MTL - He Has To Be Human, Right? !-Chapter 3 When he woke up from the dream, he was not a human being when he got married right away? ! ...

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Ye Ying couldn't believe it—did she fall asleep in a dream?

Now that I woke up, I was still in a dream?

A dream within a dream? What the hell, what about this doll?

Speaking of which, where is her handsome boy?

Ye Ying grinned and rubbed her neck, her face full of confusion. At this moment, there was a faint smell of alcohol coming from the nose.

It was only then that she realized that someone had covered her body with a bright red brocade quilt.

The bed was covered with a wide brocade quilt, and the vacant place beside Ye Ying fell in the shadow of the flickering red candle, and a bulge could be discerned vaguely, as if something was covered under it.

This is... her groom?

That's right, she thought in confusion, the wedding banquet is over, and it's time for the groom to go back to the new house.

This quilt was probably also covered by someone else.

Ye Ying just woke up, dizzy, subconsciously reached out to lift the quilt. But halfway through, she suddenly felt something was wrong.

The groom is very tall, at least 185 or above. But the bump on the quilt... no matter how you look at it, it's not much bigger than a cat.

But the action preceded the thought, and the moment the quilt was lifted, the smell of alcohol hit his face.

Ye Ying was choked, coughed with her throat rolling, and swallowed it back.

She held her breath and looked over. Under the dim light of the residual candle, an invisible shadow coiled around the head of the bed, motionless.

What's this?

Why did it appear on her marriage bed?

Ye Ying swallowed.

The atmosphere at this moment was very strange. The groom, who was supposed to be in the new house, was missing, but there was a lump of unknown objects in the quilt. She boldly stretched out a finger and poked the shadow.

What the tentacles felt was a cool tingling sensation, still undulating slightly rhythmically.

Ye Ying withdrew her finger like an electric shock, and took a silent breath—live, live!

For some reason, a flash of light flashed in her mind, and she remembered the yellow-skinned dog she met during the day.

But under the current gloomy atmosphere, the yellow-skinned boy no longer had the cuteness he had at that time in her mind, but instead revealed a kind of evil and weirdness.

Emerging together with the memory is Tao Ziyou's description:

"The yellow skin is very evil, if you provoke it, then..."

In the blink of an eye, the country gossip that I heard as a child suddenly appeared in Ye Ying's mind.

Why is Huang Pizi beaten to death because of stealing chickens, so the ethnic group took revenge, killed people while they were asleep, and put human skin on themselves...

Ye Ying's hair stood on end for a moment, her eyes were wide open, and her scalp was numb!

The faint candlelight burst out with a "cracking" sound, which instantly woke up the stunned Ye Ying. She didn't have time to think about why there was a living creature on the bed, and she didn't dare to think deeply about where her bridegroom went. She just wanted to leave this weird place as soon as possible.

Having made up her mind, Ye Ying tiptoed around, held her breath, and crawled under the bed around the shadow.

When his feet hit the ground, they stepped on something soft. Ye Ying lowered her head to distinguish carefully, only to find that it was a mass of black and red fabric—it was the bridegroom's wedding dress!

Where is the groom official?

Ye Ying turned her head in horror, only to find that in the dark shadow that was originally undulating evenly, at some point, a pair of eyes that were shining with a faint light lit up!

Stared at by those eyes, she suddenly became numb.

The thing moved, and the dim light outlined it—

It really is a weasel!

Its eyes are very strange, with an unspeakable weirdness. Ye Ying stopped breathing for a second before she realized where this strange feeling came from.

Its eyes are like human beings!

In the next second, Ye Ying heard a deep and unfamiliar male voice.

"Where are you going?"

it asked.

This voice is exactly the same as that handsome groom official!

Yan Meng suddenly turned into a nightmare, and Ye Ying's scalp exploded instantly.

She couldn't control it anymore, jumped three feet high, squeezed out a terrible **** cry from her throat, and jumped out of the new house with a groan.

The mansion was empty, with red lanterns hanging everywhere. The dark red light is like blood, thinly covering the empty courtyard.

