MTL - Hedonist Sovereign-Chapter 2103 Ouyangtian

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At the foot of the mountain, it was a mess.

Some monks desperately fled to the top of the mountain to escape, and there were follow-up monks who flew down from the summit.

"Dodge the head! You also found the peak of the sky, this is where you are going?" The monk who just came in was amazed.

Dodge didn't have the heart to answer, and the flying sword accelerated at the foot, pulling a white light in the sky and flickering.

“Hey? What are these monks running? Isn’t this the main peak?”

"I know, they have found Qibao in the mountains, which is afraid of being robbed."

"So many monks have found Qibao? It seems that the legend is not fake. There are countless treasures on the peak of the first peak in the Devil Peak... Let's quickly speed up the pace, otherwise the good things will be robbed."

This is the chaotic King of Heaven, because the new monks have become more chaotic.

Qin Feng quickly shouted: "Everyone immediately leaves here, there are swallowing fairy insects in the cave."

Speaking of engulfing the fairy worm, Qin Feng is afraid of a while.

According to the introduction of the worm interface in the system, Shenzun has a total of tens of thousands of worms in the mainland, and the devour of the genus is ranked first. The reason why this kind of worm is named as the worm is because the other worms on the mainland are vulnerable in front of it, and it is impossible to compare them together...

There are even more rumors that the swallowing of the nymph is a worm that flies from the fairy world. Regardless of whether the rumors are true or false, the power of engulfing the celestial beings is passed down by the monks of the mainland. This kind of worm is rare, but as soon as he sees it, he almost sees death.

“Is there a devour of the worms here? Is it true?”

"You are stupid! This kind of lie will also believe that this is definitely a false news, deceiving everyone to leave here."

“Hey? What are the black fog at the foot of the mountain? There are people’s screams.”

To be honest, no one believes that Qin Feng has risked his life and persuaded him for a long time, but only a handful of monks have hung in the sky and watched, and more people rushed to the foot of the mountain.

When those people reached the bottom of the mountain, they were immediately shocked by the picture in front of them.

At this time, there was a thin black mist on the plain of the foothills, and the hundreds of monks were covered by black mist, and the body was disappearing a little.

"What happened to the monks? Why did the body disappear from the air?"

"Oh my God! I saw a predecessor who had been robbed and changed from head to toe, and even Yuan Ying disappeared."

"There is really a devour of the nymphs under the mountain. These black fogs are composed of countless devours of the nymphs."

Qin Feng said the situation long ago, but no one believed that they had to discover the facts themselves, but when they realized the danger, they had no time to get out.

There are always black fog drifting out of the hole. Because the plains at the foot of the mountain are vast and boundless, the color of the black fog is very light, and it is not observed or even noticed under the naked eye.

Many monks are in the dark fog but still don't know. When the armor disappears and their hands and feet are swallowed, they suddenly realize.

"Everyone don't mess up and quickly launch a counterattack. If these black fogs are really formed, then there must be a way to kill them."

There was a monk who flew down from the top of the mountain and screamed.

The people who are struggling in the black mist suddenly wake up and immediately spur the real yuan to fight back. For a time, the swords and swords are more, and the more is the flame offensive of the real yuan transformation. It should be to burn these spirits.

However, the attack did not have any effect. Even some swords and swordsmen accidentally injured other monks. As for the fireball ice, the instant disappeared when it was shot, and it should have been eaten by the engulfed fairy insects.

"These bugs are too horrible! Everyone is still escaping."

"A group of ignorant generations, this is a worm that comes from the fairy world. It is a monk who can be eliminated by the monks in the real world. Your offensive will only provoke the engulfing of the worms and make everyone die faster."

There were several violent thunders in the later stages of the robbery. It seems that they know more about consuming the worms. Seeing that even the robbers and seniors began to madly escape, the rest of the monks also have the treasure-seeking mind, and they rushed toward the top of the mountain.


"Tongtian main peak? The old man finally found the peak of the sky!"

On the top of the crack, a black shadow broke into, and the body really rolled, and it was a great power.

The masculine look immediately gloomy, watching the shadows of the sky and the flashing figures, realizing that he was not the first to discover the people here.

"The ant ancestors, is this the peak of the heavens?" The true monk had doubts in his heart, and the big hand was caught in the air. A dying monk was struggling with the handprint that emerged from the air.

"Yes, it is Ouyang Tian's predecessor! The small has seen the predecessors..." After recognizing the identity of the other party, the condensate monk shivered.

"Let's talk nonsense, answer my question quickly." Ouyang Tian is cold.

The condensate monk did not dare to neglect, and quickly said: "Back to Ouyang Tianshou, this is indeed the peak of the heavens, but there are devours of the worms in the caves. Many monks have been swallowed by the worms, and everyone is escaping."

"To devour the fairy worm? Originally, there is such a worm on the mainland." Ouyang Tian exclaimed.

