MTL - Heavenly Curse-Chapter 914 Eighteen copper coffins

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"I already know this." Mu Yi nodded to Soul Fire, then stepped out and disappeared.

After Mu Yi left, Soul Yan rose from the ground for the rest of his life. Although Mu Yi did not blame him from beginning to end, he had a feeling of walking at the edge of death at any time.

"Abandoned land, I can only do so much." Hunyan said silently.

Mu Yi directly appeared in the original place of the Xian Tomb. Here, there is only a bottomless pit left. The black clouds above him have long disappeared, but the light has fallen, and it is far from shining the clear pit left by the Xian Tomb.

Mu Yi carefully felt the breath in the big pit. It was cold and dead. It was exactly the same as the power in the original tomb, but as the soul yan said, nothing was left here. It looked as if the tomb was directly indescribable. Strength was dug out.

At least the current Mu Yi is far from being able to achieve this level.

After standing, Mu Yi directly opened the destruction method, and suddenly, two golden lights shot out, sweeping every inch of void around, but in the end, Mu Yi found nothing.

"How?" Mu Yi was a little surprised. He thought that Soul Fire could not be found but his level was too low, but he is now the strongest under the emperor, and he also has a method of destruction. In theory, he should find some clues That's right.

But in fact, he also did not find any trace, as if that force removed all the ties while removing the tomb.

"Even if you are the emperor, I don't believe you can really cut everything off." Mu Yi's eyes flashed a bit of light, and then his heart moved, and a bronze ancient coffin flew from the salary lamp.

This bronze coffin was taken away by the emperor of the human race from the tomb. Mu Yi did not know why the eternal coffin appeared in the tomb, but he believed that since the eternal coffin appeared in the tomb It's the reason.

And with the magic of the eternal coffin, maybe it can produce some inexplicable connections, which is the real reason for Mu Yi to take out the eternal coffin.

When the eternal coffin appeared, the emptiness began to tremble, and at the same time, a mysterious atmosphere appeared on the eternal coffin, as if Mu Yi had expected it, what was linked.

Finally, the eternal coffin shook, and at the same time it collapsed the surrounding void.

Mu Yi's thoughts appeared directly on the eternal coffin, and the eternal coffin was constantly moving in the void like a small boat. The route it took seemed to be around a huge existence.

After a fragrant incense, the eternal coffin shook again, then collapsed in the void, and brought Mu Yi directly to an inexplicable place.

Then Mu Yi saw the disappearing tomb.

At this moment, the tomb is located in this inexplicable place, between the void and the real space. The huge tomb is floating, and a walking dead is moving aimlessly in the tomb, and these walking dead are obviously The souls of the various races that the soul abandoned in the previously abandoned land said.

When the eternal coffin appeared, the entire tomb also began to shake slightly. Mu Yi even felt a suction from the center of the tomb, and seemed to want the eternal coffin to return to the tomb.

"court death!"

The anger on Mu Yi's face flashed away, and it was directly merged with Qi Cheng Quan Yi. After a while, this inexplicable place trembled and seemed to be broken, but Mu Yi's fist had just arrived. The heart of the fairy tomb.

Suddenly, all the rays of light emerged, forming a huge array, and collided with Mu Yi's fist firmly.


There was no earth-shattering impact. After Mu Yi's fist was slightly blocked, this layer of defense was broken and completely printed on the core of the tomb.

Time seemed to come to a halt, and then the tombs of the tombs burst out suddenly. On the periphery, a lot of the tombs of the tombs collapsed, and huge cracks continued to appear in the middle, almost running through the entire tombs.

It can be said that Mu Yi's fist has hit the tomb to some extent, after all, the tomb is just a dead thing, and Mu Yi is already the strongest under the emperor.

Suddenly, the eighteen altars in the heart of the tomb suddenly burst into full bloom, and eighteen copper coffins flew out. At least in appearance, these copper coffins were almost the same as the eternal coffin.

But Mu Yi understands that there is always only one eternal coffin, that is, the one under his feet. As for the eighteen copper coffins that appear before his eyes, they are obviously copied from the eternal coffin, which shows the importance of the eternal coffin. Sex, even the tomb of immortals needs to imitate the eternal coffin.

At this moment, eighteen bronze ancient coffins simultaneously heard low scripture sounds. As soon as their voices appeared, they filled this inexplicable place, and then Mu Yi felt that the eternal coffin under his feet began to struggle. Seems to want to get rid of his control and re-enter the fairy tomb.

Seeing this situation, Mu Yi's mouth showed a sneer. If he hadn't fused the child rune with the baby in the eternal coffin at the moment, maybe he really succeeded at the moment, because Mu Yi can feel that scripture. The influence on the eternal coffin can almost be said to be able to simply control the eternal coffin.

At the same time, the patterns on the eternal coffin lit up one after another, and the strength of the struggle was stronger.

"Want to recall the eternal coffin? How could it be so simple?" Mu Yi said, a soft light burst into his body. When this light appeared, it collided with the sound of the scripture. This piece of inexplicable The ground suddenly trembled more suddenly.

After the light shrouded the eternal coffin, the gradually lit patterns disappeared, and even the intensity of the struggle was getting lighter and weaker. Eventually, it was completely silent, no matter how loud the scripture sounded Affects the eternal coffin.

Seeing this, Mu Yi directly put the eternal coffin into the salary lamp, so as to avoid any further changes.

Next, Mu Yi stepped out and came to the top of the tomb. He looked down at the eighteen bronze caskets, and even two of them made him feel familiar.

One of them was when he first entered the tomb of Xian, and he broke through to the king's realm. As a result, a bronze coffin stopped him, and a strange young man emerged from it.

The second one belongs to the **** operator. At the same time, Mu Yi also left a deep impression.

Now, this is the third time that Mu Yi has come to the tomb of Xian, and he can be greeted by eighteen bronze coffins.

At this moment, there were a lot of figures condensed on the eighteen bronze caskets, men, women and children, all of them, and the **** operator, and two of them were the highest status, one of them was a woman, the other Seven or eight year old children.

However, the breath on the body is all the peak of the emperor, but here, it should obviously be called the invincible power.