Ye Ying ran out according to the route she remembered, sorting out the mess in her head while running.

No, it wasn't Huang Pizi who ate her husband.

that voice...

Her husband turned into a yellow skin!

Mom, no matter how lonely she is, she doesn't want to have a cross-species marriage!

Ye Ying ran panting like a dog, twisted and turned, and finally ran to a brightly lit place, where there seemed to be a figure shaking.

This is... the main house where we paid homage just now? !

Thinking of the parents she met here just now, Ye Ying seemed to have found a savior—even if it was an illusory NPC in the dream, it was her relatives after all.

She ran over quickly, rushed to the door and shouted: "Mom, Dad! Quick—"

The voice broke in her throat, and Ye Ying's pupils shrank suddenly.

I saw that the main room was densely packed with people, and they all turned their heads to her when they heard the sound.

They have different clothes, but their faces are exactly the same.

On the pale face, the facial features were roughly painted with paint. The two eyes are black, but the face is bright red, and there is a red dot between the eyebrows. The mouth was drawn to look like a hearty laugh, and the blood-like lips shook Ye Ying's eyes.

It turned out to be a paper figurine used for sacrifices in the wreath shop!

Dozens of paper figurines looked at Ye Ying in unison, their **** mouths were grinning to both sides, and their black eyes were slender. In the silence, the midnight draft blew in and made them rattle.

The blood all over Ye Ying's body rushed to the top of her head in an instant, she didn't even cry out, and she passed out as soon as her eyes went dark.

When she woke up again, she was woken up by the alarm clock.

Turning off the alarm clock, Ye Ying closed her eyes and grinned and rubbed her head, feeling sore all over.

Immediately, she remembered the weird nightmare that hadn't completely dissipated, and her whole body froze.

Could it be... another dream within a dream?

After a few seconds, Ye Ying carefully opened her eyes.

The sky is bright outside the window, and the simple ceiling lights of the rental house are in sight.

Ye Ying took a deep breath and sat up slowly.

She looked down at herself, she was still wearing the pajamas she wore when she slept last night, and her consciousness slowly came back.

It's a dream.

Right. What about getting married in the middle of the night, marrying a weasel, etc...

That's ridiculous, what else could it be if it wasn't a dream?

The nephew who was fortune-teller must have released pigeons yesterday, and he was in a bad mood, so he had such a nightmare with too many elements at night.

What kind of yellow skin, getting married, carrying a big sedan chair eight times, and the groom's official is still facing the face of the fortune-telling nephew... Didn't they all appear during the day?

It's all because of Taozi's horror story about weasels, which made her think about it day and night and have nightmares.

Even this dream...was too real.

It makes people still have lingering fears.

When she arrived at the company, Tao Zi looked at her face and was stunned: "Brother Ying, have you been beaten?"

Ye Ying had dark circles under her eyes, her expression was dull: "I had a nightmare all night."

The poor quality of sleep caused her to spend the whole morning in a daze. After eating, Ye Ying received a call from home again.

It was her mother who called. She asked about the progress of the move and gave some advice, but the conversation suddenly changed.

Ye Ying only heard her mother's mysterious voice on the phone: "I actually had the same dream as your father yesterday—guess what we dreamed about."

Now Ye Ying gets nervous whenever she hears the word "meng", and her heart suddenly thumps.

Amid the sudden ominous premonition, her mother's happy voice came from the other end of the phone: "We dreamed that you were married."

There was a "boom" in Ye Ying's mind.

Mother Ye didn't notice, and was still describing her "dream":

"In my dream, there was a car that took your dad and me to a very grand house. There were so many people there. A handsome groom led the bride in. I saw—yo, isn't this my daughter? ?!"

Ye Ying didn't listen to the rest of the words.

At this moment, the shock in her heart could feed ten UC shock departments, and all she could think of was one sentence—how is this possible? !

She and her parents, thousands of miles apart, actually had the same dream?

what is this-

Ye Ying was dumbfounded and at a loss, subconsciously put her hand into her trouser pocket, but accidentally touched a small hard book.