The meditation monk saw the greedy light from Ouyang Tian’s eyes, and his heart was suddenly shocked. Could it be that Ouyang Tian still wants to catch some bugs and go back to feed?

Ouyang Tian really has such a plan. His eyes are swept away to the gray scene at the foot of the mountain. The eyes are flickering, how many hearts have swallowed the fairy worm? If you can fully conquer, you are not going to be the first in Xihaizhou.

"Ouyang Tian's predecessors! The younger generation knows you, let me go." Seeing the black fog slowly drifting to the top of the mountain, the body of the condensate monk is in a hurry.

Ouyang Tian's face was cold, his hand was slightly exerted, and the real giant hand that emerged in the void suddenly closed, and the meditation monk was pinched into a meat residue: "Noisy!"

The companions of the monk and the sects of the sects came over and saw the thunder anger, only after recognizing the appearance of the murderer, they immediately fled and changed the direction of the flying sword.

"Ha ha ha! This No. 1 magic peak is not white, not only found the peak of the sky, but also encountered the legendary fairy, waiting for the old man to find ways to collect these fairy worms, can not dominate Xihaizhou in a few years... ”

When a group of monks ran wildly, Ouyang Tianli dreamed of a bright future at the top of the mountain. He was not in a hurry to go down the mountain, just waiting for these ants to escape, and then the whole peak of the sky was his territory.

But after a while, Ouyang Tian’s smile disappeared, and a monk who stared straight on the mountainside, suddenly yelled at the sky: “Oh! Your ants are still not dead? This time I’m old. You must not pinch your Yuan Ying by hand."

The snoring spread over the main peak, Ouyang Tian has disappeared from the peak. When he reappears, the body floats in front of the Qin Feng road. The sly face is even more terrifying than the beast, and can scare the child.

"It is so easy to kill your grandfather. You are here, this is your place of burial."

Qin Feng had already used the knowledge of God to sweep the atmosphere of Ouyang Tian. When the other side appeared in the void, he did not hesitate to slash, and the sturdy real hurricane swelled into the sky, as if a dragon was whistling.


The loud noises are ups and downs.

Ouyang Tian’s figure was long gone, and the purple mans hit the summit, completely breaking the cracked air door.

The door seemed to be a barrier. When the shatter was broken, thousands of monks rushed out like the flood that opened the gate, and the black fog at the foot of the mountain was also sensed. The speed of the ascension began to accelerate.

Without a hit, Qin Feng immediately flew the sword, but he still did not fly far and wide. He suddenly felt that a strong magnetic field fluctuated around his body, which slowed him down.

This magnetic field is very familiar to Qin Feng, and it is undoubtedly the venue for Ouyang Tian's exhibition. Qin Feng quickly released his own field and reluctantly restored some mobility.

"Haha! Just rely on your realm of ants, and dare to give birth to the idea of ​​destroying me? It is ridiculous."

Ouyang Tian’s venue spread instantly, almost covering half of the mountain, and even the speed of some escaped monks slowed down, watching the black fog rising rapidly under the feet.

"Are you sure you want to fight hard with me here? Waiting for the insects to catch up, you and I have to be swallowed with no residue." Qin Feng was anxious.

Ouyang Tian did not care, smiled and said: "Haha! You ants are afraid of small flying insects, when the old man will be afraid of those worms? Even if this is a rumor of the fairy worm, but in the eyes of the old man is always a worm I don’t know how much I can kill if I go down."

Qin Feng also thought that Ouyang innocent has a way to deal with the engulfment of the fairy, but now it seems that this guy is too arrogant.

"Very good! Then let you taste the power of the worms, hope you don't die too fast!"

Qin Feng immediately burned a bit of blood, and his body really tumbling, and he took out a knife. Ziman cut out a small crack in the field. Although only a knives flew out, it produced a violent explosion on the mountainside.

That knife is the fairy worm that smashes into the mountains, cutting the black mist of the mountains into two halves.

The black mist instantly merged, as if nothing had happened. However, this knife angered part of the engulfing the fairy worm, and several black fog flew toward the side of Qin Feng, and the speed was not slower than the flying sword.

"You ants want to break the old man's field? Advise you not to dying again. If you squat your head and admit your mistake, Lao Tzu can consider leaving you a whole body."

Ouyang Tian did not realize the crisis coming from behind, but also looked at Qin Feng with a playful look. Qin Feng showed a pity look, and said, "I don't know if I die, it's really sad."

"Who are you sad? Good! I see when your mouth can be hard?"

Ouyang Tian was furious and took a shot.

However, in the palm of his hand, his look changed greatly. The original handprint to Qin Feng suddenly changed direction and shot behind him.

A giant palm floated, covering half of the mountain.

In the palm print, the real yuan is surging, and the raging wind and waves will blow away the black fog, but those black fog will gather together in an instant, and penetrate the real yuan handprint, and rush toward Ouyangtian.