MTL - Harry Potter: Hello the Dark Lord-v3 Chapter 196 I want to drive Gundam too

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Qin Weijie is betting that the golden king doesn't want to kill him

Although it's not clear why King Blonde wanted to arrest him, since he wanted to arrest him, he must have something he valued, so Qin Weijie boldly assumed that King Blonde would only hurt him at most, and would never kill himself.

As long as there is still a chance of life, even if he is seriously injured, there is still room to turn around.

I have to say, Qin Weijie made the right bet!

The Blonde King really didn't kill him.

When the two tomahawks were only four or five meters away from Qin Weijie, Qin Weijie could clearly feel the scorching temperature of the fire, and the hair and clothes were scorched and began to carbonize.

At this moment, the tomahawk turned suddenly, instead of attacking Qin Weijie, it turned and flew away in the direction of Tom and Emma.

"Heh, stupid boy, do you think I can't do anything about you if I don't want to kill you?

As I said, everyone but you here is going to die today!

Since you value your friends so much, I'll let you watch them die!

Today I want to teach you a truth, in the face of absolute strength, any trick is a joke! "

The King Blonde made a mockery, and Qin Weijie's eyes were split.

However, Qin Weijie was still unable to move at this time, and could only watch the two flying axes attacking Tom and Emma.

Even if Qin Weijie wanted to use his trump card, it was too late!

At this moment, Qin Weijie regretted that he took Tom and Emma on an adventure.

It's just that on weekdays. Before, the old man was secretly protecting himself and wiping his ass.

Right now, the old man is missing, and the welfare family is worried about internal and external troubles, but he still doesn't know his life or death, and he commits the same self-righteous death as a middle schooler.

"What if I don't have the old man! When did I, Qin Weijie, expect protection from others! If the blond king dares to hurt Tom and Emma in the slightest, I will smash him to ashes in the future!" Qin Weijie shouted angrily in his heart.

Seeing the flipped fire snake attack and kill Emma and Tom, five meters, three meters, two meters...

There was a rumbling sound between the electric light and flint, and the earth trembled.

Qin Weijie squinted his eyes. The blazing fire and the dust covered his eyes, so he couldn't see anything clearly.

The flames above the Golden King's battle axe were condensed from the monstrous fighting intentions of the domain-breaking powerhouses. Even the **** eyes of death could not peep, but could only see the sky-high flames.

"Golden Retriever! Young Master, I will kill you!" Qin Weijie shouted, forcibly resisting the invisible pressure.

"Noisy! I'll take care of you after I've executed the remaining Aurors!"

"Hehe, since I can't protect Tom and Emma, ​​then there is no bond... Dogecoin! I want to catch the young master in the next life! I have more ways to escape than you think!"

Emma and Tom were killed and said that it was impossible for Qin Weijie not to be sad, but Qin Weijie was used to seeing life and death. Since everyone else can die, why can't his friend die?

At this moment, Qin Weijie has calmed down a lot. Without Emma and Tom, he has no scruples.

Keeping Qingshan is not afraid of running out of firewood, now is not the time to stage a moth to the fire.

The gap in strength cannot be filled by anger or explosions. Even if a seventh-order magic power has more means, it is impossible to regret a powerhouse at the breaking level. The gap in strength between the two is simply a gulf.

From the beginning to the end, King Blonde only used two throwing axes, just two simple throwing axes, and he didn't even have too many skills. For King Blonde, this might not even be a warm-up, but it was just so simple. The two flying axe made Qin Weijie feel a deadly threat.

Knowing the gap in strength, Qin Weijie rationally chose to give up resistance. Instead of doing unnecessary struggles, it is better to find a way to escape, and then seek revenge from the Golden King after regrouping!

Just when Qin Weijie was about to use the 'Destruction Escape Technique' to forcibly leave, a burst of Sanskrit sounds suddenly came from his ears.

It was only at this moment that the golden-haired king realized that the battle axe he had just thrown had not returned.

The blond king frowned involuntarily and looked at the blazing fire beside him.