Her fingers paused, and for some reason, there was a chill on the fingertips, which slowly climbed along the blood vessels, making her heart feel cold.

After a long silence, Ye Ying froze and slowly took the thing out of her pocket.

Under the sun, bright red and bright gold pierced into the eyes, and there were three large characters on the cover of the thin book: Marriage Certificate.

Ye Ying's pupils trembled, her hands were shaking like Parkinson's, and she opened the small notebook tremblingly.

In the photo with a red background, the one on the left is her, the one on the right...

The one on the right is the pretty guy who met in the dream, AKA fortune-telling nephew.

…again AKA, weasels.

The corners of his lips curled up slightly, and he was so handsome. But at this moment, Ye Ying didn't have the heart to appreciate it. She pressed her trembling fingers on the marriage certificate, moved her lips, and read out his name.


Wasn't it a dream last night? !

She really, really married a weasel? ! !


There was a scream, and someone from a nearby residential building leaned out and cursed: "It's noon, why don't people sleep?!"

Ye Ying didn't realize it, she was crazy, stupid, and confused.

What if you can't become a master after the founding of the people's Republic of China?

Sitting in the office, Tao Zi saw Ye Ying rushing in from the door, and waved: "Ye Ying..."

Ye Ying picked up the bag from the seat, turned around and left in a hurry, and said: "Please help me ask for leave!"


She shouted loudly: "What fake?"

Ye Ying poked her head out from the door and said, "Marriage leave!"

Taozi: "Oh."

Can you say that again? !

On the flyover, the fortune teller held his hand, wantonly feudal superstition in the spring breeze.

The sun was warm in the afternoon, he was drowsy, his slightly raised eyes would not be closed and he would fall asleep.

Until the sound of metal dragging sounded, it approached painfully, and then stopped in front of him.

Feeling like a fortune teller, a bright light flashed across his eyelids, and he opened his eyes suddenly.

Under the sunlight, Ye Ying had a murderous look on her face, holding a shovel high in both hands. The shovel has been used for a long time, and the front end has been polished brightly. It is shining coldly under the sun, and it is facing him.

The fortune-teller lost all his courage and rolled to the side with a groan. The shovel rubbed against his side face and hit the railing of the overpass hard, making a loud trembling noise.

The fortune teller sat slumped on the ground, his sunglasses were scared off, and he couldn't speak clearly: "Strong man, spare me!!"

Ye Ying's shovel hit him between his legs with such force that the fortune teller felt the bridge beneath him tremble.

After seeing Ye Ying's face clearly, he breathed a sigh of relief: "Scare me, niece and daughter-in-law—"

It's okay not to call her by this name, but Ye Ying laughed when she said it.

Her smile was gloomy, and she looked at the fortune-teller as if she was about to execute him on the spot in the next second: "I was just about to ask you,"

With a snap, she threw the small red leather book on the fortune teller: "Please explain to me, what is this?!"

Facing her murderous eyes, the fortune teller picked up the little red book and opened it without knowing it, his eyes widened instantly.

Ye Ying kept observing his expression, only to see the fortune teller raised his head and said, "Don't tell me, you two look pretty good."

Ye Ying was about to shovel him with a shovel, but the fortune-teller twisted her waist and nimbly dodged: "What's the matter, isn't your blind date just to get married? You two are very satisfied with each other, and you got married that night in one step, how efficient is it?! "

Is this the problem? ! I ask you is this the problem? !

Facing Ye Ying's cruel eyes, the fortune teller seemed to have been wronged, and shouted: "Didn't I ask you yesterday if the Chinese style is okay? I have conveyed all the eight sedan chairs you mentioned, what else do you have?" Unsatisfactory?"

Ye Ying's blood pressure has gone up, is this the point? !

She threw the shovel, stepped forward and grabbed his collar, and squeezed out a sentence from between her teeth with a smirk: "Come on, explain to me, why is my husband a yellow man?!"