MTL - Happy Little Mayor-Chapter 1440 . Wish achieved (7/10)

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Under the auspices of Rev. Rudy, the wedding gradually started, everything was normal, and finally entered the process of exchanging wedding rings between the two parties.

Here Wang Bo and Eva played a flower job, they did not bring a wedding ring, at this time Pharaoh whistled and then waved to the church roof.

The army commander and political commissar were staying there, and immediately saw him beckoning and flew down.

One of the two little parrots wore a gentleman's tuxedo and the other was a lace floral dress, which flew down like two elves.

They all had a small brocade box on their lips. After flying down, the captain landed on Wang Bo's arm and handed him the small box, and then immediately said, "Ah, the political commissar is not good."

The political commissar said wrongedly to Eva: "I wear clothes, not skirts."

The army commander and the political commissar are two male parrots, but in order to make the process of giving each other's wedding rings look more beautiful, warmer, and more touching, Adrian put a floral skirt on the political commissar.

Originally, the army commander did not want to wear a tuxedo and wore a skirt. As a result, the bird even understood the division of sex. Putting on the skirt was unwilling to live and die, lying directly on the ground and posing dead.

The political commissar was unwilling, but its resistance was lighter, so the crying child had milk and the job of wearing a skirt fell on the political commissar.

Hearing the words of the commissar, both Charlie and Hani laughed, but there was no loudspeaker and microphone around the new people, so the guests couldn't hear, and when they saw the little parrot sending a wedding ring, they all got up and applauded.

Wang Bo ignored the two birds, opened the ring box when he got it, and then exchanged the wedding rings with Eva. Others also exchanged wedding rings.

Seeing this, Godfather Rudy exclaimed: "I obey the will of the Lord and God, and here I declare that you are legal couples!"

The new people kissed, the guests applauded, the wedding was over, and then they gave gifts and blessings, but this was done in the castle, and the blessings were wedding banquets.

Under the arrangement of security personnel, the newcomers left the scene and entered the car to return to the castle.

Back at the castle, they waited for the guests at the door. The bride held the groom ’s hand. The guests arrived at the castle and blessed them. They were all good words such as 'Hundred Years Together' and 'White Heads Are Not Separated'. Wang Bo soon heard the cocoon.

According to the normal wedding process, there is also a link to remove gifts. Bowen and Zhong Dabao have fewer guests they invite, so there are fewer gifts, and they can be opened directly.

There are too many guests on Wang Bo's side, and they have no time to open the gift to thank them. They can only thank them for collecting the gifts.

However, some of the last gift givers were heavyweight guests. In order to show their respect to them, Wang Bo and Eva opened the gift on the spot.

Because the other guests have been led into the wedding reception by the waiters at this time, there are not many people staying here, such things will not be seen, and controversy will be avoided.

The brocade box sent by the Alexander couple was a tapestry. On the soft and smooth silk, a pair of black cranes flew together. The workmanship was extremely delicate.

"It's so beautiful." Eva laughed as she opened. "Is this our crane? They must be, I can recognize them."

Alexander said proudly: "Wachona used to love embroidery and brocade crafts when she was in China. This is a work she and a teacher have done together."

Vacciona with his arm in his arms laughed: "I started to want to embroider, but Vercell reminded me that there is a more loving pair of birds in Sunset Town, these are the two black cranes, so we chose them Come and bless you. "

Wang Bo nodded: "Thank you very much for this gift. It is really great. Xuanhe still has the meaning of longevity in China. This gift has love and longevity. Isn't this the pursuit of all couples?"

Wachona said: "That's right, but I have to make it clear that this brocade has my efforts, but more of my teachers are in charge. I hope this does not affect our minds."

Eva hugged her and said, "Of course, we certainly understand."

Even if she does not explain, Wang Bo can guess that this brocade is not her own work. One is that the brocade is too exquisite, it is definitely from a professional, and the second is that Vachona is one of the two leaders of the Green Party. It's really not that much time to waste on this brocade.

Battier came with his son in the back. The minibus held a small suitcase. After arriving, he laughed and said, "Uncle Wang, Aunt Eva, happy wedding, I am very happy to be able to attend your wedding. This is the most I have ever seen. Great wedding. "

Wang Bo asked: "Your mouth is as sweet as smeared honey, young man, I like your words, have you attended several weddings?"

The minibus laughed even brighter: "Uh, there is only one scene, this is the scene. I didn't like this noisy scene before."

Wang Botan opened his hands and looked at the overbearing president: "What else can you say to me?"

Battier patted his son's shoulder lovingly and said, "You can laugh, come, kid, show them our gift, and I bet they will like it."

The minibus handed the suitcase to Wang Bo. When he opened it, it contained a set of cards.

These cards are inlaid on delicate velvet cotton in twelve colors, a total of twenty-four, each with a South Pacific Bank logo and a long line of card numbers.

In the center of the card are the patterns of some attractions, including coral stones, Christmas paradise, firefly holes, floating huts, party scenes during celebrations, and the Flame Mountain Bar.

Wang Bo was surprised to pick up a bank card, which in turn had several lines of words written in different languages ​​on the card: Welcome to Customs Sunset Town.

"What are these bank cards?"

"It's the sunset town travel card that our bank will launch soon. The twelve types above are savings cards, and the twelve types below are mainly issued to young people and tourists. What do you think of this?" Seoul asked with a smile.

Wang Bo was surprised and said, "What do I think? I think this is simply amazing! You may not know, old man, when I first came to New Zealand to go to the bank to apply for a bank card, I made a big aspiration ..."

"Let the four major New Zealand banks make a batch of bank cards in the setting of Sunset Town?" Shane interrupted him and laughed.

After hearing this, the surprise on Pharaoh's face became shocked: "How do you know? Charlie told you ?!"

Shane smiled and nodded, "He once mentioned it, and then I think it's a good idea."

He closed the box, turned around and beckoned, and someone came over. It was the manager of the other three of the four banks in Sunset Town. These people carried the same box in their hands. After they opened it, they were also a batch of banks card!