MTL - He is From Great Sea of Stars-Chapter 150 PickPickPick i

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"Hello everyone, I'm Huo Xingchao. In the next three months, I will be one of your mentors."

The background music finally stopped. Holding the microphone, the man began to introduce himself in the face of over a hundred pairs of eager and adoring eyes.

His posture and tone are very casual, and he is a little lazy, and it may be because he has a busy schedule and he has not had time to put on makeup, so he is now wearing a faint cyan.

But this does not hinder his powerful aura and field control.

The same is true on stage. When Zhiqian was still in the company, the teacher once showed them the rehearsal video of Senior XVII.

In that video, Senior Huo was the same age as her, with no makeup, casual clothes, and a beret on his head.

But standing on the stage and making a few gestures, the rap is very domineering, and the aura is also terribly strong.

Zhiqian once made a wish that one day, she will become a person like Huo Xingchao who can control the stage.

"These people next to me are also your mentors. I will guide and group you with me in the next competition. They are teacher Jiang Lihuan who is the vocal music teacher."

Jiang Lihuan was also born in talent shows back then, but because of his early debut, he was among the first batch of talent shows, so now he is a big man in the music world.

The boss is nearly forty years old, smiling very kindly, bowing to them and nodding,

"Hello, hello."

A group of little girls immediately cheered and applauded.

"This is Mr. Xu Wei, who taught you dance, and Mr. Guanluming, who is in charge of your rap."

Xu Wei, everyone is very familiar, probably the most popular of the four mentors except Huo Xingchao.

She is a relatively popular singing and dancing singer at present. She is young, looks European and American, and has strong makeup.

Why is she in charge of dancing, because she herself graduated from a dance academy, and she choreographed many songs by herself, and she has also won many professional awards.

As for the official road name, not to mention, although it is not traffic, it can basically be ranked among the most powerful rappers in the mainland.

All in all, these four mentors, Huo Xingchao's biggest card, was able to invite him completely a miracle.

But the other three are also very important. It can be seen that the program group is not the kind of program group that only cares about traffic. Instead, it really means to improve the quality of the program and build a good reputation for long-term development.

It was only then that Zhiqian understood why she saw several familiar and powerful trainees coming to participate in this show.

Obviously, like her, the company executives have obtained some inside information.

However, after the self-introduction, the other mentors clearly explained their main responsibility, but Huo Xingchao did not.

Among the trainees, there was a girl who was more courageous. After applauding and welcoming, she immediately laughed loudly,

"Mr. Huo, what are you teaching us?"

In fact, she did it right. After all, there are so many contestants in this show, and it is impossible for everyone to have a shot. Only by finding the right spot can you gain broadcast weight, and when you have broadcast weight, you will gain popularity.

Huo Xingchao looked up at the seat.

However, a group of young and beautiful little girls, 60% of the faces are very similar, he didn't recognize who was shouting for a while, so he curled his lips and raised his eyebrows at the camera on the side,


"I'm in charge of facial expressions and eyes."

When he said this, he just blinked his eyes, his eyes were drawn and rebellious, because he was too close to the camera, and he was startled by the little brother who was holding the camera, he stepped back again and again, and directly hit the wall behind him. .

"Bang" sound.

There was another burst of laughter from the seats.

In fact, this is a very old-fashioned meme.

Because every time XVII performed on the stage, Huo Xingchao's typhoon was very tugging, he flicked his fingers casually, glanced casually in his eyes, and smiled as if he was bringing someone over to smash the scene.

So at that time, on Baidu Encyclopedia, I didn't know which fan was joking, and wrote this on the team introduction:...Lin Yue, the main dancer and vocalist of the team, Huo Xingchao, the captain of XVII, responsible for expressions and eyes.

This stalk was inexplicably trending on Weibo at the time. From then on, no matter which variety show Huo Xingchao went to, in the personal introduction at the very beginning, the subtitles on the screen all introduced him like a spoof.

Huo Xingchao stretched out his hand to support the photographer, then turned his head and smiled lightly,

"Okay, no kidding, today's recording time is tight, let's start performing now."

In fact, it's not really because the recording time is tight.

After all, the 100 trainees signed for three months at the time, and the schedules were all arranged by the program team. In addition, there was no debut and no announcement, so there was a lot of free time.

The key is Huo Xingchao. He is currently holding a solo concert. He just got off the plane and rushed over without changing his clothes or makeup. He has to fly to Japan again tomorrow morning. .

The reason why I came here to record this variety show was to squeeze out the time from various schedules for the sake of personal friendship with the chief director.

Of course, there is another reason.

It's because of Chi.


Huo Xingchao sat on the tutor's seat and put on a peaked cap. At this moment, he may have entered the working state, his face has lost the smile, his expression is light, and even when he flips through the documents, his fingers are a bit overwhelming. ,

"The order of performances is reversed. Now please perform No. 100 on stage."

Very neat, not even an opening remark to ease the atmosphere.

At the bottom right end of the triangular seat, a girl with a ponytail stood up and walked to the stage. The staff handed her a microphone. She held the microphone and bowed politely.

"Hello everyone, I'm a trainee from Ichimoku Entertainment, Lu Nan."


Zhiqian almost fell from her seat.

—If it weren't for being in front of the camera.

What does it mean?

One eye entertainment, why she had never seen this girl before.

And the person in charge of the company told her at the time that there were only five people participating in the competition, and she also asked her to take care of a few underage little sisters.

So how is it now? Could it be some kind of high-level secret plan?

