MTL - Hedonist Sovereign-Chapter 2139 Tiantong City changes

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"Which is the great predecessor?" Qin Feng asked.

"Qin Shaoxia knows Tiantong City, the predecessor is the Tiantong City Master of the Year." Zhao Wanqian.

“Tiantong City? Is it the largest public city in Nanpingzhou now?” Qin Feng looked surprised.

"Yes, that is Tiantongcheng."

Speaking of Tiantong City in Nanpingzhou, Qin Feng certainly knows, and still remembers.

At that time, the genius conference in Nanpingzhou was held in Tiantong City. Later, Qin Feng showed great power in the conference and killed many genius disciples of six stars and even seven stars. When the conference ended, those sects were going to chase Qin Feng. Finally, the four elders of Tiantong City came out to save him.

And the four elders are system owners, and the system level is very high, even the original Qin Feng can not see through.

Zhao Wanqian continued: "Since the disappearance of the predecessors of Nantian, Tiantong City has changed the people. Now it is controlled by four elders such as Tianming. As for the identity of the current city owner, it is extremely mysterious. Even I have never seen the deity."

Qin Feng listened more and more shocked. He always felt that Zhao Wanqian’s guess was correct. Those suddenly disappeared are all suppressed by mysterious forces, and the mysterious forces are probably the Kobe Gate of Dongyezhou.

If this is the case, then most of the current city owners of Tiantong City are the people of Kobe Gate, and the four elders of Tiantong City have the system, which infers that the inheritance of the Kobe Gate is the system.

“Is there any secret that the top power suddenly disappears?” Qin Feng seems to have found a clue.

Zhao Wanqian shook his head: "The only ones I have heard of are these three great powers. However, in the heyday of the monastic respect of the mainland, there were twelve supremes, and the twelve predecessors took the lead in stepping into the realm of the true God. There is always the possibility of flying up the fairy world..."

"But now the Twelve Supreme has long since disappeared. The only head of the Dongyezhou Kobe Gate is still there. If the Qin predecessors want to investigate this matter, they can start by looking for the Twelve Supreme of the year." Zhao Wanqian saw Qin Feng. I am very concerned about this matter.

“Zhao’s head means that the twelve supremes have been suppressed by mysterious forces?”

"This is just a kind of my own bold speculation. Everything has to be decided by the Qin predecessors." Zhao Wanqian.

Zhao Ziyu was shocked by the dialogue between the two people. If it is really like the head of the speculation, there is a mysterious force in the suppression of the top strong respect on the Shenzun mainland, then what is the purpose of the other party?


Qin Feng has left the Baiyimen. This visit is of great significance to him and gives him a new direction.

Since coming to Nanpingzhou, Qin Feng plans to go to Tiantong City again. He can't understand it. If the current Tiantong City and the four elders are Kobe gates, why would they keep it? he?

As the largest public city pool in Nanping Island, the Tiantong City in the past is full of flowers, but this time Qin Feng sees a cold scene.

There were no people on the street, and the shops were closed. The sky in the depths of the city was shrouded in gray. When Qin Feng swept away with the gods, he found that he could not see the situation under the fog.

"What is going on here?"

Qin Feng rushed to the city, and saw a group of four people on the way, immediately flew to ask.

The four people were obviously shocked by the appearance of Qin Feng. It should have been unexpected that there are still people in Tiantong City who dare to come in.

One person suddenly exclaimed: "You, are you Qin Shaoxia?"

The other three companions also recognized Qin Feng. This is not the first person who showed great power in the genius conference held in Tiantong City more than a year ago. I did not expect it to appear here.

"Do you know me?"

"Qin Shaoxia, we are Yunvmen disciples. I saw Qin Shaoxia's gods in the last genius meeting." The older man said.

Speaking of Yunyue, this is one of the four major seven-star sects of Nanping Island. At the genius meeting that year, Qin Feng smashed out and eventually scared Yunyue to represent his disciple Gu He without a fight.

“Here is Tiantong City?” Qin Feng went straight to the point.

The older disciple nodded quickly: "Yes! Qin Shaoxia!"

"Why is there no one here? I remember that a year ago, Tiantong City was full of people."

The four people looked at each other and had some doubts in their eyes.

When the older disciple returned to God, he immediately said: "Qin Shaoxia is afraid to come out of retreat. The things in Tiantong City have been rumored. The monks in Nanpingzhou almost know it. Just half a month ago, the city suddenly passed. There was a loud explosion, and then the inexplicable black fog shrouded. Many monks were swallowed up by black fog and no longer see people..."

"Then everyone panicked and left Tiantong City, so it became what it is now."

After listening to the description of Yunyue's disciples, Qin Feng thought of the first time to devour the fairy worm. It seems that there is also a base of a large stone squad in this city.

"Since it is very dangerous, why don't you go?" Qin Feng suddenly asked.

"Qin Shaoxia! We are actually very afraid of encountering black fog, but Tiantong City is now a treasure everywhere, and we are also taking the risk to explore," said a disciple.

Qin Feng suddenly understood.

Tiantong City has killed a large number of monks. The storage rings left by the monks are all resources, and there are many Danfang and weapons stores in the city. Now the shops are empty, and those medicinal herbs and spirits are not taken away at will. .

Qin Feng did not care about those cultivation resources. He had already left the sword and flew toward the depths of the city.

The four disciples of Yunyue are still waiting for Qin Feng to talk. After waiting for a long time to see each other, there is no sound. When I look up, I find that people have already left.

"I didn't expect this Qin Feng to be alive. The forces in Nanpingzhou didn't chase him?" The famous disciple was puzzled.

The elderly monk immediately taught: "What nonsense is said, be careful that Qin Shaoxia has not gone far."

The disciple was so scared that his face was white.

More than a year ago, Qin Feng was able to sweep invincible at the genius conference. He is too powerful to see through.

Tiantong City is far wider than Qin Feng imagined.

After half an hour, he really flew into the gray.

At this time, it has already leapt to the city pool. At the foot of the mountain is the stretch of mountains. However, in this seemingly desolate valley, the aura is several times stronger than the city.

Soon, Qin Feng found the source of the fog, floating from a hidden valley. When standing under the valley, Qin Feng’s look changed greatly. This fog is not engulfing the fairy, nor is it magic. A kind of gas, but a rich aura.

The aura floated, covering most of the Tiantong City. The aura seemed to be the fog in the morning, and there were drops of water on the face of Qin Feng.

But this is where the water drops, but the aura condenses into raindrops. When Qin Feng arranged a colorful array to help the red dragonfly break through the truth, it triggered a spiritual rain. Although the spiritual rain was more spectacular than before, the scope Just shrouded in the vicinity of the No. 2 Devil Peak.

At this time, the rain was fine and lingering, covering most of the sky above the city.