MTL - He Has To Be Human, Right? !-Chapter 46 Returning disappointed, this stinky little girl with a green tea heart is connoting her...

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The fairy temple in the forest park is not a real fairy temple, but a ruins.

Qiao Er is a gray fairy, but a gray fairy who can't enter the fairy temple, and can't bring Ye Ying in at all.

Even forcing him to practice diligently now is useless, and it's not a university exam, but he can still fly at low altitude by cramming.

Ye Ying accepted her fate, and the three of them headed back home.

On the way back, there was no restlessness in the car like the girl Huaichun when I came here. Ye Ying looked out the car window helplessly, like a piranha that had been wilted by the rain.

Seeing this, Qiao Er felt a little sorry. He originally wanted to treat her to a meal to make amends, but he was afraid that she would remember his oolong, and then she would burst into anger and hurt others.

So he tried his best to reduce his sense of existence, wishing he had to drive instead of turning into a prototype to find a crack in the ground and escape.

Just like that, he sent her to the gate of Yunanli.

Ye Ying got out of the car, Qiao Er rolled down the car window, and said dryly: "Then what, I won't keep you for dinner. If there is anything to do in the future, just tell me, I'll be in the store all the time."

These words were guilt mixed with politeness, but Ye Ying actually turned around and stared at him.

Qiao Er suddenly became nervous, for fear that this girl would use another set of electric guns to fly her feet.

But Ye Ying looked at him, then at Zuo Huai who was behind him, and asked an irrelevant question: "Can the Xian family give people dreams?"

Qiao Er was stunned, and Zuo Huai was also stunned.

But in an instant, he figured out what Ye Ying meant when she asked this question—she suspected that Zhang Congjian's "ancestor entrusted dreams" was tricky.

After all, the timing of the timely rain is too subtle. Is there really such a coincidence and such a mysterious thing in the world?

Although she has seen all the more fantastical things, Ye Ying always feels that there is something wrong that cannot be explained.

Maybe this is a woman's intuition?

Qiao Er didn't expect her to ask this question, so he froze for two seconds before answering with a frown: "It is indeed possible." He is smart and quick to respond, although he doesn't know what the situation Ye Ying asked is, he still adds: "But generally What appears in the dream is the original body, unless the mana is particularly advanced."

He knocked on the outside of the car window with his fingers unintentionally, like knocking soot: "But immortals with profound mana rarely enter the dreams of humans—except for their own disciples."

Qiao Er snapped his fingers and looked at Ye Ying again: "Unless there was some cause and effect."

cause and effect.

Ye Ying has heard this word for the second time in these two days, she tilted her head, thinking.

Strictly speaking, the Xian family can be regarded as a "person" of cultivation, and they still value things such as cause and effect.

But from Qiao Er's words, Zhang Congjian's matter... Although it's not 100% strange, it's somewhat possible.

She looked at Zuo Huai: "Did you hear that? Ask the old catfish for advice."

When she said this, she had a serious expression, and she really meant that the elders were reminding the younger generation.

Both of them in the car were destroyed by her fierce hands, and they nodded together at the moment, weak and helpless.

Ye Ying turned and left, waving her hands without looking back.

Wuling Hongguang seemed to have received an amnesty, and ran away smoking.

After running half a kilometer, Qiao Er realized it belatedly.

wait! Why did you suddenly arrange work for him?

No, that's not the point - why did he acquiesce that his surname is Catfish! !

Qiao Er burst into tears all the way north, Ye Ying dragged back to 1902.

At the door, Big Black frantically wagged his tail to welcome her home, and let out an eager whine.

If she didn't know that it had been following her all the time, but it just didn't show up, she would really have thought it was a poor left-behind dog.

Ye Ying snorted its dog's head listlessly, and silently patted herself on the bed.

After a while, she slowly rolled her body and wrapped herself in the quilt like a cocoon.

This is really happy to go out and come home dejected.

It's already one o'clock in the afternoon, but Ye Ying doesn't want to eat at all. She lay on the bed for a while, and took out her mobile phone to send a WeChat message.

"Sorry, the master is in retreat."

"I promised you that I will let you meet on the weekend, but it can't be realized."

Hei Ququ's profile picture quickly responded to the message, with the same calm tone as always: "It's okay, we'll talk about it when we have a chance, don't worry."

The Taoist leader, on the other hand, comforted her.

Ye Ying pursed her lips, and just about to put down her phone, another message came over there.

"How are you these days?

A few simple words, but with a touch of worry. Ye Ying thought for a while, and finally told him about the overturned car and falling into the water: "Be careful."

It's not intentional to show sympathy, the main thing is that now both of them are living in the shadow of evil.

The movement of the opponent is related to the life and death of two people. In this case, it is very important to communicate with each other.

"Are you okay?" Ye Ying felt that she should also care about her comrades.

There is no reply.

Usually it comes back in seconds—probably because I was too idle at home—but this time it disappeared suddenly. Ye Ying waited for a while but did not see any new news coming in, so she curled her lips, probably coming to work suddenly.

She was about to put down her phone when she received a new message from Lin Wangshuo.

"I dreamed of them again."

Lin Wangsuo put down his phone and lay quietly on the ground.

In 2201, the house was bare and there were no appliances, not even a bed or a wardrobe. Even the interior doors were removed, leaving only empty door frames.

From the solid wood floor and the wallpaper on the wall, it can be seen that the head of the household also carefully decorated it, but now the two bedrooms and one living room are empty.