The little girl tried her best to maintain a calm and smiling expression, and her eyes fell gently on the girls from the same company below. Sure enough, she found that the expressions on their faces were also a little surprised.


The camera is right next to it, but the expression management is still very difficult.

In fact, other than Ichimoku's own trainees, other girls also felt that something was wrong.

Lu Nan was the first to come in, so no one heard her introduction, but most of them remembered that when Yiyi came in, there were five people together, and it seemed like... Without her.

This girl is so beautiful that if she was the last to come in, they would definitely not ignore it.


Huo Xingchao entered Lu Nan's name from the tablet and found her information.

When each trainee signs up, they will submit a resume, pointing out their strengths and experience. When they perform on stage, the instructors will see this information, which is also convenient for cueing them.

The program team sent a tablet to each instructor, which not only facilitated them to query information, but also facilitated the director to issue process instructions during the shooting.

After all, this is the high-tech era, and it would be a waste of time to rummage through a stack of paper documents.

Huo Xingchao looked at the information displayed on the tablet.

Lu Nan, born in 1996, is a personal trainee.

He is good at singing, his weakness is dancing, and his highlight is his ability to create.

The man clasped the table one after another, and he didn't hear the next text for a long time, and then he looked up at her with a light tone.

"Okay, let's start acting."

The **** the stage froze subconsciously.

She thought that the other party would ask her why she signed up as a personal trainee even though she was an entertainment person...

However, did you not even have the initial greeting?

She is beautiful, really beautiful.

Among the 100 girls, she should be the most astonishing one, even when she is dazed, she still carries an air of immortality.

She had been sitting in the corner before, so no one noticed her, but now she is standing on the stage, with a dozen lights, amazingly beautiful.

She shook the microphone, nodded,

"What I want to sing is a song I wrote, called "Moss."

The prelude to the song sounded slowly, with a bit of opera, and it was very catchy.

Just because of this unique prelude, Jiang Lihuan, who was next to him, couldn't help but raise his head, looking at Lu Nan with a little more interest.

Huo Xingchao raised his eyebrows casually, with a faint smile on his lips, but said nothing.

Ah, sure enough.

In a previous life, this should have been a new song by Jiang Linfei after two years, the singer of the singer. As soon as it came out, it was very popular. It dominated the major charts for five weeks. In the end, it was XVII's new album that was beaten down.

Now, because of this girl.

It came out two years in advance.

Yes, this beautiful and terrible girl in front of me, Lu Nan, is the heroine of this world.

In her previous life, Lu Nan was a very ordinary girl. She graduated from an ordinary university and had an ordinary job. When she was approaching the age of 30, she had had one or two light love affairs, and they all ended in a breakup.

If there is anything I must mention, it is that she is still a fan of Huo Xingchao.

- The kind of die-hard fan who is extremely true love.

As a result, one night, while she was staying up late to make a list for her idol, the power line in the rental house where she lived suddenly shorted out.

Then she traveled back to a bottom-level trainee with the same name as her in Ichimoku Entertainment five years ago.

This trainee is extremely beautiful and has a good voice, but has a bad personality, low emotional intelligence, and is extremely resistant to unspoken rules, so he offended the company's bottom-level staff and bosses.

After practicing in the company for four years, he is still only a D-level low-level trainee.

When Lu Nan crossed over, the little girl happened to be in the most difficult stage of her life.

So she participated in the popular variety show "Ten Percent" in her previous life in the name of a personal trainee based on the memory of her previous life.

In this show, she performed very well, with outstanding appearance, she can also "create" herself, and sings well. Since the first episode, her popularity has been comparable to that of the C-ranked debut player Zhiqian in her previous life.

But later, Lu Nan gradually discovered that Zhiqian is not a cute sweet girl at all, but a hypocritical two-faced person.

In front of the camera, she loves to laugh, is lively, and is very popular with straight men, but in private, she is a somewhat cold and arrogant girl who doesn't care about others and doesn't take herself too seriously.

Lu Nan didn't like her a little.

And once, when attending the party of senior XVII, Lu Nan was almost insulted by a rich second generation. When the rich second generation dragged her into the upstairs room, Zhiqian happened to pass by, but she didn't care about anything. He glanced at it lightly and walked away.

Therefore, although Lu Nan finally escaped, he completely began to hate Qi Zhiqian in his heart.

She "can" create, looks good, and is familiar with the development history of the entertainment industry in the next five years. She quickly overshadowed Zhiqian in the limelight and eventually became the C position of the debut group.

Originally, if this was the case, the two of them would at most hate each other and ignore each other.

But just when they debuted for nearly a year and the group was about to disband, Lu Nan accidentally discovered that Zhiqian was actually in love with her idol.

At that time, it was Huo Xingchao's birthday party, and all the people who were invited were friends who had a good relationship with him, and the venue was also in a highly confidential nightclub.

Lu Nan had the opportunity to attend this party because of Lin Yue, another member of XVII, but when she saw Qian Qian, who was almost impossible to appear here, she almost didn't cry out.

Then she found out that the interaction between Zhiqian and her idol is very close.

The little girl smiled sweetly, with two pear eddies at the corners of her lips, she looked like a pure and lovely little sweetheart.

She thought, no, if it's someone else, it doesn't matter, but Huo Xingchao was the idol who supported her through the most difficult years in her past life, and she couldn't let him be deceived by such a hypocritical and selfish girl.

—It was such a righteous thought that made Zhiqian fall into the boundless darkness of hell.