MTL - Hedonist Sovereign-Chapter 2117 Shocking Snowy City

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Just as a dozen or so powers were puzzled, the shadows flashed, and a younger man was already standing in the Guangming Building.

Everyone ‘唰’ stood up and they didn’t even notice the other’s breath before Qin Feng appeared.

"Who are you?" Sheng Zhongtian was filled with a fierce real element. As the owner of the Snowy City, he had the feeling of being beaten.

But without Qin Feng opening, Wang Liuzhong Ming screamed out.

"Is it you? Are you still alive?"

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible... You were only a meditation a few months ago, but now you have entered a robbery?"

"Xianshi! This must be the role of Xianshi!"

A few months ago, nine days before the snowy area opened, Wang Liuzhong Ming met Qin Feng and the red dust dance in the secret cave house of the ninth snowy area. At that time, Qin Feng was only in the middle of the condensate. If it was not Wang Liuzhongming, several people were in the ancient array of Dongfu. Stuck, Qin Feng has been killed on the spot.

As a result, Qin Feng fled with the ice heart flame and many celestial stones. Now, after a few months, I saw that Qin Feng actually stepped into the realm of the hijacking.

"Wang Liu deputy city owner, do you know this person? Who is he?" Sheng Zhongtian did not understand the situation at the time.

There are also a few big powers in the house.

Wang Liu Zhongming calmed down a bit and quickly said: "The city owner! This number entered the nine-day snowy area a month ago and found the ninth layer of snow. At that time, he was only the middle of the middle of the body, but now he has entered the catastrophe. ”

Several people in Shengzhongtian changed their looks after they learned the truth. Even though they were the top-ranking strong deities of these snowy cities, they could not accept the fact that they had crossed from the corpus to the looting in the past six months.

Gao Jingchao, the master of the snowy city, suddenly opened his mouth: "At that time, my high family died in the snowy city. Is this kid doing this?"

"It is true that the high-ranking family, several disciples and elders of your high family are killed by this person." The return is the first secret of the predecessors of the Snowy City.

When the original spirit chased Qin Feng and wanted to get Xianshi, the result eventually let the other party escape. Now Qin Feng has entered the realm of looting. It can be seen that it was only after the use of the sin stone that it was able to break through. I thought that Qin Feng’s violent temperament used the sin stone to break through the condensate to the realm of catastrophe. The silence could not wait to crush his Yuan Ying.

"You just said that the big sky over the snowy city is your layout?" Sheng Zhongtian does not care about the grievances between the ghosts and others and Qin Feng, he is more concerned about the survival of the snow city.

Qin Feng said indifferently: "The crack in the snowy city has nothing to do with the large array of the sky that I have arranged. It is caused by the large stone array under the door of Kobe, and I have found the next place in the Xianshi big array, as long as the array The method is fixed, and the crack will disappear automatically."

"What **** is a big stone, your kid is a nonsense, dare to kill my high-school disciple, the old man will let you bury today."

Gao Jingchao’s body was full of murderousness, but he hadn’t had time to take it out. The sound of Sheng Zhongtian’s cold voice sounded: “Now the crisis is in the first place, don’t put personal grievances in the first place, and wait until the disaster resolves.”

Gao Jingchao is unwilling in his heart, but he has no choice but to rob himself of the peak of the peak. It is not the opponent of Sheng Zhongtian.

"Shengcheng Lord! This ant ant kills several disciples and elders of my high family. Can I easily spare him? What's more, killing him is only between raising his hands, and he will not delay everyone's business." Gao Jingchao complained. .

In the eyes of Sheng Zhongtian, a cold smear was shot, and he looked straight to Gao Jingchao: "He said that there is a way to resolve this crisis. If you kill him, what about the hundreds of thousands of monks in Snowy City?"

"Shengcheng Lord, don't listen to the kid's nonsense, he is just a gang of ants on the ground floor, and what is the way to resolve the crisis? I think this kid is 80% for the sake of survival and find an excuse." Gao Jingchao.

"If he really wants to survive, why bother to find the Guangming Building? Now that the Snowy City is dead for a lifetime, we have no choice but to believe in this young man..." Sheng Zhongtian paused and continued: "High Lord, do you understand what I mean in my words?"

Gao Jingchao understands that in fact, all the powers in the room understand the meaning of Sheng Zhongtian, leaving Qin Feng a small life for a while, and waiting for Qin Feng to resolve the crisis in Xueyu City.

"Hey! Count your ants, but the old man will crush your Yuan Ying sooner or later." Gao Jingchao had to give up, even if he is strong, it is not good to be against the city owners of Snow City.

Even the rhetoric that everyone can understand, Qin Feng could not understand, but he did not care, the eyes looked indifferent to Gao Jingchao said: "I am afraid that you can't wait too long."

Gao Jingchao’s flames, which were so easy to press down, suddenly skyrocketed back. The body was filled with violent real elements, and there was a hurricane in the house: “Hey ant children, what do you mean?”

Qin Feng said with a smile: "Because I am going to kill you now, you don't have much time to survive."

The crowd slammed and there was a strange smell in the house.

