MTL - Harry Potter’s Book of Sin-Chapter 2631 demonize

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The smell of burning is in the air, if this is actually evidence that they are getting closer and closer to Hogwarts Castle, then...

That's really hard to laugh at!

I don't know since when, what should have been a nostalgic act of returning to my alma mater has become such a difficult and distressing thing.

The number and average strength of the enemy has become higher...


As Maca waved his wand again, a large number of enemy corpses volleyed into the air and splattered with blood, and other people moved more or less, faster or slower, although the speed of the entire team moving forward was getting faster and faster. It's getting slower and slower, but it's still moving forward.

Just here, the difference between the density of the enemy in the air and the ground is not big. Maybe there are fewer flying corpses at high altitudes, but compared with the ground where the danger underfoot is rarely considered, it is obviously insufficient. So that the dash team continues to rise without limit.

What's more, no matter how high you fly, you always have to come back to the ground in the end, don't you think?

"Harry... I seem to see the color of the lake!"

Neville, who had driven the Patronus to stand at the front of the line, suddenly turned his head and shouted at the back of the line when the Silver Lion made a high leap.

No way, the surrounding...especially the living corpses coming from the direction of Hogwarts in front is too dense, the layers of the corpses are almost blocking the view of the ground and the near-Earth space. Even Neville, who was able to take a look from a little higher up by the Patronus flying from time to time, could only occasionally catch a glimpse of a slightly distant color from the gap between those guys.

"Then work harder! Everyone pay attention, don't relax!"

Harry, who had fallen to the end of the line to take charge of the rear of the hall, heard the words. Although he could no longer see Neville himself, he immediately replied:

"As far as our current observations are concerned, very few living corpses will take the initiative to enter the water. They don't like to be in the water. When we get there, we can swim through the water, and maybe we can take the opportunity to take a rest depending on the situation."

"If that's the case, then...then it can't be better...huhu...because, I feel like I can't hold it anymore." Ron, who also began to actively participate in the battle after falling back to the ground, this Shi couldn't help gasping for breath and said intermittently, "It's just that I found that the number of high-level living corpses that came towards us starting about fifteen minutes ago... huh... It seems to be higher than the previous one. It adds up to a lot on the road! Do those guys who are rampant and surprisingly strong really care if there is a lake between them and us?"

"It's really hard to say," Sarah, who was always beside Maca in the middle of the queue, heard this sentence, but it was a rare match, and then she looked up at Maca, "After all, the living corpse family It's not that they are afraid of water - they obviously don't have that weakness, do they?"


Maca is also constantly cleaning up those enemies that are approaching the team, especially those who have the largest number of ordinary people, and individuals who have advanced to different levels but have not yet reached the advanced level.

There are not many people in the team who can quickly deal with a large number of enemies, so although the most difficult guys are dealt with and killed by others, when the overall number of enemies is almost endless, he The battle burden is actually the heaviest.

Fortunately, there is another Safina who arrived with the army before leaving, and also takes time to help from time to time. The sea of ​​black flames, which seems to share the same origin with Haierbo's soul flame, is a raging flame. Tao, like silk and flowing clouds, is no less powerful than the silver mist created by the Patronus Spell.

Just as Safina, who turned into black flames, splashed a large wave of black flames again, Maca, who had a little gap, turned her head to look at Sarah who was talking to herself just now, but after thinking about it. But he shook his head slightly.

"The question is no longer on 'Are living corpses afraid of water'... Sarah, don't you feel anything different about the 'high-level living corpses' that have appeared recently?"

"What do you mean?" Sarah frowned slightly, "If it refers to their soul strength... Indeed, it is already a bit beyond the normal level, and only the group of Rebes and the others who are gradually improving their emotions" The same clan', can be considered to be able to surpass them - this is obviously the reason why the strength of those high-level individuals that they encounter later is obviously stronger and stronger, right?"

Having said this, Sarah paused, and then her expression became a little hesitant.

"Could it be that the high-level living corpses at Hogwarts also have 'people' helping them fill their soul defects? No... It doesn't look like it?"

Along the way, I broke through many obstacles and got here. Everyone has seen countless living corpses. Although high-level individuals are still only a minority in general, they add up to a lot. UU reading

Especially now, as the location of Hogwarts Castle is getting closer, the frequency of encountering high-level living corpses is also rising sharply - a level that has seriously slowed down the progress of the operation.

But to be honest, no matter whether it was encountered before or recently, those living corpses who have evolved to a high level have not shown any signs of behavior that produces wisdom and self, let alone the so-called "emotional" " and "emotions"!

"Of course it's not like that," Macalho said solemnly, "because it's just the opposite—they don't fill the gaps in the soul, but... the parts of instinct and desire have been multiplied. But there is one thing you may be You're right, it's most likely also 'artificial'!"

"That is to say..." Sarah heard the words, and immediately felt it carefully, and murmured in her mouth.

"That is to say," Maka continued following her subconscious self-talk, "the high-level living corpses near the school... are being 'demonized'."

When this topic is here, it can actually be connected with some unconclusive speculations before - the strange cloud in the north is indeed getting thicker and thicker, and its influence on living corpses is indeed increasing. . Although I don't know how "someone" catalyzed the transformation of those living corpses like this, the "sin" in the souls of those high-level living corpses seemed to be getting heavier.

So much so that the high-level living corpses at the top already have a tendency to demonize.

"This is really 'good' news!" Safina, who passed by, seemed to have heard the conversation between the two, and she couldn't help but sigh.

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