MTL - Harue Kagetsu-Chapter 83

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When it was getting dark, Li Mu returned to the governor's mansion.

Luoshen happily ran to the courtyard to meet him.

The maids and maids were not around.

Li Mu lowered his head and leaned towards her.

Not long after Luoshen took a bath, he was still covered in ice, cool and sweat-free. When he leaned in, he smelled the smell of sweat, so he hurriedly covered his nose, made a cute look of disgust at him, and avoided him.

Li Mu smiled, forcibly approached, and quickly gave her face a smack.

Luoshen hit him and pushed him to take a shower. I also followed.

As usual, he rolled up his sleeves and stood on the stone, poured water on his back, put his palms on it and rubbed it for him, and said, "Langjun, you don't know yet? Today my elder sister sent someone over. He gave me a lot of things. In addition to food and clothing, there is also a large box of gold and silver jewelry. I was thinking of taking other things, and the box should be taken back. After thinking about it again, since my sister gave me, I will keep it. Let's go. There will be more and more children in the city in the future. Run a school, give them snacks, and also need more looms and looms, as well as hemp and cotton, start the women to spin thread and weave cloth, and give them to your soldiers Make clothes, make shoes..."

"I didn't know it before. And now, when I want to do something, I realize that it costs money everywhere."

Li Mu returned to the city in the evening, and when he entered the city gate, he had already heard from the guards that Gao Yongrong had sent someone here.

He listened to her whispering behind him, turned his head slowly, his eyes fell on the charming face with a smile, and he smiled slightly.

"Teaching the children to read and read, I think you're busy enough. You don't have to do anything else. I'll find a solution for the military, so don't make too much effort."

He didn't mention it, but when he mentioned it, Luoshen's little hand twisted heavily on his back.

"You said it! You think I don't know! Before, you told Jiang Tao to take care of everything and let me do nothing!"

"You are so busy yourself, why don't you tell me to stay in the house every day and wait for you to come back?"

Li Mu couldn't help feeling guilty.

Not only because I half coaxed and half forced to keep her, but I couldn't let her live a life of fine clothes and food like before.

It's because he has a lot of things going on right now. Indeed, as she complained, since she stayed until now, he has hardly been with her during the day.

Instead of being strange, she took the initiative to help him do so many things.

"Forget it!"

She smiled again and waved to him very generously.

"I know you're busy, so I don't mean to complain about you. I just want to have something to do myself. You are not allowed to stop me any more! I won't get tired of myself. By the way, you wash quickly, and I'll show you when you enter the room. Sister's letter."

Li Mumo didn't say anything, he quickly finished packing, and went back to the house with her.

Lights in the house.

Li Mu watched her hand him a letter.

He took it and finished it quickly.

Two eyes, but still fell on the column of words on the letter in his hand.

In my mind, the last scene from the past suddenly emerged.

The armored warrior who was unable to stab even the sharpest sword in the world was easily defeated by a poison-piercing wine wrapped in the fragrance of beauty.

In the severe burning pain in his stomach, he fell to the ground and watched her being taken away by Lu Huanzhi.

How could he be willing to let her leave him like this.

When she staggered and walked by his side, he stretched out his hand and grabbed her ankle tightly, preventing her from leaving.

At that time, she turned her face back, looked at him on the ground, and burst into tears.

The sadness and despair in her eyes, the powerlessness that was completely unable to resist the giant hand of fate, until this moment, he still remembered clearly.

The manipulator behind all that is now, the one who wrote this letter.

The letter is full of concern and love.

At first glance, it looks modest, but in fact, between the lines of the font, there is the kind of approachable and approachable after the condescension that only the superior can have.

Li Mu remembered that in his last life, the battle between Dayu and Beixia in Jiangbei, after the outbreak, was not like this in this world, and it was won in just a few months. But after more than a year of continuous tug of war, the Southern Dynasty ended in victory with the final decisive battle.

Later, he traversed the north and became the biggest opponent of his planned last Northern Expedition, Murong Ti from Xianbei. At this time, he should have just escaped from Beixia and started his plan of revenge.

And Luoshen just married Lu Jianzhi not long ago. The Gao family and the Lu family are in the honeymoon period of their relationship.

Emperor Xingping is indeed going to die. But the direct cause of his death was the accidental death of the prince.

It should be about this time, one night, the prince was suffocated by a palace servant with a quilt in his sleep.

It is said that the person in that palace angered the prince the night before, and the prince spoke out and wanted to kill him the next day. The palace servants were frightened and killed the prince at night, and then, fearing the crime, hanged himself.

And the emperor, in the more than a year that Gao Qiao left Jiankang to command the battle, was unrestrained, indulged in alcoholism, and ate five stone powder.