Everyone can't understand Qin Feng's thoughts. This is just a smashing ant. What is the enthusiasm to provoke a majesty of the catastrophe?

"Ha ha ha! Sure enough, I don't know the cockroaches who are so thick and thick.... You also saw the lord of the city. This ants are arrogant and arrogant. If the old man does not kill him, then don't mix in the snow city again."


If you fall, Gao Jingchao is a palm.

The fierce real element instantly condenses into a handprint, like a cloud falling from the sky.

Sheng Zhongtian saw this scene and only shook his head and sighed. He had already given Qin Feng a chance to live, but since this person does not cherish it, then he is not good enough to dissuade Gao Jingchao.

When everyone had already sentenced Qin Feng to death, the loud noise blew open in his ear.

The Guangming Building burst instantly, the roof tiles flew, the building collapsed into ruins, and everyone was exposed to the top of the empty mountain.

After a moment of silence, there was an exclamation: "Hey? Is that kid still?"

Everyone changed their look, and immediately looked at it, and the eyes almost landed.

The original loud noise was blasted on Gao Jingchao, and the real yuan rolled over and the momentum was shocking.

Gao Jingchao’s armor burst instantly, and the real body was also blown up and crushed. A mature Yuan Ying flew out from the real yuan explosion, and the speed was extremely fast, but Qin Feng did not hurry and grab it, a true Yuan’s giant hand floated, and the fingerprints became bigger and bigger. In the end, it seemed to cover half of the sky. Gao Yingchao’s Yuan Ying was like a granddaughter, and it was difficult to escape the palm of his hand.


The void is uploaded with a subtle shredding, which is clearly introduced into the ears of the public.

At this moment, the look of the people changed dramatically. They had already heard Gao Jingchao smashing Yuan Ying, who was going to crush Qin Feng. Now the facts are reversed, and his Yuan Ying was crushed by Qin Feng.

The battle seems to have ended before it has begun, and the power of a catastrophe has completely perished. Even a lot of people didn't see the slamming of Qin Feng's squatting. It was the strong knives that smashed the body of Gao Jingchao.

The aftermath of the real yuan is hard to come by, and there are several explosions from time to time on the empty mountain peaks. It was not until the death of Gao Jingchao that there was a scent of incense, the power of this group of snowy cities came back to God.

"The high owner is killed by the second? How is this possible?"

"Where did the young man come from? Why is it so born? Shouldn’t it be a monk in Snowy City?"

"The ability to kill the peak of the robbery, the real realm must be above the real, and so young is stepping into the real, it is really incredible."

Many of them are full of emotions. They are just picking up one person. They are all very talented nuns in Snowy City. But after seeing Qin Feng, the pride of these people has vanished for years.

"I originally wanted to kill a few of you, but considering that the Snowy City and the Devil are in danger, then you will be able to make up for it."

After destroying Gao Jingchao, Qin Feng’s look did not change in the slightest, just like killing a cockroach.

At this time, he was looking at Wang Liuzhongming and Silent, and these old guys tried to kill people in the Dongfu of Chufan Feixian several months ago, so that Qin Feng’s life would survive.

A word of speech once again shocked the crowd.

If you change someone to say Qin Feng, you will laugh at the big teeth of these top strong buddies, but just after seeing the gods of Qin Feng, Wang Liu Zhongming and others did not even stand up and retort.

"Dear friends, now the situation is critical, how do you put personal grievances on the side?" Sheng Zhongtian found a few steps for a few people.

Wang Liu Zhongming took the lead in stating: "I have listened to the arrangement of the Shengcheng Lord."

"Hey! Not just killing a robbery ants, what is good, you know that there is a difference between the robbery and the truth." The silence complained, this is to find some face.

But when his voice just fell, a violent magnetic field wave swayed on the top of the mountain, followed by a huge blue fire group, as if the sun was rising.

The fire was very cold, and the air in the hill was frozen.

Everyone was in the venue of Qin Feng's exhibition. When they realized the crisis, they found that the body had been frozen and could not move.

At this moment, Qin Feng casually waved a knife.

The weapon in his hand is weird, like a huge ruler, but between the falling knives, the stalks roll up a sly purple awn, and the purple awning is fleeting, and has already exploded in the body of the spirit.


The movement was intense and the whole mountain of the earthquake was shaking.

Qin Feng’s shot was all killing, and it was a hit with the venue, the ice heart flame and the stalk.

A series of moves are seamless, but the three offensives between the electric stone and the spark are all played to the extreme. When the silence realizes that the death has come, his body has been blown into the **** and scattered on the top of the mountain.

The long adult-shaped Yuan Ying has not yet flown far away, and it has been frozen by the snow and ice. The slight cracking sound has come from the air, and the surface of the ice layer has a clown-like crack. After a few seconds, there is a loud noise. The humanoid Yuan Ying also burst into the peak of the slag.


The mountain is quiet for a long time.

Wang Liuzhong Ming’s heart was awful and he could not even feel the cold temperature around him.

"Dead? The dead brother is also dead?"

"The predecessors of the Silence are the first scattered repairs in our Snowy City. They entered the realm more than a decade ago. Will he die?"
