui Lequan was before he came to ride in the sunset town.

Zhong Dabao knew about this thing, he thought about how Bowen was wearing a cow chew, and then laughed: "Ha ha ha ha!"

The others didn't laugh anymore, and now he laughed again, and everyone was laughing.

Wang Bo said: "His nerve reflex arc is relatively long."

The crowd nodded, and they suddenly realized their expressions.

Surrounded by wedding guests, there are also many new guests. There are five or six hundred people on Wang Bo's side, all of which add up to a thousand people. So many people are standing near the church, and the water surrounding the small church is leaking.

Everyone is watching them. Wang Bo doesn't matter. The others are a little nervous. They joked frequently to alleviate these pressures.

When the time came, the brides got in the car, and eight black Lincolns lined up in a long line, slowly heading towards the church.

In front of the convoy, four police motorcycles drove the team.

Tiannan personally led the team. Four selected police handsome men drove in front of the motorcycle, with the New Zealand flag on the motorcycle, and the security personnel of the wedding company were maintaining order by the road.

Many townspeople and tourists were watching the wedding, and the news car followed the convoy, recording the wedding scene continuously.

The convoy reached the church, someone went up to open the door, and eight brides walked down with their parents' arms.

Eva has no parents. She took the hand of her sister. Since coming to New Zealand, the two sisters have been relying on each other, so this time it will be Xiaolioli giving her sister to Wang Bo.

The scene was a little funny, but for their sisters, it was the most suitable choice.

Little Loli took her sister's hand and walked to Wang Bo's side. The sun was shining on Eva's wedding dress, and she became whiter and snowier.

The wedding dress is inlaid with exquisite freshwater coral stones, and the soft light flashes slightly, because the coral stones are polished very finely broken, so they will not take the wedding dress away.

Wang Bo bent down and looked at Xiao Loli, and smiled, "Are you my bride?"

Little Loli apparently cried on the road, her eyes were red and red, she looked at Wang Bo dissatisfied, and said with a crying voice: "Then I will marry you, and you will give me back your sister."

Wang Bo helped her sort her pigtails and said, "I never snatched your sister, you see, has she always been by your side, hasn't I? I've been by your side, and we will always be together."

Little Lori shook her head and said, "It's different, you're married, it's different."

"We've been married for a long time, and today is just a situation." Pharaoh whispered to her, then winked and winked. "We have been married for more than a year, and you see, we haven't lived together. Are you happy? "

Little Loli murmured, put her sister's hand in his hand and said, "But you will be better to my sister in the future."

"Is this the only requirement?"

Little Loli said: "It's better for me, don't let me eat eggs in the morning, I don't like it."

The guests around laughed a lot. Little Loli made a face at them, then waved her hand at Eva reluctantly, raised the small veil and walked to the side.

Wang Bo shook Eva's hand, and the latter smiled slightly enough to melt his heart.

The remaining seven brides were successively handed over to the groom. Parents sent blessings and they lined up into the church.

The church looks small from the outside. In fact, it can hold enough people, because there were more than 2,500 Christians in Sunset Town when the church was built.

In order to accommodate all the believers, Wang Bo specifically requested that the designer use a compact style. The church looks small, but it can accommodate a large number of people.

Everyone entered the church, and the godfather Rudy, holding the Bible, stood under the cross in front of him, with a solemn face and a gentle look.

The new people lined up in front of him, with a smile on his face: "Dear loyal believers, please sit down and let us witness the beginning of these sacred marriages with God and let us bless them with angels. Next I will ask One question from the groom ... "

Behind him, someone started playing the piano, and a smooth and euphemistic "Wedding March" was played in the church through amplifiers and speakers.

Wang Bo looked at Eva and said, "Immediately, God will allow you to be my wife."

Eva blinked, and chuckled at the corner of her mouth, "I can't wait."