The Xu family's dream of taking the throne as the crown prince and replacing the Gao family in power has completely failed.

Without the crown prince, the King of Dongyang, based on his bloodline and the prestige of his wife's Gao clan, was recommended by King Xiao Daocheng of Xin'an and his courtiers, and became the emperor.

This was the past life that Li Mu knew.

In this lifetime, because of his own birth, he changed the course of the Jiangbei War.

Afterwards, he forcibly married Luoshen, left Jiankang, went here alone, and decided to directly fight a path to power that could gain the right to speak as soon as possible.

But in Taicheng in Jiankang, everything there seems to be doomed—or rather, he is not a god. He knows it, but he can't do whatever he wants, and can make everything come according to his own thoughts.

From the bottom of his heart, he did not want to see the situation of King Dongyang ascending the throne.

But as if there is an invisible force operating, perhaps, this is fate. In this life, except for Luoshen who became his wife early, everything in Taicheng, in the dark, went back and forth and returned to what he knew.

To be on top, and finally on.

In the past life, he used her kindness and her attraction to him to kill him and his unfulfilled dream superior. Today, in this warm and tender way, he and her appeared again.

After Luoshen handed him the letter, he paid attention to Li Mu's expression.

She secretly hoped that he would be pleased with this letter from her sister.

But it didn't.

His eyes kept falling on the letter in his hand, as if he was looking at it, but at the same time he seemed to be wandering away from it. His eyes were dark and stagnant, and the bottom of his eyes even seemed to reveal a cold and gloomy color.

After hesitating for a while, suppressing the vague sense of unease that followed in his heart, he looked at him carefully, stretched out his hand, and gently tugged at his sleeve.

"Lang Jun, aren't you happy? What are you thinking?"

Li Mu was called back by the voice in his ear.

He raised his eyes and saw her eyes looking at him, looking a little uneasy, and he suddenly came back to his senses.

He shook his head and returned the letter in his hand to her.

"Nothing," he said.

"I just didn't expect that your elder sister would write to you so quickly."

Luoshen breathed a sigh of relief, secretly laughing at himself that he had just misunderstood.

How could Lang Jun be unhappy when he received such a letter from elder sister?

"Lang Jun, look," she pointed to the words at the end of the letter.

"Elder sister specially asked me to tell you. In the future, if you have their support, you will be more handy when you do things."

Li Mu looked at her eager little face and smiled slightly.

"Lang Jun, you believe me! My elder sister is really nice. When she was a child, she was stung by a wild bee to save me and almost died..."

Out of intuition, Luoshen felt that he didn't seem to want to get closer to his cousin, the new queen of the dynasty.

This made her a little frustrated.

She really wanted to convince him and let him know that my sister was really a good person.

Suddenly, she remembered the time when the two met when he told her, and her eyes lit up.

"Lang Jun, you said earlier that I rescued you when you were young. But have you forgotten that the last person to speak was my elder sister! If she wasn't a good person, how could she have listened to my words and came back to save her? about you?"

Li Mu looked at her and smiled again.

"I do still owe the queen a huge favor. I will pay her back in the future," he said.

After speaking, he seemed unwilling to continue this topic with her, and touched his stomach.

"I'm hungry."

Luoshen had no choice but to stop, put away his cousin's letter, and ask someone to pass the meal.

After the meal, he took Luoshen to the front.

He and Jiang Tao discussed various things. Across the screen, Luoshen sat on a couch that he had specially prepared for her, with the lights on, and wrote a reply letter that she wanted someone to bring back to her sister.

The letter was finally finished, but the matter between him and Jiang Tao was not finished yet.

They were discussing all kinds of news about the Xijin people attacking Xijing Chang'an from the scouts sent out.

The strength of Xianbei Gu Huilong's troops, his usual tactics of using his troops, the route of travel, the distribution of troops, the supply of baggage and food...

It sounds a little boring.

Luoshen gradually became sleepy, lay on the couch, and fell asleep unconsciously.

When he woke up, he found that Jiang Tao had already left.

It should be very late. It was pitch black outside.

He leaned over, hugged her from the couch, and walked out.

Luoshen slept with soft hands and feet, and had not fully woken up yet, and did not want to walk.

Anyway, in order to save fuel, after dark, except for a few necessary places, there are no lights in the governor's mansion, and he is not afraid of being seen. He half-squinted his eyes, leaned against his arms, and let him walk with him in his arms.

Back at the house, he put her gently on the bed.

After a rustling sound of undressing, he got on the bed, climbed to her side, lay down, stretched out his arms, and hugged her.

In the darkness, he kissed her silently, stroked her, and after a while, he pinned her down.

Luoshen was lazy, as if he was still immersed in his previous sleep and did not wake up completely.

She half-opened her eyes and let him enjoy her body.