The blazing flames were crimson red, and even the earth could burn, and the flames rolled into the sky, nearly seven or eight meters high.

However, within the crimson flames, a soft golden glow suddenly flashed.

The golden light was like a firefly at first, but in the blink of an eye, it engulfed the raging flames in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, there were bursts of Buddhist and Sanskrit sounds, and countless mysterious swastikas fluttered. He fixed his eyes on an ugly, red-haired, black-bearded, golden giant with six arms on his back, rising from the flames.

A ring of fire greedily devoured the burning flames behind the red-haired and black-bearded head.

The face of the golden giant is extremely ugly, and the anger is rushing into the crown, which makes people fearful. Each of the six arms holds a magic weapon. The left three arms hold a vajra pestle, a magic wand, and a golden light wheel. , stepping on the void, looking at the sky, the golden light of ten thousand feet descends like a Buddha.

The King Blonde was also a little dazed by the sudden change at this time. What kind of thing is this? It looks so cool! ? I don't know why!

Looking at Qin Weijie, our well-informed Young Master Qin was completely dumbfounded, his lips could not help shaking, and he murmured: "Buddha... Buddhist Dharma Sign, Angry King Kong! It's Emma, ​​is she not? The disciples of the two masters of Wen Buwen, the talisman is passed down from the people of Wu Wendao, this Buddhist dharma is the inheritance of the master of Wuwen!"

Buddhism is not in the same vein as Huaxia Xuanmen. Since it was introduced to China in the Western Han Dynasty, it has gradually learned from each other with Huaxia Xuanmen. In thousands of years of inheritance, it has borrowed the concepts of Chinese Confucianism and Taoism, and achieved Mahayana Buddhism. It is also a unique Xuanfa Taoism in China.

Qin Weijie didn't know much about the mysterious method of Buddhism. He only knew that the mysterious method of Buddhism was mainly about cultivating the mind and refining the body, cultivating the mind to prove wisdom, and refining the body to prove the Way.

Confucianism, Taoism, Mystery, Origin, Precepts, Mindfulness, Sealing

Buddhist Mysteries, Enlightenment, Precepts, Zen Enlightenment, Nirvana

The way of saying it is different, but in fact, the changes are inseparable from its sect. Under the refinement, it is divided into six realms like the Tao of Talismanship, namely, the novice, the Zen master, the vajra, the arhat, the bodhisattva, and the Buddha.

Compared with Confucianism and Taoism, Buddhist mysticism lacks various techniques. Buddhism only cultivates one thing, and that is 'Dharma'.

The novice dharma can correct the mind and improve wisdom. The only ability is to strengthen one's own learning ability, also known as enlightenment.

A Zen master's dharma can not only further improve the learning ability, but also strengthen the physical body, but the degree of strengthening is not too strong.

However, the real power of the Zen Master's Dharma is that he can act on others. He is an extremely powerful auxiliary talent, and can provide different auxiliary effects according to the 'scriptures' he has mastered.

For example, the "Diamond Sutra" can improve the defense against all methods, and the "Pharmacist Sutra" can be used for treatment. Some mantras in the "Great Compassion Mantra", "Huayan Sutra" and "Heart Sutra" are different. additive effect.

To put it bluntly, the Zen master's dharma is a buff machine that Nima moves. It can't kill people, but Nima is disgusting.

The Vajra Dharma that followed was a qualitative improvement in the overall strength of the Buddhist Mysteries. The earlier Buddhist Mysteries were mainly auxiliary, but the battle power accumulated in the Vajra Realm exploded instantly. Among them, the defense of the King Kong law is unparalleled, and the combat power can also be placed in the top three. It is simply a humanoid Gundam and bug-level existence.

For details, please see the huge golden giant with a height of ten meters in front of him. His momentum is not inferior to that of the knight with a spear.

Qin Weijie looked up at the awesome King Kong Dharma, and said sincerely, "I'm Nima, is it too late to switch to Buddhist mysticism now? I want to drive Gundam too!"

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