MTL - Harry Potter: Hello the Dark Lord-v3 Chapter 197 upwind, upwind

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In the Vajra Dharma, Emma's clothes and long hair are automatically without wind, and the golden brilliance flows around her body, which is extremely sacred, making life not a bit blasphemous. Error free update@

Tom was guarded by Emma, ​​and at this time he had already subdued his mind, but his body was still extremely weak and his face was pale as he looked at Emma's back, his head buzzing.

"Damn it, I thought Emma was easy to bully before? I also spied on her thoughts and let her die... I'm trying crazy on the line of death!

What the **** is going on in this world? Why does everyone seem to be stronger than me..."

Tom's inner activity was like a roaring emperor, and his face was still full of horror.

The King Blonde confronted King Kong Fa, and reached out his hand to summon his battle axe, but he didn't get a response for a long time.

Looking closely, the two tomahawks were firmly stuck in King Kong's chest, and there was an inexplicable force that attracted them to the wound. No matter how the master summoned them, the tomahawks could not be returned.

"What a strong defense! Even the heroic battle formation is only so defensive..." The blond king looked at Emma's Vajra image with great interest: "But how long can you last in this state? There are dozens of people in the heroic battle formation to share the consumption. , and you are only one person! Even if I don't attack you, you can last up to thirty seconds!"

Emma ignored the sarcasm of the King Blonde, and maintained the Vajra Dharma with a resolute expression. At this time, it was the strongest defensive state of the Vajra Dharma.

It's a pity that all kinds of defenses are also limited. When the strongest defense is turned on, the Dharma can't move and can only maintain one posture.

Once you start moving, the strongest defense will drop back to normal.

Although the defense of the Vajra Dharma in the normal state is strong, there is still a huge gap between it and this state.

"Emma, ​​talk to him, help me hold him back for 20 seconds! I'll try to break the ban on the second-level domain..." Qin Weijie said eagerly, and then hurriedly voiced Tom: "There must be some in the second-level domain. A core, as long as the core is destroyed, the space blockade can be opened! You have a strong spiritual sense, help me find the core! I estimate that the core will not be too far from here!"

Tom received Qin Weijie's voice transmission, endured the pain in his mind, and began to gather his mental strength and close his eyes to explore the surrounding environment.

"Why are you chasing us!?" Emma frowned and asked the blond king sternly.

"I don't need to talk nonsense with you, prepare to die!"

"Wait!" Emma said to stop: "I have a guess... Since your target is Vijay, then your purpose is related to him!

Vijay himself has never offended you, and he is even one of you. Your actions are obviously behind the back of the royal court, to satisfy your own desires, or to satisfy your faction...

Blonde and elegant middle-aged, I heard Petty mention you, the Chief Blonde King of the Council! "

The blonde king looked at Emma in surprise, with a playful smile on his face:

"It's ironic that you know me!

I don't even know Vijay Foley, a member of the Knights, but a yellow-skinned girl recognizes my identity! ?

You met Templar Petty... someone from the royal family? It should not be the heir of the royal family, at most it is a bit involved, killing you should have no effect! "

"King Blonde, the chief of the council, besides that, you seem to have an identity... a traitor of the Valhalla in the extreme north!" Emma suddenly burst out a big melon.

Qin Weijie, who was looking for the core, couldn't care about looking for it at this time, and could not wait to eat melons with Maza, Coke, and popcorn.

Didn't expect such big news.

"In addition to Petty mentioning you, Granny Granny has also mentioned you.

You were originally a prisoner of the Nordic gods, but for some reason you betrayed the very northern Valhalla, stole the treasures of the Valhalla, damaged the three sisters of destiny, and released the remnant soul of Loki, the **** of trickery, and almost let the whole heroic spirit The palace is alienated.

Afterwards, you were hunted down by the Valhalla and the oracles in the extreme north, but had no choice but to defect to the court of Arthur, appreciated by the great sage Merlin, and gradually stepped into the center of power of the court of Arthur and became the chief of the council. "

King Blonde didn't expect that the little girl in front of him knew so much about his past. These things were taboos for King Blonde. At this time, King Blonde was exposed by Emma in public and was furious.

All of this is a secret, not too many people know. (This chapter is not over!)

Chapter one hundred and ninety-seventh

road! The royal family even told this kind of thing to a stinky little girl, she couldn't let her leak her secret, she must die today!

"Today you must die!" The blond king said, blood surging all over his body, the muscles of the qiu knot almost stretched the armor, and the blood on the armor became even redder.

This kind of breath is inexplicably familiar to Qin Weijie. After thinking for a moment, Qin Weijie exclaimed: "Fuck, it's crazy blood magic! A Nordic melee wizard!"

"The heroic spirit is coming!" The blond king shouted, his blood and suffocation condensed, turning into a giant seven or eight meters high. The giant held a battle axe and wore a horn helmet with Nordic characteristics. He looked like a Viking pirate.

Seeing this scene, Qin Weijie smiled bitterly: "How can anyone drive a Gundam! The end of magic is science, and Mr. Lu Xun will not deceive me! The end of magic is Gundam! I want to drive Gundam too!"

"Vijay! Don't be in a daze, find the core, there is a knight's sword five hundred meters to the east, and there is a special energy circulating on it! Go and destroy the core! Emma can't stop him!"

While Qin Weijie was thinking about it, Tom's voice transmission interrupted Qin Weijie's thoughts.

Without thinking about anything else, Qin Weijie quickly moved towards the target position with a stalker step.

At the same time, the golden-haired king was already motivated to kill.


The battle axe seemed to be splitting on top of the bronze bell, and there was a deafening sound. Qin Weijie was dizzy and almost stumbled to the ground by the sound.

Looking at Tom and Emma again, both of them were shocked with bleeding from the nose and mouth, especially Emma was not only shocked by the sound, but also hit the battle axe. _o_m

Looking at the already dim Vajra Dharma image, the corners of the King Blonde's mouth rose slightly: "It's just a show! Let's see how you take my axe..."

Speaking of the battle axe being raised by the blood-colored giant again, the momentum of slicing Huashan Mountain is already unstoppable. If it is hit like this again, the cliff of King Kong Dharma will be broken, and even Emma can't escape the ending of being split in half.

"Emma! Streamer Escape Talisman!"

At this time, Qin Weijie broke the ban on the second-layer domain, and blocked contact with time and space, and Emma could clearly feel the spatial fluctuation of the flow of the outside world.

The moment the battle axe fell, Emma's double-fingered sword, a splendid talisman appeared at her fingertips, and the ice-blue flame burned the talisman. The next second, Emma and Tom turned into a streamer and escaped for hundreds Mi, appeared beside Qin Weijie.

"Cough, cough..." Emma vomited blood, and there were fragments of internal organs in the blood, her face was as pale as paper, and it was extremely difficult to breathe: "Quick... let's go, UU reading I have two more here. Zhang Liuguang's escape talisman... but he can escape for fifty... miles in an instant, which is enough to get rid of him!"

Emma handed the streamer escape talisman, but Qin Weijie didn't reach out to pick it up, but looked at the blond king who was galloping in angrily.

"Mass! Beating you all like this, even if you want to run, it won't make him feel better!"

Looking at Qin Weijie's upper face, Tom covered his face with a wry smile: "This grandson, follow the ***, go against the wind and waves, this is the rhythm of death again! Just knock him out and drag him away!"

Emma rolled her eyes at Tom, looked at Tom's injury, and then looked at her own injury: "Come on! Maybe I still have the strength to cheer you on!"

"Forget it... Aside from the facts, I can't beat him!".

Chapter one hundred and ninety-seventh

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