MTL - Heavenly Curse-Chapter 20 Behind the scenes

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Niannuer came to the woman, and once again held up the woman's hand, one big and one small, and two ghosts clashed at each other, giving a sense of inexplicable picture.

It seemed to be afraid of the copper lamp in the hands of Mu Yi. For a time, Niannuer did not attack again, and even restored the appearance of the little girl, always changing between the two.

Su Jinlun glanced at Mu Yi and saw that Mu Yi was contemplative and did not disturb him. He just clenched the knife in his hand more firmly and protected Su Yingying.

Mu Yi is indeed thinking of a solution at this moment. The big one and the small one are more difficult than he imagined, especially the slaves, not only have complete intellect, but also have significantly stronger strength.

Although there is a stalemate at present, Mu Yi understands that his mental strength is limited and it is impossible to maintain this state of the bronze lamp. Once his mental strength is exhausted, Niannuer and the women will probably rush up.

"Nuer, how about we talk?" Mu Yi thought to himself, then looked at Niannuer and said.

"Isn't my brother catching slaves?" Niannuer asked, seemingly too real.

"Nuoer rest assured, my brother won't catch the slave." Mu Yi said slowly while he stopped pouring the mental power into the copper lamp, and the scope of the flame shrank continuously until it returned to the same level as before. Nothing.

Seeing the flames disappear, the woman looked agitated again, and her dark eyes stared at Mu Yi with resentment. Obviously, she remembered that Mu Yi had just hurt her.

But as Niannuer gently pulled her hand, the woman's emotions gradually calmed down. Although the hostility did not completely disappear, she no longer tried to attack him.

Seeing this, Mu Yi sighed in his heart.

Although he said lightly just now, in fact, his heart was still tense. He was afraid that he might become inadvertent if he accidentally accidentally left. Although he was confident to leave here, this time the task was equal to failure. Su Zhongshan confessed that his purpose of going down the mountain would also fall short.

Moreover, Mu Yi has never been intent on killing slaves. Perhaps because of feeling this, it is so good to talk to slaves at this moment.

"Nuer, do you tell my brother that there were many people who wanted to catch you before?" Mu Yi asked softly. From the beginning, Nian Nuer kept repeating that someone wanted to catch her. Although the monk was under the guise of catching a ghost, he was just an ordinary person who was deceiving and cheating. He was not qualified to catch her.

Obviously, they are not referred to in the slave language.

"One of my sisters always wanted to catch slaves, but they were run away by slaves." Nian Nuer held her chest small and said proudly.

"Sister?" Niannuer's words confirmed the guess in Mu Yi's heart. There were no women who had come to catch ghosts before, and after hearing the words of Nuer, that ‘sister” had been here more than once.

But who is that 'sister'? Why miss slaves? Is there another ghost besides the mother and daughter here?

Mu Yi felt a tingling in his scalp. Did he enter the ghost's den? I have n’t seen a real ghost for so many years, but just after leaving the mountain, I met one after another. Good luck or bad luck?

"Does the slave remember that an old lady came over the other day?" Mu Yi moved in his heart and asked.

"Is that the old grandma who has been talking to herself?" Niannuer asked with a puzzled look at Mu Yi with a crooked head.

"Yes, that old grandma, did you hurt her at the time?" Mu Yi's tone was as soft as possible, he already felt that he had touched the key, and maybe he could uncover the doubt in his heart through Niannuer's answer. .

In fact, after seeing Nian Nu'er, Mu Yi already had some doubts.

Before, he helped the old lady of the Su family to cast out evil spells, but he had deep, cold and evil memories of the evil spirit at that time.

Although Niannuer is a ghost, he doesn't have the feeling of wickedness and evil.

Mu Yi remembers that the old man told him before that the worst thing in the world is never a ghost, but a human. And the ghosts in this world are not all bad, even because of the fear of the sun, most of the ghosts do not dare to come out, and only a small part of them are harmful.

Ghosts are actually more cute than those who are fighting for the sky and cutting monsters to dispel the devil.

Therefore, Mu Yi feels that there may be hidden feelings, no matter whether she is a slave or her mother, it is impossible to hurt the old lady.

After all, for so long here, if they were in trouble, how could this courtyard wall stop them? Someone even comes to clean up at regular intervals. Why haven't they ever done anything?

The old lady came here and was killed?

The more I think about it, the more Mu Yi feels wrong. It can even be said that he thought things simple from the beginning, especially after Nianer said that there was a 'sister' to catch her. It's getting stronger.

If the old lady was not the victim of the mother and daughter, who would it be? What is the purpose of the other party doing this?

Mu Yi looked up and stared at Niannuer, who immediately leaned towards her mother.

Now, Mu Yi has the answer in his heart. The other party ’s real purpose, or target, is clearly the slave in front of him.

For some people who keep ghosts, intact ghosts like Niner are absolutely rare and extremely rare.

Suppose someone accidentally finds the trace of Niannuer and wants to catch her, but after all, the Su family is in a strong position, and it is second to none in this town of Funiu. The guards in the home are smart and it may not work against ghosts, but There is absolutely no problem with people.

The man should be a ghost-raiser. In order not to be found and to avoid making too much noise, he sent his female ghosts to catch slaves, but he did not expect that the slave-ghosts were powerful enough to send the female ghost again and again. repel.

At this time, the man could only think of another way, so he instructed the ghosts to harm Mrs. Su's family, and could only say that Mrs. Su's family had happened, even if she did not come here, the situation would not change.

When all the famous doctors are at a loss, someone must be able to discover the clue that the old lady is causing something unclean.

Even if no one finds it, I believe that there is a way for the person to get the news out.

In this way, the Su family will definitely invite some Taoist monks to catch ghosts. In this case, that person can come to the door in a grand manner. No matter how much noise is made, no one will doubt him, not only can he catch Niannu Children, more able to receive the Su family's heavy reward, can be described as killing two birds with one stone.

If the only accident is said to be the sudden emergence of Mu Yi.

(The last few chapters are a bit bland. Kun Kun has modified the following plot to make the novel more exciting and scary. So there is only one chapter today, and tomorrow will definitely be three chapters. In addition, please ask for league tickets and bow to thank you!)