Like an unwrapped gift, the contents have been taken away, and the beautiful box is empty and abandoned on the ground.

It wasn't completely empty either—the windows and the sliding glass doors of the balcony, as well as the anti-theft door and the walls, were all covered with dark yellow talisman paper.

On the talisman paper, traces of cinnabar meandered and wandered, outlining different talismans. In order to prevent the charm from being blown off, the doors and windows were closed tightly, and the smell in the room was like stagnant water with dust.

Lin Wangsuo lay silently on the floor, with only a simple mat under his ridiculously thin body, he also looked abandoned.

Dead house, dead people.

The ceiling should have been empty, but now there was a whirlpool of black mist.

The black mist seemed to be a product of another world hanging upside down above his head, with a pale face revealed in the middle.

Her black hair was disheveled, her eyes had no whites, they were completely black, and she looked down at Lin Wangshuo who was lying on the ground expressionlessly.

Lin Wangshuo's eyes were half-opened and half-closed, and his eyes fell on the ceiling blankly, as if he was looking at her, but also as if he didn't see her at all.

At first, the woman's face was level with the ceiling. Gradually, as if she had surfaced, she slowly broke free from the black mist and drooped downward.

Even so, Lin Wangsuo remained motionless.

If she saw his appearance like this, Ye Ying would probably suspect that the person who sent her the message just now was someone else's impostor—indeed, Lin Wangshuo looks too much like a dead person now.

He didn't blink, his eyes were out of focus and empty.

But the woman on the ceiling gradually showed a sinister maliciousness on her face. Her black eyes without whites were tightly locked on Lin Wangsuo, and her facial features were ferocious.

The violent killing intent and Yin Qi formed a fierce whirlwind in the room, blowing the spells rattling. In the bitter wind, Lin Wangshuo's slightly long black hair was blown wildly, and even his eyelashes trembled.

But his person is like a dead body that has lost consciousness, motionless.

The female ghost on the ceiling seems to be struggling to get out of a swamp. The black mist seemed to be extremely viscous asphalt, pulling her back.

But even so, she still violently resisted the pulling force, and half of her body had already protruded from the black mist vortex.

The ghost opened its mouth wide and roared silently at Lin Wangshuo. The dry and purple lips were torn and deformed, and the black blood in the mouth was sticky and greasy, full of cold killing intent.

As the black mist hangs down, she gets closer and closer to Lin Wangsuo. Lin Wangshuo's lifeless eyes reflected her pale skin, body full of bruises, and facial features like black holes.

The twisted and deformed joints were pulled, making a tooth-piercing rattling sound. The nails on her weirdly crooked fingers were also purple-black, wrapped in icy coldness, they stretched out towards Lin Wangshuo's face.

The moment that hand touched Lin Wangsuo, a flame suddenly lit up.

The flame was not big, but it was very blazing, and it quickly spread along the ghost's fingertips!

Suddenly there was an empty and ethereal tragic howl in the air, echoing erratically in the empty house.

Under the shaking of the flame light, the light and shadow on Lin Wangsuo's stagnant face changed. There was a long shadow drawn from the corner of his lips, which seemed to evoked a weird smile.


Tao Zi stretched her waist, walked out of the restaurant, stopped and waited for Ye Ying.

Ye Ying bought the bill and came out, patted her on the shoulder: "I said I would like to thank you for your kindness, so I will have a meal in this small restaurant, is it okay?"

"Hi." Tao Zi patted her on the shoulder in turn: "Although I'm a lady with an elegant style, for you, I can barely taste the fireworks in this world once in a while."

Ye Ying: "..."


What you said is so unconscionable, I think you are about to make (eat) other people's plates.

"Just kidding." Taozi put down her hand and rubbed her round belly: "Their store is not big, but they are very popular online. I've been wanting to come here for a long time, isn't this just a chance?"

That's right, Ye Ying nodded. Tao Zi is a foodie, loves to explore restaurants, and even often posts experiences about exploring stores online, he is a local gourmet blogger with a small number of fans.

This store tastes good, and it's not in vain for two people to take a taxi all the way here.

After eating too much and it was still early, the two decided to walk to the subway station and take the subway back to the company. This is also a business district, with many office buildings and office workers taking lunch breaks everywhere.

Ye Ying was chatting with Tao Zi casually, when suddenly an uncertain voice came from behind: "Mrs. Huang?"

Ye Ying turned a deaf ear and continued to walk forward while talking to Tao Zi.

The voice seemed to follow and raised its voice: "Mrs. Huang!"

Ye Ying still didn't react, but Tao Zi frowned and held her back, wondering: "Did I call you?"

Ye Ying was also stunned for a moment, and then turned to look at the person who made the sound.

As soon as she turned around, she felt dazzled.

This girl is really round... No, this dress is so white... Forget it.

The woman wears an expensive suit, whether it is a well-fitting tailoring or a low-cut design, which fully highlights her bulging curves.

From hair, makeup to accessories, there are two words: exquisite.

Ye Ying's memory is exceptionally good, and she immediately remembered the other person - it was the Regina she met in the restaurant when she and Huang Xize had their first meal together.

At this moment, Regina looked at Ye Ying, who was dressed in ordinary clothes, with a badge on her face, with a meaningful smile on her lips.

Her voice was sweet, and she laughed a little dimpledly: "It's really you." She covered her mouth, pointing out: "I thought... I made a mistake."

Ye Ying: "...?"

What's going on, why does she feel that this stinky sister is secretly conceiving her?