When he was done, he lit the light. Divide her legs and gently clean her body.

Every time he does. Luoshen was very shy at first, but gradually he got used to it and let him go.

She felt very comfortable, let him play, yawned by herself, closed her eyes, and sank into the black sweet country again.

Wake up again, it should be the middle of the night.

There was only himself on the bed, and he was gone.

Luoshen rubbed his eyes, got up, and went under his clothes to find him.

When I came out, I saw others in the courtyard.

With his back to himself, he sat on the stone steps in front of the stone pavilion that she had repaired earlier, holding a sword in his hand.

The sword is unsheathed, the blade is absolutely straight.

With a piece of grinding felt, he wiped the blade repeatedly, very carefully.

After grinding for a while, he stopped, facing the moon with the sword, slowly turning the blade, and trying the edge of the sword with Yuehua.

The night is cold as water, and the moonlight is white.

Where the blade is reflected, a blue sword glow like mysterious ice flickers.

A kind of cold chill is coming.

Luoshen was stunned for a moment, and he opened his mouth to call him, but his voice got stuck in his throat, and his footsteps stopped.

Really surprised.

In such a late night, he didn't sleep, and went to the courtyard alone to sharpen his sword against the moon?

He should have heard her footsteps coming out, he turned his head, glanced at her, retracted his sword, and returned it to its sheath.

Luoshen finally walked towards the back, stopped in front of him, and looked at him.

He still sat there and didn't get up.

He looked at her silently for a moment, and opened his arms to her.

Luoshen suddenly felt relieved.

He was the one she was familiar with.

She immediately sat on his lap, and put his soft and warm body, which he liked, into his arms and let him hug.

"What's wrong with you? But something on your mind?"

She looked up and asked him.

"Ami, in the future, if one day, your sister wants to kill me, what will you do?"

He was silent for a moment, said.

Luo Shen was taken aback for a moment: "Elder sister is very good. Didn't I tell you? It's so good, why would she want to kill you?"

"People change. When your elder sister becomes the queen, your thoughts in the future will naturally change gradually."

Li Mu lowered his head slightly and stared at this clean and beautiful face under the moonlight.

"Like you, now you say that you love me too and are willing to stay by my side to be my wife. In the future, maybe you will change and don't want me anymore."

Luo Shen hurriedly shook his head.

"I won't! You miss me!"

In her mind, what she saw when she went to visit the newborn baby a few days ago suddenly appeared.

It is not yet full moon, lying in the arms of her mother, she looks so lovable.

"Lang Jun, do you want Ami to have a baby for you too?"

Perhaps to prove that he was wrong, the words blurted out.

After speaking, she was shy again, couldn't help blushing a little, raised her hand to cover her face, and dared not look into his eyes.

She knew that he carefully cleaned her body every time, probably because she didn't want her to give birth to him.

She hadn't thought about this at all.

As long as he loves her and she sleeps with him, she is very happy.

Never thought about having children.

What's more, she was also frightened by the situation of the woman giving birth that day. A little scared.

But at this moment, I don't know why, thinking that he only slept with her, but didn't let her have his child, and suddenly felt wronged.

Imagining a little person like herself and Li Mu, she actually had some expectations in her heart.

well! I don't know what kind of madness, why I like him so much.

I want to have a baby for a man...

She let go of her hand covering her face and looked up at him.

"Lang Jun, I want to have a baby for you."

She mustered up her courage, said this sentence again, bit her lip, and looked at the man in front of her.

He stopped talking. After a moment of silence, he put his arm around her shoulder, raised his hand, and rubbed her head.

"Not yet."

He kissed her pretty nose.

"You're still too young, and you're no different from a child. Following me, I'm already wronged, and I can't bear to let you suffer like this again."

"Besides, I haven't built Xijing for you."

There was a burst of sweetness in Luoshen's heart. Raised a pair of jade arms, wrapped around his neck.

"Lang Jun, you couldn't sleep just now, because you were worried that you will be so powerful in the future that your sister will be afraid and will kill you?"

"A sister is not such a person. Even if there is such a day, don't be afraid. As long as I am here, I will definitely protect you, and I will never allow my sister to hurt half of your hair!"

The delicate voice said such a solemn oath. It sounds childish, but it is so touching.

But she didn't know that it wasn't her elder sister who wanted to kill him who made him worry about gains and losses, tossing and turning.

"Ami, you will not abandon me and leave me in the future, will you?"

Li Mu stared at the girl in his arms and asked.

Luoshen nodded, leaned over, and kissed his beautiful chin with strong lines.

"Ami will not want Langjun."

Li Mu smiled.

"I remember."

"Ami, you also have to remember what you said tonight, don't let me down again."

He picked her up, got up from the stone steps, and went inside.